
13 Reviews
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Didn't read the comic book, but this is one of my favorite shows
27 June 2022
I am writing this right after I watched season 3, so it is still fresh for me. Most reviews from other users for season 3 are really bad, but honestly I can't see why.

It's fun, it has its classic WTF moments (tiny bit less than previous season), all the gang is here, and there is character development for all of them.

I didn't read the comics, so I don't know that storyline, but this one in TV show is great, and it could not be possible without excellent cast. All of them are amazing, but Sheehan and Gallagher are my favorites.

Most of the users are complaining about unanswered questions, escpecially in season 3, or how some things are not explained, why this, why that... For me, that is one of the show's charm and not everything needs explaining, you just go with it and sometimes you need to turn on your imagination. It will get explained eventually, just maybe not in this season. Or this timeline? Who cares, enjoy the ride with the apocalypse and eventually, all the things will fit in its place.

This show is pure fun and I don't want it to end, give us more seasons of disfunctional family, apocalyptic events and WTF moments.

Someone wrote thar season 3 storyline is "nonsensical". This is fantasy/sf show, and all of them are if you put it that way.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Imaginative and unpredictable
8 January 2022
After watching season 1, I was satisfied with all the fantasy world and ideas, but there was room for improvement. In second season characters became more fleshed-out, and the story went into the directions I could never guess, and that is a huge plus.

But season 3 really became an adventure/comedy/fantasy that I love to this day, and could re-watch it any time, a series as a whole. All in all, if you love Harry Potter-ish and Narnia type of fantasy mixed with a lot of comedy, sex, and a little bit of horror elements, this is definitely for You. I believe you can never guess where the story would lead you because it is totally unpredictable and won't give you really any clues that it will go down there. Of course, some things are intentionally cheesy, but this show knows exactly how to make a satire out of every single fantasy trope.

Cast is really likeable and most of them are good, but only one who I could not connect with is Julia, and Stella Maeve who plays her looked a bit amateurish at times. Especially if she is sharing screen with Hale Appleman (Eliot) who is scene stealer at every occasion and a great actor (obviously my favorite character).

This is definitely a must-watch from me, but go into this prepared for all kind of crazy nonsense and you will have a blast.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Great movie, cast, soundtrack and anti-hate message
23 December 2019
First of all, I haven't read the book by Christine Laurens this movie is based on, but the teaser and trailer for the movie got me immediately hooked. By the trailer, you can assume it is comedy, but it is far more than that, believe me. Today I had the opportunity to see the movie, and what a movie this is.

It starts as a comedy as seen in trailer, but after a few minutes into it, you realize that it is a serious war drama with comedy in the right places. In my opinion, there wasn't a movie which can balance comedy and tragedy this good, at least not in recent time I remember. For a movie with a dark theme, this one looks so colorful, but it seems that is the point since it is seen from the young boy perspective, and Taika Waititi's movies are full of bright colors.

The cast is perfect; Thomasin, Scarlett, Taika, Alfie, Rebel, Archie as Yorki, and my favorite Sam Rockwell as eccentric Captain Klenzendorfbut, hats off to young Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo - he really caries the movie. Usually, I really disliked Rebel Wilson's appearance in movies, not because of her alone and her acting (she's really good actually) but the type of the movies she was in are not my "cup of tea". But here, she fits absolutely perfect as crazed nazi woman, and she nailed it. From now on, you have my sympathies, young lady.

Taika is genius at his own at filmmaking, his movies are always full of great soundtrack and that style is what gets me more into the movie. I must thank all of the crew behind this for beautiful movie experience, it is one of the years best, no doubt about it. So, obviously, this is a must watch!

And all of you who cheers for war and more hate, take a look at this one here among the others, and ask yourself - is the war what you really want? Because sooner or later, it will come at your front door and that is a bitter truth.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Feel-good movie and a real crowd pleaser. I love it!
27 June 2019
Saw it at my cinema in Lovran, Croatia just a few hours ago, so it's still pretty "fresh" while I'm writing this. The whole idea is great, haven't seen those yet in mainstream cinema. The plot is pretty much straight-forward, with likeable characters, great music (of course) and when the movie was over, it left me with good feeling and a smile on my face still singing Hey Jude.

All actors are really good, but Lily James is so adorable in this movie! She shines in her character and steals every scene she is in. Liked her the most (obviously).

Take your girlfriend/boyfriend/friends/family to see this rom-com fantasy music comedy in cinema on a big screen, and even if you won't like the movie, you will sing Beatles songs after and feel good about it (guaranteed)!
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
After all those years, this one became a classic
25 April 2019
All the tv shows are having their ups and downs, so is Supernatural, but this one here so grow on me over 10+ years I've been watching the show, it would be unfair if I gave it a score under 10. Over my college years, different cities I've been living at in search for job and myself actually - Winchesters and Casstiel were always here almost every week to entertain me. A long way Supernatural and myself have done over the years so the news about ending the show with 15th season get to me more than I could imagine.

As a horror and mythology lover, it didn't took long for this show to get my attention. Leading actors are great, they gave their characters so much life and it is really easy to bond with Winchester/Casstiel gang (except Mary Winchester - she never really had that spark, but I blame writers for not giving her better story) . You know how the friends are becoming friends? You just spend enough time with those people and if you have any mutual interests, you are becoming friends after time. Supernatural is not masterpiece by any means, but those characters crawl under your skin over the years, so ending the show is like watching your good friend leaving for good.

Personally, I really recommend this one here if you are into demons, angels, ghosts, ghouls and a touch of a family drama. Great horror-fantasy with some comic relef and at some times really cheesy but you will be entertained all the way through if you are into any of those. And soundtrack! Oh, the soundtrack... classic and modern rock all the time - it doesn't get much better than that!

So go and watch it!
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It's like comic book thrown onto screen
24 April 2019
Well, Russo brothers did it again. Those 3 hours felt like half hour or less. After watching this story reached its end, I really must say - there is no movie universe like MCU. I love DC and other superhero movies also, but after seeing Endgame - everyone (and that includes future Marvel) really must try hard to beat this 10 years long story and I hope that it will happen again. A man can hope, right?

If you read any comic book that has really good story with real stakes (every hero can die) that spans over years and you reached its final number, climax of it all and you are blown away by it - I'm sure you will recognize that feeling while watching this movie (especially in the final GREAT scene, but I don't want to spoil it to you).

When I came home from cinema, I needed another "shot" of our heroes so I immidiately watched first Avengers movie and Avengers: Age of Ultron. But that is not enough: today I will watch Infinity war at home and Endgame once more in cinema.

Than you all for a great movie(s)!

Avengers - Assemble!
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Good thriller!
2 December 2018
For some time, it is hard for me to find a good thriller. Then, I've stumbled across this one here. The story is simple but believable - at least for me, since there was war in my country a few decades ago. First of all - Dan Stevens is incredible in his role! He carries the entire movie - you can't help yourself but to like him, but you know you shouldn't. Really, but REALLY cool good/bad guy. From the beginning, you can see something isn't right, but waiting for the climax as he story progresses is really fun to watch. I like Maika Monroe from "It Follows", and in "The Guest" she is far more attractive to me, probably 'cause her appearance of a smart "bad girl". Another guy I really liked here is Lance Reddick from "Fringe" and "John Wick" and boy, these secret service guy roles suits him well! The rest of the cast was really good, but again - Dan Stevens is unbeatable in his "David" role!

If you like good thrillers, go make yourself a popcorn and enjoy this one, hope this one won't disappoint.
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The Nun (2018)
One word: predictable
8 November 2018
Maybe because I've seen so many horror movies, but this one made me roll my eyes and laugh all through. I usually like Demian Bichir and Taissa Farmiga, but even they could not save this movie from being boring and predictable. So many stupid decisions made by characters and unbeliavable things they can do (scene with Taissa and Demian on the graveyard - you will know what I am talking about). Predictable movie with a lot of (also) predictable jump scares.

Only thing I liked here are a bunch of nuns in the hallway or whatever they are near the end of the movie. Beside that, there is nothing in here for me to enjoy too much as a horror fan. Except Taissa is cute as always.
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The Grinch (2018)
Not bad, but not great either...
8 November 2018
Just watched The Grinch in theatre I work at. From the first released trailer they hooked me, so I had an advanced screening today. For me only.

Story seemed to me kinda empty (obviously I had higher expectations), but it is just classic retelling of the same. The plot is classic Grinch tale - Whovilles are happy, Grinch hates it, they love Christmas, he steals it. But the little guy who really steals the entire show is Grinch's dog - Max! Every scene he is at - is so funny and cute, The characters are great and charming, especially Grinch's dog and moose and Cindy Lou Who's friends. Other than seemed to me pretty blank.

As a years-long fan of Grinch's character - charmingly grumpy and bad, lovably mean Grinch, I give the movie score 7 of 10.

Usually I will give the movie score 5 of 10, but thanks to great characters I gave 2 stars more. I recommend this movie to take your kids in theaters - they will have fun, and hopefully you will too. If the story is not that good for you, the feel of classic Christmas spirit is what you get here and that I am sure you will enjoy.
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You like good, old school crime/mystery movie? El Royale is the motel you need to check-in!
12 October 2018
Just watched it in cinema alone (I work there), for months I've been waiting for this movie to get my hands/eyes on. An I was not disappointed - it was old school, dusty crime thriller with an all-star cast.

Great music, great cinematography (hotel looks great), great acting, every character/actor has his/her moment in movie. This one I will watch again for sure, I was really entertained by all the actors performances, music and movie overall. This will be a great addition to Blu-ray collection when it comes out.

If you are into mystery/crime/thriller with good actor performances - you're in for a treat! Go and see this one on big screen - you won't be disappointed.
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Venom (2018)
Good intro for Venom, but now I want more!
3 October 2018
Had a test screening tonight in cinema I work at, and couldn't wait to watch my all-time favorite Marvel (anti) hero on big screen. Tom Hardy is great as always, that guy really can act. Can't think of anyone else who would be a better choice for the role but him. Introduction was really long, but I was not bored for a second. When Venom comes in his true form - the party starts! Wish few action scenes were less like Michael Bay's style (hardly see anything) but the inner child in me was really happy for Venom's maniacal kicking and punching around. Venom's character is really well made visually - his walking, jumping and smashing are just like in the comic books - thumbs up for that!

Hope they will release R rated version on BluRay so we can see more of Venom's craziness. Tom Hardy allegedly said best parts are cut out to make the movie more age appropriate, and I think that's a shame. Anyway, I will watch this movie once more in cinema, and buy it on BluRay. After all, it's Venom!

Go and see it on big screen - hope you won't be disappointed!

Oh, and there are TWO mid-credit scenes - one we all are waiting for and another one that...just go and see it for yourself!
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Space adventure eye candy, but forget the story
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I work at the cinema and every movie I get to screen, I check if it will play right. That includes skipping few scenes, check picture and sound and I turn it off if everything is ok. Through skipping scenes, I saw a few that looked really engaging and I've decided to make a little cinema screening for myself before the people come in to see the movie. That was the first time I have done it and won't do that again for SW movie. Not worth it. I like the original SW movies (episodes I-III were ok, nice to look at), but I am not die hard fan of the series. TFA was ok, Rouge One not so much and this one... I really don't know anymore what this hype is all about.

BAD: I actually didn't care for anyone in this movie, characters were just running around and everything they've done was failure. That is not a bad thing for plot if you can make me care for characters (this one here is not the case). Every character is just...meh. They made a grumpy old man out of Luke (was expecting this after TFA ending), Leia flies through the space - that really IS the worst scene in movie, no matter what the explanation is, Rey was boring as always, BB-8 goes Die Hard Bruce Willis tough, Poe is like angry rebelious teenager and Snoke...who the f*** is Snoke? There is no explanation who he is, what are his motivations and where did he came from? That guy is the mystery. And not so dangerous like he was presented to us, so that part looks like they HAD to put someone who will be killed by Kylo to take the command of the bad guys.

GOOD: Snokes red room and guardians (that thing was so Kurosawa-like), Adam Driver was great, after movie ended all that was stick with me from all of it is his performance. Great actor. As for Benicio Del Toro's character (who was ok), did you also heard a little Franky Four-Fingers from "Snatch."? I really like that movie. Actors were great, but the story was just boring. Chewbacca was invisible here, but I love that guy no matter where you put him.

After public screening in cinema, only one guy was really satisfied with the movie. Everyone else were dissapointed and blamed Disney, 20 people got out of theatre before the movie was over. Tough audience or is it movie to blame? For me, movie got 6 stars because it is little eye-candy - it kept me entertained, but really didn't care for the plot really. I would recommend to wait for Blu-Ray or DVD release, would never pay ticket for this mediocre movie. Will watch the extras of movie shooting (if there were one) on DVD/Blu-Ray, that is always more interesting.
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
Great Gothic horror
16 October 2017
I was really sad when I found out the series are over, but on the other hand, I was kinda happy. I am really satisfied it ended like it did just because all of the characters got their endings and writers could not ruin the whole show with 10 new seasons. With just three seasons of this great horror show, it belongs to my top 10 shows of all time. And it does not belong there because of three running seasons, no - the whole story, dark Gothic ambient, characters and acting are great. Eva Green is just perfect for the role of Vanessa Ives; beautiful, smart, scary and tormented. Personally, I liked all of the actors' characters in Penny Dreadful, but Eva Green was most striking in it. If you are a horror fan who likes Gothic ambient, good story, great actors and characters this one is not to be missed!
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