
40 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Dont read the book
22 April 2024
...before watching this series. I admit, I have read the book and therefore have a preconcieved opinion. The parts that is about the chinese in the 60s is pretty accurate and follows the heart of the book, but the other things is heavily massacred with so called "inclusion" (that usually is written in the contracts before anyone can make anything) that pretty much always breaks immersion on everything where it appears.

I think I could live with that sign of the times if I hadnt read the book since that policy is implemented in everything nowadays. The book concentrates on the story, not to please people on what once was twitter.

Thank god Benidoff and Weiss didnt have to bow for that "propaganda" when they created Game of Thrones. Unfortunately they had to adapt and by doing so they missed their opportunity to make another ground breaking show.
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Dickensian (2015–2016)
True to Dickens
11 January 2024
I love this serie because the authors clearly understand Dickens world and didnt try to insert so called "modern values" that is so common today. Sure, there were a couple of "inclusions" (race swap) but since they stayed true to the dickensian world building over all, as I said without the "education" of "modern values" one could look past that and get immersed in it, it is rare nowadays to experience that in movies or series. And that is what I want.

This "prequel" to the Dickens stories is a rare gem. So sad that it only had one season. But hopefully they dont start with a second, it is too late. It would be infested with "modern values" and stuff so people wouldnt be triggered on the social media that was twitter.
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Barbarian (2022)
Seen it all before
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it is my age and the fact that I have seen horror movies since decades back. The last one that was somewhat watchable was Blair wich project. Mainly because it was in a style not done before. The "revolutinary" thing with that movie was that it wasnt based on scare jumps.

After that basically all horror movies has been with a similar story and the all predictable scare jumps and stupid victims. This one is no different.

Ever since Halloween back in the 80s we have seen the monster/murderer wake up after it should have been dead, so you just wait for that.

It is time for creators to be creative and not to base their movies on older movies that has been done thousands of times before.
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Blast from the past when the movies were for entertainment and not education.
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie first tim more than 20 years ago. I decided to watch it again. It still holds as one of my favourite movies. Straight up an old school thriller you dont see much of today. Even though I remembered the twist I still enjoyed it.

The build up is masterly done. Not a dull moment. Many complain about the ending, I personally loved it since such endings are so rare.
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Elvis (2022)
Decent movie about my idol.
9 August 2022
I've been an Elvis fan since his satelite show and was a bit sceptic about this film and especially Austin Butler who didnt resemble Elvis much. But I was surprised. He somehow did catch the essence of him. Sure, there were some distorsion of facts of what Elvis did, maybe for trying to say something about todays society in USA, but overall a good film. Tom Hanks, as always, and Austin Butler did a good job.
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Quite boring...
6 August 2022
Very slow and way too extended. The "theater" thing is just a waste of time that doesnt add anything. I gave up after episode 3. The slow pacing which I guess was intentional to keep the viewer in suspense, but it just made me loose interest. I dont mean it should be MTV-style pacing with 0,5 second cuts, but come on...
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Moonhaven (2022)
I wont trash it for the two first episodes.
10 July 2022
I dont identify my self as a "nazi" or "right wing" (so therefore I can not be one, if you get my drift ;) ) if I dont give this show a 10 star.

Many complains about the "diversity" in this series. But I see no problem, in fact it is kind of logical and make sense for the story, that in the future groups of skin colors are gonna be blended more than today.

So, with that out of the way. I recognize it doesnt have all the flashy CGI like in the superhero movies little children love so much, but that is not important if the story is interesting. It is always the story that is interesting, nothing else really. And I found it getting kind of interesting in the end of the pilot. The acting is average, nothing spectacular, one can live with that since acting often depends on how the story is written, and by who.

So for the first episode I give an average rating. Well see how the story unfolds, maybe better, maybe worse.
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Decent show, wokeness aside
6 June 2022
Usually I more or less automatically turn off a show when the Soviet minded agenda of diversity is too obvious. But not this one I noticed. Mainly because the story is in focus, not the colored peoples skin or their persieved skinrelated problems. It is kind of refreshing to see colored people portrayed as normal people for once, not as the usual victims of "structural racism"

I like the kid actors, they play well and are really scary.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Macfarlane is a genius who circumvents my walls
3 June 2022
Wow..the first episode on season 3 doesnt disappoint. Usually I am not for for drama, but it struck a cord in me. It made me reflect on my way of thinking. I too have sometimes these binary thoughts about my existence. Seth Macfarlane threads the issue with respect and provides an alternative way of thinking.
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Severance (2022– )
Finally something worth investing time in at Apple TV+
12 April 2022
I usually hate "slow" shows, but this one doesnt feel slow because the story isnt like 99,999% of all the rest of the shows produced the last decade. No lecturing, no moral preaching (or it maybe is cleverly hidden ;) ) just an interesting story you try to figure out for your self. Personally I love it because I have no clue on what it is about really (3 episodes in) wonderfully wierd.
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V (2009–2011)
2 April 2022
I re-watched this 11 years later and compared to 99% of whats made today it is very watchable. It is from the time when story was important, not like today when it is all about not offending someone on twitter.
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Dark City (1998)
I long for yesterday...
14 February 2022
I watched this movie 23 years after its release and came aware of that nowadays where streaming algorithms writes the movies so that "everybody" will watch them (and keep the streaming subscription) and no one shall ever get offended, this kind of movies are a thing of the past.

As for the movie itself, I loved it event though I at first watch didnt get it. Unlike today movies it was imposible to predict what was going to happen or why. This kind of movies makes ones busy mind reset.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
As an adult I love it.
20 January 2022
I is a shame that they cancelled this show. It's even better watching the series the second time. It is intelligent and entertaining. Exploring ideas/theories that makes you think and reflect over what reality is. I guess it was to "deep" for the majority. Good cast, and I always love Robert Carlyle.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Interesting story and good acting but would've been better without the time jumps.
26 November 2021
More and more shows has jumped on the hype wiht time jumps, so much that its old and boring by now.. It's not as bad as in "Witcher" but takes away the feeling when the story is interrupted by time jumps.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Nothing new or exciting.
16 November 2021
The "sci-fi" in this series is just a backdrop for a regular drama of people and their personal problems, the kind we have seen a million times already. But if you are a fan of peoples problems and think they can teach you something about your own problems, then this very slow show is for you, if you want to repeat what you've seen before.
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Enchanted (2007)
Much better than any of the superheroe movies from Marwel
15 November 2021
Always love a good fairytale done with a heart. Amy Adams was a nice cast.

Sure, a little bit PC was obligatory nowadays, but it didnt spoil the fun.
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Squid Game (2021– )
I dont get the hype
10 October 2021
I gave it 4 episodes in the hope it would be something different from what I have seen before.
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Foundation (2021– )
Not worth my time.
25 September 2021
I havent read the book so I had no preconsived ideas of how it should be. But I got bored. Couldnt find any character likable.

I laughed hard when I saw someone compare this to Game of Thrones (in space) :D.
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The Colony (2021)
Not bad
25 September 2021
Not totally bad. I didnt turn it off after 30 minutes as I usually do with the most films and series today. A bit predictable but still managed to keep my interest. If there were a sequel I would give it a try.
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Movie for the kids
3 July 2021
Mostly a movie for kids who hasve not lived long enough to seen 100´s of the same formula before. But then again, most of the movies made the last decade are basically reruns of old movies with a new make up. Especially "action" movies. As a bit older person one wishes the new script writers and film makers would do something new and refreshing...
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Film for millenia girls.
10 May 2021
One must remember that this film is not made to learn people history, it is entertainment, a fantasy for todays youth. As such it works.
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1 September 2020
I binge watched The White Queen and loved it, and then started on TWP right after. Compared to the firs series the white princess was flat. More like the myriads of teenage dramas Netflix produces today. In TWQ there were an atmosphere of constant paranoia, none of it i TWP. In TWQ one could relate to even the "evil" people since they had more dimensions, in TWP they where two dimensional. Sure TWQ had a "feministic agenda" but it was so much more delicate and more believable compared to the stereotypes in the sequel. More intelligent. I later understood that BBC was not involved in this production, maybe that was it?
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Fooled again..
23 August 2020
I was lured into this horrible film because it was Will Ferrel and they claimed it was a comedy. Why make a remake of another horrible and predictable film? But that is the problem with american movie making of today, no new fresh ideas or balls that dares to challenge the audience. Always afraid to offend someone on twitter.
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Strange but captivating
18 May 2020
I didnt read anything about this show. Usually I read what a show is about before I decide to watch it. It usuallly creates a preconceived idea of what it is and if I am willing to waste the time needed. This time I just clicked the first episode and got hooked when Octavio said he didnt want to waste our time with character building and just get on with the story. I am so tired of "character building" and just want the story. I got the story, even though I didnt get it. It was a nice feeling to binge watch something I didnt understand. Last time I did that was with "Mulholland Drive" it too went straight over my head, but I loved it.
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Ad Astra (2019)
15 January 2020
Nice to see space, but not as backdrop to over exploited father vs son drama. It would've been better if there was an interesting story, preferably a Sci-Fi story. These "complex" relation stories that are meant to bing "emotions" to the viewer are so boring because you've seen them hundreds of times before. I give it a couple of stars for the FX.
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