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childish and poorly written
1 September 2004
george lucas must have gone senile.. or just plain greedy and stupid.

my friends, this man is a crook. he stole my $10. he made a film purely for kids. it has all the aspects of a bad childrens show: colours and silly action and nothing deeper than that.

i feel that if he had started with Anakin already at the age he was in episode 2, and made a more gritty feel to things the movie would have been much better. also, if he had spent a while longer trying to make a meaningful star wars script, it would have turned out much better. too much advanced tech make the 3 original films seem like they were in the past. lucas failed at his own game and i'd like to kick him in the nuts for it, cuz he's ruined my favorite movie series.
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Excellent documentation of Canada and Canadians
2 June 2004
this is a very powerful documentary. its fully involved and takes no short cuts. it is very thorough and explains events in great detail. the history is accurate and fair to all involved.

there is a healthy mix of both history (which you learn in school) and interesting little tidbits (that you don't learn in school).

the entire show - from the commentary to the acting out of events to the history lessons - are displayed in a very inviting and warm way. the creators and writers, etc. must really love Canada, because they sure put a lot of work into this piece of art.

i'm always on the lookout for this to have another run on CBC and you should too. 10/10.
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Video Days (1991 Video)
11 January 2004
The skateboarding is sick in this piece of work. it slows down a bit for the half-pipe bits, but the rest makes up for it.

I hope that everyone notices that the camera is being held by another skater, who is going the same speed, and sometimes going backwards. that takes some guts - as if skaters in general dont have enough.

i'm personally not a skater, but if you are like me, and just love to see these guys beat the s*** out of their boards and get mad air, get this. (available on the net or Kazaa)

a bonus is that one of my fave actors, jason lee, is in it and has a few pieces where he just talks.
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The Closet (2001)
7 January 2004
i laughed out loud a number of times during this movie. and i hardly ever do.

maybe it was the subtitles or something (then i need to watch more subtitled comedies!) but i really loved this movie. it wasnt just the comedy, but the light way in which it dealt with homosexuals. they didnt take sides, which is a lot these days. i love how the neighbour is so rude and how the macho rugby co-worker talks about having showers with his nekkid buddies!

dont skip this one if you get the chance to see it!
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Trapped in Space (1994 TV Movie)
token characters and run-of-the-mill plot
11 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
well, since you're reading a review there's bound to be spoilers. but i might as well issue the warning anyways. but its not like i'd be ruining anything. the plot is predictable.

an asteroid hits the ship, oxygen supplies are lost, the entire crew cant survive the trip. one guy decides to go on a rampage. how original.

the effects are awful, the acting is often clunky, the plot is inconsistent.

it is, however, a good time waster. IF you have absolutely nothing else to do. 3/10
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
quality of a high school play
10 December 2003
I hate this show. the skits arent funny and use the same material all the time. Jimmy Fallon is a complete idiot and laughs at all of his own jokes.

This show is painful for me to watch because it looks like they're puting on a high school play. i thought that these people were chosen because they could deliver lines professionally under stress and with no outtakes. the writing is like 3 15 year olds sat down and wrote some "hilarious" skit.

the quality of both acting and writing sucks. 0/10 for this awful skit show. it should be cancelled and all the writers shot, all the constants put to more use: living in an alley in L.A.
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5 December 2003
This movie tries WAY too hard to be artistic. the story is imbedded underneath so much confusion and symbology that its hard to tell what the director is trying to say.

its as if the writers took 50 scenes and threw them into the air, and picked them up randomly, and that was the movie. the scenes look as if the editors didnt know how to cut a scene.

nothing happens. dont waste your time. this is a 1/10 movie. the director is NOT an artist, but he definately wants to be one. he failed. he should not make any more movies. the end
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doesnt do the cartoon justice
2 December 2003
The cartoon was amazing. well, TMNT and Ghostbusters were better so i'll say that it was great, not amazing. But it was a FAR cry better than this trash. I expected this movie to be excellent, since it was made by the same director of the Vanilla Ice hit single, Cool as Ice. and fortunately, it surpassed by expectations.

dont watch unless all the other bad movies and good movies and average movies in the video store are out.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
THE sitcom
1 December 2003
Seinfeld got it all right:

1) didnt ruin the show with plot (i.e. friends, fraiser(for 1 season)) 2) ended it before it got stale (i.e. simpsons, friends, countless others)

This is the greatest sitcom the world has ever seen. the show was pure comedy, and thats what made it successful.

there will never ever be a show that quite live up to seinfeld standards, but a few these days are making it the closest anyone has - scrubs and maybe king of queens at times. if i werent a christian, i'd worship seinfeld.
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only movie i ever fast forwarded through
24 November 2003
I love tom green. that is to say, i love his old show, the one that got cancelled. after that, his humor got rather.. well, he fell off. he used to be funny with a sort of witty background to everything he did. yes, he was disgusting, but he wasnt just that. there was wit behind all of his actions, and thats what made it funny.

this movie was awful. i remember that i laughed only a couple times. it seemed that tom had lost his wit at this time of his career, and stuck with the disgusting stuff instead. i fast-forwarded through parts of this movie, and i've never done that with any other rental. i just couldnt stand it.

as ebert said: tom is unable to promote his own movies anymore. and its kind of sad. he messed up. but, thats life in the spotlight.
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Ninja Academy (1989)
found in $1.50 bargain bins worldwide
17 November 2003
this movie sucks. i remember watching it when i was about 12 years old, and i didnt like it then. i thought that it'd be like the 3 ninjas movies - which kept me entertained as a kid. but it didnt deliver.

my fondest memory of this movie was when one of the ninjas is stumbling in the bushes doing some bad acting, when he looks to his side and sees the neighbours - a nudist colony. there were naked breasts bouncing all over the screen - the women were playing volleyball. hey, i was a 12 year old. but i remember that it had a PG rating, and my mom was shocked to see what i was watching. har har: she should see the stuff i watch now.

the plan: go to all rental stores, purchase their copy and melt it away. that is, if they haven't already sold it for $1.50 to get some space for a movie someone will rent.
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Ninja Academy (1989)
not worth the rent nor a CDR
17 November 2003
Take a look at Mastorakis's amazing profile to top-notch films. he's right up there with Spielberg and QT. A whole 5/15 films have received an IMDB rating of above 4/10. thats just amazing.

dont rent this movie. its not even worth the $.50 that a CDR costs and the 1/2 hour it'll take to download it off the net. Mastorakis is a shining example of someone who doesnt deserve to be in any film industry. however, he does make a great target for self-respecting movie goers who can all come together to attack one person, instead of fighting over who hates kevin smith and roger ebert.

the people who gave this movie anything higher than a 3/10 must have either thought it was another ron jeremy epic. i laughed harder when bambi's mother died than i did at this movie. 1/10 because i cant give 0.
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Comedic and Plot genius
16 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

this movie is great. the tricks that the 3 con artists play on each other are smart. one of the best things is that they dont reveal each other to the people they're conning - which would have made me mad, its just so cheesy when plots turn to that.

if you dont find it very funny, you've still got to love the excellent dialogue and twists. the ending is the biggest twist of all, and it leaves you with a good feeling - it came as a surprise to me, and many other people.

see this movie!
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Spenser: Ceremony (1993 TV Movie)
13 November 2003
I enjoyed this movie from beginning to end.

The plot and twists are good, but they're nothing special. But its still got a bit of substance. The acting was good/decent, and there were a couple jokes that i chuckled at. if its on tv, its worth the 2 hours, check it out. I give it an 8/10.
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Exploring the Reef (2003 Video)
Excellent little short
11 November 2003
This is a great short that's included on the Finding Nemo DVD.

It features a scientist, Jean-Michel Cousteau, who's been studying the sea for most of his life. It teaches a lesson about the coral reef, while providing a bit of comedy from 3 characters from Finding Nemo. I enjoyed it very much.
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Little Criminals (1996 TV Movie)
Conflicting opinions in my head
2 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is funny. But not in a comedy way. Its quirky. The story about humans is excellent, well written.

However, i hated Des SO much in the movie that i was very happy when he died. I knew that we were supposed to feel bad for the kid, but i didnt. Anytime i saw the kid on the screen i felt like kicking the crap out of him. I guess that means he did a good job acting.

I never will understand why kids would break into someone's house just to trash it and steal their stuff. If i saw some real kids like that doing anything that these kids in the movie did, i'd beat them up and throw them into the harbor for dead. That's one thing i wish i saw in the movie - the kids not being loved, but hated and injured.

But of course, thats what the writer and director wanted you to feel. so, 7/10.
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
if you see 1 movie this month see Kill Bill instead
25 October 2003
Scary movie is best seen as a rental. It has its funny parts, but i can't remember them, other than a single Jacko joke out of 20. all the humor is slapstick, potty, or some combo of the two.

the entire movie is people getting the crap beat out of them. it gets old.

i have to admit, i never saw the first two movies because they looked so stupid, but i saw this one because Kevin Smith did the screenplay. there are a few parts of the movie where you can feel his presence, such as the two hoods having a rapid-fire argument over a small detail.

two words: rent it. too bad the trailers before the movie were funnier than the movie itself.
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Yes, Dear (2000–2006)
Excellent show with funny actors
13 October 2003
With the amazing demise of "Raymond" and the moving of "King of Queens" to Wednesday, this is the funniest show on Mondays.

It seems that you either hate the actors or love them. But we will all agree when we note that the kids in the show are annoying and poor actors (as are most kids). Greg is a goofy character and is one of the best characters on sitcom television these days. The jokes are well written, but I'd like to see more jokes back to back.
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The Flying Car (2002 TV Short)
Excellent Display of Smith's Dialogue Skills
12 October 2003
This is an excellent short, the best I've seen so far. It is a nice little sample of Kevin Smith's work. Smith has a natural talent to create dialogue such as this. I love his mix of crude and lewd subject matter with witty uses of various not-so-everyday words from the English language. Watch the clock for Randal's rant on how people such as Dante are responsible for the state of the American nation. It lasts for basically a whole minute. Its a nice piece that fits well with these two slacking clerks. Watch this short! Its available all around the net and is worth the short download.
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Showgirls (1995)
A raunchy tale of a hooker's adventures in Sin City
28 May 2003
This movie is crazy. The acting is alright, but mostly i treated this movie like a comedy. There is so much skin in this movie that it takes away from any plot.

The plot was just an excuse to get the ex-Saved By the bell star to have sex with guys and me a total b**ch to all the people around her. Unless you're looking to get yourself off, dont bother with the film. Cuz that's basically what its good for.

The plot would probably only be enjoyed by females, but the sex scenes would only be enjoyed by males. So, i dont know who would enjoy this movie. The only credit i give to this movie is that director had the guts make it a hollywood film, and actually be a hotel-room romp, with the quality of a porno film.
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