
16 Reviews
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Saltburn (2023)
5 January 2024
Can't describe it, just watch for yourself. But be warned, once you see it it will never leave your mind.

It's glorious over the top, weird but also addictive, wickedly entertaining, darkly funny and gorgeous to look at. Every scene is beautiful, gorgeous and stylisticly thought out.

A twisted satire over the rich and privileged that only sometimes leans over to caricature and high camp. But for every high camp moment and scenery chewing there is an abundance of talented actors having the time of thier lives. Rosamund Pike especially seems to enjoy every line she delievers.

At times the movie does fall victim to "let us just throw in wild things for the fun of it"-crime ,especially in the second part. It does not feel as solid as the rest.

But overall a joyride. It has never been this much fun to be wild and outrageous!
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Relentless, non-stop chase movie
23 September 2023
This is more horrifying than whatever you will see in cinemas. Pure horror! Shame it was denied a rightful cinema screening. But at least you get to see it..

A movie that takes inspiration from all kind of sources, from "Signs" to "Close Encounters" to "War of the Worlds" but ends up beign a true original that only follows it's own beat. It might come off as gimmick but that is the strenghth of the movie. The sound, the score, the visuals, all come together by a director who knows exactly what he wants to tell.

Non-stop, intense, sweaty horror that will make your heart raise. There are some jump scares but it is not your typical "cat jumps out from the corner" horror. Instead it relies on intellect and intelligence. It wants to make you think, not just jump. And Kaitlyn Deaver is mesmerizing in a star- making performance that will open the door to many lead performances.

Unfortunately the third act is also the weakest part. I think I get what it wants to tell but it becomes to generic.
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One final ride for Mr Jones, thanks for the service!
2 July 2023
Honestly, one of the best movies. Yes it is different. A cynical, rough alcoholic Indy but did you really expect a Spielberg Indy 5? What is the point with changing director if you do not put your mark?

If you have seen "Logan" you will know what to expect. Exciting action scenes, thrilling stunts and a big dose of grit and sadness. It is no longer the Sunday matiné movies you know. But that does not mean it is boring or bad. It rather enhances the story that this is the final time, this is it. It has something to tell about age,sadness.and grief even. Can we go on despite heavy loss? Is it worth even going on?

Despite all that the movie never forgets it's roots and provides us with stunts, chases, treasures and thrills. At some point they go on a bit to long but it's all good. There is a plot development near the end that probably will divide people but let's not forget that Indiana Jones always touched at scneince-fiction

Long live Mr Jones!
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One of Disney's better remakes
30 April 2023
Honestly, yes. This is what a remake should do. Adding and adapting few things while keeping the original story the same.

One of the best things is to keep the focus on Wendy. Peter Pan might be main character but at the end of day he is still a pretty boring character. It is Wendy and her development as character that make the stories interesting. Even Spielberg realised the limits with Pan and made him adult.

And then there is Hook played by Jude Law who might be the best Hook so far. Less camp moron, more actual real pirate. And with a interesting story to him, making it more interesting to watch. Law owns the movie.

Also positive is the fact they use real backgrounds and not another CGI created world. Creates that nice retro old family adventure feeling.

Overall a really pleasent surprise. Warm, exciting and surprisingly tragic with a fresh take on the relationships between the main characters. Check it out!
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Clock (2023)
Interesting ideas but thin plot
28 April 2023
A movie where time is the enemy? Why not? And not just biological clock but time itself, where an actual clock is the devil himself A movie rich with symbolism and ideas, at times to many ideas at once which sometimes takes the movie off the rails.

There are many aspects to the story: A satire dressed as horror. A black comedy dressed in blackest of black. Or a psychological thriller. That's the strength of the story, it's multifaceted aspects.

As mentioned the director wants to tell a lot. Above all about pregnancy and why choosing to not wanting children is taboo even today. Is that really what our society is about? Are you really a woman if you choose to not have children?

But it also tells about heritage and legacy. What is a legacy worth if you choose to go without children? But there is also something to say about time itself..

Where the movie ultimately fails is that there is not enough plot to warrant a feature film. The middle of the film basically feels like one giant filler story, only there to transport you to the ending. You can only so much with body horror scenes.

Had it been a short film the themes and execution would have worked much better. But it is not a bad movie at all, at least it will make you think..
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As a nice good lad I felt this!
26 January 2023
You get what you expect from the director! Comedy mixed with bleak dark tragedy, and wonderfully mixed to that! A simple plot and premise, no complications or plot twists. Just a story about two friends not being friends any-more. But that is the sign of great movie-making and trusting your audience!

The story is intentionally slow-moving but the random scenes of village people crossing paths with each-other and holding absurd dialogues about trivial issues is what builds the plot up, leading to a endng where all tension meet up!

But beyond all the weirdness there is actually a very human story and that is the greatness of it all. It has something to tell about male friendship, lonelyness, depression and existence! Who are we really? What do people think of us! Is this really what life is about? All served with a big dose of warmth and humanity!
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Why so negative? It's fun, fast-paced and energetic!
10 December 2022
There are far worse animated films you can choose. This is not one of them. As the title says it is fun, fast and energetic. No time for slow moments!

Gorgeously animated with great camera shots that enhances the plot.

It is a simple plot but that is what makes it so fun to. Watch! The creators have fun in coming up with various obstacles they can throw at the characters and leaves us with no time to breath between them. And the result is very entertaining for us to behold.

The movie also pays tribute to the previous movies in the franchise and even pokes fun at itself, which again works well for the story. It is a silly story and the ovie knows it..

It left me with a smile, chuckle and a feel good time. It does not invent any wheels but it does not need to either.
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Barbarian (2022)
weird, mad, chaotic but refresinlgy fun and very entertaining with serious questions underneath
28 October 2022
Finally a movie that dares to go it's own way and does not care one bit about following conventions. It is a very entertaining ride and one you will not forget to that. The director has a idea and follows that to the extremest point, going all out and throwing in the most absurd ideas as he goes along. But that is what makes the movie fun and entertaining to watch. Just when you think you figure it out another curvball is thrown in. In these times when horror movie plots can be easily figured out the director has fun being one step ahead of us.

The overall result is absurd, weird, bloody but also scary and surprisingly fun with a big dose of black humour. But underneath all that the are serious topics it deals with and asks us: Who really is the barbarian, the monster? Just take it for what it is and go on a wild ride!
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Matriarch (I) (2022)
Don't know what i watched, but I could not look away
23 October 2022
Not a movie for everybody or indeed anybody but if you want something different then it is worth a watch.. Like it or not, it's admirable that the movie is totally weird and refuses to follow any formula but it's own. It does not even care about alienating people, it is that daring.

During the short run-time it takes all sorts of twists and turns and you never know what will happen. It might at the end of the day try to much and gets lost in it's own story. But Kate Dickie is as usually great in another eccentric unhinged lady role. Going all in, she knows exactly what kind of movie it is....
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Prey (I) (2022)
Back to basics, literally
8 August 2022
Ever wondered what it would look like if The Revenenat was mixed with the Predator? Well, wonder no more..

A very interesting fresh concept on a familiar story. Stripping it of all modern technology this is a story about native fighting native. Basically a left alone in the jungle story which is tense enough but the threat of an alien predator adds an extra bonus and tension to the story. It builds up and builds up, making for a very thrilling story. By making both fighters equal it also makes the concept more intriguing. Who is the prey?
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Fresh (2022)
If you want something non-Hollywood then this is your menu!
5 March 2022
If you think originality is dead then watch this and enjoy! It will be a meal you never forget. Different, weird but refreshing and very entertaining. You will have a hard time looking away despite the theme, it's just so fascinating to watch.. A dark twisted satire about modern dating, it is a glorious over the top romp that dares to see the humour in it's bisarre concept, and there lies the sucess. Of course it is dependent on actors to sell it and that it has. The leads have great chemistry together and play it like they appear in a romantic comedy.

But at the end of the day it is Sebastian Stan's movie. He uses his magnetic charm to maximum effort and it's easy to see why she falls for him. He gets the movie, sees it for what it is and has fun doing it. His energetic performance is reason enough to see it..

The movie loses steam later one and the third act becomes too much. But despite the freshness of it loosing it's appeal it is still fun to watch..
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The Batman (2022)
Back to the roots!
3 March 2022
If David Fincher did Batman it would be like this! Dark, gritty., constantly raining. Mix of "Seven and "Zodiac", basically a serial killer thriller. But why complain when it's done to perfection? It gives the dark knight a fresh unique look.

This is Batman going back to his roots and being a detective, like in the comics. It's like a modern version of classic 1940's detective stories with a twisted violent touch added. The length is absurdly long but it never leaves you looking at the clock and the length is justified by the plot.

Entertaining, dark, twisted, but never feels to long!
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No Exit (I) (2022)
Solid but offers nothing new!
25 February 2022
It's like one of those 2000's thrillers with twisty plots and ensemble casts. The kind of movies that would have starred Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Angelina Jolie and similar but these days can be find on your average streamer. Average and basic but keeps you entertained. If you have seen many movies like this you will easily figure out all the twists in advance and be able to guess where the plot goes. But there are far worse choices out there..
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Scream (I) (2022)
Done with love, respect and dark humour
21 January 2022
Best one since the original. Respects the original and characters but introduces new exciting twists to keep the story fresh. The new cast are talented and harkens back to the first Scream. Self-aware, breaking walls, talking to the audience filled with pop-culture. Plus also asking the audience "in this time of smart horrors with psychological fears, how can Scream scare you"?

It does scare you. But also leaves you with a chuckle cause the makers of it enjoy in killing of characters in bloody, gory deaths. Murder never was this fun!
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A warm blanket to wrap you with.... And HBC!
2 January 2022
If you are a fan then this is for you. Nostalgia filled, warm, emotional and of course HBC, as Radcliffe calls her. Sweeping in and taking over and becoming the best part of the whole thing. She reveals the best stuff and is overall a joy to watch!

Of course it is nice seeing almost everyone coming back and sharing thier love for something that is bigger than just "some movies". Like they say in the special: "It's like time has passed and yet not passed at the same time" Seeing people you love all looking older yet being the same person is hard..

Of course without saying, this will break you! The last half-hour is nothing more than emotions, weepings and love! Especially one scene with two leads..
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Easily the best since the second one!
25 October 2019
Finally a good Terminator movie! This is meant to be watched in cinemas. It's got everything a good cinema movie should have: Non stop action, great visual effects, spectacular stunts, thrills and toughness! Of course it can't compare to the second one but it wasn't intended to either. Just sit dowm, grab your popcorn and enjoy the ride!
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