
18 Reviews
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My favorite of the 3 movies
9 January 2004
I have to say that without a doubt, this movie is my personal favorite of the 3 movies in the trilogy. Why? I love the tension and overall sense of gloom the actors, and more noteably, the score portray for us. Rohan seems like it would normally be a beautiful, bright, happy place, but a dark shadow has fallen over it. Very well done in this sense. Sometimes, it is just dreadfully quiet as the actors deliver their lines with just a hint of music in the background. When Eomer delivers the line...."Do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands." it still gives me goose bumps. Same with Theoden as he conveys his sense of being alone in this fight at Helm's Deep to Aragorn..."Yes, my Lord Aragorn, we ARE alone." Awesome....

Some other awesome things I loved about this movie:

-Gimli is hilarious...him and Legolas also interact well -The Uruks are just some bad mothers...I love them and hate them -The Battle of Helm's Deep is so tense and nervy...not to mention great action -Boromir flashback by Faramir was incredible, and necessary -Gollum......enough said -PO-TA-TOES!!! I love that scene...still cracks me up. -The Nazgul on the fell beasts are scary! -The dead marshes totally creep me out...well done -The Ents attacking Isengard was one of the coolest things to watch

-Even though totally fabricated...I love the warg scene -Every scene in Rohan was great, I can't say enough about the score and awesome actng by Theoden, Eomer, Aragorn, and Gandalf -LOVE the cliff hanger ending and the closing credits music -The EE adds SO MUCH to this movie...every extra scene works for me -this movie has GREAT comic relief (Eowyn's stew comes to mind, and everything out of Gimli's mouth)

I think I'll watch it again tonight
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good points
27 August 2003
What made me laugh more and more is that little pis$ed off dragon. It made the movie as far as I'm concerned. The movie took a while to get going, but it grew on me......but I'm easily entertained. In the realm of kids movies, I'd probably give it a 6/10. Definitely enjoyable.
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8 August 2003
Who wrote this script? What a P.O.S. I felt like I was sitting through one long boring poetry reading. I'm getting p***ed thinking about it. Unless you want cheesy dialogue with Soap Opera like pauses for "effect".....then avoid this stinker. Worse than Gettysburg (I didn't think that was possible).

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I liked the dog
11 March 2003
I'm a sucker for animal humor and (Bryant?) reminds me of my dog. Hilarious. Also, that aside, I had a hunch this would just be a harmless, fun movie, and it was. a solid 6/10 in my book. Reese's mother irritates at first but grows on you later. Anyone with a southern, conservative mother (like myself) can relate.
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Worth viewing for the final scene...
4 February 2003
...during the credits. Biggs and the Victoria's Secret models have a "rip-roaring" time. I was howling, that was so funny. I know, I know, grow up, right. Nah. Otherwise, this movie was pretty average, with spot funny parts. I give it a 5/10, but definitely watch the credits.
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Laughed so hard I lost my voice
26 November 2002
Man, I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG TIME! Very cool movie. A fellow reprobate called me at work and started quoting the movie, and since I have no impulse control, laughed hysterically again. I'm still crying. Maybe it's the allergy medication? No, it was funny.


"Tiger....Tiger...Birdy...Bird.....I AM A POWERFUL MAGICIAN!! Your clothes are red."

"And who DO you rule? The large, dark-nipple people?"

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Varsity Blues (1999)
football endings
17 September 2002
Why do all football movies have to end on the impossible dream of a trick play, against all odds, no time left, no time outs, etc? (SIGH!!)) Oh well, with that said, I actually enjoyed the hell out of this movie. If your hungry you can make a cheese sandwich in some parts, but the over the top drama are what high schoolers are about. Just watch a little bit of reality tv to see that. Football coaches DO think they are gods (for some reason) so I didn't think Kilmer's character was out of line. Next football movie, though, I want the DEFENSE to make a stand!!!! That is all

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9/11 (2002 TV Movie)
Makes you keep watching
12 September 2002
Well, as far as the FDNY goes---------------these guys are bad asses. What struck me was how calm they all stayed. After one disaster after another, they always seemed to have composure of themselves and kept moving towards their goals of helping people and each other. What a bleak scene? I didn't realize how "ghost town" it turned out to be, so silent! What a work environment. Thank God they all made it out alive. Incredible footage.
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Weird Science (1985)
The first movie I ever owned.
28 August 2002
I wasn't allowed to see it in the theatre when it came out, so I had to wait until I could rent it. Well, actually my friend rented it and I saw it at his house. I've been hooked ever since. Way back when I first began my movie collection, I made it a point to buy this and Caddyshack first. True, it doesn't make me belly laugh like it used to, but hey, I'm not 12 years old anymore either! I still get a very enjoyable viewing out of it (especially from Chet), and I can't help but be swept back in time when the music kicks in during the opening credits. To me, this movie is a blast and will always be one of my favorites. Peace.
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Van Wilder (2002)
van wilder was awesome
26 August 2002
I am proud to say, that the older I get, the MORE I seem to enjoy these low-brow comedies of teen/college antics. No, my sense of humor does not reflect my education level, nor does my movie collection speak very highly of me as an intellectual--------------but who cares what my family thinks? This one was a HUGE laugh! Just a light hearted, silly movie. My favorite genre............
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Rollerball (2002)
oh boy....
23 August 2002
Man, I really wanted to like this movie, and I gave it every chance in the world to impress me. I like Chris Klein, I like LL Cool J, but this movie sucked. Period. I'm not a "hollywood basher", but maybe it's my aging that has made me notice that a lot of the new releases seem to be cut from the same mold or have the same cookie cutter feel to them. Less than impressed, here........
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Holy lord!
11 June 2002
This movie was a pure stinker. I couldn't even force myself to finish it. Every character was so irritatingly loud and obnoxious that it was distracting; why does everybody have to scream their lines? It was like hanging out in a child care center with a bunch of fussy kids. It seemed a little rushed, and combined once again with the hard to understand, 150 decibel dialogue and the constant jumping around from character to character almost made me sea-sick. Just b/c it's a foreign film doesn't automatically make it a good film. It's a Stanley Steamer.
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3 June 2002
It was definitely different than any of the others, for certain, but still I enjoyed it very much. Cool new creatures, battle sequences, FX, and a twisting plot kept me interested throughout. I don't want to spoil, so I'll just say that it is very amusing from start to finish, very much keeping in line with the previous Star Wars installments...have fun with this one.
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I liked it
15 May 2002
Hey, man, I enjoyed this movie. I seem to be in the minority here, but I have really no beefs with it. After all, it IS George Lucas' story, not everyone else's. The story is what it is. I even found myself chuckling at Jar Jar at times. Good special effects, established a storyline, good drama with the duel with darth maul, loved the pod races, and comic relief. Anyways, I don't have time to write a novel, so there's my 2 cents.
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Get Over It (2001)
fun stuff
12 March 2002
I agree with those that summarize this movie as silly fun. I was out of town on business and watched it from the hotel room. I laughed my a$$ off. It's got a quirky sense of humor, and did leave me in a good mood upon it's conclusion. The lead actor was a trip, and Kirsten Dunst is just plain cute. You know what your getting into when you watch a movie like this, so ignore the nay-sayers.
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Mission Accomplished...
12 December 2001
...if the director of this movie's mission was to implant the absolute most horrific image in my head for god knows how long. Wow, and I didn't really believe my wife (who saw this movie on cable back in the 80's) when she told me the ending was either gonna entirely freak me out or disgust me beyond compare. She was right on both counts. Otherwise my opinion pretty much falls in line with everyone else's: cheesy teen camp slasher........until the end.

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Maybe it's over the top, but so what.
8 October 2001
I definitely don't fall into the majority of film school rejects that frequent this web site, but I enjoyed this MOVIE. See, the great thing about MOVIES is that they allow you to escape from reality. I'm sure all the poo-poo'ers of this movie came out of Jurassic Park proclaiming "I'm so sure they could just recreate dinosaurs!" Look, I realize that I am probably easier to please than most bittermen out there, and I do enjoy 8/10 movies I see. So, I'll just say that if you are a patriotic individual and don't get obscenely offended by movies depicting the USA using military force against international criminals (and kicking their a##), then enjoy this one. God Bless the USA!!!
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
25 September 2001
There's something about Rush Hour that just feels good. I am a recent fan of Chan's, having randomly watched the first Rush Hour on cable. I can say that I am now one of the series' biggest fans. These 2 guys crack me up. 9/10
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