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Okay Sci-Fi
25 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
X-Men The Last Stand is a good Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi movie. The special effects are pretty interesting. And I can see how Ian McKellen can go around saying that this is a movie he personally relates to.

Even though I really like Sci-Fi, and I have seen the previous X-Men movies, I am really not an expert on X-Men. Basically, the Mutants are fighting for their right to remain Mutants. A "cure" has been discovered and they don't want to be forced to take the Cure.

But the only character I could sympathize with was Angel, played by Ben Foster. This was really the only character in the movie that had any emotional depth. Even in a sci-fi movie, I like to have some sense of who the characters are.

The scenes where the Mutants are fighting are pretty good, and with good special effects.

And Of course, there is always Hugh Jackman - who is so good looking whatever role he is playing.
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Brilliant Cast - and Wonderful Screenplay
24 June 2006
I love movies that can be both humorous and dramatic at the same time. And A Prairie Home Companion is such a great story. Garrison Keillor has a laid-back realistic style of humor that you usually don't see in movies today.

Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin are great together. They play off one another as if they are really sisters. They come across as so natural. Lindsay Lohen plays Streep's daughter - she's a talent singer too, but very different.

Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly steal the movie though with their hysterical characters, Dusty and Lefty. The lyrics of their songs are far to dirty and off-color for radio.

Even though the script and directing are really great, because of the outstanding cast this really is an "Actors" movie. The actors in this movie are so brilliant, it is just amazing.
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Movie is Better Than the Book
18 June 2006
I had listened to the book on tape when it first came out, so I was already familiar with the story.

The book was very confusing to me, I found it hard to follow. But I think the film was made in such a way that it was less confusing. Such as when Tom Hanks is going over the code, the letters or words highlight themselves as he goes along. Or when he is thinking through a problem, there is an impression of it that appears before him. All this makes it easier to understand.

As for the acting, I thought both Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou were good in their roles. But I think the stand-outs for acting in this movie are Paul Bettany and Alfred Molina. Bettany sure has a difficult role as the monk who is after Hank's character.

Also, I consider myself Christian and the movie and book didn't bother me. It is just Fiction after all, or just one person's idea. I like the fact that the movie leaves you thinking about religion and the meaning behind it, and shows that the people in the film believe in their faith very deeply. There are many scenes that address Jesus' Divinity and Humanity, and I think that is a good thing thing to show a movie audience.

So there are a lot of issues in this movie that will really make you think about Jesus and religion. And it is very much a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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Fun Kitty Movie for Kids
16 June 2006
First, I am owned myself by a cat, so I naturally enjoy anything having to do with Cats.

Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties is a happy, funny, silly movie. It is much funnier than the first Garfield movie. I think this is mainly because of Billy Connolly, who is hysterical as the "bad" guy in the movie.

Garfield ends up in London, and gets switched with a cat who looks just like him, and who is a Prince and has a vast estate. Billy Connolly's character wants the estate, and wants to get rid of the cat. Silly fluffy comedy then follows.

I really enjoyed it. It is light, fun and happy. Yes, it is made for children. But I think any animal lover would also enjoy this movie. Just go to see it knowing it is pure fluff, and you will have a good time.
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Outstanding Cast, Great Story
9 April 2006
I loved the movie. I hope you get a chance to see it and it comes to your area. Its a great life story. John Goodman plays a man who is trying to return to his childhood girlfriend. Robert Carlyle finds him in his hour of need, and agrees to meet the childhood girlfriend for him

Robert Carlyle and Marisa Tomei are so wonderful together. The story of their meeting and falling and love is very romantic.

Mary Steenburgen is outstanding in her role as the dance instructor.

And Donnie Wahlberg steals the movie with his character.

Its a movie filled with outstanding actors. And a very touching and moving story. With great childhood stories.
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I LOVED this movie !!!!!
9 April 2006
I just absolutely loved Ice Age The Meltdown. The animation is fantastic. The jokes are hysterical. Its one of those movies that both adults and children can enjoy. Completely great. Ray Romano and Queen Latifah have the perfect voices for the Mammoths. John Leguizamo and Denis Leary are great too.

I just loved the entire story line with Diego, and then Ellie the Mammoths story of growing up. Everything was so touching, yet really funny.

And Scrat keeps showing up, so he makes everything great.

This is a wonderful movie for the entire family. I plan on seeing it twice !
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Funny and Dark ! Great Flick !
6 December 2005
I just had a blast watching "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". Robert Downey Jr is so funny as the actor who pretends to be detective. And Val Kilmer is perfect as Gay Perry. I think its the best role he has ever done. These two actors made the perfect team !

The Screenplay and writing are fast paced, and comical. The writers know just when to really go over the top. Some of the scenes made me laugh harder than I have at any movie in a long time.

Very rarely do I enjoy dark humor. And very rarely do I see a movie twice. But I enjoyed this film so much, I am thinking of going back and seeing it again. It was that funny.
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New York Doll (2005)
Amazing and Inspirational
1 November 2005
I went to see "New York Doll" expecting to see a Rock documentary. Instead I found the movie to be a touching and heartfelt look at a former rock stars religious conversation.

Arthur "Killer" Kane hit rock bottom with alcohol, but he turned to the Bible and to his church. Its an amazing story about how having faith can really help you change your life and fulfill your dream.

I liked that the movie was not preachy against rock music. It showed his Ministers and how they spiritually supported his decision to play again with the band. And I think Arthur portrayed such a fine example of his Morman faith when he got back together with his band mates and dealt with the bad feelings of the past.

The film interviews both Rock Stars, and Mormon Church Members, all talking about Arthur and the New York Dolls. In doing this, it shows both sides of Arthur Kane - the RockStar, and the Devout Mormon. This is a very touching tribute to this member of the New York Dolls.
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Capote (2005)
Outstanding Historical Film
18 October 2005
This movie tells how Truman Capote wrote "In Cold Blood". It shows the relationship that Capote developed with the killers so that he could get his story.

Philip Seymour Hoffman portrays Capote perfectly. He deserves an Oscar nomination for his performance. He gets every little detail of Capote's characteristics down to perfection.

Another great actor in this is Chris Cooper, who plays the lead investigator. He develops a friendship with Capote and lets him interview the killers.

Catherine Keener deserves a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her role as Nelle Harper Lee, who is Capote's long time friend. She assists him in his research and gives him emotional and professional support.

The one thing I enjoyed about this movie was that it was very realistic in its portrayal of life in 1959. You really get a strong sense of the era as you watch the movie. People were so much more innocent and naive back then, and it really comes across in the movie. Director Bennett Miller really knows how to give the movie the feel for the times.
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Thumbsucker (2005)
Bitter-sweet Tale of Growing Up
16 October 2005
Thumbsucker tells the story of a 17 year old who still sucks his thumb. It shows what his family must go through when dealing with the problem. As well as what happens with his school and social life.

This is a very truthful realistic story of teenage life and learning to grow up.

The outstanding cast, makes this a fantastic movie. Keanu Reeves as the holistic orthodontist, Vince Vaughn as the high school debate team teacher are both outstanding. Tilda Swinton is great as the mother trying to help her son, but also succeed in her career. Lou Pucci really portrays the inner struggle of a teenager growing up, and the confusion that goes with it.
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Outstanding Movie
16 October 2005
Everything is Illuminated is a fantastic movie. Elijah Wood is great as the American who travels to the Ukrain to learn about his Grandfathers past. He is quirky because he collects nearly everything.

The character actors in the Ukrain really make this an outstanding film. The Tour Guides that show Elijah Woods character around are fantastic.

The film deals with a serious subject, and there are a lot of moving elements to the film. But at the same time there are little quirky funny parts that are just as amazing.

Liev Schreiber did an outstanding job on this film - I can't wait until he writes/directs another movie.
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