
35 Reviews
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Bad Blood (2021)
A solid portrayal of 19th century Serbia under the Ottomans
8 February 2024
This movie shows a patriarchal, Oriental Serbia in the hands of the Ottomans towards the end of their reign. Some of you wrote that the Ottomans were known for their tolerance. That is not so. They took women as desired, they separated young boys from their mothers to raise them as janissaries, they beheaded prominent people, etc. So, yes, they were evil and they ruled brutally. And yes, they did not allow church bells to ring. We have lived through centuries of Ottoman rule and we have tons of documents to prove all these facts. You may not like this, but this is how it was.

The movie is solid. The costumes are good. Sex scenes are there to show lust and passion. Many forbidden and secret loves happened, so lust was understandable when two people in love were alone. The sex scenes are way less portrayed than in most American movies anyway. A patriarchal family where the man in the house is the boss. He thinks he is doing all the right things to save his power and influence, but all he does is ruin the lives of his family members, one by one. Women were treated as second class citizens. This is how it was in Serbia at the time.

Most people make a mistake by looking at things from today's perspective. We have to observe the things from the time when they happened, and things were very much different then. We are talking about the 19th century in this case.

All in all, this is a fair portrayal of 19th century Serbia under the Ottoman Turks. For Western viewers, this may come a bit raw and harsh, but most Balkan movies are like that. It is helpful to know some history before watching Balkan movies.
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The Courier (2019)
Not a bad action movie
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If there is no way out the entire movie, so they end up being chased in an underground parking garage, how come towards the end they just drive out - there was no explanation how the door suddenly unlocked- if it was there, why didn't they use it before?

If at one point the power was turned off, who turned it back on? Not explained, but towards the end the power is back on.

Of course, Gary Oldman always plays the bad guy. Has anyone ever seen him play the good guy?

And no woman, however trained, would endure that kind of beating, shooting, and torture, and would be able to kill a dozen trained men. It is simply impossible.

Basically another totally unrealistic action movie. They all are these days. Not bad, but not great. If it shows up on TV, watch it.
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Good, but not good enough
18 March 2023
A group of teenagers in their early teens save the world. Let's believe that this is at all possible. Not the militaries, the governments, but a group of young teens with no weapons. I get it, this is a teen superhero movie. OK. Let's look at some irregularities.

In the scene when the two teens step deep into sewage - they end up running and their shoes and pants are clean.

In the scene when they sleep, they all had their PJs on. Where did they get the PJs and when did they have time to change? An alien was after them and they were in someone's house. But, the nice, neatly ironed PJs were there.

How come there is only one alien after them? The movie would have been better if we had seen more aliens.

Overall, the movie is lousy, but the alien effects were good.

If you are a teen and you like teen superhero movies, this is for you. If you are an adult, just skip this.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Well done with errors. This is only a comment for season 7
29 January 2023
The ending of season 6 and the beginning of season 7 are the most dramatic and chilling so far, truly leaves the viewer breathless. It makes one wonder, how did the whole team get into such a pickle?

One error. When Rick is told to get the axe, we don't see him picking up the axe outside. But, when he climbs the roof of the vehicle, the axe is somehow there.

I am really curious to see how they will get out of this situation. It seems impossible but of course we all know Rick is going to make it, as he is the main character.

Then we have Carol, all of a sudden developing a conscience over the people she's had to kill, so she insists upon being alone and separating from everyone. And of course, being away from the group is not a good thing. Also, Morgan insisting that all life is worth saving - in that kind of situation, is ridiculous.

So, the plot has gone some bad ways, hopefully the team will be united, together and strong once more and they will drop all the morality issues, because in a situation like that, it's all about survival and staying alive. By then, morality has disappeared.

The twist about the psycho leading the Saviors is just dragging on and on... could have been shortened.

In the early seasons it was all about humans fighting the walkers. Then the focus changes on humans fighting humans, more than humans fighting walkers, because resources become more scarce, and human communities battle one another to gain more resources.

Overall, very well done, but definitely could have been shorter.
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6 Underground (2019)
Cliché Action Movie. Predictable. Unwatchable
2 January 2023
Cliché action movie, overdone and unrealistic as most action movies are nowadays. The story is also cliché: a bunch of outlawed Americans save a country from an evil dictator. The opening car chase in Italy is good but overdone and takes too long... after a while I realized this movie was not worth watching even though I like Ryan Reynolds. The movie makers invented the bad country. The country they named in the movie does not exist in real life - Turgistan. But, it's a clear analogy of one of the 5 stan countries (minus Afghanistan and Pakistan) - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. All in all, you will not miss anything if you don't watch this movie.
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How can people like slasher movies?
10 April 2021
I will never understand how people can make and watch slasher movies... truly derranged movies.
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Buried (2010)
10 April 2021
Full of suspense but totally unrealistic.

A person buried alive inside a coffin has a lighter, a cell phone, a pen, a knife, some alcohol. And the cell phone has a signal.

If someone were buried alive, he would not have been given all these things - whoever had put him there would most likely take these things away.

The next unbelievable thing is that he is using a lighter so much, it would have used up the oxygen. The cell phone would probably not have a signal underground and in a box.

So, even though the movie is full of suspense, it is totally unrealistic.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Overall good, but something's missing
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This can best be compared to Godzilla, because of the monster, and The Blair Witch Project, because of the way it was filmed (like someone was actually taking an amateur recording of the events that we know were not real, so why bother making a movie like this to make them seem real?)... I do not like movies filmed like that, it's too shaky and it does not make it any less real (or not real) compared to making a normal movie. Thankfully, we do not see too many movies filmed like this one. I hope that will not become a trend in the movie industry.

Overall, the movie was well done, with plenty of suspense and on-the-edge-of-the-seat moments, the monster looks big and scary. What I did not like is that the viewers did not get some kind of answer - how the big creature appeared, and the smaller ones as well? Were they the babies of the big creature or a separate species? Where did they come from? What caused them? I think the audience was waiting for a resolution. In the end, what happens to the main characters? Has the monster been defeated?

While it was a an overall good movie, certainly not a waste of time, it could have been better, had it been brought to a conclusion and resolution. I hate unfinished movies.
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High-Rise (2015)
Garbage of a movie
16 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so there is this tall building with many residents in it, and in the beginning we see a lot of blood - so we figure something crazy has happened, and then we are taken back three months earlier. One expects to see why everyone has gone crazy in this building, but it does not happen. At first the movie just drags on and on. The main character is always wearing a shirt and a tie, even when playing squash. And then for no apparent reason everyone just goes crazy. All you see is crazyness everywhere, like in the beginning. No explanation why? You are left watching it, trying to figure it out. Virus? Aliens? A very sick, pointless, stupid, and disturbing movie. How can people make trash like this and how can people star in it, and how can people even bother to watch it? What was the point? To show how sick humankind has become? I really don't understand. But, I would have expected to see an explanation why the people in the buildinh have all gone crazy.
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Hostel (2005)
Not a good movie
6 March 2021
Even though it is directed by Tarantino, who is known in the industry, I gave it the lowest possible grade because of one sentence that mentions Slovakia and says that after the war, all the women there are cheap... something like that, but the problem is with the phrase - after the war. Czechoslovakia did not have a war. The country split up peacefully. Such ignorance and lack of common knowledge. In any case, a cheap slasher movie. Nothing special about it, nothing we have not seen before. Another psycho movie.
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
Steve from Beverly Hills 90210 gives a glimmer of hope for the movie, but...
3 March 2021
Haven't seen this guy for 20-30 years... and he was the one making me watch the movie for about half an hour. Sharknado... A tornado of sharks? I mean, seriously? The movies are getting dumber and dumber... and making us dumber as well. I did not give it one star just because they tried with the shark special effects. Just don't bother wasting time unless you are a kid and you find sharks falling from the sky "cool".
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Red State (2011)
Religious nutcases
1 March 2021
If anything, this movie teaches us that all kinds of religious extremists are bad, regardless of religion. I did not get the title Red State. John Goodman seems to have lost a lot of weight in this movie. I did not like the ending.
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Redcon-1 (2018)
It's as good a zombie movie as any
28 February 2021
It's as good a zombie movie as any. In this one, the zombies are faster than in the other similar movies.
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Disturbing movie, but good
27 February 2021
I found this movie good, but very disturbing. It just had me sitting there and thinking about it for a while afterwards. How well do we know someone we think we do? We've seen movies like this before. And they are kinda creepy. Not sure why people are giving it a low grade. It is a decent movie - a lot worse movies got higher ratings. So, in my opinion you can see it.
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Backcountry (I) (2014)
Do not go into the wilderness unprepared
27 February 2021
I did not review the plot beforehand. It's much better when you don't read anything and just watch the movie based on a title, and then comment.

Someone going into the wilderness should have a flare gun, a darts gun or a big knife for protection - in some countries even a real gun if alllowed by law, something at least, some kind of weapon. Someone should have a cell phone that can make an emergency dial even when there is no network. Someone should have a map. Someone should know better than to wonder off the paths. Someone should not go into the wilderness off-season when there are no people around. This is just common sense. Our progatonists missed all that. And that is why I did not give the movie a higher rating.

The main protagonist is allegedly experienced, has done that trail before quite a few times. That over-confidence came with a price.

Never assume you are smarter than nature. Never go into the wilderness unprepared.

The movie is a bit slow at first, but picks up towards the end. Overall, not the best survival movie out there, but not the worst. A good movie worth watching. It will not be a waste of time, but it could have been done much better.
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Funny Money (2006)
Movie for idiots
27 February 2021
Total time waster. A movie for idiots. I don't know how anybody can find this funny. It's basically a dumb movie. Even if you have nothing better to do, don't watch this.
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Expected more
22 February 2021
First of all, the 15 year old looks like he is 18 or 20 - they should have cast someone younger for the role, it would have been more realistic.

Overall a good life story, but it ends without a real plot, a resolution... Somehow, I expected more.

Some people call this a comedy. I saw absolutely nothing funny in this movie. To me it was more of a real life drama - or at least a real life family situation that happens in many families.

The mother was too soft on her son. And he was basically a lazy, disinterested bum.

The movie lacked something... Felt like I watched the movie for nothing and in the end wasted my time.

In conclusion: a movie with potential, but basically boring and unresolved. If you don't watch it, you will not miss anything.
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ATM (I) (2012)
Overall a good movie
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie, in a sense that we have not seen this setting before (in an ATM kiosk). It was overall a decent movie. Not sure why it god such bad critics. There were not too many dull moments. Once the main characters realized what was happening, things were pretty dramatic from then on. Why did they AND the security guard park so far away from the entrance in an otherwise empty parking lot? In real life, everyone would have parked as close to the entrance as possible since there is enough room and the night is cold. I would have tried the reverse PIN tactics immediately, or smashing the ATM or setting up a fire, to get the attention of the police - they did that much too late. Nobody had their cell phone with them? Really? Not realistic. These days nobody separates from their phone. Three, the man who wanted to use the ATM - he appeared out of nowhere and was not attacked by the killer, even though the killer attacked everyone else (the man walking the dog, the security guard). The dog had run away - I was actually hoping the dog would get someone (some help). Lastly, there was a knife in his friend... he should have grabbed that knife and ran for the killer. I am pretty sure that the two male protagonists could have taken down the killer in the very beginning, while they still had the strength in them. I did not like the ending. I am not going to say what it is. Still, not a bad movie. I do not regret watching it.
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Too slow, too boring, too complicated
11 February 2021
Gave it a half an hour and flicked the channel. Too slow, too boring, too complicated. It started out well, then started dragging its feet. One minute a guy is sentenced to death via a lethal injection, the next he wakes up in an institution. Watched for a bit more. And just gave up. Didn't like this one.
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Darlin' (2019)
Overall a decent and good movie
6 February 2021
Not sure why people gave it a low grade. The movie is as decent a horror movie as many out there. The concept of a wild, untamed, human being found in a civilized setting in the 21st century is weird. I could understand if this happened in the Amazonia. But, let's assume it is possible. We would all look at that being as a savage one, and, likewise, we would be very strange to that being.

How do we adapt to circumstances which are completely new to us? What is the role of God in a modern society? Are we understood if we are complete outsiders somewhere? All of these questions could apply in a broader sense to the world we live in today. Many of us have felt as outsiders sometimes somewhere in our lives, and we learned to adapt, to change. When we go to a new school, or start a life in a new city or country. Sometimes we get accepted, sometimes not.

But, enough of going into philosophy. Just watch the movie. It is completely okay to watch and is not a waste of time.

Although it is a third sequel, it can be watched on its own.
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Apt Pupil (1998)
Human fascination with evil
30 January 2021
Overall a good movie that shows human fascination with evil. In this case, a teenage boy discovers his old neighbor is in fact a Nazi in hiding. Instead of reporting the discovery immediately to the authorities, the boys sticks around to hear horrifying stories from the old man. In time, they develop a strange relationship of mutual distrust, maybe even an odd friendship. I am not going to give away the spoilers on how it ends, but the boy becomes fascinated with evil and becomes evil himself.

There are a few major flaws in the movie. First of all, it appears the boy has thoroughly investigated the old man, got his file with fingerprints and all... In real life that would not happen. You don't obtain files on someone that easily, unless you are the police, a detective, or some government institution. Who would send confidential files to a young boy? So, that was kind of strange. Also, that a boy would discover something that many of the world's agencies and governments could not discover in 40 years - that the secluded old man is in fact a Nazi - that is way too unrealistic.

The next flaw is that the boy tells the police and his parents that he read a letter to the old man. The boy admits to not understanding and speaking a word of German, yet he could read a letter in German. It does not make sense. A teen American boy with no prior German knowledge would highly unlikely be able to read an entire letter in German and pronounce the words correctly.

I did not like the ending. It should have ended differently.

The acting of the old man was brilliant. The boy's acting was not convincing when he heard those horrifying stories. He should have been shocked or terrified. So, that should have been better, unless the deliberate intent was to show the cruelty of the boy.

Overall, it is a good movie worth watching. Not the best, but we've certainly seen better movies with a similar theme.
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4x4 (2019)
I enjoyed this movie!
29 January 2021
It has been a while since I truly enjoyed a movie and got inspired to maybe watch it again. What happens when a simple plan goes wrong? A petty criminal tries to rob an expensive car, something he has done with ease many times before - never seen someone break into a car with a tennis ball, so that was new... Then he realizes he is locked inside. The car is bullet and sound proof, and the windows are tainted on the outside. Nobody can see him or hear him. We have seen trap movies before, but I don't recall seeing this. The movie has several very strong messages: 1) One does everything to survive. Everything. Only in such moments, one realizes one's true potential. Human beings can endure a whole lot more than they think, and only when their lives are at stack, do they realize what they can actually do and how hard they will keep on trying to survive. 2) Even in the most dire of situations, there is humanity. The scene when he lets the insect go shows this. 3) Even the worst person is still a person, and deserves a chance to repent for past sins, i.e. deserves a second chance. 4) One wonders who the bad guy is in the story. The main character is certainly no angel. But, one ends up cheering for him anyway. All humans have faults and have done something wrong in their lives.... who are we to judge others? 5) In movies like this, one often wonders: What would I do in a situation like this? Watching these survival, fight-for-your-life movies can actually be educational - it can give one ideas of how to survive the most dire circumstances. One absorbs this in the back of one's mind somewhere... who knows if it may come in handy sometimes. Of course, life is not a movie, but some ideas can be useful. Excellent movie. I am not going to give spoilers how it ends, but it is truly worth watching. It was great, I really enjoyed it!
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Kind of reminds me of the Covid lockdown when we all had more free time than usual
28 January 2021
All the zombie movies are very similar. The zombies are dumb and slow, and in every movie they look the same. But, the first thing I asked myself was - why don't the main characters get into a car and drive off somewhere where it is supposed to be safe? The guy ends up enjoying the apocalypse. They have electricity, water, food. No more getting up early, wearing suits, meeting boring clients, paying bills, morgage, etc. Kind of reminded me of the global lockdown during Covid - we all spent a lot of time at home and had a lot more free time than usual... We tried to discover our inner talents, so the guy, for example, wanted to paint. So, while the woman wants to get out, the man seems to enjoy it. Of course, as the electricity and water become unavailable, and as there is less food, it becomes harder to live, and as the number of zombies increases, it makes it harder to leave. I am not going to say how it ends. Compared to all the zombie movies out there, this one at least gives a different approach to the situation. So, I thought it was actually an interesting movie. If you like zombie movies, this one is no better and no worse than the rest of them. But, it gives a different view of how this situation could be handled.
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Valkyrie (2008)
Excellent movie, should have spoken German
21 January 2021
Excellent movie... the only drawback is that it was strange to hear Nazis speak English. The actors should have made the effort to speak German. Even a learned script in German - even a relatively poor German language - would have been more believable than the English-speaking. Other than that, well done.
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Absolute Zero (2006 TV Movie)
Poor acting
18 January 2021
One example of poor acting. The woman lost her husband, and the young girl her father. No tears, no crying, nothing... They just said in one scene that they miss him, and even that was poorly done. Also, what is so special in that lab that they would survive there? And probably nothing would survive in such a scenario. It's one of those class B "end of the world" movies. Poor acting, poor scenario.
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