
35 Reviews
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Darker toon
29 August 2010
This is worthy addition for the Batman series. The film starts out with the Joker up to his old tricks laughing the whole time as usual and then a few more villains are thrown in as the story continues and the plot becomes a lot more dark and gritty. There is genuine heartache for Batman in this one as we get to feel his turmoil throughout as his past continues to haunt him. Do I miss Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy for the voices? Yes. Yet the voices here get the job done and are believable. I give props to John DiMaggio for the Joker who does sound insane and has a disturbing laugh. The violence and action is superb with some slick moves, dodges and technology that you would expect from Batman. Overall, a well done episode for the caped crusader and the last line in the movie really hits home. He has my respect and condolences in this one.
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The Batman (2004–2008)
a new action style
11 November 2008
Batman has a more slick animation in this series that focuses more on style and snazzy moves and action rather than heavy storyline. The Clayface storyline is one villain that is more in depth as far as plot and is well done taking a few twists and turns. Most of the villains he comes across know some martial arts which make for more formidable opponents. It is a change from Batman TAS and manages to have faster paced action and a few reinterpreted villains yet still maintains Batman's struggle to fight crime yet maintain his sanity. As one that loves Batman TAS, i still find The Batman lots of fun as it focuses on the action and gadgets a lot more and i find it quit amusing to even see penguin have a few martial art tricks up his sleeve (he does have an explanation) and i like his cronies. The series later turned a more camp style with an intro that sounded like the 60s Batman TV show which i wasn't too hip on yet the series still had some excellent episodes. I say quit fighting about which animated series is better and just enjoy both for what they give.
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Magic and Electricity mix
21 September 2008
This movie has a special magic to it whether its from the music or graphics or storyline i don't know, its one of those special movies that has all three going for it. I saw this movie as a child and remember being glued to the TV for the whole movie. Part of it certainly was the novelty of a sentient computer with feelings, but more than that the story progresses smoothly and you end up falling for the characters despite all of their foibles. You hope somehow that everything will work out to where everyone can be happy, yet as usual love causes complications. The characters give great performances while not taking themselves too seriously, you can tell that they are having fun with their parts. Miles plays the vulnerable lovable geekiness very well. Madeline does very well and is very attractive and knowable. Edgar is an awesome character that keeps you guessing throughout the movie on what it is he is thinking or feeling and you end up caring for him as he learns about life and love.

The music is absolutely outstanding and magical from from beginning to end and is very catchy. My favorite Boy George songs are from this movie. The duel with the cello is wonderful and is one of the best mixes i have ever heard. The animations and graphics are dated by todays standards of course, yet i have seen the movie recently and am still impressed with how much it adds to the movie. It was enjoyable to watch it again in fact to be reminded how far computers have come, what people thought of them, and take a little trip down memory lane and revisit the 80s. I recommend this movie as a love story with a twist, turn and, unlike other love stories, a little bit of electrical shock thrown in.
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Garfield in Disguise (1985 TV Short)
Gar Halloween field fun
8 June 2008
One of my absolute favorite holiday specials. This is Garfield at his prime time best with music and songs, plot, jokes and general good natured sarcasm. The whole episode is quotable and you will find yourself singing the songs, I even find myself singing the song "What should I be" every Halloween or if I am making up a character in a video game. I also has some spookiness to it which every Halloween special should have , even if for kids. The voice actors do very well in their parts from Garfield and the gang to Binky and the old man (ooh shudder). If you've put off watching this episode for some reason, quit being a "scaredy cat" and go and watch this. Recommended for Garfield fans of all ages.
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inspiring and fun
28 May 2008
This is simply a fun space and video game movie. It had great computer animation for its time and and yet still manages to tell an inspiring story. Casting for the characters was spot as Alex shows us that it is possible to escape and chase your dreams as long as you take the opportunity that comes to you. The rest of the characters that he meets on the way are each played perfectly by the actors. Robert Preston and Dan O'Herlihy are very energetic in their roles and you can sense the fun they had playing their characters. Vernon Washington also does a great job as being a likable neighbor to Alex. Though the effects might be a little dated, the story and fun never get old along with some pretty funny quotes. Have fun watching and may the luck of the seven pillars of Booloo be with you.
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Super Metroid (1994 Video Game)
Ultimate Bounty Hunter
8 July 2007
One of the greatest games of all time, especially of the sci-fi genre. Absolutely everything about this game was well done from the amazing graphics, to the tight controls, to the even more haunting music in the background. From the start to the finish, the game never lets up as far as atmosphere and action. Creature sounds are top-notch and will actually make you jump in some places. Metroid has always been fun because at the start you are real weak and then by the end of the game, you feel like you could take on any kind of bounty hunter prey in the universe. This game is still in my library and i still play from time to time. Absolutely recommended.
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animated treasure
8 July 2007
A fantastic tale and is wonderfully rewritten for space. Animation is breathtaking with the outer space scenes drawn so well that it looks like it was taken from a telescope. Characters are typical for a Disney movie and you feel for them and what they are struggling through. The heroes and villains are done remarkably well, with one of the multi-limbed antagonists taking a special place in cartoon villainy. It has straight action all the way through with very little time for breath and makes you almost believe that you could actually travel through space like this. A real rush with the hoverboard scenes. A superb action movie for the family with a few genuine scary moments and images thrown in.
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Transformers (2007)
5 July 2007
Transformers delivers what its supposed to ..... for a transforming robots movie. However, as an official Transformers movie, I find it way below potential. The transformation animation was excellent, though the camera was too close to the action to see it clearly in many scenes. i would also have preferred them to look a little less spiky and just a tad more like the original design of the 80s. It was most excellent to see the autobots together and the various homages to old school material was done well (transforming noises, catch phrases, the dam scene from the cartoon pilot). The dialogue was typical summer fare which seemed dumbed down in many places and a few scenes were just plain ludicrous. A side note for the director, if you have to have more human time because of budget, please make those scenes more believable than the invading alien robots that transform scenes. It has the love story thrown in but was done halfway decent with just a few 'groan inducing' moments. I overall enjoyed the movie though it could have been better, much better, epic even but then again it could have been worse. There was too much needless sexual innuendo for my taste throughout imo. Its as if transforming robots who want to completely destroy each other isn't enough to keep the attention of the audience?! My biggest beef with the movie is the same with most movies in that too much time was given to the humans rather than to the robots or aliens, etc. As the movie progresses, not enough time was given to learn the robots personality (Starscream and Megatron for example). I do think it captures some of the cartoon feel yet it is still squashed by too much human time. My BIGGEST want for the next movie would be more robot time and some good back and forth dialogue between them, not just action. And of course Devastator would be nice; The REAL "Your Destruction is Imminent" Devastator, hint hint. "Transform and roll out" (stupid traffic, if only my car was a transformer :)
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Alice (2000 Video Game)
Step through the glass, enjoy the nightmare
16 May 2006
I finally beat it on Nightmare....oh the pain the pain. Had 40 saves by the end. Jabborwock sequence was the hardest though and i had to put the gamedown for a month or two to retain my sanity. A most excellent game but the jumping could use a little work especially during the end boss, gosh.

Definitely among the top ten video games of all time in the atmosphere and soundtrack department. Kudos to American Mcgee and Chris Vrenna. The only time I've ever bought the soundtrack to a video game he he. I love the way the moon looks in one of the scenes through the window. It looks just like the Cheshire Cat grin and now every time i look at the quarter moon, i think of the cat. Superb scenery throughout with shifting illogical puzzle like backgrounds. Combine that with the sinister yet eerily beautiful soundtrack and you have yourselves an experience that puts yourself in a nightmare version of Wonderland. Simply wonderful.
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likable buffoonery
22 March 2006
I saw this for french class in an art cinema and i am glad i did. It was a very funny movie and entertaining too. Not pretentious at all and very real comedy timing and acting. Excellent choices for actors especially for the 'idiot'. A few twists are thrown in of course to keep the timing going and in the end, everyone has learned something from the others. A dash of violence is thrown in to wake people up somewhere towards the end ,don't sleep or you will miss little tidbits of genius slapstickery. Even a tax scene thrown in for good measure. Recommend in french, or at least with subtitles. Almost makes you want to make little matchstick sculptures of your own :)
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more fog
6 March 2006
I wanted to prove to myself that i could watch this movie all the way through and i did. Yes most of it is uninspired and and everyone looks good unlike a real beach and the songs just seem thrown in when the director could not think of anything, yet it is not a one movie. Through some awful acting and timing, there is still a glimmer or two of feeling between the characters. Justin and Kelly still manage to sing clearly in their average songs so as not to make the movie a total loss. If you are really bored, and want to relax while doing something else while also having a movie in the background, then this is a good movie for that.
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Simply revolutionary
14 February 2006
I saw this for the first time as a kid, watching with my family and was glued to the screen for the entire movie. Relentless action and well thought out plot and excellent cinematography, and acting help to make this one of the classic violent, sci-fi movies of all time. It is dated in a non bad way on certain effects and with the synthesizer soundtrack; (which i love and think it adds to the atmosphere of the movie, even from the opening credits. Perhaps it is effective because it is machine made and therefore emphasis the emotionless quality behind the Terminator.) Suspense is kept up through the entire movie especially picking up during the dance club scene as you wonder how the Terminator can just keep coming at you. Arnold truly portrayed the Terminator as an emotionless (in a good way) automoton bent on completing the mission at all cost. The actors have wonderful chemistry and were cast well including the psychiatrist and the police officers. It is fun to watch the heroine and hero grow through the movie as other posters have said. This is still one of my favorite well-made sci-fi action movies of all time and it truly set a milestone in cinema history.
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Stealth (2005)
#5 is alive
30 July 2005
Stealth is a special effects feast for two hours. Average plot and dialogue is a combo of many movies including Short Circuit. Little detail animations when missiles launched etc.. are well done. One or two twists as well as far as plot goes. Explosions and impossible physics feats are plenty but the effects fool you into thinking it could happen. EDI was done well and even sounded like HAL from 2001. Would have liked to have seen EDI more developed character wise in the movie though. His computer system looked way cool and impressive. For a fun little action movie, it is well done. It is not MST3K bad as some people say it is. Please people. It is not a one movie.
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Gobots Shmobots
13 July 2005
Most excellent of shows of the giant robot genre. Insane plots and superb animation for its time made me want to watch this every Saturday morning. On par with or sometimes better than Transformers, Robotech, and Voltron. Even the theme song was cool and catchy. The music from the rock and roll episode really sticks with you. Too bad it was only one season. The characterization of the robots was also excellent. The only annoying thing i remember from the show was the announcer explaining everything too much even though it was Gary Owens who has a great voice. I'm lucky enough to have the garbage episode and the rock and roll episode on tape and both are excellent episodes. Highly recommended watching.
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Quite disappointing
1 July 2005
Fanning out-acted Cruise, Ha.I gave it a 5 rating for one of the best disintegration scenes i've ever seen. But only 10 minutes of it? Come on.This was supposed to be War of the Worlds, meaning near annihilation.This movie gave us 20 minutes of destruction tops. Regardless of who the actors are in a movie, the real stars should always be the Aliens, or the disaster itself in a disaster movie. The actors should be the supporting cast against the real star of the movie... Destruction and battle scenes.I despise real-life war but love sci-fi war movies. I was expecting a movie that would be on par with the first two Alien or first two Terminator movies. Independence Day offered a lot more action despite the weak acting than did War of the Worlds. I am being this critical because this was a Spielberg movie and was far beneath his potential.The Drama does not compare with Schindlers List and the action does not compare with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not even a good nuke scene thrown in. Maybe this movie was supposed to be anti-war but it still needed more combat scenes. If completely redoing a movie than at least have the tripods flanked with some type of airships laying waste on a grand scale on entire cities that the AUDIENCE can see, not just watch on a news camera. Please, no more movies focusing on one family for 90 min with 15 min of special effects in a sci-fi alien disaster movie simply because it has a big name actor. I was also expecting a few Zerglings with all the creep around there.

Thrakkorzog would have asked for his money back.
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Krypto the Superdog (2005–2006)
neat kids toon
11 April 2005
This was done fairly well as a kids cartoon that is fun to watch for the kids and family. It sure beats Pokémon. the animation is average and not very detailed, yet the stories are more entertaining than most toons for kids like the first episode of Krypto which had some cool little twists and a guest star.The kid that owns him is funny and gets in his own scrapes along with Krypto, watch for Freaky Friday episode. Krypto is not alone either in his fight against evil as he has a sidekick cat that follows him around sometimes and other superhero pets sometimes show up to help him out. It made me laugh a couple of times because the story was so well done, sometimes within 15 minutes. the villains are good too with Mechanakitty being one of my favorites. Recommended.
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Jonny Zero (2005)
lots of action and pain
15 January 2005
Not that bad of a show. Jonny takes a lot of pain but can also dish it out. Also seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but just lucky enough to scrape by with his life. shows how hard it is to keep your nose clean after getting out of prison and finding yourself back in your old prison that was your life. Decent acting and action. hero has many hit points. since it has action and plot, will probably be canned for a new reality show "Life after Prison" (we follow five ex-cons as they compete for the ultimate prize! Watch as we tempt them to return to a life of crime! who will succumb?! Just Watch!) I would like to see this show continue for a full season or two. Good potential for this show.
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nuclear launch detected (see them run)
29 November 2004
Best looking Godzilla nuclear breath I have ever seen in any godzilla movie. It looks like it could melt and burn through anything and the monsters really feel the pain. Godzilla lays down the smack down upon Japan and these monsters as he looks very evil this time with newly designed eyes and suit. The Baragon fight scene is very well done and you feel for the poor creature. It is strange to see Ghidorah as good guy but it was an okay change of pace and was done relatively well. A little more Royal Rumble scenes between Godzilla and Ghidorah would have been nice but the fight scenes are still well done. Mothra packs more of a punch this time around too which is great. The real star of the film is still his nuclear breath which looks extremely devastating and makes godzilla look nigh invulnerable. The nuclear breath gets a 10 out of 10 nuke rating. The rest of the movie gets a 7 of 10 nuke rating. Would like to see more of this style godzilla.
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Comedy Central Presents: Brian Regan (2000)
Season 3, Episode 14
take luck
17 November 2004
Brian Regan is really funny and up to snuff in this production. Regan is remembered for meaning to say "take care" but his brain switched over to saying "good luck" so it comes out "take luck"

then rambles on about "take care of the luck". Real funny and

is one of the best comedians that have done stand up on comedy

central. He manages to take ordinary goof ups that everyone makes

in real life and turn them into something that everyone can laugh at because it is true. I also appreciate his humor because it is more suitable for family with no swearing or sexual jokes. Highly recommended after a rough day when you need some laughs.
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Stay Tuned (1992)
twisted family fun
12 November 2004
It is still one of my favorite satire movies. The excellent cast is what pulls off this satire so well and in a way that is suitable for the family despite the numerous hell references. Can definitely be watched with the older kids (with parental guidance of course). The channel sequences are well done and imaginative and the cartoon is top notch work from the immortal Chuck Jones and crew.A good relaxing chuckle movie with twisted humor.Sadly, The ideas are not too far off from today's reality shows anyway. ie: Sadistic home video.
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styx water needed to forget this movie
10 November 2004
This is on my 10 all-time bad movie list.

Definitely in the Manos: hand of fate pile of hard to watch movies. The sidehacking racing scenes are as boring as the driving scenes in Manos. This movie is terrible and should not be watched unless under the influence of heavy painkillers. Lighthearted scenes of playing in the grass, followed by sleeping pill racing with a sick story of revenge and loss. Very bad combo that does not work. The psycho (JC) does make you hate him though because he is so vile. Avoid unless you have a memory like 50 first dates or Clean Slate.
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great music and theme
27 July 2004
my favorite peanuts cartoon with the best music ( me and you, two man crew) and Charlie Brown singing a melancholy tune about Snoopy being gone while putting his head against the wall. The "no dogs allowed" with the voice is great. One of the more sadder animations out there(especially for a Snoopy cartoon) but still very enjoyable. I last saw it on Disney channel many moons ago and wonder why it is not played more often on TV or cable.Great movie and recommended for fans of snoopy and the gang everywhere.

watch it with your dog or remember past dogs
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Final Justice (1984)
Maalox for the soul
12 October 2003
Joe Don Baker can do good film work, but he does not fit the lead character very well. I'm not sure if it's his acting or the poor script but the lines come off very flat and i had a hard time feeling for the hero. I wonder if the shoot-out scene with the three suspects was supposed to be a send-up of The good, the Bad and the Ugly. This shoot-out however had some very ugly close-ups. Some boat chases are thrown in as well to keep the audience awake. Very funny episode of MST. This was the only hero i know of to ask for Maalox at a bar.
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Yuletide mood
8 October 2003
Finally a Christmas special that doesn't inspire a gag reflex. Well done animation and story that makes you just want to wassail. The camels really rock as do the California Raisins. Music is original with redone Christmas favorites. Find the kids and a big lump of clay and enjoy! (along with some waffles:)
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Darkness (1993 Video)
hastily made corpse on pole
23 September 2003
I am a big-time horror/sci-fi fan regardless of budget, but after watching countless horror movies late night on cable and video, this has to be the worst of all movies. With bloody special effects (what looked like a roast covered in fake blood or ketchup that kept being shown over and over again) and people running around screaming from left, then to right, then back again. It should have stayed with the beginning convenience store scene and stopped there and been 15 minutes. Instead, it is dragged out very long. It is very, very x5 low budget. Many scenes were way, way too long. Narrator sounded very amateurish like a random person out of junior high was talking. This is the only movie to rate lower in my opinion than Manos, Red Zone Cuba, Benji,and Godzilla vs. megalon despite their higher budgets. 10 snoozes, try to stay awake through whole movie in one setting or better yet, avoid it like you would an undead brain-eating mob. The Why-Did-I-Ever-See-This-Piece-Of-Zombie-Dung-Blues. Epitome of nauseatingly bad made movies infinitum. -infinity/10
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