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The Image (1975)
12 December 2011
I have Synapse's June 2011 DVD release and what a job they've done. I only wish they could do the same for another Rebecca Brooke (Mary Mendum) film from the same year Max Pécas 'Felicia' (1975)

Previous reviewers have touched on many aspects of this classic, I don't need to redo that, however I do need to emphasize that the acting by the very hot Marilyn Roberts (Claire) and slave Anne (Brooke aka Mendum) is phenomenal. Roberts can do more with her eyes than...well let's just say this woman can act. Brooke is a luscious slave girl who is absolutely believable, the male lead is nice looking and enjoys his work, the poor dear.

This is BDSM, D&s, SM, etc and it is very well done, best I've seen, Metzger is as good as there is. Brooke is the "hottie" but Roberts has the heat.

One of the best erotiques I own.
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Saadia (1953)
27 June 2011
Sometimes one is so pleasantly surprised by a film and this is one of those rare gems that surpassed my expectations.

This is a deeper movie than most of the type coming out of the 1950s.

I don't know if it came from the novel or the mind of Albert Lewin but there are some deep insights into the human psyche in this film.

Both Rita Gam and Wanda Rotha are stunning beauties and I've always loved Cornell Wilde which is why I watched the film rather than turning it off as I had intended. Mel Ferrer has a weak moment or two, especially in one scene he merely is reciting his lines not ACTING them. Yet Ferrer is quite good and I can see, now, why he was so popular and a heartthrob.

This film has action, quite well done I might add, really capable horsemanship, great scenery and costumes, as well as one of the more mature approaches to primitive superstition that one will come across.

Just a delight and I have to say, yet again, THANK GOD for TCM.

All in all a MOST delightful 80 some odd minutes of entertainment.

I full intend to purchase the DVD of this film and if the book is in print that also.

The film is either 82 or 87 minutes depending on who is right, IMDb or TCM
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What Fun!
29 March 2011
I joined this film in progress on a local Spanish language Mexican connected TV network. I don't speak Spanish nor understand it but this little gem just pulled me in and I enjoyed it so very much.

There was a time in both the US and especially Western Europe that these type of films were regular fare. Just GOOD FUN!

I absolutely loved the cast, what energy, what emotive actors and actresses. They really could put it across.

Now don't expect some slick Hollywood production with that level of technical advances and cinematography, yet you can't help but find this an adorable little joy that I would love to see from the beginning.


And a note to the fellows, what gals!!! Another note to the fellows, wait till you see the guys who get all the girls!!! You will feel like a Casanova by the end.
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43 years ago
21 August 2010
I saw this when it first run on American television and I have to say there isn't a year that goes by that I don't think of this film and why it hasn't, to my knowledge been shown again on television or released on DVD.

So my recollection is one of an impression, of wonderful entertainment that held me in suspense.

I remember, all these years later, a line, from Jack Washington (Wagner) to a black marketeer, about purchasing a revolver: "make it accurate, something in a .32 caliber"

For whatever reason I recall that.

I truly enjoyed this movie and PLEASE release it on DVD. Wagner was stunning, the direction, quite good indeed, and considering it was made for TV I give it the highest of marks.
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Big Bad Mama (1974)
24 July 2010
This is one of those films, where you kick yourself for listening to critics who, at the time, trashed this film. Finally saw it and while it is, as some suggest, "trashy," this is one of the most entertaining films I've seen in quite some time.

I've always admired the talent of Mr Corman and his production of BBM is, for me, one of the highlights of his career. I've no illusions that his fans will suggest otherwise however this is a film that grabs you by the lapels, if one has lapels that is, and doesn't let go! Steve Carver takes a VERY low budget and gets the maximum out of it, there are some performances in this movie that will demonstrate the talents of some of your favorite actors that other, more popular and acclaimed films will NOT. As someone who is NOT a Tom Skerrit fan I've got to admit he was the standout actor in this, (I refuse to refer to actresses as 'actors', he really is a talented man. However the standout is the truly gorgeous Angie Dickinson, I knew she could act, I just never realized just how beautiful and sexy she really is, until this film. She singlehandedly transcends the material and thereby lifts BBM out of "trash" into a slam-bang adventure/crime/sex romp that is stunning. The supporting cast is excellent, however outside of 'Succubus' I've not quite gotten the appeal of William Shatner, at least in any serious sense. think we all realize how much talent got early starts in Corman films and I think you will also enjoy noting those who went on to do excellent work in other films and especially TV, such as Michael Talbott of "Miami Vice" TV series.

After watching this film I felt rather upbeat, BBM is the sort of fun film that we used to see more of, sans all that CGI and other expensive and often tawdry special effects, good entertainment that takes one out of the humdrum and into a place where ordinary belief is suspended and one is cheering for the heroes, albeit not the nicest heroes/heroines, wink.

One can only wonder if there is a Director's cut somewhere as this is rated 'R', Angie Dickinson, Wow! Did I mention Wow?
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The Sea Hawk (1924)
Milton Sills
18 June 2010
I joined this film in progress on TCM earlier this month. Well this film kept me riveted to my seat. Milton Sills' performance is so impressive, so dashing, so heroic that I was completely enchanted. The magic of movie-making. While this film has none of the advantages of modern special effects and lighting and so forth it is nevertheless a slam-bang, rip-roaring, adventure romance. There is something in this film that permits one to fully enter within the story, to suspend disbelief and to experience, if for that brief time, a land of fantasy that entertains as well as elevates. Superlatives are not hyperbole when it comes to The Sea Hawk.
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Safari (1956)
One of the BEST adventure films--EVER
6 July 2009
I LOVE this film and it is SHAMEFUL that there is not a DVD out.

Great director, great actors deserve it.

One of the greatest stage and film actors ever to come out of England, John Justin, the talented and beauteous Janet Leigh, the most masculine actor I've ever seen, Victor Mature, and a superb supporting cast make this film endearing, and above all else white-knuckled action. There is romance, and sexual tension, danger, pathos, heroism, and all of the frailties of the human condition are on display here.

It is very, very sad that more film goers are not exposed to this little gem. Filmed on location in Africa and every scene is powerful. If you are tired of films that are really nothing more than special effects and NOISE then watch this film, you will NOT be disappointed.

GIVE US A DVD version with a pristine print. PLEASE oh gods of the arts.
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2005's Best Movie
18 May 2009
David Cronenberg grabs you by the lapels and does not let go. Accompanied by one of the finest ensemble casts this is a film that touches something primal in all of us. Very much a "family" film but not in the sense of kiddie fare.

Also includes, on the DVD, one of the BEST "making of" that I have seen as David Cronenberg makes it all look EASY. When we know it is NOT.

Talent on display, not perfect but darn near close. Superb casting by Deirdre Bowen.

Viggo's best role in my opinion. Keep an eye out for Ed Harris' superb portrayal and William Hurt's reptilian "Bro-ham", Hurt SHOULD have gotten best supporting actor, he was THAT good.

Love the son, love his girlfriend, love the BULLIES, you get the idea.
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15 March 2009
This film is one of the most underrated of that last decade. The cinematography is stunning and Tony Kaye's work in that realm particularly is breathtaking. He may have been a handful, at least according to insider reports, but a talent such as his must find its expression.

Edward Norton is nothing less than spectacular in the lead role as Derek Vinyard the troubled young and VERY angry man.

Edward Furlong proves his tour De force in T-2 was not an accident.

Avery Brooks plays a very convincing High School principal who actually cares about his students. If only such men were in every school in America!

Elliot Gould, who I have yet to see turn in a bad performance, once again shows that he one of the most solid actors in film. Mr Gould helps us to enter into the film in a way that showcases his talent. Remarkable man.

Beverly D'Angelo in a very believable role as Derek and Danny's mom.

Fairuza Balk sexy, VERY sexy spitfire who spews hatred and bigotry as naturally as one would expect from a woman with a tattoo "Aryan Woman" on her body.

The real scene stealer is Stacy Keach as Cameron Alexander, the neo-Nazi leader. Keach's performance is stunning and really deserved to be looked at for an award but this movie was way out there for any chance of that in 1998.

William Russ turns in a short but powerful performance as the fireman father of Derek and Danny. The scene around the family table is true-to-life and instructive for families who endeavor to avoid the poison of prejudice and hate from scarring their homes.

Alex Sol and Nicholas R. Oleson are terrifying as Aryan prisoners.

This is a frightening film nevertheless and I have to confess that my view of the world was a little less sunny after seeing this powerful, moving and all too real film.
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25th Hour (2002)
15 March 2009
I had such high expectations for this film. Disappointment does not begin to address the failure of this film. As a fan of Mr Norton's it is very hard to not enjoy something he appears in, yet this Spike Lee joint is a pathetic film. The dialogue is banal, puerile and pathetic. The direction, if there is any, is incoherent.

I think, by comparison, Revenge of the Nerds comes across as more "hardcore" and "street-wise".

I don't know how this film found a producer unless Lee put up his own money.

What a waste. A truly gifted actor is always at the mercy of a script and a director.

I hope this film will be overlooked in the resume of the careers of all concerned.
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Forget James Bond, this is the REAL DEAL
5 March 2009
I would think that anyone who watches this series and then compares it to the last 10 years or so of James Bond films will easily be able to discern serious story telling from CGI cluttered inanity.

I was mesmerized by this series and IMMEDIATELY became a fan of Sam Neil.

The sets, the wardrobe, all first rate. The supporting cast, as is so often the case with these British entries, is superb.

The direction is better than on most big budget action films and really The best espionage story ever told.

While I did enjoy Sean Connery and the earliest of Bond films this is the real deal, and Sam Neil is, forever, the man who Ian Fleming called the real James Bond.

Leave it to the Brits to get it right.
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Red Sonja (1985)
Arnold, Brigitte, Sandahl!
1 March 2009
This is a wonderfully moral sword and sorcery epic. Arnold Schwarzenegger portrays a heroic man of high character unlike the amoral Conan. His portrayal of Kalidor is understated and that makes it WORK.

Brigitte Nielsen while a raw talent, still manages to put this film over.

She is what one expects a Red Sonja to be: a simple, brave, barbarian woman with a sense of loyalty and oath upholding that is so alien to our modern world.

Sandahl Bergman as the nefarious Queen Gedren is marvelous. She has a plum role playing a villainous megalomaniac and she enjoys every minute of it.

Paul Smith and his sidekick Ernie Reyes Jr. almost steal the show, quite charming. Again there is a humanity in Smith's character, this loyalty and taking seriously of an oath that rings true for the imagined world of this sword and sorcery entry.

Tutte Lemkow's portrayal of a wizard is one of the minor roles that is very well done.

Of all the sword and sandal movies I have seen over the years I have a special place for this 1985 film.

It is a feel good movie, romantic, exciting, beautiful scenery and costumes and an excellent ARNOLD film.
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Felicia (1975)
Sizzling French erotic entry of a couple entangled with another
24 February 2009
I did not give this a 10 due to lighting. How much of the problem with this print was due to American distributor: Excalibur I don't know but there is a break in the middle and inexplicable lighting problems which I doubt a talent of Max Pecas' abilities would overlook, yet it has happened before.

Deauville France is the setting and a charming country home. A 30 something married couple agree to have as a guest, depending on which description is accurate either:

1. the wife's niece or 2. a daughter of a friend of the wife

Beatrice Harnois plays the niece, friend's daughter and she is quite an actress.

One feels as if one is, indeed, peeking into the lives of a couple and their guest.

The delicious Mary Mendum, credited as "Rebecca Brooke," is sultry, stunning, and VERY hot playing the wife whose mind is played with by the Harnois character.

Jean Roche, PAUL, is exceptionally good and outshines many of the more highly regarded "straight" actors whether here(US) or Europe.

This is about a young woman who effectively controls a husband and wife.

Creating some real havoc and conflict along the way.

There is a happy resolution, at least to my view and overall a very erotic film.

As with so many of the early European pornos or erotiques there is genuine character development and storyline.

I might add that what the American distributors often do to these classics is butcher them. For what possible reason I cannot fathom.

America needs to liberate the artistic portrayal of sexuality and sensuality.

If you can find this film it is definitely worth viewing.
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A wonderful film
24 February 2009
Ms Lee really attempted to do a version of the Tales that would merit some consideration. Frankly when one considers the budget restraints this is quite a remarkable achievement.

Some scenes go on for too long and others are far too short, e.g Colleen Brennan's scene with Hyapatia is scorchingly hot and yet much too short for full expression of mood.

The sets and the costumes are pretty well done for a low budget film and there is some nice writing involved also.

This is a very cute film and if one comes to it with an open mind and heart one should be well rewarded.

I just adore this film.
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27 January 2009
I did want to emphasize that the opening scene is among the most visually stunning I've ever seen in film.

Sadly this made for TV miniseries just doesn't measure up to the opening scene.

It is beautifully photographed and some of the flashbacks are quite good and Mira is as pretty as they come with a dashing leading man.

I've always enjoyed Welsh's performances, a journeyman Canadian actor who does his job no matter where they plug him in.

While it was certainly entertaining compared to the swill in the opposing time slots it wasn't very good.

It may have had one of the tamest "sex scenes" to get a "S" warning for the viewers.

This is a typical predictable film in the lazy "chick flick" genre. Single mom superwoman type. FBI agent sweetie pie opposite.

That said this is a very PRETTY film nice locations lovely costumes and sets.

I gave it a 6 overall because one really has to see that opening sequence, just gave me the chills.

Summary: if you are bored and have lots of popcorn on hand it isn't all that dreadful and Mira is cute as a button.
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Cornel Wilde in the Wild
19 November 2008
This is one of the finest motion pictures ever undertaken by an actor who also directs and produces. Cornel Wilde is absolutely remarkable. The camera shots are so well done that Wilde was obviously paying attention when he was an actor only.

I ADORE this film. It still causes all the emotions that I felt so many, many years ago.

Acting, for such little dialog, is simply superb.

What a scene stealer that little girl was, and such a beautiful child.

Looking back over so many decades of film-going I have to say this is one tidy little film and really, for entertainment value and more, it is very hard to beat.

AMAZING, in a word. Mel Gibson, good as he is, could have learned from Cornel Wilde.
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Classic, perhaps the best Christmas story ever
17 November 2008
I saw this many years ago on PBS' WONDERWORKS. Rarely have I been so captivated by a work intended for the juvenile audience.

The stunning beauty of the scenery and sets. The amazing script. Acting by children, and some of the most senior and acclaimed British actors, all working together to enable the wonder of the great poet's singular prose to come to life.

As an American I find it disturbing that such a marvelous film for children is not available, in its entirety, on DVD. This is, truly, a crime against art.

I note that the British edition (REGION 2) is now discontinued.

Is this CLASSIC to be relegated to the dustbin of history?

What was it Tolkien wrote:

Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.
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Wonderful Spanish erotic farce
15 November 2008
I saw this film many years ago and it still is one of my favorites. Surely critics would pick this film to pieces but this is precisely the type of film that is made not for critics but for the average person to enjoy, guiltily perhaps, but enjoy nevertheless.

As I recall the plot is a modern youthful couple in Spain whose marriage has gone rather dull. The lovely wife goes off in adventure as does the husband.

The wife becomes quite the coveted gal and she is initiated into pleasure, quite hot! The husband on his journey of exploration is not to be outdone. For the time it was quite out there.

Naughty, naughty.

It is a very well done look at the 7 year itch and with plenty of kink to satisfy even the most jaded tastes.

I have always been a fan of European erotica, soft and hard, and this soft-core film is a standout.

Lesbianism, bisexuality, satanism, and much, much more.

I hope this is available on DVD however the odds seem less than likely.

SOMEBODY in the biz: Please pay attention to these Euro-erotics they are better than just about any American erotica.

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Joy and Joan (1985)
Brigitte Lahaie!
9 November 2008
This is actually a beautiful love story, very steamy, although I would have preferred more rather than less eroticism, it was 'R' rated the version I saw.

Stunning locations, beautiful people, some fine acting, characters with some depth, and a great deal of pathos I might also add in one particular case.

Lahaie is simply one of the best of the European erotic actresses and she makes anything watchable.

This film should have been made hard-core, the sex as presented is a mere tease. That being sad it is very hot, and explores the plasticity of our sexuality.

To me it was one of the happiest endings in film.

God please, please free America of censorship! As had been noted in an earlier comment this film is now, apparently, unavailable.

I have said repeatedly on this wonderful website, that trash is always available, EVERYWHERE, but seriously crafted films are usually out of print.

Who said it? The public loves trash. I do blame the distributorship and the major chains for allowing this problem to fester.

BTW this IS a woman's picture, LOL.
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Dr. Strange (1978 TV Movie)
Wonderful thriller in the 70s genre
5 October 2008
I absolutely adore this made for TV film. Frankly having just re-watched a VHS I have I would so love to have this on DVD. It gets NO AIRINGS on TV to my knowledge. Shame. I loved Peter Hooten and John Mills and Clyde Kusatsu. What a HOME Lindmer had!!! The vivacious Jessica Walter at her absolute sexiest! There is something very special about this film; a compassion, a humanity that can sometimes appear cheesy and forced in the medium however, despite what some may think, there is a genuineness about Hooten and Mills performances that I found so refreshing.

Keeping in mind that this is made for TV and with a background that lends itself to formulaic triteness I think the crew did a heck of a job.

The set for Lindmer's house is well done for a film with a rock bottom budget.

Good versus Evil, as old as man, and this is a special entry in that genre.
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Henry & June (1990)
Fred Ward, Uma Thurman, Maria de Medeiros, Philip Kaufman
13 September 2008
4 human beings whose talents came together to make a beautiful film about the paradigm of love.

So many others have done excellent analysis of this film that I would wish to mention the ABSURDITY of the whole ratings system.

This was a film crafted to appeal to adults seeking a mature theme portrayed with elegance and grace. Philip Kaufman, does anyone remember just how handsome a man he was at that time, triggered performances that still haunt me to this day. YET, the ratings board, a calamitous holdover the dark dreary days of the Hays Commission, virtually KILLED the box office for this film. Adults, couples, who wanted to see something fresh, and challenging were DENIED that right due to the lack of venues.

Eighteen years later has anything really changed? We still have suits and ties deciding what is "safe" and what we shouldn't be allowed to see.

Censorship is truly an evil. Grab this one on DVD and see what a man of integrity, an artist, was able to conjure.
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To Save a Child (1991 TV Movie)
Fresh approach for TV horror genre
12 September 2008
While, by necessity, made for TV movies tend to formulaic, this entry in the horror genre was remarkably fresh in many ways.

Set in the gorgeous New Mexican rural areas it is a film that touches all the usual buttons but does so in a way that enables lead Anthony Zerbe to showcase something of his prodigious talent.

There is some attention paid to local custom that helps to allow the viewer to forget for a time that he or she is watching a television show and to get some of that ambiance one usually only finds in a theater.

I haven't seen it since it debuted in 1991 and so would like to allow someone who is able to view it to also have the opportunity to do as I did and savor the film's twists and turns without any other description.

Are there better thrillers out there? Of course but this is a little gem from television that we are unlikely to see the likes of again any time soon.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Surprsingly good entry in the genre
18 July 2008
This series is something I drop in on now and again since its first season. I just watched Season 3, Episode 9: Malleus Maleficarum and was struck by how this show is evolving. Usually, not always, series tend to devolve. This is totally understandable as the writers can surely relate how difficult it is to keep a series show fresh and interesting.

Somehow, perhaps supernaturally, this show manages to do it.

I love the brothers concept and the actors each bring a lot to the table. Jensen Ackles is really excellent and is very sexy, macho and all things good in this character of Dean Winchester.

The writing on the episode I just viewed was crisp and easily held one's attention and gave some food for thought, now THAT is rare, for me at least,to experience from a show meant to give chills and so forth.

Casting overall is very appropriate and I would rate it even higher if they can maintain this level into season 4, we shall see.

These guys are PACKING heat and the demons and assorted baddies better watch out.
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A gem
3 April 2008
This film is often not taken seriously by critics yet it is a remarkable film of the genre.

One almost enters the dreamlike world of the protagonist and to me it maintained that quality throughout the film.

There are some insights into the mental equation also that one rarely notices in most of these films.

The scenery is lovely, the women gorgeous the men, PUZZLED, all in all quite a fun way to spend an afternoon's viewing.

Not as naughty as some but still a very nice entry in the erotic horror genre.
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Jericho (2006–2008)
Jericho, a refreshing step up in quality
2 April 2008
So often I lament the passing of quality broadcast commercial television and then something new, challenging, such as Jericho shows up.

I think it is certainly timely in light of threats from without and perhaps even within our nation.

I was concerned that the 2nd season was not going to measure up as the first episode was rather shaky but it picked up and ended with a bang.

I am glad that CBS brought it back for a finale.

Casting was excellent and I am still astonished at the quality of the writing and plotting. Just so well done.
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