
24 Reviews
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Rest in Peace (2024)
Unbelivable plot
29 March 2024
Taking advantage of the historical fact of the attack on AMIA (July 1994), the plot becomes a parade of unlikely things, something that no one would believe. Furthermore, there is an annoying stereotype in the main character's children that bothered me a lot. Do not waste your time. Completely unbelievable plot and unconvincing performances. In short, a rare mediocre Argentine film where the Jewish community is characterized as materialistic and enjoys showing off. And to make things worse, a friendly dog appears whose fate will remain unknown. The passage of time inhabits the things little explained in the film.
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Fake Profile (2023– )
Ridiculous return of the living dead
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A completely unbelievable plot with mediocre performances. The last episode was the ultimate unbelievable. Who was dead, and even buried, comes back to life in a peaceful way. And what's worse, this happens twice in a row. The only consolation is the beauty of Rodolfo Salas. But a handsome actor doesn't save this plot any worse than a Mexican soap opera.

The story is so convoluted that the impression one has is that it was made by amateurs. Cheap production, with poorly filmed scenes. Without a doubt it is one of the worst Netflix series I have watched.

Above all irritating for thinking that we are stupid to believe that even with a burial a dead man comes back to life. Trash. The two stars went to the main actor's body.
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Hereditary (2018)
the comic side of a horror movie
29 December 2022
It's bizarre when a horror movie makes you laugh. Absurd story, victory of demons, unknown languages, house in the middle of an uninhabited forest. Just cliché. Two hours of my life gone to waste. Worst of all is a girl who tries to be a Carrie but manages to be a caricature of a soul possessed by demons. Too bad. The special effects are laughable because they are so pathetic. And the characters end up being so unconvincing that there's nothing left. I miss real horror movies that make you lose sleep. Reminds me of "The Exorcist". That indeed was a horror movie that scared. This ainao causes nothing but disgust, annoyance and anger. Pass away.
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Dark Desire (2020–2022)
Worth the whatching. Alejandro Speitzer is gorgeous
18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both seasons in one weekend. Interesting plot, but full of contradictions. What I liked the most was Alejandro Speitzer in the sex scenes. He's gorgeous and insatiable. Even with her adoptive mother she has hot sex. In fact, the men in this series are much more beautiful than the women. There should be a third season showing his sex life in prison. I didn't really like the ending, but it's good fun.
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Blood Sisters (2022)
Horror show
12 June 2022
Unbelievable. I do not know what's worse. The plot, the lack of good taste, the lack of logic. Nails, wigs and grotesque dresses. It appears that Nigeria's ruling class has a total lack of common sense. And to complete a half ending. As I said, horror show.
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Fast forward has never been so useful.
4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At first I even thought it was going to be good. But when the bracelet with rays makes the person go to another dimension I started to make sure it was crap. Fast forward has never been so useful.
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Dark and passionate: excellent series about former communist countries
21 November 2020
I confess that I was very impressed by this series. Events happen at an accelerated pace, and if the plot is complex, the solutions are always unexpected. Top-notch music, neat photography. One of the best crime series I've ever seen. Ready to watch a second time. The actors are excellent, and convincing to the extreme. A precise image of what the former communist countries have become: a paradise for the mafia, arms trafficking, corruption, prostitution and crimes. A gloomy series as is the reality for many people in Ukraine, Poland and the Czech Republic. Highly recommended
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Don't wast tour time. You deserve more
19 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A stupid cop with a wan smile. Amazing and impossible stories. An even worse nonsense. This detective, for his stupidity, deserves a lethal injection. And criminals are free, free. For this series, crime is never punished. Bad example.
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Total loss of time
1 May 2020
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Too bad. The young man steals, uses drugs, cheats, and goes on with his intentions. Total loss of time. Run away, as the devil runs away from the cross
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need to improve to be terrible
6 February 2020
Too bad. weak jokes, terrible actors. Primary. It looks like a bad school year-end show. Shame for netflix
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The App (2019)
9 January 2020
When you think it can't get worse he can win the challenge. It looks terrible. The worst movie I've seen in the last 10 years.
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Bacurau (2019)
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pamphletary, apothecary. Mourning song for the losers in the Brazil's last election . Pathetic. The left-wing press tries to make this manifesto a work of art. No results. A dated movie that will be quickly forgotten. Fortunately
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Big note little lies
13 November 2019
Historically inaccurate. Lots of lies. A failure. Waste of time and money. HBO's worst show ever
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Second season: a disappointment
21 September 2019
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The first season was reasonable but the second was terrible. The cheating husband goes from wealth to misery in two minutes. Bad story. Forced end to a third season. Bad
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The last czar really had a tattoo
15 July 2019
Excellent series. Ignorant comments on history. Just one example: upon his visit to Nagasaki in 1891 Nicolau II has seen local tattoo artists displayed in a travel guide magazine. During his stay in a Nagasaki harbor on Russian battleship he asked to be introduced to these artists, so the next they came and tattooed his right forearm with a black dragon. Stop talking nonsense. Excellent series.
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The Tree (2014)
Depressive and boring
30 April 2019
I have no doubt that this film was made with serious and deep ideas, but I wonder why so much depression, so much sadness in a way with no way out. Personally, I was left with the feeling that I wasted my time with such a silly misfortune. Would a trivial accident cause so much depression? Compelling actors in the service of a masochistic ritual.
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With lots of information and bad soundtrack
23 April 2019
This documentary brings much information mainly about the poor origin of the one who would be the greatest dancer of his time. Brave as the documentary explains the sad consequences of his flight to the West to his friends and relatives. Also excellent for narrating carefully the affective relations with other men, something that is generally ignored (that he was gay), being that many think that Nureyev was the husband of Margot Fonteyn. The only big mistake of the documentary is to make Nureyev an artist more connected to Rock (Beatles) than to classical composers. In most of the film the music you hear has nothing to do with the music that the dancer danced. Nureyev will always be associated with the music of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Minkus and Adam, among others classical composers. To complete: Very moving Nureyev's reunion with his first teacher of Ballet,over one hundred years old, when Perestroika allowed his return to Russia. A pity that in Nureyev's time there was no treatment for AIDS. Very sad to see the images of him destroyed by illness. In summary: With lots of information and bad soundtrack
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Plan B (I) (2009)
One of the worst movies I've ever watched
15 April 2017
Unbelievable that this movie has a 7.1 mark. Too bad. Actors with primary errors, nonexistent direction, unbelievable elongated script. I think it was the worst movie I've seen in years. I would say that to be bad still has to improve a lot. The same thing is the actors. All very bad. Besides that none has any kind of physical attraction. I really wanted a bomb to fall and kill all the characters. Do not waste your time.
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Cruel and full of truths
1 November 2016
This film is an excellent adaptation of the novel of Pedro Juan Gutiérrez. The novel and the film depicts the misery of Cuba when the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Maybe things there are better today, but the communist censorship prevented the world from seeing what was happening in the country. Impressive as the screenwriter and director were faithful to the book. Hell on communist Cuba where prostitution and crime are essential for survival. As for the film actors are excellent and convincing. Apparently unable to shoot in Cuba, and the footage was shot in the Dominican Republic. Cruel good and true film. An excellent complement to an important book.
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From Afar (2015)
Great movie. Very human narrative
26 August 2016
This film is one of the best productions made in Latin America have seen in recent years. It shows clearly the loneliness and abandonment leading to attitudes often repulsive. The highly original narrative takes us to a completely unexpected outcome. In this aspect the film has a highly original narrative, nothing the usual story of an old man paying to have sex with a young man. Abandonment, loneliness, violence. The sad fact of everyday life. Excellent actors and an excellent pace of narrative to the end. The film even deserved all the awards he received. A masterpiece. I can not understand the criticism as negative other commentators. It's an intimate film with enormous human content. For those who live in Latin America like me it is clear that the director knows the violent environment of cities like Caracas. Great movie.
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The worst movie opera
8 November 2014
Moses and Aron is one of the most important Schoenberg's work. He wrote the text and the music. The musical language is very complicated and perform this opera is always a challenge. This film uses one of the finest recordings of Schoenberg's masterpiece as sound, the 1974 recording conducted by Michael Gielen. That could be a very good start, but really, I prefer to listen this recording to watch this grotesque film. I think the direction used only two cameras as the images are always the same for long periods. Moses and Aron look as characters of the "Ten commandments" by Cecil B D. Mile. Israel's people is a ridiculous small choir, all the times without any kind of expression. The second act, with the scene of the orgy around the Golden Calf, is all-comic. At the beginning of the worship, there is a solo of trombone, very dramatic. What we see? A bored camel, nothing more. Other comic moment is when two young have sexual relations. It is as exciting as one advertising of a flue medicament. I am sure that people that heard this magnificent opera for the first time watching this film, never more will try to listen it again. Thank goodness, there are two excellent videos of this opera, one from the Ruhrtriennale 2009 and one from the Vienna Staatsoper.
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Getúlio (2014)
Good film.Bad actor
24 August 2014
Excellent historical film. Excellent production. The film was made exactly in the real place, the "Palacio do Catete". All the historical background is fantastically precise and I consider this film one authentic lesson of story. The great majority of the actors have a very good resemblance with the historical characters, but Toni Ramos has nothing similar to Getulio Vargas. I know that he is a famous soap opera actor at my country, and, maybe, this was the reason of this dreadful choice. Other thing: the music tries to imitate Arvo Paert's work. Exactly today I saw the film, the day of the 60 anniversary of Vargas suicide.
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Bad Film
28 June 2013
This is a very slow film, always repetitive,the story turn back all the time. I know that Romania is a poor land, and all countries with poverty and ignorance has place to hysterical religions. But I can't believe that a young that lived in Germany could be so weak in middle of a priest and a lot of subdued nuns. The worst thing is the end. Maybe the message is: a so stupid story deserve no appropriate end. The two principal actresses are convincing but the nuns are terrible, and the priest has no force, no conviction. The long moments with a frozen image are terrible. The film is very long, and we feel that this film is longer than his duration. Opera's resume: a bad film.
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Rag Tag (2006)
Good film
25 November 2012
With a small budget this film deserve a very good critic.Finally a film with a gay theme without a tragedy. One moving story, with good actors.I recognize problems with edition, and other small Technics problems.But who care about this, when we see a film so full of truth and tenderness??? Sometimes I ask me why films about gay man are sad,dramatic? Why can we have a film with gay thematic without hope? Some scenes for me were really sublime. The story is very sensitive, principally because the plot is about black, gay and poor people. I would like to see more films like this: simple, direct, full of truth, one real story.This story can happen.
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