
134 Reviews
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6 June 2024
I kept seeing a lot of film clips from this movie It looked like something I'd be into and I assumed it was a 70's film I missed You could have colored me "SHOOK" When I found out it was a 2009 movie I saw this called a parody of 70's blaxplotation I can see that argument I prefer to think of it as a love letter to those old movies in particular Dolemite Anyway very enjoyable movie As for my thoughts on the Black Dynamite cartoon I think it stayed pretty true to the movie It kept a lot of the same characters But it is only a half hour and moves pretty quickly and at times can be hard to keep up with everything happening during the episode Personally I'd say you can't go wrong with either one They're both a good time.
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Titanic (1997)
Necklace Drama
3 June 2024
So you mean to tell me I spent three something hours watching Rose now a old lady retelling the story of The Titanic Only to find out old lady Rose had this Heart Of The Ocean necklace Only to have her throw it in the ocean near the crash site WTF ? She knew they were searching for the necklace because she saw it on the news Seriously though it's a good movie Despite all my complaining But they spent too much time with the research crew team before getting into the actual story Plenty of romance and adventure But it's just not my normal type of movie Kate Winslet is good as Young Rose But the real star was Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack In my opinion he brought the movie to life with his performance It's a real shame he was never nominated for an Oscar Friendly piece of advice if you ever get a chance to see this in the theaters Don't be a dummy like me and drink a gigantic soda before the movie even starts I was never so happy to see a restroom in my whole entire life By the end of this epic movie.
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Dark Secrets
31 May 2024
When I first found out about this movie I had a huge problem with it because I heard they changed Damien's mother into a human rather than a jackal I don't think you should change something that has already been established But if I'm being honest I definitely formed a biased opinion and I didn't think I would like it at all Without getting into a lot of spoilers there was hints and suggestions the woman may not have been completely human and the father was the jackal I think they could have done a much better explanation of how this would be possible But I overall I can deal with the changes There is one scene that is a complete ripoff from the original Omen I was a little pissy about that But I liked the spin they put on it I don't know at the end of the day I'm just a movie fan go watch it and judge for yourself It's better than what I thought it would be.
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The Vanishing (1988)
28 May 2024
How far would you go to find out what happened to someone you love? A guy and his girlfriend plan to go on vacation holiday Get into a argument makeup stop at a gas station go their separate ways in the store and the girlfriend disappears vanishes I love that the villain is just a ordinary guy a family man with wife and kids Someone you would probably never expect to do something evil I also like that he's smart He plans out how to do everything buys a cabin with lots of trees so it's not easy to see His wife and kids are playing around screaming as loud as they can Than next day asks the neighbor if he heard any noises Even goes so far as to chloroform himself and times it to see how long it takes before passing out Inever seen Jason, Freddy, or any other mainstream serial killer for that matter do that In the meantime the boyfriend tries to find out what happened tries working with cops does tv interviews Eventually meets another girl tries to move on but he can't let go of wanting to know what happened to his girlfriend I don't want to spoil the ending for anybody But for those who have seen it It's very dark and bleak It has a reputation for being one of the most shocking endings at that time and I believe it's still considered one of the most shocking film endings I know I never saw it coming.
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100 Tears (2007 Video)
Art's Uncle
26 May 2024
I heard the clown in this movie is like Art The Clown's uncle I don't know about all that but it definitely delivers on the blood and gore One big difference between Art and Unc (Keep in mind I'm specifically referring to the first Terrifier NOT Terrifier 2) They do attempt a bit of a story with two down on their luck reporters looking for a big story But that part of the movie feels like a afterthought I'm probably being way more generous with my rankings than I should be But sometimes I need a unapologetic balls to the wall slasher and I don't need a explanation as to why this is happening and this movie delivers for me.
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Never The Last
26 May 2024
I'm not really sure what to say except I have a weird obsession with crappy Amityville movies This one the premise intrigued me It's about a guy who has a YouTube channel laid off from his job and home alone because of a pandemic gets sent a cursed doorknob from the Amityville house and decides the only way to get rid of the curse is to make a movie Fun fact the guy who made this has a actual YouTube channel Movie Timelines I have no idea as I only recently found out about his channel and this movie So strictly guessing on my part But I think he just wanted to show how easy it is to make a crappy Amityville movie and congratulations you succeeded.
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Stop Calling Me
20 May 2024
Good intense remake Let's just say I hope my ability to use my cell phone doesn't depend on how many minutes I went over I can laugh about it now I think most phone plans have done away with a limited amount of minutes But I do remember when that was a legit thing As for the movie a few things here and there don't make sense But not enough to keep me from enjoying this I think it was smart to pace the tension throughout the entire movie It could have maybe had a little shorter run time It did seem to drag a little midway through the movie I also like that she fought back and they kept the intensity Overall a really enjoyable movie.
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When a Stranger Calls Back (1993 TV Movie)
Hello Again
20 May 2024
Nice little thriller Pretty good for a made for tv movie I know why they called it When A Stranger Calls Back Gotta get the cash grab anyway you can I guess ? This time we get a new terrified sitter but he doesn't call her maybe once but that's about it He just repeatedly keeps knocking on the door Anyway it's good just not as good as the original movie and leaves (me anyway) with more questions than answers My biggest complaint They bring Jill back But at the end of the original Jill is married and got a couple kids of her own Now all of a sudden she's some sort of cop or something I never did figure out what exactly her new job is and on top of that she's all into self defense Which is fine I guess But they seemed to have completely forgotten her family angle It just irritates me when they forget things already established I'll tell you one thing after watching this movie I'll never look at a brick wall the same way again If you know, you know.
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20 May 2024
The Opening 20 minutes of this movie are considered by many the scariest most intense moments on film and rightfully so But then it feels like a totally different movie As from this point on we follow the escaped killer I think it would have worked better if we saw a glimpse of the killer in the house calling the babysitter Before we got to follow the escaped killer I mean I don't know about anybody else But I sat there for probably a good ten minutes trying to figure out why are we following this guy around before I realized it was the escaped killer I think that's why it doesn't hold my interest I also think it would be better if maybe we fallowed the killer first Than all the intense moments in the house with the babysitter might have worked a lot better.
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Lowlifes (2024)
14 May 2024
Being honest I was skeptical when I found out this was a Tubi original I mean let's face it some of the programming on Tubi is scraping the bottom of the barrel But it turned out it was better than I would've expected I liked the role reversal The blood and gore all throughout the movie was amazing But the ending was a glorious chaotic spectacle I noticed a couple people in their reviews were saying something to the effect That the ending of the movie could make or break it Personally I thought the ending was fine I like it when movies throw me twists and turns that I'm not expecting and this movie gave me plenty of surprises.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Crazy Mama
12 May 2024
Okay I know this isn't Mother's Day horror per say But it is about a mother so obsessed with revenge and trying to fit in with the children of her bullies That she treats her own daughter almost like a afterthought To be honest more times than not I forget her daughter is even in the movie The woman is so obsessed with revenge and trying to fit in with the children of her bullies Because of the bullying she suffered as a teen Emotional trauma can mess you up really bad and not something you can just get over I think that's what the filmmakers and writers were trying to get across in this film Because of her own trauma it causes her to act crazy as hell and bent on revenge Despite all the hate I have been seeing for this movie I didn't find it that bad If you go into this realizing it's a PG scare and psychological horror Nice little revenge themed horror.
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On The Edge
4 May 2024
How did I not know about this movie and why aren't more people talking about it ?

Everything I like in a movie and more Murder mystery suspense and a slasher This is practically a wet dream movie for me Yes it's low budget and you can tell they borrowed from Halloween (FYI I love the mask they used) I think it's better than most Myers masks in most of the Halloween sequels Midway through the movie it does get a little boring but overall I loved it I thought I knew how this movie was going to play out and I was thinking it was a big red herring But I was pleasantly surprised Congrats Edge Of The Axe You fooled me.
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Happy It's Over
2 May 2024
I was on the internet and looking for movies that ripped off Halloween and this came up The similarities they pointed out are there I just couldn't see it at least not the way they did It's not a very good story and the plot was hard to follow The kills we get to see are pretty cool The killer didn't wear a mask but his face was pretty creepy reminded me of a young Jason Voorhees in the drowning scene from the original Friday The 13th It had a similar vibe Downside killer kept saying these stupid one liners after each kill It's not the worst movie I have ever seen But I just don't see any similarities to Halloween Whoever came up with the idea that this was a Halloween ripoff was way off the mark in my opinio.
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Frayed (I) (2007)
Sins Of The Family
24 April 2024
If you're looking for a movie that's not Halloween But feels like Halloween I would suggest checking out Frayed 🚨WARNING🚨 This borrows a lot from the original Halloween Especially the opening scene I'm surprised they didn't name the killer Michael or Miguel But I suppose that might be too obvious even for this movie The story jumps around a bit too much and there are plenty of plot holes I do like the twist on the ending I must admit it wasn't what I expected But I think it would have been better if the writers did a better job with the script But if you enjoy a low budget knockoff I would highly recommend watching this.
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The Manitou (1978)
Indian Magic
22 April 2024
This is one trippy movie Yes admittedly calling a movie trippy is a rather vague term But it's the best way I can think to describe this movie A Indian demon impregnates itself in a woman's neck in order to be born again You get a phony tarot reader a seance and a Indian medicine man Even a weird chant "Pana Witchy Salatoo" Oh and wait till you see this Demon indian God once it's born It has the body of a little person and the face and body of a forty year old man Normally I don't like to spoil a ending But I have already given you "SPOILERS" Trying to describe this somehow after everything else has failed to destroy "Baby Demon Spirit" They decide to harness all the powers of every hospital computer and the computer spirits somehow channel all it's power into the woman who was pregnant and kill the demon Indian God The effects look like something out of a Star Way knockoff movie Definitely not the best movie by a long shot But it sure is wild to watch.
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Married... with Children (1987–1997)
Unlucky Bundy's
21 April 2024
My Guilty Pleasures Married With Children: Al, peggy, Kelly, and Bud Bundy With the annoying neighbors Marcy, and Steve Rhoades and later Marcy's second husband Jefferson D'Arcy Buck the dog later reincarnated as Lucky the dog And also Seven, (Peggy's nephew but the character never really took off so they eventually wrote him off in one episode where they pull out a milk carton and Seven's picture is on the side as a missing person) I've always known about the show But it never really grabbed my attention until it went to syndication I think part of why it's so relatablerelatable (to me) The family is dysfunctional and I grew up in a dysfunctional home The family is basically lovable losers and bad luck usually falls on Al It would be nearly impossible to list all my favorite episodes But a few that stand out; Hot Off The Grill All In The Family The Camping Show Build A Better Mousetrap It's A Bundyful Life Rock And Roll Girl Wabbit Season No Pot To Peas In.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Surprise Visitor
18 April 2024
I found out about this movie because I was looking for horror movies that took place on Halloween and this movie kept coming up in the search engine A guy claiming to be a friend of a now deceased soldier shows up at the home of the soldiers family It's a okay movie but it's not horror Well at least it's not my idea of horror anyway To me it comes off more action thriller vibes and I don't like all the gun play I'll grant you I have never used a gun But I don't think it's overly complicated to figure out how to use one I prefer more creative kills Overall it's a decent enough movie It's just not my thing.
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Crazy Fat Ethel
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING SPOILERS WOW I'm not really sure where to start with this movie Such a wild movie Ethel is released from some sort of mental hospital Under the condition she comes back for electro shock therapy and tries to lose some weight Problem is Ethel is completely out of control when it comes to food and if you get between her and food You wind up dead This movie is bad in a funny good kind of way I think what makes it so funny (to me) is most of the actors seemed to take their parts seriously and played it straight for the most part Also there's some really cringy dialogue Ethel's sister reunites with her boyfriend and asks why he beats her up ("You know why I beat you? Because every now and then you need to be beaten") I swear to you this is actually in the movie and than there's this crazy montage which I think is supposed to be Ethel dreaming At any rate it's a very wild trippy movie If you enjoy funny bad movies I would highly recommend giving it a watch.
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Franky In Love
7 April 2024
A gothic romantic comedy set in the late 80's and I'm here for it Normally I'm not a big fan of new movies and comedies are usually a miss for me Sure the movie has some issues but nothing that can't be overlooked in my opinion I have watched more than my share of Frankenstein and or based on Frankenstein movies And this genuinely captures what a Frankenstein movie should be (In my opinion) My only complaint I think the monster should have looked more intimidating and been more scary Even though this was made to be a comedy I wish the kills hadn't been offscreen Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit.
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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
23 March 2024
Bob Clark Gave us two memorable Christmas movies one is a classic The other one I'm not so sure I think the people who consider this a classic only think of it that way Because it's been burned into people's brain By constantly being played 24/7 on Christmas Eve and Day constant replay 24/7 (Well at least on one channel anyway) This year I actually payed attention to the story It's a bit too old fashioned for me and I don't care what anyone says mom purposely broke the "leg lamp" And the plot all this kid wants is a RED Ryder BB GUN Everybody tells him "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid" But miraculously he gets his gun and the first thing he does is shoot his eye out But his glasses saved him from any real harm Overall this movie is just okay to me I'd rather watch Bob Clark's real Christmas Classic Black Christmas.
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Oldboy (2013)
21 March 2024
I didn't hate this remake Now I'll give the naysayers their due This isn't a great movie But to be fair (I personally wasn't all that in love with the original movie) I think I liked it because whoever the writers were made the story more of a American feeling I guess I just mean the story felt more relatable ( to me) The action scenes are heavily watered down and the reason for revenge has even more of a "ICKY" factor than the original I also liked getting to see Samuel L Jackson But I wish his role would have been longer Honestly I think at this point Sam has taken the "F" word and turned it into a art form.
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Oldboy (2003)
17 March 2024
I have known about this movie for quite a while But for one reason or another I never got around to watching it until recently This is a sick twisted tale of revenge It's not a perfect movie (In my opinion anyway) The story moves to fast and feels all over the place When I think of revenge movies I think of slower pacing and more details on why the person is seeking revenge I actually had to watch one of those ending explained videos Before I understood it To me the fact I had to go to a ending explained video indicates it's not a perfect movie But now that I get it I'd say it's a good movie and the ending suits the story But it's nowhere near a great or perfect movie.
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Anneliese Michel
7 March 2024
Based on the true story of Anneliese Michel Interesting mix of courtroom trial and exorcism I saw some reviews criticizing the movie I'm not really sure if that's fair I think when people hear the word exorcism or Exorcist They think of the classic Exorcist with Linda Blair and automatically start comparing it to that movie I looked into the real case seems like the movie left out a few details The biggest detail left out That the mother and father and also two priests were charged and found guilty I know their our often there are times thing are left out I'm assuming for time length and probably legal reasons But I would rather know all the details Overall a good movie that I enjoyed I was really impressed with Jennifer Carpenter's performance I heard that she was able to do most of her own stunts Overall a good watch and I would highly recommend it.
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Winter Games
6 March 2024
Hands down one of my all time favorite movies Actress gets caught up in a deadly game of blackmail The story is a little out there But not enough to keep from enjoying it and the movie did keep me guessing I do see a few minor flaws but nothing I can't overlook They also did a good job giving the movie a isolated feeling and making it feel like it is truly winter weather The ending is more than a little ridiculous 🛑SPOILERS🛑 Mostly because the guy holding her hostage is in a wheelchair But manages to chase her upstairs and into a attic all with the help of a makeshift cane Than the old dude doesn't want to die Even after being stabbed in the back and getting his leg caught in a trap.
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Eye See You (2002)
5 March 2024
I watched this under the name Eye See You (I found out the other name for this movie is D-Tox) I'm guessing it probably had to do with some of the eyeball scenes Anyway poor Stallone can't handle it it when his girlfriend and cop buddy gets killed and ends up in a cop rehab program Unbeknownst to most everyone The killer is in the rehab too faking being a cop I will say the movie was set in a winter snowstorm setting and I think the movie did a really good job capturing a snowstorm feeling It's a okay movie Didn't love it or hate it just meh I like Stallone better when he's not playing a hero I like it better when he's just an ordinary guy Bonus I got to see one of my favorites Kris Kristofferson in a smaller role Nice way to "kill" some time.
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