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Vikings: Valhalla: The Reckoning (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
A filler season
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man they have outdone themselves. I thought that season 1 was average at best. It felt like leftovers from the last 2 seasons of Vikings which were weak compared to Ragnar's seasons. Still season 1 had half interesting story.

Then comes season 2 and it's a total filler season. There isn't really a main story that makes you interested. Canute is away most of the season so nothing there. Then you have Harald that's is travelling around Rus and on his way to Constantinople. There are no battles there just some side story. The story in England is also pretty boring. They just turned Emma which was a good character to some weird paranoid Queen. It's totally out of character for her.

And finally you get Freidis which supposed to be the new Lagertha. Cause you know they want to draw female viewers of course. The problem is the actress is weak compared to the great Katheryn. They also made her do some cringe accent. And don't get me started with the fate of Olaf which is totally inaccrute historically. How can you kill off a historical character before he becomes the King of Norway as it actually happend?
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This makes Salvation and Genisys look like a masterpiece
31 December 2022
This the worst installment of Terminator by far. I can't understand people that give it 5 and say its better than Salvation and Genisys. This is basically a ripoff of Terminator 1-2 with a remake twist. And lot's of politics added on top. Of course these days Hollywood is all about female empowerment. So, we get all female team and bad guys. It's just too bad they forgot Sarah Connor was a female and a great character. Arnie in here doesn't do much. They just had him to pull in old school fans. The rest of the characters are unlikable. Salvation and Genisys at least had an original story and ok characters. Emilia Clarke gave a decent acting unlike this joke.
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I wanted to like this movie
22 October 2022
I usually don't mind b rate movies they are fun to watch sometimes. But this movie a wasted opportunity. For me the most exciting scene in the movie was the opening part with the battle of the 2 brothers.

The beginning shows some promise but then it becomes weaker and weaker. The main charters are pretty weak. The only one worth mentioning is Agatha. The male characters are totally lame. I guess if you are a teen girl you might be able to relate to the main characters. The prince is pretty lame and was made like some kind of a parody. The rest of the characters are just there nothing fun about them. The big bad is also nothing special. And the way he's defeated is quite stupid.

This movie runs 2 hours and 30 mins which is really long. It's enough time to create a more compelling story and develop characters.
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See (2019–2022)
Fresh and amazing show
15 October 2022
I would give 10 only for Baba Vos. This is really Jason's best ever role.

In my opinion Season 1-2 were the best seasons. Season 3 wasn't bad but something became a bit repetitive.

Also people need to lighten up, this is a fantasy show about a dystopian future. So what if it has couple things that don't make 100% sense. Besides, If you just watch and enjoy there aren't that many. The only thing that really stands out for me is how Baba Vos is able to get so many major series and still fight 50 people.

And some reviews are saying Cbit is annoying but I think she's brilliant. She was supposed to be an evil b*** and plays it perfectly.

I'd watch this over any of the boring Comics hero shows. This show is well worth the time.
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Decent start but the fanboys are overreacting
21 August 2022
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Seriously this episode was slow and nothing that special happened. Felt like a regular series about knights and kings. Game of thrones first episode and first season was special and full of clever alliances and schemes.

Also the main takeaway from this episode is a girl is chosen to be an air, sounds familiar? And apparently there is a prophecy about a cold winter and darkness that will come from the north. How about this one sounds familiar? Are they going to tell the story of the night king all over again? Maybe this time they won't have him killed so fast in a weak way.

Decent watch but nothing amazing so far. When I saw GOT first episode I was hooked.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
This show is overated
19 August 2022
I liked the SB story but the ending is bad. And frankly season 3 is similar to season 1 just with SB and Empowered Butcher.

The show is a decent watch, but it's not really progressing anywhere. After 2 seasons it got old.

Also I am not a big fan of Butcher. He's worse than any sup yet he's supposed to be some kinda savior.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
This is not a spy movie but a great watch nonetheless
12 August 2022
I think people were expecting this to be a spy movie, well it's not.

It's based on a real story of conman. You won't find any action in here, it's more of a dialogue driven. It was a good watch and I like the acting by the 2 main characters.
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The 100: Anaconda (2020)
Season 7, Episode 8
This is the best episode of the whole series
21 July 2022
This show was full of holes and bad writing. Then comes this episode which is part of a weird season. But this ep is totally different and everything makes sense suddenly. It has none of the plot holes and writing that doesn't make sense that this series had. It's almost as somebody else wrote this.
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The 100: Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2 (2015)
Season 2, Episode 16
Not impressed by Season 2
17 June 2022
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I can't understand how this series received such a high score. Overall season 2 is better than season 1. But yet again the writing is pretty bad. This season is focused mostly on Clarke. The other characters are there just to orbit around Clarke. And frankly Clarke isn't a likable character. And when did she become a master military strategist?? All the "grown ups" from the ark are basically side characters in this season.

Now as much as I don't like Clarke shes nothing compared to the commander. Lexa must be the weakest leader ever. So many stupid mistakes that make zero sense. Not to mention her truce which goes against everything grounders are about. Their number 1 rule is blood for blood. They never broke this rule and suddenly Lexa breaks it so easy and makes a deal with the mountain man. And thats when they are about to win.

The final episode was better then the first part. Besides that the most likable characters now are Bellamy and Octavia. They became brave and heroes. Frankly I'd rather have them as the main characters. So sad they made Bellamy Clarke's side kick now. Beats me how this get 7 seasons.
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The 100: The 48 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 1
The big reveal makes 0 sense
11 June 2022
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I've been waiting during season 1 to expose where did the radiation has gone. I mean 97 years ago there was such an enormous nuclear war that made the human kind leave earth. One would it think it covered most if not all earth.

They were supposed to be back 200 years after the radiation was cleared. But they had to come back 100 years earlier.

At the beginning of season 1 they tease us with the results of the radiation. Weird mutated animals, weird mutated human scull, and some weird acid storms. But this was only at the beginning and they all forgot about it later on.

At the beginning of season 2 their explanation is that the grounders were evolved and now immune to radiation. And the humans that came back from space are even more immune to it(not sure how). While the ones that were hold back in that base in mountain are sensitive to it.

The only problem is that as far as we know Cockroaches are the only living creature immune to radiation(because they have slower cell cycles). For humans to evolve in this way it will probably take thousands, tens of thousands of years of slow evolution. 100 years of human evolution is basically nothing. The changes that can happens within 100 years DNA wise are almost non existent(3-4 generations only).

This series is full of plot holes like a swish cheese. I hope it will be better than season 1 at least.
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The 100: We Are Grounders: Part 2 (2014)
Season 1, Episode 13
Watching it in 2022 and its pretty weak
10 June 2022
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I am really surprised this show had 7 seasons. I think that if it was airing these days it won't get a second season. This show seems to be really overrated. The story is decent but nothing that new. There was a nuclear war most of humanity was wiped out and living on a space station. Now they want to come back.

It starts as a teen drama. First episodes are really hard to watch if you are not a teen. Another problem is that you have 25-30+ years old playing supposedly teens, These actors don't look and dont have teen voices. Some of the "teen" guys there look older than me and I am over 40.

The natives also don't make much sense so far. It started good but then it was ruined. At the beginning they weren't sure they speak English. But after one episode their English is perfect suddenly. And the all have American names.

And yes don't forget Clark. She isn't a doctor and has no equipment, but is able to save people that get shot, stabbed and what not. And they are all good to go couple days later.

So far this show is 6 at most nothing more. It's worth the watch if are int average series like these.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Where is Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni??
4 June 2022
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Frankly Jon and Dave should be the only ones that create any new Star wars materials. They are the only ones that made Star wars work again with The Mandalorian.

I actually like Ewan as an actor and as Obi Wan in the prequels. But the writing for his characters in this is weak. It's been 17 years since revenge of the Sith. And we are finally getting a rematch between Vaider and Obi wan. And its a pathetic rematch.

I can understand they want to portray Obi wan as an older man that didn't fight for 10 years. But this whole ep is super weak compared to the fight between therm in the Revenge of the Sith. Not to mention the fact that Ewan doesn't really look that old.

So far the series is very average. If they want people to watch, just give it to Jon and Dave who can actually create quality Start wars. Esp since we have here 2 main characters of the Star wars universe.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
This feels like the last seasons of Vikings
1 June 2022
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Unfortunately this feels exactly like the last seasons of Vikings post Ragnar's death. If you compare this to the Ragnar era there is no comparison. Something about the first seasons with Ragnar was special and magical. It took the time to build the story and the characters. The last seasons of Vikings were pretty boring and repetitive. Valhalla really reminds me of them.

Especially because not many things have changed. Yes there are new characters. And a new balance of power religion wise. London is now the English capital instead of Wessex but thats about it.

Maybe after Vikings and The last Kingdom TV is saturated with series about this era. Overall a decent watch but nothing special or unique so far. Just finished watching season 1 and I am not that eager for season 2.
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The Originals (2013–2018)
A glorious ride that ended with a bad taste
12 May 2022
This is one of my favorite series ever if not the favorite. The characters are written perfectly. With that said I was disappointed with the final season. This is my full series breakdown.

Season 1 9/10 Great first season.

The only reason its not a 10 is because it had way too many allegiances changes. And some balance of power issue that didn't make sense. Other then that its a prefect first season.

Season 2 11/10 I think this is the best season of any show ever. They fixed all the small issues from season 1. And you get all the big guns in here. In my opinion they didn't match this season after that.

Season 3 10/10 Another great season. Its started a bit different but evolved great. The last few episodes made this season top notch.

Season 4 9.5/10 This season was different aswell. It also had only 13 episodes compared to the previous 23. That changed the pace and the story telling. The ending of this season should have been series finale. It's a 10/10 series finale no doubt and makes sense.

Season 5 7.5/10 This is the weakest season by a long shot. It had a mix of a weak bad guys and leftovers of a bad guy from season 4. They also killed many characters, and some of the deaths didn't make much sense. Overall it felt like a very long setup for hope's legacies. My biggest issue that it was lacking the sophistication previous seasons had. It made me say many times no way this doesn't make sense.

The finale isn't bad, but if this season didn't exist, season 4 finale would be the perfect one for The originals.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
The first episode that made me fall asleep
15 April 2022
First let me say that I liked Season 1. Although it wasn't one of the best Star trek shows it was interesting. Second season started good, but then everything becomes so slow and filler. This episode went in the steps of Discovery. Which is a total bore fest that I stopped watching. I don't know how can they salvage this season, but it doesn't look good. Not sure I want to see another season of this.
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Deadpool time travels minus the sexual jokes
2 April 2022
I have to say I think Ryan is an entertaining actor. But his acting range is very limited. It works for Deadpool since he's taking his usual persona to the limit and fits Deadpool. For other movies he's usually playing the not so hero same weird/funny guy. So this makes you feel like you watch him do the same shtick in a different movie.

Besides that this movie is very half baked. It feels like a b or c grade sci fi movie. It was a decent watch, not more than 6.5 at best.
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Raised by Wolves: Happiness (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Promising show with many issues
24 March 2022
Started very good in season 1. Tho story was relatively clear.

Then it became slow and boring at second part of season 1.

Season 2 is very disjointed like they took 10 different ideas and threw them together without any clear direction.

The last couple episodes of season 2 are better.

But still there is no clear direction to where is this going.

To summarize whats going on: Earth is ruined by war, different survivors on an alien planet and weird things happen.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Great for what it is
4 March 2022
It's much much better than Discovery. Story is more interesting and has Star trek vibe.

Of course it plays the nostalgia card with Picard and other characters from the past. There are also a few new characters from previous season.

I don't know what do people expect when you get 70-80 years old Picard. Do they expect them to make a whole new series without any connection to Picard's past?

If you don't expect it to be a story with brand new young characters you will enjoy it. .
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Boba Fett doesn't cut it
19 February 2022
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The episode itself has a lot of action and it's 55 minutes long. The problem here is that Boba Fett just doesn't cut it as the main character. He's either too boring or written badly. 2 previous episodes had mainly The mandalorian and Luke Skywalker and they were much better. I don't see how they make a good enough season 2 without bringing in again The mandalorian and other Star wars characters.
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Another great episode but bad news for Fett
19 February 2022
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This is another great episode like the previous one. The problem is Fett appears in it for 10 seconds. Most of it is about Lyke Skywalker, Grogu, Mando, The Marshall. It's like they are admitting Fett alone isn't an interesting enough Character. I don't know maybe it the actor.

Overall I can't see how they will manage to do a good season 2 around Fett alone.
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
Decent enough but not amazing
28 January 2022
This show was ok but not great. It lacks the world building you would expect from the best Sci fi shows. I think even as an average show its not quite there. I liked Dark matter more than this one. It's a miracle this show had 5 seasons, while much better shows were cancelled after 1-3 seasons. It feels like they just dragged the story after the 3rd season. I like it anyway but dont expect anything amazing.
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Well this is emberassing
27 January 2022
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This is basically The Mandalorian episode and a good one. This is easily the best Boba Fett episode so far lol. Boba Fett doesn't even appear and Feneck is there for 30 seconds. Pedro and The Mandalorian is way cooler then Boba Fett. We also get to see a lighter side of the Mandalorian in here. This episode doesn't do Boba Fett any good. As it shows the how superior is The Mandalorian.
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The truth its nothing special
21 January 2022
I have to say I am pretty bored with Bond movies. They milked it enough it's time to retire it. Besides that the truth is Craig's bond is very wooden in my opinion. The old bond had a unique style and finesse which Craig's lacking. I'd rather watch Tom cruise in mission impossible. At least his acting is way more interesting and colorful.

This movie is also way too long (2:40 hours) but nothing special about the story. Malek's bad guy is lacking depth. Overall the ratings in here are overrated. I guess these days it's enough to have explosion and lots of cgi and you are set.
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Nash Bridges (2021 TV Movie)
Lots of nostalgia and fun
20 January 2022
People need to lighten up. So what if Don is 70+. It feels like a long episode of Nash bridges. Nothing too sophisticated just a mysterious police case to be solved. And lots of nostalgia from Nash and his partner. Overall a nice watch.
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Hawkeye (2021)
I am not a big Hawkeye fan
20 January 2022
I never understood why Hawkeye and the Black widow were Avengers. They are pretty weak compared to Hulk, Thor, Cap america and Iron man. The Black widow at least has an interesting origin story and you can say she's the glue of the team.

After this series I understand a bit better why. They wanted to have a "regular" guy in super hero team. Too bad we discover it only now.

Anyways the series is ok and pretty funny. Kate is funny but even weaker than Hawkeye. Dunno how it makes sense she beat the Kingpin.

This series in my opinion is better than the sucky Falcon and winter soldier. But not as good or original as Loki or Wandavision.

Hawkeye basically should have been a street level hero like the defenders. It's a nice series with funny moments not amazing.
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