
2 Reviews
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13 September 2002
For the record, I witnessed the events of 9/11 with my OWN EYES and EARS. I photographed the second plane, the impact, and the subsequent collapse of both towers (readers may email me for links to where some of my pictures can be found).

I can see anticipate the detractors complaining about this film; the lack of dialog, music, narration, captioning etc. However I don't share their opinion. This was one of the BEST `documentaries' I've seen. I say this specifically because of the lack of voiceovers, and the general toning-down of footage common in the aftermath of 9/11.

As a witness it's important to me to see the events unfold in the same way they unfolded that day; without narration, without music, without handholding. I wanted to re-experience the feeling of staring at the building(s) focusing on MY OWN thoughts and listening to the sounds as they actually happened.

I realize that narration is important to some people who aren't from New York and want a more `fact-based' kind of documentary. Those documentaries have already been done. This was a refreshing and excellent chance to meander through that day and imagine what would be going through your own mind instead of having a viewpoint imposed.

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Lathe of Heaven (2002 TV Movie)
Emblematic of what's wrong with movies today
12 September 2002
I agree with the consensus. This film stinks. The true plot is brusquely steamrolled over in order to force the emphasis toward a badly cast romance between George and Heather.

This type of butchery is very common these days. Look at most of the `original series' on the Sci-fi (sic) channel. Get a bunch of young and beautiful people into spaceships, fill it with flashing lights, a crotchety alien with a bony forehead and the personality of your uncle Irving, derivative dialog about `shields failing' and `re-routing emergency power', don't EVER have an original or though provoking story-line and voila you get the distilled pap that passes these days as science fiction.

Its unfortunate that style, special effects and sex-appeal are what now count instead of real dialog and story. The original Lathe of Heaven wasn't perfect, but everything about it, from the slow build-up of George's relation with Dr. Haber, to the philosophical discussions about righting the world's wrongs made for an engaging and genuine exercise in science fiction.

Big budgets, merchandising tie-ins, vapid music and a bland dumbed-down appeal characterize far too many productions these days.
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