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Them (2021– )
Horrifyingly Traumatic. Please. Stop this.
18 January 2024
I was so excited to see this when it came out. Do you know how insanely rare it is nowadays, to see a series featuring a Black family, with a dark skinned wife AND dark skinned daughters?? I'm not exaggerating here, it just doesn't happen, not even in ads really anymore. Usually, the wife and the daughters in Black families are overwhelmingly depicted as light skinned or mixed race. However, the husbands and sons consistently get to be dark skinned. So, it was a breath of fresh air, as a Black woman, to FINALLY see dark skinned women and girls being represented in a family here. Little did I know, this series was going to feature horrific trauma and violence towards the Black family with no happy ending whatsoever. Of course, the one time I get to see a series with dark skinned women and girls as a family, they are brutalized. I'm normally a big fan of horror, but this was something else entirely. Please, just stop. Please stop the Black trauma p*rn. Please. Where are our fantastical stories? Where are our cheesy romances? Where are our princesses that aren't frogs for the entirety of a film? Where is our brilliant sci-fi? Where are our adventure stories? Where is our happy ending? Why does our entertainment constantly need to circle back to racism, suffering, sex, drugs, crime, police brutality and trauma? Do you get how demoralizing that is? I'm not saying these stories shoulda't ever be told, I'm just saying they shouldn't be told constantly. Nobody likes to see people who look like them suffering all of the time. Why must Black people endure this? Isn't entertainment supposed to be an escape? There are other stories to tell. Please, tell different stories guys. This is unbearable.
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About Fate (2022)
Such a cheesy romcom and I kinda loved it
1 January 2024
So I'll be honest, this is a suuuper cheesy romcom and you have to suspend a metric TON of disbelief, but it works! I'm a big fan of all of Emma Roberts romcoms and this one is no exception.

Emma Roberts and Thomas Mann have excellent chemistry and are honestly so adorable together. I loved how sweet and what an absolute gentleman Griffin was (swoon)!! Margot was so beautiful, awkward and lovable! Everyone on this cast was good looking honestly!

That one wedding scene was stupid, but funny!

I loved all of the shenanigans Griffin and Margot were getting into throughout the night. Griffin's proposal speech was amazing! Kip was hilarious. The ending was so cute. I wish the film was a bit longer! Also, I'm gonna have to agree with another reviewer in saying, I am SO glad there are no sex scenes in this movie! Such a breath of fresh air!!

The only thing I'd change about this movie is Margot's "friend" Dana. You know, the one doing the awful and cringe British accent??

Her obviously fake accent was terrible and sooo distracting throughout this film. I cannot believe they allowed this actress to continue with that, I felt secondhand embarrassment every moment she was on screen.

Also for someone who was supposed to be Margot's close friend, she sure did try humiliating her a lot. Anyways, this is definitely a cheesy romcom and I'll be watching again.

Happy New Year!
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EXmas (2023)
Cute movie! Not to be taken seriously
19 November 2023
So I've been a fan of Leighton Meester since the Roommate movie, and I've only recently become a fan of Robbie Arnell (because of the Upload show on Prime Video--I love that show!)

I also happen to love romcoms where both the leads are good looking, don't we all?? Lol I think that Robbie and Leighton have decent chemistry in this film. Not as good as Robbie's chemistry with Andy in Upload.

There are a lot of funny moments in this movie and honestly, it bounces all over the place, plot wise, but essentially remains a comedy. I'm really shocked that such a serious scene was included in a film like this. The supporting cast was great and had me wishing I had a family like this by the end! The ending scene (not the sister scene but the family running scene) was really funny.

I didn't really feel like Robbie's calks with his job were believable and so by the end of the film, I didn't even care. Maybe if we were shown his boss getting angry on the other line or on a zoom call, it would've felt like there were more stakes. We only ever see Robbie working in his laptop like ONCE!

I don't think this film was meant to be taken too seriously. It's a film that knows what it is and just asks its audience to sit back and have some laughs.
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Still Up (2023)
I'm still up, watching Still Up!
17 November 2023
Just finished and this show really grew on me. As someone who stays up really late herself, I wish I had someone like Danny to talk to each night. At first, I found the leading lady, Lisa, to be quite annoying and unlikable.

However, as the season progressed, I really started to understand and appreciate this character. She is flawed. Yeah, she doesn't always make the right decisions, and she's irresponsible, but she tries to be honest, and really cares about those around her.

I liked Danny right off the bat. He's funny, smart, empathetic, and caring. The last episode was really well done. These characters are well written and together, they make great chemistry.

I love the opening theme song, I love the scenery of England, I love their British accents, I even love the weird cat guy! Lol This show is really funny and cute. So glad I gave it a chance and stuck with it. I'm honestly not expecting a Season 2 AT ALL, but it would be nice if there was one. Until then, I'll be rewatching all of the episodes.
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The Tutor (2023)
Plot twist is NOT worth the watch...
16 July 2023
Another reviewer called this a Lifetime movie on Netflix and that is 100% accurate. If you like cheesy, hilariously bad Lifetime movies, you'll really enjoy this one.

My thoughts: The acting was wooden and boring.

I did not care about any of the characters. There are several points in the film that are supposed to be serious but are actually funny instead.

The main character was the the worst to watch and completely un-likable. He mumbles nearly the entire film, he's a jerk to his pregnant girlfriend, and for such an "amazing" tutor, he is terrible at explaining his serious situation to other people.

He couldn't properly explain what was happening to him in this film, to anyone at anytime. His own girlfriend didn't take his concerns seriously. It was so frustrating to watch!! He would often leave out KEY details and he had 0 charisma. Each story he told was a snooze fest. I normally like Victoria Justice but she was so bland in this film. Very one note.

Wasn't a fan of the blaring music but the cinematography was good! Overall, this movie was a massive waste of my time and I cringed hard throughout. What a shame.
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Cavemen (2007–2008)
Loved the Ads, Loved the Show!!
2 May 2023
Growing up, the Geico Cavemen ads were some of my favorites to ever grace the television. Every single time a Caveman ad came on, it had my undivided attention!

Fast forward several years, I was feeling nostalgic and looked up the Caveman ads on Youtube. Lo and behold, I discovered the Cavemen show completely by accident! I had no idea they made this into a show!

(Note: The full season of Cavemen and all 12 episodes is available on YouTube! My fave episodes: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 12.)

I watched all 12 glorious episodes on Youtube and loved every single minute of it. The jokes were clever, and creative and interesting! The entire cast of characters were genuine, well developed and likable! Especially Nick! The music is so 2000s, which is a GOOD thing. The costumes and makeup were so well done! The social commentary was spot on!

I am so sad that this show didn't get the recognition it deserved. This program was a clear labor of love and I just hope the writers and actors and everyone attached to this project know that some of us DO see you and we appreciate what you created here. Honestly, one of my favorite shows ever made.

Thank you guys!

Watching this show warms my heart and cheers me up, anytime I'm feeling down. I highly recommend it!
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I loved this show! Great work Seth!!
17 August 2022
So I've never seen the Star Trek TV show or watched any of the movies. However, I'm a fan of Seth MacFarlane's other work like Family Guy and American Dad. I also loved the Star Trek-like episode of Black Mirror called USS Callister.

The Orville was recently added to Disney+ so I started watching it and binged it in 4 days!! It has everything I love: great characters, space exploration, futuristic technology and environments, aliens, different planets, drama, comedy, heartwarming themes, fantastic cgi, time travel, great practical effects and makeup, sensational set design and music!

I write this having just finished The Orville S3 about 10 minutes ago. I'm am legitimately sad that it's over. I am contemplating watching the whole thing over again from Season 1! It was THAT good!

My only two critiques for the show:

* The makeup. Overall, the alien makeup done on the show was really cool and creative! I admire the dedication of all the people who sit in the makeup chair to achieve those looks! However, in some areas, I think that they could have done a lot better. On various alien creatures, the makeup stopped at the waterline of their eyes, and it didn't look that believable to me. See Heveena (whose makeup was also sheer around the mouth), Teleya (in some scenes), and Darulio, to see what I'm talking about.

There are amateur cosplayers out there that know better than to leave their waterline unpainted. So it was surprising to see that professional makeup artists missed something like that. If you can see the human skin tones underneath, the alien makeup looks incomplete. Take Marvel's Nebula, Gamora or Yondu for example. All characters cover the waterline.

* The Moclan storylines. Don't get me wrong I loved the Moclan storylines a lot! The exploration of their cultural differences, the trial, the moral and ethical questions raised, it was all very captivating. But it felt like the Moclans were a huge crutch and so many other alien races and customs went unexplored, because they always fell back on the Moclans. It would have been nice to see that amount of detail go into all of the other alien worlds and species, you know, just to switch it up. Still, the Moclan episodes were really well done in my opinion.

Overall, I loved this show! S3 ended great, got me in the feels! I do hope we get a season 4 soon!
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