
179 Reviews
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Shelved (2023– )
Soulless, unfunny, by the numbers, progressive cringe- AI? Looks nice though.
19 May 2024
This show is a rip off of Abbott Elementary, and unfortunately not a good one. It's so by the numbers I wonder if AI helped write it.

Earnest lead black female character- check.

Nerdy black young male - check Conservative old white guy - check Overly progressive hippie - check Characterless and boring LGBTIQ+ to make up the numbers - check

Progressive plot episode early to virtue signal and meet quotas yep that too.

But worst of all, it's just rarely funny. Not laugh out loud funny and not cringe funny. Just try hard funny.

Sad becuase the setting had a lot of potential and the actors are all really trying. Lyndie Greenwood shows she can't act and is a pretty face, but she's not from what ice seen a FUNNY actress.

And the show also contains the most annoying and unfunny character I've seen in a sitcom for a long time- Wendy the homeless lady. You can skip her scenes.
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It doesn't grab you, at all
25 April 2024
Warning - I only got 15 minutes through this till I decided it was no longer worth my time so bear that in mind.

A cool concept maybe but it literally has so many jumps between different scenes it's confusing, but not interesting.

You're given nothing on the characters to make you interested either, the actors have no real chance to show any personality. It starts off in a treatment facility of some kind, and rather than building the interest takes you out of that space, the moment the movie starts to build interest it jumps away from the interest and starts again

The only good thing is the look of the film.
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Not a great advertisement for anti-capaitalism or crypto bros and as a study of the people involved, hard to tell the truth
13 April 2024
This was an interesting, well out together overall and tragic documentary.

I think "Anarchists" (no anarchist apparently would call the people in this documentary anarchists) have a viewpoint which is borne out of a need for personality and faux-intellectualism (although the people interviewed in this documentary, are all smart, but can't understand nuance, grey areas, or that their ideology is a product of their time and experiences rather than being the best one).

I couldn't work out, even at the pretty satisfying conclusion of this who was telling the truth, who were the good guys (the ones you probably see the least of), and what really happened at key events. Which perhaps is the point just like politics and government, it's muddy and not clear cut, but that doesn't mean you should throw out the whole thing.

The documentary lost a bit of steam as it went on, but the end of the last episode did end each of the characters stories well.

I have no interest in being an anarchist after this, but heck they were right abiut bitcoin. Maybe anarchy is not so bad?
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Film is mostly hype, won't age well, Nolan sells his soul to get Oscars. He might have lost it. Murphy isn't even that good.
23 March 2024
I reckon that time will tell that even With the Barbenheimer craze this movie was hyped up, cleaning up in Oscars season and receiving heaps of plaudits and a box office hit this movie, actually wasn't that good.

Sure, it looks beautiful, the backing music is great (still too loud) and has that Nolan energy that always keeps the movie going with quite jump cuts and witty dialogue. But this is his most disappointing work. It's too long and indulgent, played more for the academic awards and film reviewer types rather than the audience, which is not something I'd ever say about a Nolan film, even if they're always long and complex.

Downey jnr and Matt Damon are very good. Cillian Murphy does all the right things, and he's obviously working hard. But his accent, and the way he portays the character it - it's just obvious he's acting to me, which is not good acting.

One other thing to comment on is the completely unnecessary and badly done sex scenes. They jump at you, meant to shock you and sear into your brain, heightening your adrenalin and interest, which I think even makes some people think the film is better than it is. Another thing I respected about Nolan thrown out here. It's nearly evil the way it's done. It sounds crazy but once you see what is being done you can't miss it.

To me this film is an obvious play for awards and greatness, Hollywood loves ww2 and nazis. Oppenheimer isn't even presented as interesting here. Nolan will probably get more free reign to do what he wants now, I hope this is a bump on the road to more great films rather than the decline which hardly any can see.
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Case study in a how a cringe ending can ruin a movie(bad, try hard but also cringe)
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I try to avoid doing spoiler reviews because it's less likely to be read but I need to say some things about the movie that need to reveal spoilers. Let's work back shall we?

The ending was very cringe. Not entirely bad, but like the whole movie, try hard, trying to wrap things up in a smart way but doesn't really. Besides the weird cultural fact that a 13 year old girl in 2023 likes watching Friends and the West Wing (cmon). She leaves her family and his into a bunker to watch friends into an unknown mansion. Also she has no charisma so to end the film with the most forgettable character is an error.

The good is the rest of the acting is great, good cast. The filming and sets look great, but the music and weird camera angles (oooo arty) at times are also quite ridiculous.

I didn't mind the lack of explanation and unlike some I felt the film went somewhere, but it just finished flat. And I'm sick of cultural callouts to daggy shows or music from the past.
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Speed (1994)
A classic action film with stnadout bad dialogue
17 February 2024
Ahhh Speed. Always referenced, copied, but never bettered. There's a lot good about this film. Keane Reeves is a damn badass, great cop and great hero. I love Keanu Reeves acting, he does what he does very well.

The films action scenes are top, the setting is u ique and although ridiculous is always taken seriously and believable in its own way. The action scene to start the film. Is great, the one to end it less so. Sandra Bullock is on peak form and so is the supporting cast, and a very evil Dennis Hopper.

The bad - the last action scene wasn't needed. And the dialogue is so bad. The ending of the film, the last couple of lines are so bad, you have to either think the writers ran out of ideas, they genuinely were trying to be funny, or... something more subversive. Saving that it's a fun couple of hours.
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Mediocre emotionality can't lift (yet another) ww2 bad Germans chasing Jews film
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a couple of high flaws, some with the film and some potentially with the book (that I haven't read).

Firstly - the narrator. They have a narrator of 'death' over the film. Who is completely pointless, adds zero to the film and is annoying and laughable at the same time. The fact it starts and ends the film is ridiculous.

Secondly - the emotionality. Spoiler alert but at the end everyone dies, all Liesels friends and family, except for the jew (who at the end returns, once again zero shock there. And this is is a problem, in trying to demonstrate the "horrors" and "shock" of war, it doesn't feel like that, rather just a cheap plot point to extract some tears. In fact it seems a lot of the deaths are for that purpose mainly.

The good for the film is the acting across the board is excellent, filming and sets are great and the first hour of the film is very very good, with the characters nearly all having some depth to them.

These ww2/holocaust/German thing has been done so much in Hollywood. I feel there are many other lesser known horrors to focus on. Also Max is a great guy, but it's funny the simplicity of Hollywood is they're never bad guys, or even hav3 q bad edge.
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It's dark but is boring
1 February 2024
This was disappointing compared to the high quality comic in the Watchmen comics, and the great ideas therein - this adds nothing to that though but a lot of slowed gore for little purpose.

It was an amazing idea, and really could have gone somewhere. It ends and starts well, everything in between is boring, doesn't go anywhere or meant to shock? Maybe. But regardless a bit disappointing in the end. A great idea that doesn't really go anywhere. But my suspicion is the original influences pirates of the carribean so there you go.

Animation goes from very good to very bad, sometimes in the same scene.

Narration and voice overs are great.
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Reacher: Fly Boy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
An clicked and underwhelming end to an underwheliming season.
21 January 2024
This season has been a chore compared to season 1, being finished out of duty rather than enjoyment... season 1 I binged the whole season in a weekend, the only reason I kept watching was in the hopes I'd see some improvement... when I saw the cliche "play old song over a fight scene" bit, I knew there was no improvement, and even a line from the writer about music which is so w@nkery it's embarrassing

The issues with the previous episodes crop up, but even more so - if you saw a beast trained like Reacher youd kill first right? But apparently everyone needs to say a line, or keep him alive, till all of a sudden they don't Reacher also shooting first, frustratingly.

Neagley was fine in the first season, but in this season she was as interesting as pile of chalk, she is so monotone, hope she doesn't return. The other two supporting characters were solid at least.

Of the final confrontations, one was decent, the other was laughable. The ending was pretty silly - having not read the book I'm interested to just see how accurate to the source this show is.

It wasn't even wholly bad, just distinctly b-grade, just like this whole season.

Season 1 and the Tom Cruise films are so far beyond this season - season 2 of Bosch was poor as was Jack Ryan Season 1 so I have hope.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Neat little sci fi action film, that tries some things successfully
7 January 2024
I'm all for interesting sci fi /action movies that are creative with twists, yet don't go overboard on violence, sex scenes and profanity. Ben Affleck has made a career out of these films, and as always is in top format. The supporting cast is also excellent.

I really enjoyed this film, even if it went twist heavy, it was sentimental where it needed to be, action where it needed to be, and most thankfully didn't feel the need to go for over 2 hours - 90 minutes and it got all the film in and done. It felt a bit short in a way, but it was a satisfying end...mostly...

I recommend - some reviews say this is a miss, but I wish there were more "miss" films like this.
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The Marvels (2023)
Enjoyable enough, decent humour, Kamala Khan and Brie Larson's bra save the movie from it's weirdness, heavy edits and poor villian.
30 December 2023
For one of the first times i came into a Marvle film with low expectations given the performance of its reviews and box office. So given that I enjoyed this film, even despite its flaws.

Iman Velleni was a highlight, she seemed to be taking having fun, and was a welcome comic relief. Although for the first half of the film her fangirling of Captain Marvel became old and annoying fast. Her family also had some good humour But again became annoying fast (too much screentime). Brie Larson and Tayona Parris were serviceable with what they had to work with, which wasn't much besides looking pretty and serious most of the time.

The short run time was a credit, although movie came as too edited, some scenes too long and some exposition... not enough. Some of the scenes (you'll know which two) were kind of funny but verging on Thor ridiculousness (the bad film).

The biggest sin in this film was the villian, probably the worst in MCU history. She did not look like a villian, or act scary like a villian... at all... more suited to a Rom com or something light (with those round cheeks more suited to a support) At least they didn't go in every direction I thought they would, but she needed a touch of evil (see Thor Ragnarok for a good female villian).

You can miss this one, but not a waste of your time.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
Some of the most horrible comedy acting in a film (eddie Murphy and Ken Marino excepted). Also a lot of weird adult stuff and blasphemy
14 December 2023
It's great to see Eddie Murphy back in film, and surprisingly given the way he started his career, kids comedies are where he excels.

Although besides Eddie Murphy and his street rival Ken Murphy the acting is try hard to be funny and NOT funny, mention to Jillian Bell who's not very funny. But extra special (special for bad) mention to the Timothy Simons and Danielle Pinnock the Cable TV hosts who are so badly unfunny, so tryhard and so unoriginal it's painful to watch them everytime on screen. The jokes have been done many times before it's like the bad part of Groundhog day.

The film is too long. Looks great but not too many laughs, even a lame Drake music line. And also a lot of pot-shots at the Christians watching and Innuendo jokes, which I laughed at, and would probably go over a kids head, but maybe aren't appropriate?
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A nice Christmas movie crushed by modernity
11 December 2023
This one was a hit, even with all the misses. The setting in New York is magical, as New York always is at Christmas time, and the two main characters are both well acted and likeable (although Zoey Dutch playing the fast talking and witty Jewish girl can be a bit unbelievable at times, most real people don't talk like that).

But this movie trying to be modern took a big L. A lot of completely unnecessary swearing, and not to mention an also completely unnecessary (nowadays inserted into every Amazon and Netflix series) gay relationship. They took what seemed to be a sweet friendship at first to be a predictable lesbian relationship, they also seem to get the most kissing on-screen of any couple... I mean even the black guy with a white girl thing is a very modern and overdone thing, I'd be much more intrigued if the genders were reversed.

But despite its large flaws it is sweet, and gets to the conclusion in a very smartly thought out way.
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First Blood (1982)
Humble but excellent beginnings for one of the great film action heroes
9 December 2023
Rambo first blood isn't the easiest film to catch, but finally I get to see what the hype is about.

This is not a dumb action shoot em up. This is a pursuit film, with a resourceful, relentless and resilient Rambo on the run. Always a step ahead and always thinking well under pressure.

In some ways this film feels like a made for TV venture, but it starts very strong, the first half an hour sets up the characters and Rambo perfectly. The middle of the film drags But it also has a great and poignant finish. Sylvester Stallone is brilliant ofcourse, but the whole cast act their roles well, testosterone is high with barely a woman in sight. Its funny what this would become but I can't deny the character of Rambo, nor the absolutely beautiful American scenery.
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Walking Tall (2004)
Good fun watching the Rock making his first steps as the biggest movie star on the planet
1 December 2023
As I've been getting back In to wrestling, seeing a recommendation for an early Rock /Dwayne Johnson film on Prime I wasn't going to pass it up.

And this movie was surprisingly very good. The Rock obviously has the charisma, if a bit more wooden here than later in his career, still i dont think Dwayne Johnson gets the respect he's due as an actor, he can slip between personas very well.

What really surprised me was the humour, there's good callbacks in the film and some great wit and lines in here for an action film, action is great too, a lot of grimacing moments but in a good way!

The story is stock standard and the bad guys obvious but it's done very well, and thankfully, unlike many movies these days wastes little time, the short film length is a credit and much appreciated.
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Alpha House (2013–2014)
Horribly disguised propaganda
21 November 2023
This show was ridiculous. It is so obviously written from the point of view of someone who doesn't know Right wing politics but what they think of right wing politics. Ie they're all fakers, and even Republican senators don't understand their consituents attitude towards things like same sex marriage for example. They'd rather spread a message than be funny and rather rely on tropes that are spread from one extreme story rather than what actually goes on (and yes I know it's a tv show)

That would all be okay if it was funny (it's not) or entertaining (it's not) or insightful (definitely not). What a waste.
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Great animation, fan service and story, the Spanish and other hand elevation of Miles Morales over better Spider-men detracts
12 November 2023
This is a very impressive animated movie. The animation is a bit too frantic at times bit is always comic book like and always interesting. The humour and witty one miners that the best Spider-man have is here too. Miles Morales is a good main character and although the film takes a while to get going, once it does start to build its irresistible.

However there is bad. An overuse of Spanish (yes I know Miles Morales... but this is an English film, so why make inaccessible dialogue for many), an insertion of "the message" L this time, and finally, and most unforgivably making the original Peter Parker, Miguel O'Harra and Ben Reilly, better and more superior Spider-men than Miles Morales will ever be, vulnerable to MM and at times comic relief.
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After Hours (I) (1985)
This movie is a crazy, weird, unsettling but still fun ride
6 November 2023
One of the weirdest and most unpredictable movies I've seen. But thankfully I can say that's a good thing (unlike Cosmopolis for example, the worst film ever made).

It's a real meandering odyssey through thr dark and empty street of 80s NY, and it's never boring or lingers too long.

Griffin Dunne really is a standout. You emphasise with him the whole time even if he's a little bit selfish. The supporting cast are also great, they all are helpful and kind on first greeting but there's something unsettling about them all (strangest are out at night). There's some great dark humour and the ending is brilliant.

Not perfect because the film has nudity, sex scenes and gay references which are completely unnecessary... but that's Hollywood right it can't help but add some poison with the sweet.
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Con Air (1997)
Peak nineties action movie - timelessly energetic and fun
23 October 2023
This film couldn't be any more 90s action movie, and I love it for it. Before superhero movies and the boomer action hero franchises swarmed cinema, we just had movies like this.

A simpler time, with real explosions, ridiculous set pieces and three dimensional characters. And actors like Nicolas Cage and John Cusack (remember him?) At the absolute top of their powers.

This movie really has it all, a noble, courageous and unlucky main hero, a genius but unpredictable villain (played with great relish by John Malkovich) and a wide cast of criminals and cops which all play a role, and funnily enough none seem unecessary or forced. One liners don't always hit but the cheesiness adds to the appeal. Even the slow motion and long Nicholas Cage hair just make it that much more fun. Recommend.
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Portrayal of Christianity leaves a lot to be desired - some iconic scenes, beautiful and Leper king is the man
16 October 2023
This film could have been better - but it's length, jump around and especially ridiculous portrayal of Christians in the film hurts it.

I thought Orlando Bloom acted well, Liam Neeson as a wise mentor is ALWAYS good. The film is shot beautifully, looks amazing and goes for the epic and works.

But the star in my eyes is the Leper King (Baldwin IV), his quotes, leadership and courage (and faith) overall is great to watch. Just watch extracts of that on youtube (even though hes not perfect).

But I just don't want to watch Christian bashing. The crusades weren't good for either side but Christians were FAR from the only bad guys. Ridley Scott should have done better.
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A movie with no budget paying homage to big budget action movies, fun at least
16 October 2023
This movie is low budget. And it feels that way but at least it wastes no time, the movie gets straight into the action. Beautiful location for shooting which is ofcourse overdone.

The acting is good from the 5 main characters. Everyone seems to be having fun, with the lead actor seeming to enjoy playing an overconfident, stereotypical lead man (called Jonathan Danger after all). And it's actually funny at times, and not just because of some of the dialogue and settings but a couple of intended to be funny moments made me genuinely chuckle. Although i had to laugh at the very stupid ending of the film the most (is that it?).

In terms of sterotypes there's German stereotypes, (not a bad thing). Stereotypical flashbacks to add some emotional weight, which work to be fair.

It strangely has a great soundtrack harkening back to the old adventure films, which is again overdone and keep it loud wherever they can even when people are speaking.

There's a few Camera shots that make no sense (why are they filming the underside of a car? Lol).

Overall its fun, don't expect anything Oscar worthy or top action but it never takes itself too seriously.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Okay it's not that bad, not that good either only really starts going near the end
21 September 2023
This movie required a bit of persistence. It took a while to hold attention. The only reason I started it was because of the controversy around the Jordan Peterson imitation by Chris Pine, which is nothing like JP, just empty useless platitudes from his character, nothing like the real JP.

The movie itself? Well it has a good twist, Its well shot, a good (if silly) ending and a silly message behind it. The acting is quote good, and I'm sick of reading about how Florence Pugh carries this film, but she is good in this and I really wanted to say the opposite, but not THAT good. Olivia Wilde did not help this film but she obviously has some talent in directing, so fair play. The only big issue I have is the slow reveals are barely enough to take interest and make the main character less believable... this is definitely a watch once film.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Directors Cut is the definitive version - iconic if a little dated and slow
29 August 2023
Rewatching this in light of the amazing Blade Runner 2049, I don't doubt Blade runners influence, but question if it still stands up. The visuals are still great, all the city scenes innthe air and on ground are amazing. The cinematic score is incredible. Characters and acting also top notch. However the development of the relationship between Deckard and Rachel feels rushed, and like many older movies set in the "future" it isn't helped by not knowing where technology would go...

Some motivations and actions don't entirely make sense either.

I first watched the Directors cut, but accidentally rewatched Blade Runner the Theatrical Cut version for the first time - so my review might be influenced by that. But given I also know what's in the Final Cut, I now know that the Directors cut is the only true version of the film. So watch that first. I'm glad I watched the Directors cut first by pure luck.

Why? (MINOR SPOILERS, have tried to keep as ambiguous as I can). In the theatrical, The voice over although helpful for the first viewing is out of place, and the ending is even more out of place.

The Final Cut re-adds the gore (Not necessary, and better without) and green screens with not much else, and has an elongated, unnecessary Unicorn scene.
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Laugh out loud funny, non stop but crude and mean spirited at times
25 August 2023
This Was a surprise. I thought I'd stop watching this ten minutes in but the laughs came thick and fast and didn't stop. Whether it's the lines or the slapstick physical humour or even humour more subtle, this comedy had the main thing a comedy needs - laughs and unpredictability.

Performances were great all round and it didn't stop being funny however some jokes were more crude than an M rating and some jokes were also mean spirited. Which is fine but they need to be extra funny, and not all of them hit.

The comedy was a dartboard approach but most hit. This film was underappreciated at the time but hopefully its gets some retrospective appreciation.
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Spider-Man (2002)
In a word, iconic. Stands the test of time and looking back it's Time to rectify certain iniquities with this review
5 August 2023
Sometimes a passage of time, a maturity can change the way you look at things.

I was as big a Spider-man kid as anyone growing up, relating to Peter Parker and Ben Reilly as much as anyone, so I liked the film fine, i was just ecstatic to finally have a Spider-man film, although i didnt absolutely love it when it came out.

Rewatching the film now I see how good it is. There are so many classic lines, the number of memes from this film are insane and blow out nearly all of the always enjoyable but sometimes forgettable Marvel films out of the water.

Rewatching the film I can just see how well made it is. The film isn't a frantic blink and you'll miss it pace for today's audience but is always building. Every scene and line progresses the story, no line is wasted, funny when needs to be only. Sam Raimi bringing in his horror chops really works here to make the Goblin terrifying and fill the film with a growing sense of tension.

As a fan there are a lot of callbacks that I appreciate. The acting is good across the board, Tobey Maguire is still seen as Spider-man and his Peter Parker is undoubtedlythe best, Kristen Dunst is a bombshell as Mary Jane (even if a natural blonde!) and Dafoe as Norman Osborn/the Green Goblin, I thought it was ridiculous at the time but once again the performance has stood the test of time and is iconic, so that says it all.

Not to mention true Morality, a great setting and none of the wokey nonsense Marvel puts in films these days. Along with X-Men this movie started the Superhero cinema golden age, don't know if it ever got bested by this.
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