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Feral Ferrel comedy
19 December 2013
Firstly I am no will ferrel fan, but I am seriously getting tired of hearing about this particular movie. I saw this once in the theater (sadly) when it first came out, I don't remember laughing much. But all over the net everyone seems to quote this movie, that and I got the feeling it must be some kinda cult movie thing that only hipsters like. So it was on TV and I decided to watch some it. WOW. its terrible. its not funny. its no different then any other stupid will ferrel comedy, which means its basically ferrel screaming and acting stupid, more screaming, over reacting that wasn't very funny at all in the first place. I couldn't stand him on SNL, and I cant stand him now. he is NOT a "comedic genius" in the same way andy kaufmen is not. both were known for being really stupid and there was not even a whiff of intelligence in there comedy. Now, think about some truly great comedic actors, like Bill Murray. That guy is hilarious no matter WHAT he does. Yes, bill was also guilty of acting like an idiot but that was VERY early in his career and even when he WAS acting stupid, he was still 100% more funny and fun to watch then anything will Ferrell has ever done. Bill Murray is great because he can be funny but then be emotional and someone you feel for. He can be funny one minute and serious the next. Scrooged is a perfect example. Ferrell clearly does not have that kind of range as an actor, and if THIS crap is supposed to be for Ferrell what Groundhog day is to bill Murray, then I must concur with the other poster who said this is the Death of Good Comedy. somewhere in the 2000's comedy got painfully unfunny with VERY few exceptions. What's interesting is that I watched the first 2 teenage mutant ninja turtle movies from the 90's with my Girlfriend recently (having never seen them before) and almost busted my ribs laughing at some of the stuff in those movies. yet an actual "comedy" like this made me laugh not even once, instead it only made me think "well THAT was gross" and "ew, people really find this crap funny? Have peoples standards gotten this low?". Another movie that is somehow popular and stupid that I hate is super troopers. what's the deal with these junk movies? not funny, not funny, and NOT FUNNY! enough with Ferrell, put him in a cage and throw away the key already.
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A comic book film thats not afraid to BE a comic book film
14 August 2013
I am astonished looking at the reviews I'm reading here "reviewing" this movie. hm, more like bashing it. I've never seen a more pompous bunch of self righteous internet morons then the ones you see within the superhero fanboy community, Especially now in aftermath of the Chris Nolan "dark knight" movies (more like Dork knight). I have never seen a series of supposed "superhero" movie's take itself so damn seriously in my life. Did Nolan forget these movies are about a guy in a cape who dresses like a freaking BAT? I mean, yes we have to believe in it to some degree, but there's only so far you can go with trying to "legitimize" a comic book superhero. For crying out loud, he made the batmobile into a tank. A TANK! my Lord, that's the dumbest thing ever.

So, here we have Batman Forever, a favorite childhood film of mine that I must have watched a million times on video along with the other 2 batman films. Its a film that does NOT take itself ultra seriously, a visual feast for the eyes and senses. It can indulge in its over the top comic book origins and knows how to have fun with it. People saying batman has to always be dark and beating criminals up to a bloody pulp are ignorant and have not seen or read many comic books, as this film is purposely taking its cue from the 40's and 50's comics which has sillier humorous elements but still were taking itself seriously. This is the BLOCKBUSTER batman that was much needed after the pretty depressing if misunderstood Batman Returns. This was wild summer entertainment in that year of 1995, everything was so great. Jim Carrey was at the top of his game with the ace ventura films, the Mask, dumb and dumber and is a riot as the Riddler. Tommy Lee Jones is a clearly having a blast as two-face, Nicole kidman has never ever been sexier then she is here. Val Kilmer may not be as quirky cool as Michael Keaton, but he looks great in the suit and is very physical, and batman has 2 of them in this movie including the "sonar" suit. Robin is brought in, and done convincingly well, not a corny Burt Ward robin at all. Pity he went from tough vengeful crime fighter to corny goofball in the next one, but here he is as a modern robin should be, tough with a sense of humor and not at all a goofball so its you can take him seriously.

Gotham city is vibrant and lit up for the first time, which looks pretty spectacular. Batmans got a host of new rides including a more supped up batmobile with what I always thought was really neat blue lights through the ribbing, as well as a new batboat and batplane. The action scenes are incredible, things like the batmobile climbing up the wall, the bat boat and bat plane riding to claw island, batman and robin running into the bat signal. The iconic moments are there and it makes the film hugely enjoyable. unlike the recent overly serious drivel, this is a comic book film that's not at all afraid of being a comic book film. No attempt to be anything more the an amazing action adventure fantasy and it can be enjoyed by pretty much anyone. I watched this as a kid, loved it then, love it now. Saw the new ones and went what the hell did they do to my favorite superhero? Sad day.

The "complaints" that you read about all the time by the nerds are, well, stupid. Yes, stupid. They cry the usual same mantra they have for years, "batnipples!" and "neon!", when the fact is, who REALLY cares about these things when actually watching the film? Do these minor details really destroy the entire film for these unfortunate people? Well, despite the losers down rating this, the fact is the film was hugely successful back in the day and most people still seem to enjoy it, and why not? It a very easy film to watch and its not SO kiddy as to block off all adult watchers. Comic book movies trying to be as realistic and dumb as they have been, I look at it like what a waste. The Batman film's used to be fun, inventive, wild and imaginative, as evidenced in this film. They filled the kid's as well as the adults with a sense of awe and wonder. Now hes a bore, catering to a society that has lost all sense of creativity and imagination. I think they should have stopped at Batman & Robin, because they are not getting any better, only worse.
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Enter the Matrix (2003 Video Game)
One of the all time best Movie-based games ever made
27 July 2013
Seriously, if your a fan of the matrix and you love movie based games done well, then this is the game for you. Yes it is true, this is more for movie/matrix fans then it is for the hardcore gamer. I fall into the former category, I am not or ever will be a "hardcore" gamer. I am a movie fan more, and I did really enjoy the matrix movies, so being able to do bullet time in slow mo, dressed in some slick duds with sunglasses and visiting matrix 1 environments, evading agent smith clones, all the while watching a story made exclusively for the game that ties into the movie, its just a great experience and a fun one. You really do feel you are in the movie world of the matrix, the same creepy vibe you get in films is evident in the game, much more then the other matrix game "path of neo". I thought the graphics were exceptional and well done, even though other reviewers say it looks "rushed", think about it, the game had to tie into the release of the movie and if it at times looks like that, which is rare, it still doesn't look "bad". not at all. this was before xbox 360 graphics and such, so its commendable what they accomplished with this game. Its very interesting story and you can play as 2 characters, and each has different and unique abilities the other doesn't have. 2 different stories, alternate outcomes. its very cool, plain and simple. I've never before or since seen a movie based game done this well or had so much effort put into it.
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Land of the Lost (1991–1992)
Fun kids show from the 90's, my childhood!
18 July 2013
funny thing is, I never forgot about this show, and im 26 now. the theme song would get stuck in my head randomly. however I happen to be in the library recently that has a lot of older videos, and I couldn't believe I see a videotape of this show that had 2 episodes on it. needless to say, I grabbed it and watched it when I came home. holy moly, that intro REALLY brought back waves of memories that I had almost forgotten. that theme song still catchy as ever! of course with my adult eyes I can see just how cheesy the show is, especially the acting, like that teen kevin with is LA 'tude but it was still great to see this awesome hilarious kids show as an adult and it sure was nostalgic to see it! now I've seen tim bottoms in many different things but I always knew him first as the father from land of the lost.

I've never seen or heard of a 70's version of this show as I was a 90's kid so I only know this version. I looked up the 70's version out of curiosity and jeeeeez I didn't think it could be sillier then the 90's version but my my, it is much worse. plus the 90's version had Christa, and that automatically raises it for having a hot babe.

all in all, I have such fond memories of watching this show with these characters, this was in a time when kids shows were allowed to be a little silly and cheesy, usually had some kind of moral or message and weren't trying to be all super sassy and attitude problems like they do today. this was in the golden age of nickelodeon, and sadly you wont see something this silly and charming today because everything sucks today, and that's not just my opinion.
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One Fine Day (1996)
A modern relationship that will make you want to stay single
14 July 2013
I was watching this movie mainly because I love Michelle pfieffer, shes my dream woman and one of my favorite actresses. But this movie just showed messed up lives of 2 single ultra busy parents. All they did through the entire film was run around, worried all the time, hectic beyond measure, dealing with a bunch of jerks, dealing with there kids. it just was too much. there was little to no romance except at the very end but the rest of the time pfieffer and Clooney are bitter, bickering, looking the other way all the time, talking on cell phones and it just lacked any real warmth between the 2. this isn't supposed to be frankie and johnny but it seems more like the PG13 version of that movie. perhaps some parts of it were funny, the rest of it was just a reminder of why I am glad I 1. am not a single parent 2. glad I don't live in the city with all these creeps 3. don't have to deal with all these super pressures with kids attached to the hip. everyone has'em, but it just made me kinda sad that both these people are divorced and just kinda draggin these kids around with no other parent to help them out. I mean, I understand the divorce rate is high today, but I would have rather seen a story of a divorced couple getting back together then these super busy workaholic dopes who have to drag there kids along every 2 minutes. they need both a mother and a father, not just one or the other being dragged around like rag dolls everywhere they go. Dad goes to work, mom stays home to raise the kids. this is ideally how it should be. not in this day and age apparently. this movie was in its own way showing the ridiculous stupid reality of today and was quite frankly depressing to witness. you don't get the feeling Clooney and pfieffers characters were going to be together very long after the credits role.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
I can't believe these women can eat with that mouth
5 July 2013
This is completely disgusting. I am a pretty open minded person, but I do feel that people should have some kind of decency, dignity and class in life. OK so I'm a bit of a conservative, nothing wrong with that! Especially when it comes to women. What ever happened to the sweet, kind and decent human beings we used to know as women, especially on TV? they have been replaced with these horrible bratish selfish whores. I was flipping through the channels once at a friends house who has cable, and I happened upon this show. I knew what it was right away because of Sarah Jessica parker. I had only known her previously from that fantastic kids scary movie "Hocus Pocus". She was actually much cuter in that movie. Here, along a 3 other women, she is part of a group total, complete sluts. yeah, SLUTS. anyone who has any mind at all can see this is what they are. Are they serious about calling this show a great example of "womens liberation"? huh? its downright degrading and I'm a man, but a man who respects women too much to see them lowering themselves to such a base level of filth. I seriously hope women are not really like this in real life. The episode I saw, Kim cattral who is the the #1 hoe bag of the show, is talking about masturbating to a priest. its absolutely shameful, to say the least. downright disgusting. I recall a quote from Donna Reed, talking about her popular 60's program "The Donna Reed Show", where she said "We have proved on our show that the public really does want to see a healthy woman, not a girl, not a neurotic, not a sexpot...I am so fed up with immature 'sex' and stories about kooky, amoral, sick women." If Donna Reed were alive today, she would be at a loss for words what is allowed to be on TV today, especially this particular show. If she thought it was bad back then, she didn't have any idea what todays idea of the "modern woman" would be. Its actually quite disturbing.

In the end, if your a decent human being of any kind that has any regard towards women's well being, I would strongly advice against this program with all my heart and soul. Its truly the true definition of garbage. I'm glad the show is over, but its not enough. It should be tossed into a huge bonfire and burn up into the nothingness if spawned from.
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A childhood favorite, and a misunderstood classic
4 July 2013
Ah, heres a movie I remember fondly from my childhood. Man I had it all, the toys, the McDonald's happy meal toys (not to mention those cool large plastic McDonald's cups my mom bought me) the sega video game, the trading cards, the t shirts, the batmobile candy dispensers, all kinds of neat merch based on the movie. of course in retrospect, this is not at all a kids movie, despite the fact its batman and was aimed at kids who bought happy meals. but that doesn't mean its not a great movie. not every superhero movie has to cater strictly to the kids. nevertheless, my 6 year old self was too in love with batman to care about how dark it was, I still loved anything and everything having to do with my favorite superhero and I must have watched this movie, along with the other 2 movies (1989 batman and batman forever) a zillion times on video.

here's the premise. Batman truly does Return in this sequel to the 1989 mega hit, and this time hes better then ever. hes got some new toys (like the electronic self-targeting Baterang), vehicles and even has 2 new classic villains to contend with.

penguin is a classic Tim Burton character in this one, but that can only be a good thing. in this movie, Burton makes the characters very ambiguous. is the penguin really half animal, half human? is cat woman part cat, part woman? these questions never really get answered. personally, i don't believe they are part animal at all. the penguin is all human albeit a VERY deformed and ugly one, and is only called Penguin because of his deformities. Catwoman is always human but the whole "9 lives" thing makes it ambiguous whether she has supernatural powers or whether shes just very lucky. its debatable. Batman is the only normal guy in this. in fact, Keaton being the calm cool hero both as Bruce Wayne and batman, grounds the movie and keeps it together whereas the 2 villains are completely crazy and psychotic nut cases. it seemed Keaton didn't have it all together in the last movie, he had a a lot of demons to fight with, but by the end you got the feeling he found his purpose in life, now that hes got a bat-signal and the law on his side. so naturally, in this one he seems more together and knows what hes doing. its the villains who are not together and have all these obvious mental problems, so much so that they actually make batman look normal. if it was anyone else playing batman, it wouldn't have worked. but Michael Keaton has a unique screen presence that when he puts on the bat suit, he literally IS batman and lets face it, no one before or since has had the manly swagger that Michael Keaton had as batman. he was a bit older, getting some greys, was this sort of gruff everyman but has this seriousness and "normal guy" look that makes you take him seriously as batman. other actors who have played batman seem too pretty boy or hand picked and thus don't feel real. Keaton is like the everyman normal looking 40 year old gruff guy and he demands you take him seriously. this is a very artsy film, compared to its blockbuster brother from 1989, which was basically a cut-&-dry blockbuster action/adventure. but it really didn't have any emotion or depth to it, despite Keaton's sincere efforts. Thats where Returns comes in. all the characters are very interesting and in a way, they all echo Batman. Catwoman is the dark vigilante side of him, while the Penguin shows what Bruce Wayne could have been if he turned bitter against the world.

I've heard many ppl say that this batman film is not really about Batman himself, and that too much attention is given to the villains, but i will say again, its not a bad thing, and doesn't ruin this film. batman himself is really not a very interesting character when you think about it. hes essentially a guy who's see's his parents get killed as a kid, he trains for X years, then decides to becomes batman for revenge purposes. OK. thats it. there's no more to it really. certainly not something i want to watch for a whole 2 hours. i really didn't see a point in making a whole movie about his origin a couple years ago, i think it was a waste. i was always kinda hoping they would bring back the Burton style of filmaking for batman movies, or maybe even get Burton back to direct. but alas, we got something that felt like a lesser version of the 1989 film. sad. but hey, we always have the Tim Burton films to enjoy. those, IMO, captured the real batman, beyond the facade of "comic book" movie looks (which, in Burton's case, is actually a good thing). as far as i'm concerned, Burton is the only guy to have directed Batman movies. hes the only one who i believed truly understood batman, as you can see in his various films. the other directors never it. they just don't get batman. they only got him as a character, thats it. but Burton KNEW batman, he understood his plight in life, and the darkness inherent in the material. thats why this is to me, the best, and most personal, Batman film. it shows batman, and his villains, at there most raw. they are all hurt individuals, and thats what makes this film so powerful. this is what a batman film should be. serious, witty, playful, phycological, and DARK. while still retaining the comic book style that we all expect. this film also paved the way for the wonderful Batman: The Animated Series, which also shares Tim Burton's dark, Gothic look and feel from both of his Batman films. it even uses the same theme!
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Batman Returns (1992 Video Game)
Great fun game based on the movie!
4 July 2013
Movie based games get a bad rap but there are some that are really awesome and this is one of them. I personally don't mind even a "bad" movie based title, its just fun to be able to play as one of your favorite superheroes and kick lots of bad guy arse. but this is actually one of the exceptions where the game is very well done, we're talking a 20 year old game here! Batman Returns is one of my favorite comic book films, in fact its in my top 3, and that's saying something since we are now living in a time where comic book movies are a dime a dozen, similar to how horror/slasher movies were in the 80's. however the originals are still the best IMO. however we are here to talk about the video game.

Its pretty much your standard side scroller kick punch type of game, but its got some gorgeous scenery and really captures the style elements of the film, from the Christmas setting, Shrecks store signs everywhere, and even the very eerie opening of the movie is replicated here with snow falling, the music is ripped straight from Danny elf mans fantastic score, only "digitized" for the game. the levels definitely get an A+ design wise because it truly captures the look and feel of the movie, its as if the movie were shrunk down into a video game. the cut scenes are also pretty fantastic, with cutouts of the movie characters put into the game to tell the story the "old fashioned" way where you had to read it. ah, I miss these kind of games, you had to use your head and read a bit. character models are straight out of the movie, from Batman's new suit to the clowns and the skeleton motorcycle guys, its very faithful to the movie and is easily one of the best looking movie based games out there. the gameplay is fun and easy to get hooked, punching and kicking at rapid speed. cat woman and penguin are naturally tough to beat but the game looks and plays so great, it keeps you wanting to come back for more.

overall this I a must if your a batman fan, a fan of the film, or just like well done superhero beatemup games. I'm a fan of all 3. I actually grew up with the sega genesis version, which was actually pretty good, but graphics wise the SNES version blows the sega version out of the water. This was a multi platform game, so there were many wholly different versions of the game, the Sega CD Batman Returns game was more of a driving game, the Gensis version was more of a normal adventure game, and the SNES was a great side scroller beat'em up game. all good in there own way, but SNES versions tops them all. still great after all these years which is amazing considering the giant leap in graphics detail.
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Man of Steel (2013)
A joyless experience, Christopher Reeve is rolling in his grave
3 July 2013
This is why i didn't even bother paying to see this stupid movie, I got a free ticket. all the movies today, even superhero movies, have sunk so low. they are all about stripping the heroes of everything that makes them good and generally awesome, and making them "gritty" and "dark". cmon, that's just stupid. cant BELIEVE they had the nerve to bring back a character that only Terence stamp is worthy to play. there wasn't even KNEEEEEEEEL BEFORE ZOD! it was just pathetic. i didn't like the new Batman's for the same reason i cannot enjoy this movie. they are all too serious, too lame, and no heart. I only went cuz a friend of mine wanted to see it, but judging from Nolan's name being attached to it, I knew all too well what to expect. I will never let a friend make me watch a movie i do not want to watch ever again after this! i will stick with the Chris reeve movies and the 50's superman TV show with George reeve if i need my superman fix. those are the TRUE representations of the character, and yes i even liked Superman Returns, which was a fitting end to the saga that Reeve started. "man of steel" wont be getting any praise from me.
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Dark Shadows (1991)
Awful "remake" of the classic 60's series
2 July 2013
I understand what they were trying to do with this, trying to make this a higher budget more coherent version of the 60's show, but geeeez, I really couldn't stand it. I must agree with the other reviewer who said the actresses on this show aren't nearly as beautiful as the ones from the 60's especially Josette. Was there ever a question as to why this "revival" show has been forgotten but the 60's/70's soap opera is still talked about to this day? The original show had a certain special charm to it, yes it was a bit goofy and yes it had some over the top acting and some ridiculous plots, but...that's what made the show entertaining and fun to watch! I cant imagine dark shadows without all those wonderful overacting stage actors and constant flubs. it makes the show very memorable even if it was unintentional. ben cross does not at all have the charisma or likability that Johnathen Frid had. in fact he flat out irritated me. He was too handsome and I don't know, BBC actor-ish. the older cast of the this revival was not bad, though I couldn't help thinking that barbera steele though would have been great in the original DS as some kinda ghoul.

The fact is, Dark Shadows was a product of its time. it worked much better in the 60's and 70's when it was made. it had this goofy charm but also had compelling story lines. This new one just had me shaking my head. it was too polished, too serious, and had none of the stage-like performances. this is why I actually enjoyed the recent Tim Burton movie, because it was great how they tried to recreate the campy over the top fun of the 60's show and decided to not take itself too seriously, and they even had it take place in the 70's, which is the time period the show was made. it actually felt much more "dark shadows" because of that feel, and felt like the 60's show more.

The one thing I DO wish they would do is bring a show like this back to todays modern television, but NOT using DS characters or stories, but a good Gothic horror show taking place in the past, similar to DS. Lord knows we need some class and sophistication brought back to the vampire genre, and enough with these today hip hyper sexual teen garbage like "true blood" "vampire diaries" and the like. utter nonsense when compared to Dark Shadows.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Whats with the fascination with zombies, vampires, etc etc as of late?
30 March 2013
I happen to be at a friends house and a commercial for this show comes on. Wow. all I can say is, are they really allowed to show this kind of gory stuff on TV these days? that looks pretty disgusting. are the kids sleeping when this comes on? i hope so. maybe I have been without cable too long, but me and my family haven't had cable in our house for quite a few years now, due to the fact that cable has become literally a cesspool of garbage and TV is not at all what it once was. its gotten really bad. The last time I actually "watched a show", meaning when a new episode came on I was there to watch it, was probably in the 90's. come the 2000's and it seemed, like the music industry, to just dry up and become a disgusting wasteland of mindless garbage. from the media and some people I know, I hear about shows like this and mad men, modern family, etc. I see commercials or something for these shows and all I can do is shake my head and sigh. THIS is the crap people watch now? yeesh. I think ill just stick with the older classics from the 50's to the 90's, from bonanza, any Griffith & I dream of genie, to little house on the prairie to the odd couple, even who's the boss and the A team, and right up to family matters and the fresh prince of Bel air, even 7th heaven. THAT was quality TV. family shows are missing from todays TV big time, and everything is so damn liberal minded now. I almost feel like its more a propaganda pieces now then heartwarming entertainment. now we have shows about zombies and bloody corpses, and vampires that have sex. seriously? glad I don't have the cable, seems like I'm not missing a thing.
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Very true and refreshing view of the "swinging sixties", eye opening
22 January 2013
I just watched this and I gotta say, this was a refreshing take on this popular decade. People cant seem to get away from this time period. Sure it had change but like the recent Obama debacle, not all change is good and this is what the video pointed out. As a conservative I do not have this rose colored view of the 60's and my mother, who grew up during this time, didn't either. People, usually the hippies or young wannabe's, will cite things like "ooh this decade had the best music and all the sexual revolution and stuff!" as they cough there lungs out from all the weed and drugs they took. um, thats actually why we are living in the rotting world of today. Most of the idiots who were in charge of this rebellion of the youth were the drugged out dopes who played in bands like the rolling stones, the doors etc. This doc showed the chaos of the times and that the 60's culture actually did more harm later then good. It was actually pretty depressing to see how things just got worse, from architecture to music and film, crime rates soaring, to the generally godless and material culture we have lived in ever since, and yes it was and is getting worse and worse, makes one question "when will it end and/or start getting better?". So when did the rot of the modern day start? The 40s? The 30s? I suppose you can always keep going back. But the 1960s was the first obvious symptom of nihilistic decadence in the West. Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" captures the spirit of the 60s, portraying a place that's lost all of its values. To use a metaphor: the 60s was the point when the snowball turned into an avalanche. Those left-wing hippies weren't ''innocent''. They ''infiltrated'' later on the politics, the media, government facilities, education systems, music business etc. So they had and still have an important role in the destruction and decline of todays society, moral, culture and dignity. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this brief yet glorified moment in time is more a sham then anything. The "swinging 60's" was more a disturbing time then anything, one that while it may have had some, SOME decent music/films within its pop culture(the Kinks, Batman, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Dark Shadows come to mind:), doesn't make up for just about every other social deconstruction it caused in its wake. Of course it was only after the fact years even decade's later that people finally started to open their eyes and went "what have we DONE" but by then it was too late, the damage was too perpetrated in our society and culture. This documentary is definitely worth checking out for a different and honest look at the 1960's that will dare you to remove the rose colored glasses your hippie parents gave you and take a real, honest look at the cultural shift that changed the world.
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South Park (1997– )
One of the worst "things" to ever happen to TV
16 January 2013
I remember as a kid, when this first came out in the late 90's, and I think it was kind of a naughty thing to watch that our young minds didn't quite get, in the same way the early SNL was to our parents. but this....this is about 1000 times worse in its content then probably any TV show ever created before it, even the Simpson's. when i finally "grew up" i saw this show for what it really is. at first i think we all thought because its a cartoon and its a little bit more adult its still kinda funny. but of course they went into religion bashing, racist jokes, ethnic jokes of all kinds, blasphemous language and plots, especially the whole devil and Jesus thing, was so completely wrong. i never like to say this but I've never seen 2 guys so willingly wanting to go to hell. this is what happens when perverts get free reign on television. i read one "hate" post below that said the reasons they hated the show Weren't because they were a "fine nurtured person who is grossed out by loads of swearing, vulgarity and ironical morbidness of this show". well, I am that person. I was raised in a Christian home and had a great mother who taught me the ways to be a good honest person in life and not to be a foul mouthed moron like many others out there who have no life including those who created this show. not saying I'm Mr. Perfect by any means, but trying to live to the standards set by God the best to my ability. but at some point you have to open your eyes to the sick culture your in and give a critique of it. i mean look at how far we've come. we went from TV shows like "i love Lucy", genuine Christian based shows on national TV like "little house on the prairie", corny yet fun, child safe action shows from the 80's like Macgyver and A team. then in the 90's we saw just how much you can show on TV and just how much you can get away with on TV. faux kid looking shows like The Simpsons i never got into because it was the precursor to the crude nasty shows like south park and family guy, only a little bit lighter and not nearly as crude or offensive, though it did come close. but i still found it unsettling. then the big one, south park, that ushered in a whole generation of nasty, foul mouthed piggish kids and complete lack of morality. seeing absolute crap shows like this and looking back at the shows of yesteryear, its a sad, sad reminder of how far down the toilet bowl our culture has gone and even scarier about where its going. there is some sinister work being done in the media today to undermine God and common decency and have complete and utter chaos sweep our once great society. i hope people will wake up soon and realize what junk we have been feeding our culture for many years now and that we need a return to decency and morality on television, not to mention our society.
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Has the world gone insane?
19 November 2012
This is my big question as of late when reading the rave reviews for this super-overrated trash heap. When people start comparing this to REAL masterpieces like "Lord of the Rings", thats where i have to draw the line. i mean seriously what the hell is wrong with these people. thankfully I'm not alone in feeling this way. and its a shame because I've been a batman fan all my life, ever since i first saw the brilliant 1989 Batman with Keaton and nicholson, 2 of my favorite actors. the film was and is magical. it defined what a Comic Book movie should be. i saw and loved all of the subsequent sequels, except the 4th film, obviously. and yes i love Adam wests hilarious portrayal as well. but even that 4th camp entry with Ahnuld was more watchable then these new ones. yes, i will take my bat credit card (exp date: Forever) right to the bank before i will watch TDK again. now its sad because i cant say im a batman fan without having to explain to people why i cant stand the new movies. i constantly have to say "oh i love the batman movies, the ORIGINAL movies, but not the new ones". its gets tiring. on top of all this, the fans/nerds of these films have created almost a cult like following who seem to literally worship nolan and his *lack of* vision. hes no tim burton. he doesn't have the style OR substance. i saw Batman Begins and thought it was just OK, but disappointing. i saw TDK back when it first came out. i, like most everyone else, was bought by the hype. but after seeing it twice, i came to the conclusion that most fans will not agree with: THIS IS NOT A BATMAN FILM. call it a crime drama. call it a Heat remake, but please don't have the nerve to call it a batman film, because its just not. more then that, its completely humorless and with not even a hint of comedy, unless you count the really stupid cop lines "i didn't sign up for this!" JEEEZ. thats bad. actually it was the lines that were unintentionally bad like "NO MO DEAD COPZ!". *rolles eye*.

But what gets me is those that review this movie that its a great comic book adaptation. couldn't be further from the truth. a superhero movie to be good, has to actually at least somewhat resemble the comics. nolan looks to completely set his movies apart from the other ones that he completely misses the point and the fun of batman. "i will make my batman feel smart and intellectual". however all he does is make very long, boring, drab, serious movies that never acknowledge the fact that its about a man dressed in a halloween costume. thats what upset me more then anything else. it doesn't even have the word "batman" in the title! i think the director was playing it safe to an extent in the first one, which did at times feel more like a batman film, whereas this one felt like little more then an elongated episode of "law and order". look, i know CSI is popular on TV these days, but it doesn't belong in a batman film. when i think of batman, i think, BIG action, COOL batmobile, wacky, colorful villains and big bombastic musical score. BIG. every things gotta be big. thats what you got with the original films. this movie however is like batman on a budget. i could get this same lame average car chases from an episode of 24. but in a batman movie, every things supposed to be a heightened reality and more fantastical and like a comic book. pure escapism. but no, not this version. this is what I've come to call the "dull" batman. nothing about nolan's vision excites me, from the modern-day urban-grit makeover, to the facile 24 style anti-terrorist plots, to the uninspired flatly staged action scenes. according to most bat fans, nolan's is the best comic-book adaptation of all time, yet I can find nothing in these movies that is fascinated by its comic book sources and the films simply read to me as an uninspired extension of the modern "realistic gritty" action movie although it suffers by comparison from a lack of earnestness or gleefulness. not only is the direction all wrong, but its got NO good action scenes. what little action there is, is completely dull. batman rides that fugly tank thing to chase joker. he goes to hong Kong. nice. then he uses everyones cell phones (more stupid cell phone propaganda) to locate joker and then proceeds to get the crap beat out of him BY joker. then he rescues him! HAHA. the movie is so stupid. joker never got the beating he wholly deserved. the message of the film is disgusting and depressing, if you can even figure it out amidst all the constant psychobabble thats thrown around. two face was a write-off, reduced to a cameo, a footnote for what is usually a very cool villain. tommy lee Jones may have been a bit hammy, but he was damn entertaining! this version, like the film itself, is instantly forgettable. why is it taking everyone so long to take off the emperors new clothes? this movie is abysmal and the fact so many people enjoy it so much says something gravely disturbing about society. i think people need to wake up, go to church, rekindle there soul and get away from this overly serious mumbo jumbo. why so serious is right, only i want to ask the director that. these movies only inspire death and killings. you never heard this happening with the original batman movies. now look. pretty scary. but im sure this will only inspire holly-weird to make even MORE of these dark depressing soulless hype machines that will only inspire more killings and so on and so on.
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Sex & the Single Mom (2003 TV Movie)
A sad portrayel of a godless generation and dysfunctional families
10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
im watching this movie, and it occurs to me that everything in this movie is just wrong. i don't mean just the main female characters problems, i mean EVERYBODY. everyones separated. going to God to help with problems, or trying to live the right way as God intended, is nowhere to be seen. the redheaded neighbor of the lead mom is one of those stupid free thinking former-hippie loose types that lets her son have sex as long as "its in the house". the conversation the lead mom has and says "what kind of parenting is this?" is spot on. that redhead mom is just creepy in her thinking. she then is all for the mom going through an abortion and is "shocked" when the mom says shes going to have the baby. as if its a weird thing to want to have a baby? i felt like that woman belonged in an episode of the twilight zone. then the redhead says the history teacher shes banging is going to move in. hmmm, ever just consider MARRIAGE you dirty hippy? the main character mother,i forget all there names, the blonde...she has more sense then anyone else in this ridiculous movie. she has the right idea, but made a mistake by giving into lust with a man she THOUGHT was single and divorced from his wife and would want to be with her. the guy who she was with just wanted sex in the end which is so typical. even though he uses the word "love" he still goes back to his wife and kids, WHICH would have noble IF he had not chosen to sleep with this blonde while out of town. to me that was a douchey move.

the dad of danielle panabaker seems like a nice guy but it makes me upset that No one in this movie seems to have tried to make the marriage work. from the sounds of it, it looks as if they all just had shotgun weddings and then a few years down the road just gave up. if any of these people in this movie tried to live as the Bible says and asked Christ for help and guidance, waited for marriage to have sexual intercourse, made sure they really loved the person to begin with, and REALLY TRIED to make the marriage work, well i don't think there would be any reason for this movie because these people would have stayed married and thus, no drama. but God is never spoken of, seems no one goes to church at all, and even Christmas time seems empty and joyless because these peoples lives are...empty and joyless. speaking of which, what kind of "Christmas" party is THAT? that looked more like a perversion of Christmas, people dancing, sex and swimming and bump and grind? eeesh, how terrible. the daughter, as typical of teenage idiots, wants the hot-but-jerky-douchebag guy and then finds him and her best friend doing it at the party! and then she feels "crushed" and surprised when the fact is her guy friend told her repeatedly how much of a jerk the guy is? seriously, this was pathetic. question: why is ANYONE shocked that anyone is cheating with anyone else? the movie seems chockful of cheaters and promiscuity. the kids are snots and just mean, the "rivalry" even between the very young stepmother of danielle panabaker is pretty nasty, and the movie in general gives you a sad view of life without God, without hope or without faith. no one trying to make things work, no one answers to a Higher Power, and thus, as should be expected, NOTHING works out in the end for these people. just sad.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman suck!
1 November 2012
you heard right. the Nolan series has been one long, very boring ride through Gotham and seeing as the latest lame entry is the last, I'm looking forward to what i hope will be a more comic book -like reboot that takes its cue from the earlier films. I'm a fan of the original trilogy, er, series of films because of there creativity, looked closer to the source material, and just plain fun. they were exciting and entertaining superhero films. Tim Burton's first 2 and the not quite as good but still loads of fun 2 entry's from Joel Schumacher. even B&R was watchable because it was damn entertaining.

i will admit, when i first saw this movie i thought it was good, but that was seeing it in the theater for the first time. its always different in the theater. but when i saw it a second time, i was actually bored outta my mind. that it didn't feel like a batman film is spot on. no bat-themed vehicles, the all-star cast didn't do anything other then show "hey, look i'm Michael Caine! i know i shouldn't even BE in a batman film, but, well, here i am, chewing up screen time but not really contributing to the film anyways!!". and that goes for everyone else as well. Gary Oldman was good as Gordon with what he had to work with, but he was hardly in the film so what does that tell ya. the batmobile was the worst batmobile i have ever seen. when did the batmobile become a tank? seriously. and the whole "realism" thing really brang the film down, made it seem like your typical action popcorn flick, not a BATMAN film. very disappointed.

the villains were silly. i laughed at Watanabe when he spoke. IMO he had potential to be a great villain but was wasted. instead we got Liam Neeson doing a bad guy version of Qui Gon Jinn from star wars. lame. the whole plot near the end with that sci-fi thingamajig was stupid and batman gliding around looked lame because it was already done *better* in Batman Returns.

the fight editing in this film made me almost throw up because the camera movement is terrible. one moment you see a guys arm raise up like hes gonna hit someone, the next moment that guys leg is going up in the air. does that make any sense? no, it doesn't. but that shows just how bad the fights are in this film. i recently watched Batman Forever and i must say, the fight sequence in the beginning with batman fighting the two face thugs near the elevator is probably one of the best batman fight sequences made because it was fast, intense, and most importantly, you can SEE whats going on without having your head in a daze. if this new film had something like that, it would be a winner. but sadly, it does not. just a few quick random cuts of nothing but feet and hands doing who knows what.

in the end, its really just a superficial pile of doodoo with too much self importance about it being "dark" and "realistic" when its really just your average action movie no different from a James bond flick (which, btw, the new one stunk as well). but if your looking for a BATMAN movie, gadgets, fun, cool villains and visually appealing, this isn't it.

want my advice? pass on this snooze-fest and see a REAL Batman film like the first 2 fantastic Tim Burton movies and even check out those 2 films offspring, the great Batman: The Animated Series.
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Best comedy of the decade
24 August 2012
The only thing that made me laugh harder at the theater than the "drama" foisted upon the audience was the subset of audience members themselves who actually took this seriously. the last batman movie i saw in theaters was 15 years ago. i did enjoy the original films. they were always usually pretty fun and entertaining and i thought maybe this would be similar. i hadnt seen the other 2 movies in this newer set all the way through before seeing this so i didn't get what exactly was going on, but all sequels usually aren't connected with the previous ones all that much, but i guess this one was. In all seriousness, I've never laughed so hard at a film that tried to take itself this seriously. the comic book feel of the other films has vanished completely and instead we are given a very bland, boring, "average" movie that really doesn't feel much like anything batman-related. i cant believe the rating for this movie! its utterly ridiculous. my guess is its the hype and hype alone. the movie itself is instantly forgettable and i hope whatever other movies they make go back to the old style of batmans, not this law and order rubbish. my advice is this movie is a total waste of 2 hours and if you want a real good batman movie watch the tim burton movies from the 90's. oh and the val kilmer one too:)
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