
2 Reviews
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Easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen
5 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe a movie with this many talented actors could be this horrible. And I can't believe that they convinced talented WOMEN to be in's easily one of the most misogynistic films ever made. **SPOILERS** This poor, poor man who just loves women sooooo much but they just all turn on him...wah, wah, wah. The film portrays his wife as this misguided woman who just can't accept all the "unconditional" love that her husband gives her, so she goes crazy and reverts back to an a-sexual childlike existence...could it be that he is so patronizing and expects her to treat him in such a god-like way (as all of his patients do) that she forgets that she's an adult? All of the women in this film are portrayed as exaggerated, stereotypical, ridiculous foils of real women. No real emotions, no real motives, just selfish and ridiculous behavior that keeps poor Dr. Gere from being a happy man living a peaceful life. Tragic little paper dolls that Saint Richard has to piece back together...and when he can't he's whisked away to this distant place where he delivers a baby...a boy, naturally. As if delivering himself from a mad world of women. You have to wonder if the writer of this film has ever actually MET a real woman. It is simply the worst movie I have ever seen. I've taken to commenting loudly to my husband about that fact when we see it in the video rental place so that no one around us will make the same mistake that we did. I'm not usually that vindictive, but I just hated this movie that much.
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A Childhood Treasure rediscovered
20 March 2002
My parents taped this movie from TV for me when I was young, and it has always remained one of my favorites. I've worn the tape out over the years, because even now that I'm a (supposed) grown up, I still get the urge to go back and watch again and again.

The film is beautiful, filmed on location in Europe (Austria, I think?) with a whimsical and richly romantic air. What I love most about this movie is that it makes the effort to flesh out the characters into three dimensional figures and to set against an (at least plausible) historical backdrop, while still maintaining a tiny bit of tongue-in-cheek self-awareness--a live-action period piece that enjoys the fact that it's really a fairytale and a musical. I've always thought that gave it just a hint of sophistication. The movie also explores more of the complexities of the stories and the characters' motivations. It carries us past the classic "slipper" moment and allows for a more complete ending, which I found more fulfilling.

As for the characters themselves, I loved Cinderella, neither the modernized girl-power of "Ever After" (which I loved, by the way) nor the blank goody-goody-ness of the Disney classic, but a very human and lovely blend of the two--with a gorgeous voice thrown in for good measure. Prince Edward, played flawlessly by Richard Chamberlain, gives us a hero to root for, in addition to our traditional heroine. You don't just wait for her to be found, you cheer for each of them to find the other. The rest of the cast is filled in with real people that the viewer comes to care for and value in the story almost as much as the main pair. You are not left with the typical stock characters that you see so often in fairy tales. I especially loved the Fairy Godmother, the Prince's Companion, the Chamberlain, the senile King, the Dowager queen...okay, I really love them all. Even the dog. :)

I despaired of every finding a "real" copy on VHS until recently. The VHS retained a few scenes that were edited from the TV version (I assume) for time, and I have to say I think that I liked the short version better. I thought that the it flowed more smoothly, and I found that I did not miss the musical numbers they cut. I was especially disappointed with "Find a Mate" (yes, they're serious) and the scene in the Fairy Godmother's house...very contrived and corny. They really don't equal the rest of the film. Although the Prince's prayer at the end is wonderful, and was cut from the TV version.

All in all, I just have to say that I love this movie, and always will.
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