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What would you do?
7 October 2016
"The Light Between Oceans" slowly comes off the spindle like thread. It's a story that takes patience. The setting off the coast of Australia, a lighthouse, is stark, austere, and lonely. The main characters try to make a life there. The cinematography sets the emotional tone like a faded photo. A couple brought together by a strange fate go sailing off to begin their married life on a small island as keepers of the light. Fate continues to insert itself into their lives. How they deal with it becomes the crux of the movie. Will a heart wrenching dilemma unite them or tear them apart? Who is the woman who plays a big role in this? Sometimes it's easy to see someone as bloodless and not capable of warmth and emotion. As the story unfolds the young husband's heart becomes exposed and we see his real self. Fassbender and Vikander, at first, seem an illogical match. Eventually the logic of this pairing shows itself. It's not a thriller, but a thought provoking journey that evokes the wisdom of Solomon.
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Like seeing an old friend again
7 October 2016
I've enjoyed this series and wouldn't have missed this one. It didn't disappoint me. I think the actors did a fine job of handling the gap in years and picking up the story and going with it. Other series that have been filmed years apart can be jolting, like something is "off." Bridget is still leading the kind of life and living in the same kind of surroundings as when we last saw her. It flows out of the past and into the present. The scenario of her old flame, Colin Firth, having made his own way, is believable. As art imitates life, so goes "Bridget Jones's Baby." It's a brave new world where old norms can unwittingly get trampled. People adjust and learn to deal with it. Renee is Bridget. The part fits her like the casting director had psychic power. It brought me in to see her just as I'd be delighted to see an old friend again.
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Sully (2016)
Well done!
7 October 2016
Going into this I was a skeptic. How do you make a movie about something that was in the news for days and days? Something that everyone feels they could repeat from start to finish due to all the exposure? And how would you hold people's interest when we all know how it ends and possibly all the details? This movie accomplished all in a mesmerizing, edge-of-the-seat delivery. I didn't go with enthusiasm but because my husband wanted to see it. "Sully" uses flashbacks as a person does when mulling over something from the past. The pilot examines what happened, what he and his co-pilot did, and raises the question as to whether anything was missed. I can't criticize the way "Sully" was staged but find it close to flawless. It was as close to the actual experience as one can get. Even the scene involving the NTSB, something that might come off as dull, was not. You know this movie is moving toward a frightening, inevitable, event. This kind of thing anyone who flies, openly, or secretly, fears. There was something a little cathartic in taking the dive from the sky. I can't say whether everyone would feel that way but it satisfied my curiosity. I wasn't there but...close enough! Tom Hanks and his co-pilot, Aaron Eckhart, bring this story to life again in the best way. It also made me aware of how much experience plus instinct the real Sully had, and used, to bring about a happy ending.
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Storks (2016)
Expecting a different kind of entertainment
7 October 2016
I saw the previews of this movie months ago and was watching for it. The audience was mostly adults, surprising for an animated feature that is presumed to be aimed primarily at kids. Not hard to figure the story has something to do with the old myth that babies are delivered by storks. The delivery system failed one child who grew up among the storks. She is stereotypical of the girl/kid main character who talks at an unpleasant pitch with sassy, sometimes in-you- face cracks in almost every cartoon story lately. They came along as animation turned from timeless stories to tales with dated, faddish, words and phrases. An example is "Oh, snap." But originally the prospect of lots of cute little cartoon babies and how the story would develop was enticing. It turned out there wasn't much use of the babies.There was a lot of irritating squawking, much too loud. Was it the theater's sound system? I doubt it. As it turns out, this story was not light and at one point a scene of destruction brought a child behind us to loud sobbing. At this time the sights and sounds were overbearing and unpleasant. If I had attended on my own I would not have stayed to the end. This could have been so much more. I rated it a "4" for the quality of illustration/art.
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Masterminds (2015)
To each his own
7 October 2016
I saw the list of cast members and knew this was one I was going to see. Then I read a negative review in a publication and had second thoughts. How often a crew of gifted performers goes to waste with a bad tale. In the end, given the cast, I went. Glad I followed my instincts. The movie is based on an actual event too. If you don't know these people then maybe you'll won't relate to this script. However, these characters are the kind of screw-ups that do exist and their quirks and foibles are perfectly captured in Masterminds. In a time where there is so much to bring us down, a good laugh is golden. Shortly into this one I laughed out loud and was not alone. This is truly an ensemble cast that knows when to be subtle and when to pull out the stops. I think of the photos of customers from a certain discount store that circle the web and can picture them shopping there. And more internet photos come to mind when two of these characters pose for the hokiest of engagement shots. Truth is stranger than fiction and funnier too. A simple, hapless guy with a low paying job, is letting life roll along without any effort to consciously redirect it. Suddenly the prospect of romance, an adventure, and a life changing scheme come along. The scheme is cooked up by a greedy, manipulative stranger who sees a chance for some easy money. How this plot unravels is an enjoyable roller coaster ride to the end. I hope this cast will do another comedy, and soon!
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Muddled and boring
7 October 2016
I saw the movie posters far in advance of this and thought it looked like one to see. After all the anticipation and expectations, this is one I wish I'd missed. I am not familiar with the book so can't say whether it follows the book closely or not. What strikes me is a kind of Harry Potter syndrome that prevails lately. A number of books and movies have come out depending on mythical creatures, heroes with special powers and monsters that are scary and seem indestructible. As movies these also depend on a grand musical score that foretells what reaction to have. Light music equals a humorous moment coming up. A rising theme equals something is going to happen, etc. Special effects go into high gear. Loads of special effects, atmospheric photography, and in general, throwing all the external accessories at a weak story. It makes for a boring movie. I'm not much for watching old movies on TV yet the contrast between having a genuine story to tell versus the attempt to dazzle with music, bells and whistles, exposes a lack of substance. It is my opinion this is what's missing with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. This is a talented cast and a fine director without a map to follow.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
To find the sun again
25 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm like various reviewers who consider themselves Pixar fans. In fact, I'm an animated film fan and try to see the award winners whenever I can. The beautiful colors and well developed art of Pixar is most often worth the cost of admission to me. But Inside Out is so awful it drove me and my significant other from the theater. The concept is much too heavy and involved to hold the attention of a child. Quickly obvious that this will not be a bit lighthearted and plummets into bleakness. Inside Out becomes doggedly repetitive, with the emotional balls in the air, flailing here and there. The characters in Pixar, have a noticeable sameness of facial features and gestures. "Joy" is reminiscent of other females from past movies. This time, the female lead is so over-the-top that, after a short while, I wanted to shout "shut up and go away!" I went to be entertained and have a laugh or two. I came away feeling that I'd been emotionally beaten up yet bored to tears. Leaving before the ending was actually with a feeling of relief at having escaped.
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In the eye of the beholder
24 December 2013
We've just come in from seeing this movie on Christmas Eve. Tonight was the ideal night to see it. I went with my spouse and both of us enjoyed it. Had read a review but didn't realize there would be quite a bit of singing. It wasn't disruptive though. I read the other reviews and understand that it might depend on your mood as to whether you see this as corny and full of stereotypes or not. It didn't seem that way to me, though a family in front of us laughed through it. On the other hand, the people behind us were sniffling. It was entertaining and, as the name would indicate, a movie with a religious tone. The story has a universal message. Losing your way, rejection, remorse, are a part of this.The setting is contemporary and ventures into dream sequences sometimes. They are the subconscious interpretations of a boy who is at the stage of his life where he is questioning who he is and why his life has been so hard. One highlight of the film is when the man in the pawn shop speaks to the boy with a verse from Langston Hughes. The sets deserve mention, so helpful in putting us in the story. Was it simple? Was it complicated? In the end, sometimes it pays not to over think it. This is a movie after all and there is no sin in a barefaced, "feel good" story. Talented actors can pull it off and they did.
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Nine (2009)
A Long Way from 10
28 December 2009
I chose a "4" rating for this piece as a way of saying that there are some things in this that are pretty to look at. If you are interested in going strictly to see costumes, or the staging, maybe you'll be satisfied. Casting Nicole Kidman, a delicate beauty, to represent the voluptuous women of Fellini, was miscasting. Nine is a big snowball rolling together some talent, some beauty, some big musical numbers, and a monumental set. What it's isn't is a story. It just doesn't translate into a movie. My Fair Lady, Rent, and Sound of Music are examples of musicals that made a successful change to movies. They are not replications of a musicals put on film but were tweaked and translated. They became movies. I agree wholeheartedly with other IMDb reviewers that Nine is a disappointment, falling so far short of expectations. The only reason I stayed to the end was that I gave it a chance to get better. Nine is a case of so much effort expended for so little return.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Road to Nowhere
27 December 2009
My advice to anyone thinking of seeing this is to consider your current situation. If you are in a vulnerable economic position, without a job or worried about losing your job, this could be too close to home. On the other hand, if you take some pleasure at the irony in things, maybe you'll find it a little piece of revenge. What one person takes away will be different than another. George Clooney plays his cool, usual, glib self with lines that seem written especially for him. This plot line isn't "Glengarry, Glenross," though once you've seen it you may see the same kind of callousness in the characterizations. Travel the bleak landscape that is day-in and day-out business travel. On this trip the false glamour of a big expense account and a new city every 24 hours. or less, is unmasked. Ambition without purpose, nor tangible rewards, beyond material gain, comes up wanting. Is freedom from all attachments really freeing? Which one of the main characters is the real "player" in this movie? The twist might surprise you. Up in the Air is well made and thought provoking to the point of being painful. "Up in the Air" is a glimpse into America's dark heart, the devaluation of the common working man. The main actors, Jason Bateman, Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick are well able to stand up to Clooney's talent and hold their own.
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Let's Have More of This!
25 December 2009
I would give It's Complicated an 11 if it were possible! There isn't anything I would change about this movie. Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin have a chemistry that I'm willing to beg and plead will go on. I want to see more of this duo. My direct request to Nancy Meyers is "keep these intelligent scripts coming." This story is an antidote to all the stupid stuff that's being shoveled out of Hollywood. Give us more of this! It's Complicated has both humor and pathos. Steve Martin plays a great foil to Baldwin's character. He's attractive and vulnerable. Streep has a genuine dilemma of riches with these two. If she would have to choose, how could she? In different ways, equally appealing, these guys wear their hearts on their sleeves. And before all the male moviegoers say, "ugh" and cross it off as a "chick flick," note that men in the audience laughed as hard and loud as women. "Hilarious" honestly applies to this film. The script is tight. The supporting cast is very natural. Jim Krasinski, is especially good in his role as son-in-law. An important note, it's rated R, so leave the kids with a sitter. Treat yourself to a movie that won't bring you down nor insult your intelligence. You'll delight in what fine actors can do when all the ingredients are there.
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Coco Before Coco
26 November 2009
As a movie this was nice from a visual point of view. The costumes were good and the settings were too. The story, though interesting, was not, from my research, true to Chanel's own personal history. It began with her as a child and mainly concentrated on the time when she was young and trying to find a place in the world. The spirit of the movie was accurate. Her early life was not one of privilege. Chanel has been touted as emancipated and very unconventional for her time. This is debatable depending on what one's definition of emancipated is. She was unconventional and thumbed her nose at the prevailing styles and society. That was her strength and the basis for her business success. She anticipated the great cultural change that was taking place, and reflected it in her fashion designs. It's a film that I had to seek out. It was not playing at any of the chain theaters so I went to our local indy theater.
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This Is It (2009)
Abandon Any Preconceived Notions and Go!
26 November 2009
Michael Jackson fan or not, give yourself a break and see this. There will never be another tour for Michael Jackson. There has never been a tour as monumental as this tour promised to be. My gosh, the staging, the dancers, the discussion of the costumes that would've been part of this production are breathtaking. The talent of Michael Jackson is abundantly clear in This Is It. It has made belated believers out of some of my friends. This is a guy who came to life on stage. What I have never seen in any performer before was this man who, while dancing and singing, and completely involved in the moment, commanded the action around him. He cued the music and the dancers and super-charged the stage with his Presence, capital P. Until the movie I had never noticed how he used his hands and motions to control it all. Have you gone to a concert and heard some known singer get off mike for a second and their voice disappears? Not him. He was a real singer with or without backup. During the movie I found myself smiling because it was joyous to watch him. It will always be the next best thing to what was to be. It will be one of the greatest performances I've ever seen. When you speak of heart, This Is It.
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Pleasantly Outfoxed
26 November 2009
My spouse, more than I, loves to see kid's movies. We'd seen the preview of Fantastic Mr. Fox at the theater and I groaned at the thought of having to sit through it My impression was the animation was stiff and outdated. The color was so reddish brown it seemed "off" as though the film was faded. Still, we eventually ran out of movies we wanted to see and ended up at this one. Boy, what a pleasant surprise! I had seen Gene Shalit review it the other day and he sure didn't give it raves. Critics don't phase me much but I was already doubtful. In the end, I can't promise everyone will enjoy it as much as we did. It depends on your sense of humor re: what you think is funny. However, for us it had at least two "laugh out loud" moments, spontaneous laughs where you even surprise yourself. The music, the characters, the setting, are all offbeat in a way that suits this story. I loved the personalities. The rat was hilarious and this was one entertaining movie. Kids will probably enjoy it but I can't imagine that they'll enjoy it as much as adults. You won't be checking the time on your cell phone in this one.
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Classic Warmed Over and Sanded in 3D
26 November 2009
This movie has been advertised for months and the anticipation level, at least for me, was pretty high. Jim Carrey doing Scrooge, and more. was a big draw. What I didn't realize is that it was going to be the sanded faces that are starting to be a standard fixture in computer "enhanced" movies. Colin Firth, simply adorable, was like some guy from Shrek, skin all smoothed out and no light in his gorgeous eyes. I found it lacking the human touch which is what A Christmas Carol must be about in order to succeed. No matter the version, no matter how often seen, regardless how hokey, it always brings at least a couple of tears to my eyes. Not this one. It was bland, bland, bland. If your kids aren't used to seeing scary movies then be warned. The first spirit is pretty creepy. Nothing much spooky again until the ending when Scrooge sees his tomb. Then the scene becomes the kind that nightmares are made of. It's simple but it's one of falling and falling into a deep hole. Even in 3D the building interiors seemed undeveloped and flat. The animation wasn't awe inspiring. This was no showcase for the talent of Jim Carrey nor the rest of the cast. I left dry eyed, unmoved and short more bucks than usual for the 3D kick.
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No Lie, This Movie Wasn't Funny
3 October 2009
When am I going to learn that the brief teaser of a movie that is shown on TV is as good as it gets?. It's like boiling down a recipe until you have a fraction of what you started with. Had I known I'd seen the best this one had to offer I would not have wasted precious time.I would not have wasted much too much money on this dull, repetitive, yet preachy attempt at entertainment. The U.S. version of The Office is one of my favorite shows. I have seen the English (original) version too and think it clever and funny. Considering this, my expectation was realistic for some similar playoffs and sparks with this cast. No such luck. Had I known what I was in for I would have brought my crying towel. The very beginning of the movie is kind of promising. As actors appear and make remarks that are tactless but truthful it's humorous. However, that done, it's time to move on. But it never does! It hammers along at the same theme in a predictable, lifeless stream of banter so limp that even the cast seems to be moving in slow motion. People who believe in a higher power will find this trivializes their beliefs. Those who came to laugh will leave unsatisfied because this film, in no way, lives up to it's hype.
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Life on the Road
1 October 2009
The first thing I want to refer to is some other comments about this movie. The writers ask why this is not getting a wider distribution. Months ago I saw George Hamilton on a talk show with a cut from My One and Only. That day I made a mental note to see it when it came out. As time went along I forgot about it. Then, by accident I saw a list of movies appearing at a theater and there it was. We were out of town and the theater was in a pretty remote place. Our home is near a major chain theater, not showing the movie. In fact, in our large metro area there is no sign of it. I checked with a friend in a town of several megaplexes. Same story there. This movie deserves to be seen. From what I've read, it's very loosely based on a time in George Hamilton's life as a young teen. (He is not in this movie, not even as a cameo.) Renee Zellweger plays the unlikely role of mother to two teen sons. She is a woman who is enigmatic and not a homebody. She is both guided by social conventions and very Bohemian in her own way. Kevin Bacon is also cast in a different light from parts we'd expect to see him in. He is quite a cad as an absentee father. The road trip on which we are taken has ups and downs as mom and sons ride in a new Cadillac convertible circa 1950's. Baltimore is the actual movie background made to appear as numerous other cities in other states. What will be the next stop along the way? Who will enter the lives of these three people? How will they get along as their fortunes rise and fall? These are the questions that develop as we get to know them and like them. The elements are sometimes tragic and sometimes comedic or a mixture of both. It's definitely a human interest story.
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Julie & Julia (2009)
A Movie with Good Taste
1 October 2009
I can't compare the movie to the book because I didn't read the book and have never looked at the blog. Normally I don't like tactic of interspersing flashbacks in time with a present day story line, but it worked well in this case. My most favorite part of this movie was the sense I had of being as close to physically "in" the movie as possible. It somehow felt like I was in a nearby room just watching everything transpire. It was the first time I've experienced this kind of sensation. Meryl Streep as Julia Child did recreate her personality well. I've seen Julia Child on television and felt she captured her presence though she is not nearly as tall as Ms. Child was. The acting in the movie was so natural that, as I mentioned, it seemed very real. Special kudos to casting. I loved the sets and overall this was excellent work from costuming and set work. The ending was especially pleasing, something I won't reveal. This is one of the most easygoing, relaxing movies I've ever attended. I plan on seeing it again.
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Up (2009)
It soars
11 June 2009
I am always glad the theater is dark when I catch myself tearing up at a cartoon story. That happened while I was watching "UP" and it was more than once. So be warned this can tear at your heartstrings. This is a complete fantasy film with action and scenes that could not exist anywhere except a movie. That is one of the best qualities "Up" offers. It's great escapism. I appreciate the artistry of this film. It's beautiful. There really is a story and it is introduced in a charming, but touching way. I think this is where an adult might question whether it is a little too heavy for young kids to see. I always look forward to seeing what Pixar has come up with. "Up" has a lot of wonderful details in the characters. The mixing of sound is well done and matches what's visually happening on screen. This is definitely one of the best movies that has come from this studio.
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Lost and nowhere to go
11 June 2009
Maybe the problem is that Will Ferrell should be making movies that are serious since he is reasonably attractive. Wait, maybe this movie was serious because it sure wasn't funny. Come with low expectations and you won't be disappointed. There are some special effects pulled from old movies that are no longer special. The backdrop that the actors wander through is a wasteland of time and space and so like the story line, empty and pointless. The idea of an outsider scientist coming up with a real breakthrough and falling into an unexplored world could go dozens of different ways. Hollywood is letting us down with these bland scripts. It's letting the actors down too. Will Ferrell has potential which has never been realized in any movie so far. I'd like to see him doing what he did as a SNL star, just be funny. I saw the preview of this movie and said I was going to give it a chance. Now I wish I'd saved my money for something else.
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Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest
17 August 2008
Another reviewer well expressed that when cursing is this excessive you know it's a movie in search of a plot. Ben Stiller runs hot and cold for me. He has had some great comedies and he's had some mediocre ones. This is at the bottom of that list. The cast is good. That is the only positive note that was hit. The stars could not manage to rescue this out of the discombobulated hash of sight gags and buckets of references to body parts. It was too much to ask. Yes, there are plenty of things for people to find offensive in a variety of ways. A lot has already been said about this so if you are easily offended you won't be in this audience anyway. Movies that are offensive have been made before and will be again. But some of those movies are also funny. This one isn't. Judging from the people around me, I am not alone in this conclusion.
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Smart People (2008)
Woman ISO Fixer Upper
1 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with Bopdog, that it's not difficult to see why this one was held for release. It moves like a sloth in a cave. There was the same dark effect that was used in The Savages, like the natural light of a very cloudy day. The home interior was unnaturally dark. We got that the mood set was a home in the land of dysfunction. But, you could grow mushrooms in that place! The acting went along well enough but the story was rather monotonous. With cinema we assume we're dealing with fantasy or a piece that imitates reality. This one looked like reality was the intention. So how endearing is a deadbeat brother/uncle who has no apparent means of income? This would not likely describe the happiest guy in the movie. And what about the young, woman doctor? She made her way through Med School. Do you think she has time for a major project like her ex-professor. He exhibits nothing attractive or likable. Would this be your typical woman in search of a "fixer"? These things can be excused for the sake of the argument that people are quirky and unpredictable. But the ending is hilarious in it's slapped together conclusion. Besides not wanting to write a spoiler, I would not give this one up as you have to see it to believe the goofiness yourself.
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Feast for the Senses
9 April 2008
A lot of movie going these days, at least for me, is having seen the best a film has to offer in the television clips/ads. Compare the feeling to being a fish who gets caught on the hook, is reeled in,and quickly finds out the worm wasn't worth the misery of being captured. In a refreshing turn of fate, this was an exception. I took the bait and was glad I did. It offered up a plush background that quickly brought this viewer in to share the experience with the actors. Amy Adams and Frances McDormand created a complex relationship and I quickly felt empathy with their characters. I want to give special notice to Ciaran HInds as Joe Blumfield. He was magnetically appealing. His quiet reserve as Joe, ruggedly handsome,worldly wise, and debonair, is rarely seen in male roles. Let's have more of this! (Oops, I guess you might have figured me for a guy by my review name, papacorn, but I'm solidly female.) I was truly entertained and even enjoyed the music which is of a type I never particularly liked before. I don't think it's meant for children and I'd definitely recommend parental discretion as suggested by the rating.
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August Rush (2007)
Hype of previews = letdown
30 November 2007
After months of hype for this movie I was very much looking forward to finally seeing it. When we arrived for the second showing on the first evening at our local theater, and were the ONLY two people there, it was an omen. The story had a lot of potential. But the August Rush movie was just too thin, not fleshed out. This is one of those mystery movies that has a great cast with nowhere to go. What we were left with were a lot of longing looks and cliché'd remarks. The one person who really did come alive was Robin Williams as a Fagin-like, Dickens character. In the past I have not always enjoyed his acting, but he showed his real ability with this role. There was a lot of camera work, setting landscapes. The setting(s) were real city scenes. New York got the lion's share of exposure. At times the flashbacks and forwards made the story disjointed and confused. My description of this movie would be as a quick sketch is to a painting. There are a lot of fill-ins that were left undone. But I believe some new stars to emerge from this. One is the very young girl who played Hope and sang in the choir scene. She's darling and has a huge talent. Another is the young street performer who befriends August. In the end, this show fell far, far, short of the preview's promise.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
A Pleasant Escape
26 October 2007
Though this movie isn't deep nor something entirely new as scripts go, there is enough depth in Steve Carell's acting to make Dan real. Some of the family activities do come across as contrived and hokey but he is more an observer than participant and salvages these scenes. The man has an expressive face and his eyes are soulful. Juliette Binoche does well portraying Marie, a woman of natural beauty,charm, and intelligence.

The scenery and the grandparent's Cape Cod style cottage add some flavor to the story. It's not hard to imagine oneself in the scene. The house is not right out of a decorator's magazine.

One scene where the family really gets into making fun, in a mean spirited way, is childish. While the group participation is cloying and corny, nevertheless, it wasn't enough to ruin the movie for me. There was a kind of "odd man out" about Dan, like his being assigned to the laundry room. You couldn't help but root for him. This is Steve Carell's movie. It showcases him as a versatile actor with a likability factor that should win him more roles.
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