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Childrens Hospital (2008–2016)
show is spectacular in the sphere it operates pun intended.
5 December 2012
Children's Hospital, Rob Corddry's ridiculous brain child, is not going to be every person's cup of tea. The comedy and subsequent dynamic of the show is so backwards and frivolous that it takes a certain kind of sense of humor, one could say a versatile one, in order to truly enjoy it. I like to believe that certain kinds of comedy, Children's Hospital for example, are not found funny for two reasons: one, it may actually miss the mark and not be funny, or, second, this is most common, people do not find things funny because they do not actually have a sense of humor.

There are countless things in Children's Hospital that people can write off as stupid, moronic, dumb, or contrived, but what else are you looking for from a comedy? This is not Frasier, this is not a comedy that has set out to reinvent the wheel and adapt a doctoral parody into the most clever and brilliant show in existence, and it is imperative that the audience understands that. This is Rob Corddry and Rob Huebel we are talking about, both hysterical actors with impeccable timing and comedic talents, but neither of which will be accepting an Oscar any time soon. Each show, movie, film, or other piece of performance art is relative in its own right. Children's Hospital is no different. If I want to thoroughly enjoy myself, belly laugh at length, and follow some of the most ludicrously bumbling characters I've come across, I watch this show. When I want something with depth, drama, and consistent cleverness I watch Modern Family or Parks and Recreation.

This show is spectacular in the sphere it operates pun intended.
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Transcends All We Know of Entertainment
20 July 2012
There are not enough words to describe the magnitude of this film, let alone space to even attempt it. So I'll do my best with what I have.

This film is perfect in every way. The synergy of elements, both technical, dramatic, and those supplied by the audience (such as emotional investment in the series, etc.) make it perfect. Writer/Director Chris Nolan understood how invested the audiences were in this series and he hit every single note perfectly.

The picture unfolds like a beautiful nightmare. We ease back into the world of Gotham well enough that we recognize the world we left briefly from the Dark Knight. Instantly we feel that the stakes are higher, and as the film goes on, the stakes are raised even further, seemingly impossibly so. Then, finally, as the picture hits its stride, we find ourselves engrossed in a spectacle the likes of which have not been approached since Lord of the Rings.

The depth of story and character, like so many of Nolan's films, are what bring all the elements to a head. Bane is maniacle, calculating, determined, and above all, undeniably and irrevocably brutally violent. This violence takes all forms, and manifests itself into some of the most brilliantly awe-inspiring action sequences you will EVER see.

Dark Knight Rises gets better with every passing second, between the action, the intrigue, the drama, and the mystery, the final result is nothing short of stunning. And while this may be an opinionated review, I beg every person alive to experience what this film has to offer.

I swear on my life this movie is pure perfection.
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This is what movies are all about.
10 July 2012
There's no way you can have more fun at a movie than The Usual Suspects. Sure, some films might come to mind that you have as much fun at, but this is as fun as it gets.

From the first frame to the last, the audience is engrossed in a smart, edgy, and exciting crime thriller that oozes with style and brilliance. The performances are perfect, from Spacey to Bryne to Del Toro to Pollock and even Steven Baldwin, the characters were both engaging, fun, and mysterious.

Simply put, films don't get much more original than this. It is entertaining without losing any artistic or visceral edge, a direct result of McQuarrie's genius screenplay.

Extremely enjoyable, fun, but also smart, artistic and well thought out, The Usual Suspects is the most fun you will have without the 100 million dollar budget.

This is what movies are all about.
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Maybe the greatest written film ever
8 July 2012
First of all you need to take away the true events of the invention and subsequent legal action as a result of Facebook. The Social Network is its own story, with its own characters and issues. I realized that a lot of people disliked the film because it did not fully ring true to the real life events, however, people who feel this way are missing the point. While the people depicted are real people and the main events are routed in truth, TSN is its own film and therefore should be treated independent of the real story.

This is easily, whether you hated the movie more than death or whether you loved it more than your own mother, among the top 10 greatest written films in the history of cinema. Every line of dialogue cracks and sizzles with a creative and brilliant fervor. It is smart, quick, witty, and more importantly, it moves the story along through all of its brilliance. Some people thought that the dialogue was convoluted and more pulp than anything, but I am of the conviction that anyone who criticizes the writing lacks the intelligence to see its merit. This review is only on the writing, because if I was to cover every great thing about this film I would never stop writing.
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Could not possibly be better!
15 September 2011
I look at Band of Brothers (BoB) as neither a show or a movie, but rather simply a story that must be told.

It is filmmaking at its finest. BOB is truly as close to perfection in the vast field of film as anything I have ever seen. The pace, the music, the acting, the direction, the authenticity, the drama, and the excitement are all first rate.

If you have not seen this series you definitely should. I can not say enough good things about it. But...I guess we would expect nothing less with Steven Spielberg's touch.

It is so easy to be sucked into this story, that never lets up. You could even argue that the non-combat scenes are even better than the war sequences because we grow and manifest with these characters and this brotherhood.
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Short but Accurate Review
11 September 2011
I will not hold you and waste your time with a long drawn out review of The Tree of Life. My review is brief so I hope you find it good enough to judge.

I am about as avid a film fan as you will find, and can find any positive even in the worst film....Tree of Life is an exception.

This is a terrible film. There is truly no plot, character development, or harrowing theme that holds you in your seat.

Like 2001: A Space Odessy, it is very abstract and nonlinear, but 2001 had enough substance to carry it. Tree of Life does not and is a waste of time.

Better luck next time.
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Ted's 12 (2004)
For a short film: EXTRAORDINARY
3 June 2011
This is without a doubt, hands down, the greatest film ever to be produced both domestically and abroad. The direction is flawless and the acting is comparable to that of Lawrence of Arabia or The Godfather. Everything from the music to the art direction to the cinematography is absolutely stunning. If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it.

It baffles me that more people have not seen this movie but I believe that if more people do see it then the world will truly beoome a better place to live and be safe with your happy families.

5 stars.
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The Happening (2008)
2 September 2009
It is somewhat surprising how a talented director, Academy Award nominated Mark Wahlberg, and a relatively interesting story, make easily the worst movie in years. The acting is absolutely terrible. From the format the dialog is given, to characters' completely pathetic reactions to the horrors they face, I could not help but laugh after about 10 minutes. Later on the in the movie, the acting becomes such a joke, the story and the characters become so extremely boring that all I wished for was the end. After roughly two hours of worthless motion picture, and an great example of the least talented acting display ever on film, the entire epidemic ends when Mark Wahlberg's character simply says "I guess it ended over night." Not a surprising ending to the worst movie i have ever seen. 0 stars.
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