
6 Reviews
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The BFG (1989)
80's animation breathes life into a Sunday morning
13 November 2006
This film is a real 80's delight. I rediscovered it while watching it with my kids. It's so much of it's time. There's an innocence in the animation and story. Nobody questions why a big creepy giant would want to hang around with a little girl. Which is is great!! The times we live in are so paranoid this film makes us remember why we all need a granddad figure of out own.

David Jason's performance as the BFG is remarkable. At first I didn't realise it was him. I think he gives it that extra something that really shines through.

The beginning was really Richard William's like, with the cloaked giant running through the streets. It makes me realise how good Cosgrove Hall could be. It would be fun to check out more of their stuff again. Especaily Danger Mouse.
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One + One (1968)
sixties period piece captures the moment
13 November 2006
Caught this the other day and thought it was amazing. I loved the the way there two stories. Firstly being the stones writing sympathy for the devil, which was a revelation to watch. Throughout the film the style of the song changes, transforms mutating into what we know. That in its self was compelling.

The second story follows different characters as they explore different debates on race, gender and media. What stuck me with it was the way it captured the period. A lot of the film's style and attitude is very sixties. Just look at the cars in the wrecking lot, everyone a vision of 50's colours arranged in a crazed mass on the banks of the Thames. It's hard to visualise a world like that now.

This film is well worth a watch.
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An animated documentary that really moves you.
31 October 2006
Orders of Love is touching. It's a documentary which revolves around a new father's quest to find the black sheep in his family. The Uncle who nobody wants to talk about - because he was crazy. The father is driven to find the truth so he can repair the family history so his son wont face any future trauma.

The film is funny, touching and warm. Jes also uses animation to illustrate the family history. its clear that this is a low budget film but it doesn't suffer for that. The human story shines through like a bright light.

A good film that makes you look at your own family relationships in a new light.
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Samoure (2005)
touching tale with the power of Steinbeck
30 October 2006
I lucky to catch this amazing short at the LFF. This film had me on the edge of my seat.

Set in the hills of Crete a shepherd tends to his flock. Not all is what it seems. Obessesed by Samuria movies he looks like a big guy but as the film progresses we realise he is a gentle giant. Once this point is realised he film has the power Of Mice and Men. Like when his uncle throws him out of the shop for dropping the tomatoes. I really felt for him. He's like a big kid - a dreamer - like all of us. His relationship with his mother is truly moving.

This film is worth catching.
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a young boy, his boozy mother and their crazy neighbour
30 October 2006
I searched this film out at the LFF. I've seen all of Chris's other films including his short with David Shrigley. This for me was his best. He combines live action perfectly with animation to create an amazing child's mind scape. The film is warm, touching, funny, tough and as someone else said at the festival said "very human".

Billy and his Mum live next door to a bloke (Dennis) who clearly has something up with him. He spends his time knocking on the wall, driving his mum crazy. Mum and son think he's a retard. But Billy likes to torment him and hence Dennis's banging, you get the feeling that the situation has gone on years before the film begins. As Billy's antics get bigger so do Billy's own fears which are not too far behind. I'm not going to tell you what happens in the end. There are lots of laughs in here. Billy is very cheeky, like when he tells his mum that Dennis is shagging the gypsy in street. It's clear he likes to wind up his mum.

I've never seen a short film with so many mind blowing effects and tricks. It kept making me think - how did they do that? The 70's art direction was stunning. This is a exceptional film is well worth searching out.
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The Royle Family (1998–2012)
the 2006 episode makes you realise how good this is.
30 October 2006
I watched the new 2006 episode last night and it brought a tear to my eye. It was so moving. It highlighted for me that much of television comedy works on nasty, ironic humour. EG: I liked Extras, but the relentless gay and disability jokes wear you down. The Extras boys should take a leaf out of the Royle Family scripts. The strength of the Royle Family was it it was just well observed and faithful to what the UK is all about. The small conversations that are really hidden code for live and death issues.

Last night's episode was a real treat, let's hope they do another one soon. Fingers crossed.
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