
10 Reviews
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Partners (2009)
The Best Thing You Can Say is the Producer/Director/Writer/Editor FINISHED It
20 May 2022
I really wanted to give this movie one star, but I have to be fair - the director Peter James Iengo finished it and got it distributed. I've worked on a number of horrible shot-on-video or shot-in-16mm would-be "features" that never even got completed, so props to Iengo for finishing a 100-minute video "movie" and getting it out there for people to marvel at the largely-horrible cinematography (there are a couple scenes early on that look impressively professional, like the opening scenes of a LAW & ORDER episode - but from there it's shot on home camcorder time by your Dad!), the horrendous "artistic" lighting, the audio sounding like it was recorded off the on-camera mic, and the editing that makes the story even more confusing than it already was.

Best of all is footage of Producer/Director/Writer/Camera Operator/Editor Iengo comparing PARTNERS to Michael Mann's HEAT! Be sure to watch that part ....
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Starting with S2, I'm Liking this Show the Best Out of NuTREK
8 January 2022
For my money, STAR TREK: THE LOWER DECKS is the only NuTREK series that even feels like STAR TREK, rather than...whatever else that is which Alex Kurtzman et al are dumping on Paramount+. It's great to see a show with flawed but likeable characters, exploring not-so-strange new worlds with lives and civilizations we already know about, and cleaning up after those who've boldly gone where no one has gone before.

Setting the series on a smaller, older ship (the USS CERRITOS, a "California-Class" starship) that's easily outpowered and outgunned, never really expected to do anything important or dangerous, but still has that Classic TREK spirit turned out to be a real smart move, because nobody expects the CERRITOS to show up at any major events or battles except as support, and to get out of the way when things get too hot. Even so, that still means the CERRITOS is often dealing with a lot of potentially dangerous (in a humorous way, of course!) situations.

Season 1 was a bit uneven as the writers worked out all the characters - our main cast, alien races and guest stars from the TREK Universe. Everybody's a bit more comically exaggerated - for instance, I can't see the Will Riker that spent a decade as Captain Picard's Number One being quite as gleefully reckless with the lives of his subordinates as this series (and Jonathan Frakes) plays him, nor did the Pakleds seem quite as persistently stupid and easily duped.

But by now everybody's settled into heightened versions of themselves, with our main cast in particular showing their strengths as well as their humorous weaknesses. You see that Mariner comes by her skating-on-the-edge attitude naturally, as Captain Freeman's a lot like her with a couple decades' more experience under her belt. You can see that Boimler has what it takes to grow into a calm, diplomatic commanding officer like Jean-Luc Picard someday, and that Rutherford and Tendi are one shove away from becoming lovers and eventually a Power Couple like Riker and Troi.

It never forgets it's a comedy, but STAR TREK: THE LOWER DECKS also never forgets it is, first and formost, STAR TREK....
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Nightlife (1989 TV Movie)
"Vampirism is a Disease - & a Disease Has No Morals"
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If that line rings a bell, it's probably because you first heard it during the first decade of the AIDS crisis by gay activists pushing back against the Reagan Administration's attempts to use AIDS to demonize LGBTQ+ persons. It's a strong subtext through this movie, and gives it more...bite, to borrow a term, than your average vampire comedy.

Keith Szarabajka plays an American doctor working in Mexico who gets romantically involved with Maryam d'Abo's vampire who had herself buried over a century to get away from her former vampire lover, Vlad (yes, THAT one!), played with a combination of menace and tongue-in-cheek by Ben Cross. When Vlad finds out, he comes to Mexico City to take her back, and is both vexed by Szarabajka's insistence that literal bloodthirstiness need not become a lifestyle choice, and contemptuously amused that he sees vampirism as a disease rather than a curse. Well, the joke's on Vlad, since when the young doctor realizes he can't beat an old vampire as a normal human, he becomes a vampire himself to fight back!

In the end, after Vlad's heart is broken (literally!), a'Abo and Szarabajka continue their love affair as his&her matching vampires, with no more concern over it than if they were two diabetics who needed to watch their diets....

A surprisingly enjoyable movie, and just "woke" enough to REALLY enrage homophobes!
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Overheated, Ridiculous, Often Utterly Insane - IT'S GREAT!
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What you need to know is that this film is a mishmosh of the Anne Rice novel it's named after and the earlier book THE VAMPIRE LESTAT, and that Anne Rice has effectively disowned it -- which may be why it's so MUCH more entertaining than INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE. Also, Lestat's played by Stewart Townsend, so you don't have Tom Cruise and his Black Hole-like power to make everything about HIM to deal with.

What you have is Lestat becoming a rock star -- many of his fellow vampires want to see him dead because of that; his Sire Marius (Vincent Perez) is trying to protect him despite it; the Egyptian Progenitor Vampire Akasha, played by the late rock star Aaliyah, who's awakened from a LONG nap by Lestat's Rock&Roll and now wants him to sit by her side as her new Prince Consort... Oh, and a commune of loving, life-affirming Ancient Vampires headed up by Maharet (Lena Olin), who's as old as Akasha but isn't all evil and stuff, raised and is still watching over her human descendant Jesse (Marguerite Moreau), claiming to be her aunt!

Confused? Don't go away, it gets crazier -- Jesse works for the paranormal studies group Talamasca, headed up by one of the lesser-known actors to be DOCTOR WHO (Paul McGann), who's fascinated by Marius. That's okay, because Marius is equally fascinated by The Doctor -- I mean, "David Talbot!", and wants him to come play in the deep end with all the vampires.

Like I said in the title of this review, it's overheated (Aaliyah and Townsend don't walk so much as they writhe sinuously), the late Aaliyah's line readings are amateurish (though that could be due to her post-synch being done by her brother given she died shortly after production ended) as she projects all the Terrifying Menace of a Daddy's Princess trying to talk her way out of a speeding ticket, and the idea of New Agey Vampires (they literally have a Tree of Life in their main room!) is the stuff of camp.

But... Townsend is an excellent Lestat (even if his singing's overdubbed by Johnathan Davis of Korn, who wrote Lestat's songs), Lena Olin's maternal warmth and strength sells the absurdity of her character, Marguerite Moreau is winning as the "nice girl" drawn to Vampirism, and the music really slaps. My wife refers to it as a "rock and writhage", and she's not wrong.

If you're in the frame of mind for a gloriously silly vampire rock movie, and you don't worship at the altar of Anne Rice? This is definitely a movie you should watch at least once....
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Old-Fashioned Thrilling (if Racist) Pre-Code Oriental Adventure
20 March 2020
Some of the things I really enjoy about Pre-Code movies is there sexual frankness and willingness to show the consequences of violence. One thing I really don't like? Is how frank they are about their racism, especially regarding Asians! The "Yellow Peril" flag flies high here, as Ship's Captain Richard Dix leads a squabbling group of Western tourists in the middle of a Chinese uprising (Apparently caused by a sneeringly villainous eye-rollingly evil Russian!). Turns out the whole reason for the Russian leaving this rebellion is to get back his Eurasian concubine -- because...?

There's a lot of violent action, some of that surprisingly sadistic (mostly on the part of the Russian and his Chinese minions), the expected American captain hero falling in love with the Eurasian concubine, and acts of cowardice and bravery from a number of unlikely sources. (Ever had the urge to see Edward Everett Horton, Badass Action Hero? Here's your chance!)

Clocking in at a little over seventy minutes, this is one crazy thrill ride. You'll just have to remind yourself periodically that we've come a long way from these kinds of attitude about Asians...
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Surprisingly, Not Bad for an Asylum Movie!
5 February 2017
Yes, the premise is derivative of the Kirk Douglas vehicle THE FINAL COUNTDOWN, but the multiracial cast is game, the story fairly suspenseful given the outcome is more-or-less preordained, and The Asylum's CGI work has progressed to the point where it doesn't interfere with your suspension of disbelief...much. My wife, niece and I watched it on Netflix the other night, and as soon as we saw "AN ASYLUM FILM" we figured we'd be switching it off in ten minutes in disgust - so the fact we not only watched the entire movie through, but were entertained by the experience, is quite a recommendation! Special props go to Faran Tahir's Captain Strong, an airline pilot so cool-headed under pressure Sully Sullenberger would be green with envy; and Aqueela Zoll's Tough Young Flight Attendant Cameron, who is just who you want serving you coffee when your plane time-travels to a slightly-changed for excitement WWII air battle! But everybody in the cast pitches in to sell the story, which is a pleasant surprise - like when Charles Band's people crank out an above-average bit of Direct-to-Video dreck like ZONE TROOPERS.
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Some People Should NEVER Be Given a HD Camcorder, 3D Animation Software and Blinky Lights
8 September 2016
And this so-called "movie" rates really high on that list! Cheap and insulting from start to finish, with a few halfway decent moments and actors buried in the under-lit Hi-Def videography and uninspired CGI work.

While the original WAR GAMES may not be a film classic it was at least a fun, fairly smart for the time adventure about the risks of automating military actions, with computer hackers as the new heroes. It also had a good A-Minus movie cast who added a great deal to the humor, drama and romance, and was well-directed by John Badham.

This looks like something thrown together as a Canadian tax dodge/money laundering scheme, made on a budget that makes STARSHIP INVASIONS look sumptuous by comparison. Honestly, I half expected to see Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom (from Mel Brooks's comedy classic THE PRODUCERS) listed as Executive Producers!

It's so cheap that showing the out-of-control military computer, R.I.P.L.E.Y. (get it?), losing "her" mind is shown by flashing bright blinky colored lights behind a bank of servers! While stars Matt Lanter and Amanda Walsh are both very pretty people and do all right given what they have to work with, the rest of the film feels like nobody could decide if they were doing a comedy-adventure, a College Kid Romance, a thriller about Homeland Security overreach, or a conspiracy movie.

I saw this on Comet, MGM's SF/Fantasy/Horror Channel broadcast for free - and I want my money back.
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Taxi Brooklyn (2014)
Saw this on Netflix - we didn't last ten minutes!
28 May 2015
CASTLE has a lot to answer for, convincing producers and networks that if they throw a charming, talented eccentric guy together with an Uptight But Hot Woman Cop With Issues, Magic Will Happen! Case in Point, TAXI BROOKLYN, about a gifted Frenchman of Color taxi driver teaming up with the above-referenced Uptight But Hot Woman Cop With Issues - in her case, involving the mystery surrounding her cop father's death, and her reckless driving that requires her to make regular use of said cabbie.

Silly premise? Sure - but so's a horny mystery writer attaching himself to a Hot Woman Cop Trying to Solve Her Mother's Brutal Murder, and thanks to the talent of and chemistry between Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic, CASTLE's been on the air for seven years. Sadly, this show doesn't have any of that - the writing doesn't sound "American" as much as "French TV's Notions of Tough American Cop Shows, Translated Clumsily Into English", the car stunts while nice are filmed in a slam-bang cut style that gives you motion sickness, most of the cast badly does roles they've done well elsewhere, and series lead Chyler Leigh is No Stana Katic in either charm or believability as a female police officer (she's much better as Meredith Gray's and Supergirl's sister!). The only person who emerges from this show with his dignity intact, as far as I can tell, is Jacky Ido as the French cabbie in Brooklyn.

WTF was anybody related to this production thinking?
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Primeval (2007–2011)
When Will PRIMEVAL come to the US?
24 April 2008
Ordered Series 1 and 2 of this on a lark from an Amazon UK "If you like DOCTOR WHO" recommended list - and was pleasantly surprised. Okay, the special effects (especially creature CGI) can be a bit blah, and the characters sometimes suffer from "rubberband" skill sets (where does an "evolutionary biologist" learn to fire automatic weapons just like Rambo, anyway?) - but like DOCTOR WHO which it seems to be (erroneously) compared to, the writing is generally strong and the characters are engaging. It's certainly a better show than TORCHWOOD (even if it doesn't star the ludicrously handsome John Barrowman!), and despite some quasi-adult themes doesn't violate its UK-12 (roughly equivalent to the US's TV-PG) rating so it's good viewing fun the whole family.

I don't understand why this show isn't available in the United States yet - it's got dinosaurs (well, not QUITE, but close enough for American audiences!), adventure and is family-friendly enough for early evening television.
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Fun if Slight Sequel to CONAN THE BARBARIAN
16 November 2007
Reading the other comments on this thread, it's obvious that a LOT of people were taken with John Milius's bombastically epic CONAN THE BARBARIAN - if you're one of them, then you're certainly going to be let down by this sequel. On the other hand, if you thought CtB was a pretentious, overripe mess that stranded its entire cast in the middle of Milius's cod-Nietzschian fantasies, then you'll probably enjoy the more lighthearted adventure CONAN THE DESTROYER.

Director Richard Fleischer, unlike Milius, plays to his performers' strengths rather than straightjacketing them into a bombastically macho worldview. As a result, limited and/or inexperienced actors like Arnold Schwartzenegger, Grace Jones, Olivia d'Abo and Wilt Chamberlain deliver surprisingly appealing and effective performances, while old pros Mako and Tracey Walter are playful and consistently entertaining throughout. As the Master (Mistress?) Villain Queen Taramis, Sarah Douglas is a good hissable baddie, but unsurprising.

The effects are variable, from an impressive climatic monster (the Dagoth) down to some truly laughable rear-projection - but even that adds to the old-fashioned kiddie matinée air of this movie. Recommended for adults and older kids (10 and up), there is a lot of nonexplicit violence, a humorous drunk scene and a bit of mild sexual innuendo.
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