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Goji is back and better than ever!
2 December 2023
I won't make a super long review here because I think I can sum this up in a few sentences. Godzilla Minus One is the best Godzilla to date, it holds its own against Hollywood's version visually, its got the best story with touching moments and wonderful actors, the best version of Godzilla and gives you a very satisfying ending IMO. Go see this immediately and support Goji in Japan and in America, I believe both are amazing and I can't wait to see what the sequel might be. Godzilla Minus One is second to no one. 9/10 final score and the best movie I've seen all year!

I have to meet the character limit, sorry 😅
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Death Note (2006–2007)
An Unworthy Death To Death Note
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first 20 episodes or so with L and Light, it was the smartest game of "Catch Me If You Can" I've ever seen and the dynamic between them was intense and yet endearing somehow because it really did feel like L and Light had a mutual respect for one another and it was tragic but fair to end that the way it did.. the 2nd half was action with no substance and replaces L with a boring L pretender that has no business defeating Light even with Mello's help.. Light is careless out of nowhere, Misa is an emotional punching bag and Ryuk is made a side character.. deviations that are done simply to move the story to its conclusion and yet doing so made it a disappointing, confusing and unearned victory for Near and Mello.. simply put, the show should have ended with L telling Light he caught him red handed on top of the roof in the rain.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Naru Rises
6 August 2022
What do you get when you pit a young Native woman wanting and willing to risk everything to prove herself against a battle hardened and primal advanced alien? You get one of the best SciFi movies in years and the best Predator movie since the original. Naru is wiser and stronger than anyone realizes but hasn't had her true hunt yet and unfortunately her greatest test also happens to be something humanity itself isn't ready for; What follows from here is Predator vs anyone foolish enough to get in its way.. you want blood, gore, dismemberment, and unfeeling brutality? You got it, The Predator doesn't discriminate here and Naru sees it all happen herself and plans and learns from the battles of the fallen. I will not spoil the rest but the ending and final battle between Naru and The Predator is satisfying and feels earned and by the end you will feel you've gone on a journey with her as she rises to the top of her tribe and proves without a shadow of a doubt that she's a Predator herself.
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Maverick Is Back
29 May 2022
Top Gun Maverick is a stunning sequel that improves on everything of the original while remaining respectful of everything that came before. Tom Cruise is at his best while everyone else is just playing catch up it feels, much like in the movie itself. Maverick owns the skies and Tom owns the action movie box office yet again. Go see it, it's absolutely worth your time and should be celebrated.
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Give Elizabeth An Oscar
5 May 2022
Everyone is great in this movie but IMO Elizabeth Olsen was the standout and gave a bone chilling, endearing, sympathetic, and insane performance. Sam Raimi was such a fantastic choice to direct this movie and while it doesn't always work, most of the time it does in the most unsettling and creative ways. I really loved this movie and now have it as my 4th favorite MCU movie. Go out and see this, it's Stephen and Wanda unleashed for better or for worse and you owe yourself this experience. My score is a 9.5/10 with the caveat that you may absolutely hate this movie based on the fact that Sam is directing it so keep that in mind. Don't like Sam? Skip it, he's also unleashed here and at his best.
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The Epic Conclusion Of The Dark Knight
1 May 2022
The Dark Knight Rises is set eight years after the death of Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne has become a willing recluse, Jim Gordon struggles with the decision he made, and Gotham is more at peace and safe than ever.. or so it seems. Selena Kyle/Catwoman whether by fate or happenstance steals from Bruce and causes him to come out of hiding one last time to do what he does best, justice, but all the while there is a reckoning that is about to unfold courtesy of Bane, a excommunicated member of The League Of Shadows and his goal is simple. Anarchy. The Batman faces his greatest challenge and enemy yet, someone with such determination and skill to do what he believes is right and this sets up an epic and unforgettable end to The Dark Knight trilogy while also perhaps being the most emotional movie in the bunch. The Dark Knight Rises pulls no punches in this end to the legend of The Batman and is in my opinion a masterpiece AND I believe also provides the best soundtrack in the series as well. The Dark Knight Rises gets a full 10/10.
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Two Sides Of The Same Coin
1 May 2022
The Dark Knight rises is perhaps the greatest movie ever made while also being the greatest Superhero movie. Bruce Wayne has brought a continuous brand of justice to Gotham and the criminals are running scared until one man with makeup and a particular sense of humor changes EVERYTHING. Bruce and The Joker are both outcasts of society but one has decided to embrace it and the other to turn it into something good. The Joker's ferociousness and unyielding loyalty to chaos pushes Bruce to the brink of his own morals and gives us perhaps the greatest villain ever put to screen and yet all the while we have a Disctrict Attorney named Harvey Dent that wrestles with his own morals and sanity and is being pushed ever so slightly to the ledge with every action The Joker takes. The Dark Knight rises is a very real and frightening look at how easy an idea can become something powerful and unstoppable and that is The Batman and The Joker. Two sides of the same coin but stuck together nonetheless. The Dark Knight is a full 10/10 and it's not at all a surprise.
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Batman Begins (2005)
The Legend Begins
1 May 2022
Batman Begins sees the rise of a man letting go of his anger and guilt to become something that Gotham needs during perhaps the worst time for crime in Gotham's history. We see a Bruce Wayne that is conflicted not just morally but emotionally in that he wants to be with his childhood love Rachel Dawes but knows deep down the time isn't right. The villains in this movie are exceptional in their own way, one literally using the law to his advantage of crime and the other could honestly care less about the laws of man and simply goes by his own order's code. Batman Begins was the start of perhaps the greatest trilogy in the history of cinema and gets a 9/10 from me.
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A timely masterpiece with a lesson for everyone
23 April 2022
Everything Everywhere All At Once is a spellbinding action packed heartfelt well written masterpiece. Everyone in this movie is absolutely terrific and while it is confusing and surprisingly hilarious at times,it is also possibly the best movie I've ever seen in my 26 years of life. I cannot say enough about the movie or the actors, everyone here deserves some award and what is most profound is how this movie appeals to quite literally everyone in some way. I am blown away by everything in this movie and will absolutely be buying it as soon as it's available.
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
Both Shows Are Amazing
13 March 2022
Look I don't wanna get into what show is or isn't better, I think Solar Opposites and Rick&Morty are incredible in their own ways and very different surprisingly as well. I am honestly shocked at how well The Wall storyline is being written and every episode with the aliens is always a fun time and the pupa is so shockingly hilarious for almost never saying a word in 2 seasons. I really really like this show and I can't wait for Season 3.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
How I Met This Life-changing Show
4 March 2022
I started watching this show in 2019, totally expecting it to disappoint given the hype but I walked away blown away and find myself literally rewatching the entire series every 4 months or so. I am absolutely in love despite the ending, which is something I've totally come to understand.. to those who can't accept the ending, I totally see where you're coming from but the more I rewatch the show, the more I see the hints at the ending sprinkled throughout every season. I have learned so much from this masterfully written show and in some ways it parallels my own life because as a 26 yr old myself it's been difficult finding "The One".. but Ted and his friends persevere through every challenge and roadblock in their lives and always had each other when it hit the fan. I love this show and it will forever be one of my favorite shows of all time. It's Witty, funny, charming, sad, depressing and hopeless at times but in the end I wouldn't trade this show for anything.
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The Batman (2022)
The Batman This Generation Deserves
3 March 2022
Robert Pattinson is obviously well known and a very good actor but he truly embodies the role like I have not seen since Christian Bale. He is fierce, intimidating, calculating and not someone you ever want to catch in the wrong mood. What you may not have expected however is that this is The Riddler's movie too and therefore a detective movie throughout.. perhaps the thing Christian's was missing the most of, Bruce is using his brain and quick thinking skills more here than he ever has in a live action movie. Selena Kyle played by Zoë Kravitz is perhaps the most shocking standout and has more to her than meets the eye and throughout her chemistry with Robert as Batman and Catwoman is the glue that holds this movie together. The villains of this movie are honestly what you would want. Cold. Hateful. Brutal. And of course.. loves to get on Batman's last nerve and make him truly think "Does he really deserve mercy?" BUT what keeps this movie from being a 10 was Paul Dano as The Ridder. Absolutely overacted the entire time and made me want to laugh in serious toned moments and that's a shame because for the first half of the movie he's great but that last half is just awful with his scenes.

The most surprising thing about this movie is Bruce's psyche, his relationship with Alfred, his father figure, is heartfelt while also being somewhat realistic when a child experiences a tragedy and how to live with it and what he's going through the entire time and keeps you on the edge of your seat and his path to TRULY becoming the savior to Gotham they need and deserve. Matt Reeves has created not just one of the best detective movies I've ever seen but in my opinion a stronger first film than even Batman Begins and the best Batman movie since The Dark Knight. Ladies and gentleman, Robert Pattinson is The Batman and we are in for some incredible films if this movie is the floor rather than the ceiling. We deserved this movie and everyone involved should be proud and excited for the future.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Scream With Heart
15 January 2022
I really enjoyed the movie, it's pretty corny sure but the return of original characters we grew up with while adding some new ideas and still paying homage to the original was good, especially the dynamic between the two leads and what came from the original that led to their mysterious fractured relationship. There's a lot of heart here and cheesy one liners but the kills are brutal and the acting is purposefully bad to the point its self-aware which the movies are known for. If this is truly the last Scream, I think it ends on a high note. 8.0/10 is my score

I would like to add that it's NOT a movie you need to see in theaters, it would be just as good at home, I really do think this should have been on a streaming service and missed a good opportunity but I had a good time at my theater regardless of my opinion.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Two Hawkeyes, One Phenomenonal Show
4 January 2022
I had my doubts about Hailey Steinfeld as Kate Bishop but immediately those were put to rest in the 1st episode, her charm and quick wit match greatly with Jeremy and there are some pretty tender moments in this show as well. What you think will happen, probably doesn't end up happening by the end, it's got enough surprises to keep you guessing and keep enjoying the ride. I think Hailey is ready for the big time in the MCU, there are times here when she is even MORE cool than Hawkeye and that's not easy to do at all. Out of the 4 shows that have come since Endgame, I am ranking this #2 right behind Loki. Well done Hailey and Jeremy and all who were involved, this could definitely see a Season 2 and more in my opinion, it was entertaining and heartfelt from start to finish!
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Uncomfortable Movie
26 December 2021
Look it's shot very well and acted but that's about it. I hated every character one way or another, the story was non existent and boring, and I can kinda forgive that.. but this is one of the most uncomfortable and plain wrong movies you'll ever see. Gary is 15 and Alana is 25 (maybe 28 but it's not confirmed) and throughout the whole movie a romance is building between two toxic and horrible people and by the end the finale is simply undeserved and almost demands audiences to love it and cheer and yet all I can think is "... He's 15"

And that's just it, I can forgive some movie sins but glorifying pedophilia? I draw the line there, I regret ever watching this. I give it a 4 because it truly is masterfully made and acted and there is some entertainment here but the negatives definitely outweigh the positives.
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The Matrix Is Forever
22 December 2021
For me, as a fan since childhood, The Matrix Resurrections was everything I wanted it to be. 9/10 with some awesome twists and visuals and of course.. Kung Fu!

Ok this needs to be said.. the real reason this movie is getting low scores is because dudes cannot FATHOM that Lily and Lana are trans and therefore were submitting their low scores the second it was available. GET OVER IT. The movie rocks and Lana rocks and shows her talent yet again.. and for the record, I didn't see a single trans person or metaphor in the movie, maybe I'm missing it, but this movie was about Neo and Trinity first and foremost and they pulled it off!
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With Great Power...
17 December 2021
As a Spidey fan since I was very young, ive seen all the Spidey films imaginable and this is without a shadow of a doubt the BEST Spider-Man movie ever made and maybe the best MCU movie made as well. The quality is off the charts, the villains are understandable and Tom Holland gives his greatest acting performance and most adult film yet. It's powerful, emotional and absolutely epic.. and if this is the last we see of Tom as Spidey then all I can say is bravo you absolute BEAST. I bow, you are the best!!
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Skyline (2010)
A fun movie with one of the best endings I've seen
10 December 2021
Look it's a fun and dumb popcorn flick, it's actually got some pretty cool ideas and I think that's why it got 2 sequels. I do know this.. love it or hate it, it's got one of the best endings ive ever seen in a Sci-Fi movie and makes me very interested in what happens next.

Turn your brain off, make some popcorn, have some fun. 6.5/10.
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Marines In An Alien Invasion
9 December 2021
I've seen this a few times, first time in theater and every time I feel like they nail the dynamic of what it would be like to be a Marine in an impossible situation surrounded only by your fellow Marines. I think the movie is genius really, blending seamlessly with other war films while also making it entertaining with the whole alien invasion thing. I think its a solid movie with heartfelt moments and Aaron Eckhart is undoubtedly the star of the show and really carries the movie. I would be remiss if I did not mention that my longtime idol Ne-Yo is in the movie and he gives a perfectly acceptable performance and a bit impressive considering he comes from a music background.

All in all, I think its a solid war movie while also being one of the best alien invasion movies as well. I give it a 7/10.
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Eternals (2021)
Marvel's Justice League
5 November 2021
Eternals is a beautiful movie with heart and in 2 hours and 30 minutes does a better job of expanding on lore and setting up bigger things than unfortunately ZSJL did in a 4 hours (Still great, a 8/10 for me). This movie is the perfect length, it has jawdropping action, great comedy, and even twists that no one could have expected from the trailers. Chloe Zhao in my opinion is worthy to continue this series and has truly shined once again with such a heavy task on her Director plate. The Eternals themselves are layered and have their own desires and needs themselves and you will appreciate them all in their own way and feel you've taken a journey with them, the audience I was with seemed to enjoy every bit of it. The dialogue around this movie has been vile, especially by certain YouTube channels I will not mention but rest assured, the diversity here is not in your face and no is here for "representation" sake. I cannot wait to see it again soon, it really blew me away and I left with the smile that I tend to always have walking out of a Marvel movie.. isn't that what it's about?
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Dune (2021)
A Space Epic That Will Make You Beg For More
22 October 2021
Where do I begin? The visuals are STUNNING, maybe the best I've ever seen, the music is haunting and yet beautiful, Hans Zimmer delivers yet another masterpiece, the performances are heart felt and Timothee Chalamet gives perhaps the best chosen one performance since Mark Hamill, by the end you'll believe in him too! The action is jaw dropping, inventive, and yet very real feeling. This movie does exactly what it's supposed to do, it engulfs you in this very deep world and the lore and makes you ask "Is there really more"? And yet this is answered with the line

"This is only the beginning"

Only the beginning? We may be in store for the BEST space epic series ever made and I'm so ready for Part II!

P. S. Who are the lame a**es down voting reviews? Go see this cinematic space masterpiece you clowns 😂
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A Competent Send-Off For The Best Bond
19 October 2021
Look I think its a good movie, but it feels far too long, the best scenes and sets are short and not given enough time imo, and the villain unfortunately is SUPER weak and cliche. Daniel Craig gives a great performance and the subplot with him and his love played by Lea Seydoux is done well.. but what about the other characters? The new "007" played by Lashana Lynch is nothing more than a throwaway character for most of the movie despite her being pretty entertaining in the scenes she is in and possibly worthy of having a spin-off series if they aren't going to make her the true new 007 for the next movies, M played by Ralph Fiennes really isn't as involved as he should be in my opinion for a true send off to the hero spy James Bond. I also want to talk about the potential for making the final villain James's equal, because there is a character in this movie that claims to be a "big fan" of James and they go absolutely nowhere with that potential reveal and how he could have been a worthy final villain and make the payoff that much better.. but with the direction they went here, I thought it was executed competently as a send-off for James. I want to quickly shout out Ana De Armas as well, she was PHENOMENAL in this movie and I wish she was utilized more than she was. I give it a final score of 7.5 out of 10, it's a fun time at the theater and that's really all you can ask for with movies like this.
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Halloween II (2009)
Completely Ruins What Halloween 2009 Did
15 October 2021
There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this movie, it feels like it was written by one of the trash movies you see on Shudder, but even those to be honest are written way better. I freakin hate this movie, it's nonsensical, its disgusting to watch, and it makes Laurie herself unlikable and wishing for her death and THAT is unforgivable. The best thing this movie did was set it up to where he's stalked her to the hospital, that was tense and wonderful and they RUINED IT by making a "woe is me" PTSD mind fu** of a movie that is a complete waste of time and honestly makes you sick to your stomach with the character assassination of Laurie, Loomis, and even Michael himself. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING Halloween 2009 did great is absolutely destroyed here in favor of some abomination and something I never want to watch again, it doesn't even feel like the sequel to the 2009 movie, it feels like some college film student's attempt at making it and it fails SPECTACULARLY.
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Michael Ascends
15 October 2021
I don't understand critics, but then again I just saw a list where one of them had Halloween II 2009 as the 7th best Halloween and Halloween III as the 2nd best.. so that tells you how much you need to take their opinions into account if they have a film that has NO Michael Myers in it at #2.. but what is #2? Halloween Kills! What more can you ask for?! This is Michael at his most brutal, he wants his house back and he'll kill anyone who stands in his way. Halloween Ends comes next year so im sure you can guess somewhat what happens but I promise you, you ain't seen Michael Myers until you've seen Halloween Kills.
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A Disgusting Message And A Morally Bankrupt "Protagonist"
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A morally bankrupt and frankly disgusting story, without going into spoilers I just have to say that this is one of the most horrible messages I've ever seen in any genre or medium, if you're watching the movie then you probably know that it's about a suicide of a boy named Conner but that character is done such a horrific disservice and the respect paid to that character is non-existent and the movie actually validates why victims take their own lives with how absolutely evil some of these characters are and how they don't even care about Conner at all!! Do not see this, it's truly awful and offensive and Evan himself is absolutely revolting.

To those going through depression, understand that I understand you and would never do the things they do in this movie, I personally find it absolutely reprehensible and terrifying because I do believe it's realistic in the way society is today.. its just that this movie spins that as a positive thing more than a warning and that is the most insulting thing of all.
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