
17 Reviews
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Strange relationships
7 October 2022
The thing that struck me about this film the most was the cinematography. The setting of old Italy and the shots themselves were beautifully done. The setting however I will go back to because I was absolutley encapsulated with it. The colour schemes, the greenery and the authentic buildings of Italy were absolutley beautiful.

The actual story itself however I struggled to wrap my head around. I, of course, understood the concept and the ideas themselve however the relationship and the age gap is quite strange, thats what I didn't really grasp. He is very young and it was a lovely story however it confused me as to why a grown man and a teenage boy were involved with eachother.

It was okay overall, watch for the beautiful sceneary.
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Thrilling and Brilliant
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard so much of this film, and how positivly it is rated and raved about and when I watched it was not dissapointed.

The entire concept of this film. The false sense of reality, the fact that his entire life is nothing but a TV show that the masses are watching is so incredibly cool of a concept. Th fact that there is a life behond his life and the fact that everyone he's ever known are nothing but actors in the TV show that is his reality is genius and absolutley terrifying to think about it happening yourself.

Jim Carey is my peronal favourite actor and I absolutley loved seeing him act in this. It makes a lovely chang from his normal more 'silly' roles which I equally as love but this was on such another level.

Could'nt reccomend this more genuinley, Please watch!
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I, Tonya (2017)
6 October 2022
I first heard that this film was amazing, I saw that it was highly rated so I wanted to give it a go. For me the film didn't really live up to my expectations.

The main thing I think was the 'interview' or 'documentary' style of having the charcters talk to a camera. It acted as a barrier in a sense to stop me from relating and loving these charcters becasue the intense moments got cut up with these interview scenes in the middle. I think I struggled to properly thrive in the moment and really sympathize with Tonya when her memories and her truma from her mum was interupped by speaking and cutting to another room.

It wasn't for me personally but if you like that style of film you can give it a go.
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The Prestige (2006)
5 October 2022
I absolutley adored this film. Nolan is my personal favourite director because I am extremley intruiged in the themes that are featured in them, for example some are very psychological and action packed, I am always thinking and never bored which is something I always appreciate in his films.

The storyline of this film i thorougly enjoyed, I loved the concept of the two opposing magicians fighting for power and dominace over one another and just watching them slowly decent into madness, being consumed by outdoing eachother and knowing eachothers secrets. I highly reccomed to anyone who loves a thrilling watch!
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Uncharted (2022)
It was okay overall
30 September 2022
I went to see this film in 4DX at cineworld which made the film very exciting. As someone who doesn't know and hasn't played the games, I went into this film with an open mind. And i actually rather enjoyed it. Obvously, I have a differnt judgement to someone who has played and loves the games so I may have enjoyed it alot more.

It is rather just your typical action film, adventures and missions to be completed, kind of like a more family watered down verison of mission impossible. I think you can tell the story was from a game as it is structured very much like missons and differnt tasks that that he needed to complete.
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Power to the people!
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film's concepts, subliminal messages and overal storyline is such a good watch in my opinion.

The story is of Ben Cash and his 6 children that he brings up in the woods. They have a sick mother who had to go into the city for treatment and the children then have to go and experinace a life that some of them didn't even know existed.

I just personaly loved this concept as its a film taht I haven't see before. Just the family dynamic, the way of life and just the fact that their perception of the world is so much differnt to everyone else is extremley interesting and entertaining to watch. For example: When Ben is s brutal when talking to Nai about sex, it just shows his very honest way of parenting and his influence he has over his children.

I thought the acting in this film was very very good, especially on the kids parts. I regognized Bodevan from the 1917 that I have watched previously and I was so impressed with his performance in that. It didn't come as a suprise that he also acted fantastic in this.

Overall though, one of my main loves of this film is how easily we fall into the rhythm of the families lifestyle. It was very funny to me that when Ben took the kids to Leslie's sisters house that you found their lifestyle strange because we also live the same lifetyle as them and the majority of people. It was just something I loved that the film was able to do.

Highly reccomend, very good :)
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23 September 2022
This film is up there with the best films again I have ever watched, I'm not suprised that it's rated so highly on teh IMDB list.

I just absolutley loved everything about this film but i'll start with the charaters. They were so beautifully developed. Tom Hanks character, even though he sent peple to death hewas still extremley respectful and kind to those who were to be executed. This made his character so admirable and liked him instantaniously. Then Micheal Duncan and his character was portrayed so fantastically. His performance was so emotional as he was so innocent it was extremley moving to watch.

I very very very highly reccomend this film, wach it at least once in your lifetime you won't regret it.
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Such a good storyline and a great concept
22 September 2022
I first watchd this flm with my parents who, when rewatching it with me, felt so nostalgic. I didn't get that feeling obviously being younger, however I can tell how magical this film would have been to them previously because I felt it even now.

I really liked this film. I thought the great storyline of time travel and the sets I thought were amazing. The time machine itself as a prop and his I think its like a study or an office I thought was gorgeous in the way it looked.

Brilliant acting I thought from everyone, intersesting concepts and just overall a very enjoyable film to watch.

I strongly reccomend!
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Not bad- Maybe avoid it I won't lie
20 September 2022
I love Sylvester Stallone so I was quite excited when going into this film, especially considering that this was made by his own production studio, Balboa. It was an okay film overall I thought. A well constructed storyline, subliminal good messages throughout but I found myself being really bored at times, even though there was action going on.

The main characters i found myself not geting attached to which was something that bothered me as I couldn't get into the action like I wanted to. I wasn't really routing for any of the characters, some of the lines were quite cringey and I just wasn't particularly impressed I won't lie.

Sylvester stallone was good, his acting was okay considering the charcter that he was playing but I was rather underwhelemed. The charcters had no real depth and lacked any sort of relatability even though they tried.

I was okay overall, maybe give it a watch if you are a die hard fan of Sylvester Stallone but other than that maybe avoid it.
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Suprisingly emotional
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first went into this film, I didn't really know what to expect. I had been told that it was a football film but I didn't particularly know what the film entailed.

I was pleasently suprised that it was more of a reaslism film as it made the atmosphere more authentic and realistic in that sense. I really loved the naiveity of our main character and then the gorwing friendships that happen between the hooligan group.

I loved how wholesome their relationships and frienships werewith eachother. The sort of loyalty brung on a warm feeling that they were there for eachother even in death.

Some of the scenes however were very intense, like for example one of the ending scenes when they were all brawling and the unfortunate death happned. I was actually suprised that i was extremly emotional during this scene which going into it.

I very much enjoyed this film and don't mistake it as just being for football fans, anyone (not children obvously) can watch it.
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Reclaiming Amy (2021 TV Movie)
A very good documentary
15 September 2022
Orignially, when I first watched this documentary I hadn't watched the 'Amy' documentary that won an Oscar, so I went in fairly fresh-minded and open to hear both of the stories told.

This documentary came across as very genuine and, of course, I can't depict what is true and what is false, yet I did enjoy hearing from the family personally as they were interviewed. I thought that brought the film more authenticity.

It's a very documentary style film, in the sense that there is no fancy cinematography and effects, there is just the footage and the people talking accompanied by photos, videos and music. It feels very stripped down, like your typical documentary that you'd watch.

Its not too bad at all.
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Ice Princess (2005)
So Nostalgic and Wholesome
14 September 2022
I used to watch this film when I was younger and I remember absolutley loving it. Now that I've finally had the chance to re-visit it, I was automatically transported back to the early 2005's with the soundtrack, the visuals and the sweet storyline of finding out what you love and how hard work can get you far.

The directing Is very simple yet that why it worked so well, as the direction and the cinematography doesn't have to be exaggerated because that isn't the goal of the film. Fair enough, the film may not be as realistic as you think but there are strong connections to self love, finding out who you truley are and what you want to achive in life overall. Casey was a great role model for a younger girl like me ho watched this as a child as putting that emphasis on not letting anyone else choose who you want to be.

A great film of building relationships, finding passion in the places you like to explore and overall just a nice film.
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Black Swan (2010)
Arguably one of the best films I've watched
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The themes in this film are very intense bit also very confusing while you are delving into the very important topics that are brought up that include over working, mental and physical torture, mental health ilnesses and how the industry sexualy takes advantage of girls who the persume would do anything to get to the top.

The storline of this film fascinated me as it as a deep dive into our main charcters psyche and how twised her sense of reality becomes as the film continues. She pushed herself harder and harder, the pressue slowly builds up until it comes so immense that she is willing to die to give the perfect performance on stage. Its just her slowly loosing grip on reality and her mental state deteriating as she starts to imagine her murdering other people and how her 'black swan' is an entirely differnt entity that is poisoning her brain with violent thoughts.

Beautifully acted, amazingly thought out story, gripping and immense. A great watch for anyone that would love psychological thrillers.
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Orphan (2009)
Not so much scary just more daunting
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not too bad of a film. Personally, I found that some of the nscenes were more mysterious and waiting in anticipation about what Esther was going to do instead of being scared of it. The shock factor was defenitly there in terms of how brutal some of the scenes were, especially in the presence of the other younger children in the family.

There was a few jumpscares however I feel there wasn't really much of a horror aspect until the very ed where you realize that she actually isn't a child yet, a grow woman. That was more of a scary series of events as the chase was more intense and its when the penny finally dropped for both the audience and the charcters.
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Moonfall (2022)
Enjoyed it alot more than expected
16 May 2022
When I first went into this film, I didn't really know what to expect. I thought the trailer looked very good however I was skeptical about how they were going to go about the CGI with space travel and whether they would bring any extra terrestrial life into the film.

Naturally, I was not disappointed as the film went everywhere I expected in the best way. I saw this film and the cinema in 4D and that just enhanced the experience even more in my opinion. The storyline is pretty easy to follow and I considered it to br gripping enough .
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Exceeded expectations
6 May 2022
I saw this film in IMAX and it was brilliant. The storyline itself I thought was so cleverly thought out and the way they explained the multiverse was so good. I could fully understand what was going on, the CGI never disappoints and as always, the cast were amazing.

I very much recommend for anyone who is a fan of marvel, you will love this one also.
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One of the best marvel films I think ever made
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film completely lived up to my expectations and that is saying alot as I absolutely adore marvel. The storyline I thought flowed really well and they introduced the characters from the previous film in a great way. Honestly, I was worried that they would ruin it and make it cringey but it was absolutely fantastic. Would highly recommend.
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