
4 Reviews
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Fighting (2009)
Pretty Darn Bad
24 April 2009
As bad as this movie looked, I went into it with an open mind but as I suspected it was pretty bad. The dialogue was the worst part by far; it consists of some combination of mumbling and incoherent slang. The acting is terrible despite Mr. Howard doing his best to try and act his way out of the script. The narrative is scattered and cliché and has no original plot elements. You would figure a movie called "Fighting" would at least be saved by its fight sequences but its not, there are some half decent moments but most of the time you can't really tell what's going on however the final fight wasn't to bad. There are some genuine attempts at emotion throughout but usually they fall flat. There were way to many moments where I laughed but wasn't supposed to, especially the speech given right before the last fight. Overall it's a terribly acted movie with an even worst script.
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True Blood (2008–2014)
Heartfelt and funny
19 January 2009
When I started this series i was afraid it was going to be a 3rd rate "Twilight", quite the opposite actually. This show is everything Twilight wished it was. The show is so very heartfelt, poignant and provides a lot of laughs. The writing and the acting lead to a lot of moments that tug at your heartstrings, the show doesn't shy away from themes involving race, homophobia, incest, alcoholism and other deep issues. Anna Paquin does a very simply written character quite well and gives her a touch of life. The supporting cast is great, especially the actor that play Jason and Lafayette. There is some real camp value here to, some really hysterical tongue-in-cheek humor. This is an HBO drama so be aware of the nudity, sexuality, violence and all that other good stuff. True Blood depicts a horror/sci-fi topic done a million times in an original manner. A must see.
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Paranormal State (2007– )
Great Atmosphere and Set Up, But big let downs
6 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The atmosphere in this show is great. There's plenty of excellent buildup, but thats where this show fails. There's way to much build up for nothing. You will constantly see a creepy set up that makes it feel likes something really freaky is coming right out of the corner and then....nothing. Over and over again nothing. You hear plenty of stories of people talking about freaky events but you see none. They show up at these peoples doors, talk about their deep and emotional pasts, set up lame equipment and find nothing! there is nothing on this show thats leads me to believe in anything paranormal. I laugh every time they need to exercise a "horrible spirit" that we as an audience have seen nothing of. They get rid of the spirit that never was and everything is put in a neat little package. A show that looked so freaky and had such great potential leads up to one thing...Nothing!
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Absolute Comedy Classic
5 October 2007
This film should go down a comedy classic. First let me get the negatives out of the way, sometimes the film could be a little to juvenile(The Jellyfish Scene) and Jerry Stiller's character at times says random obscenities for a cheap laugh but other than that the film is great! Any other scene that may seem immature or juvenile is absolute gold! They are all well acted and give you a sense that you shouldn't be laughing yet can't stop. Ben stiller is still a great comedic actor, these are the kinds of films where his true genius shows. This is the film where he doesn't need to play a ridiculous Zoolander or Dodgeball character but play a realistic, nervous, uncouth type of character. The Farrely Brothers way of putting ridiculous comedy into normal situations is masterfully done, who would of thought watching someone be put into a headlock and then having a chili pepper shoved into their nose would be so hilarious? There may be plenty of swearing and crude comedy but it was right up my ally and any one who saw "Theres Something about Mary" will love this film to pieces. Another Farrely Brothers Classic!!
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