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Just Married (2003)
All in all cute story
14 March 2003
Go to movies with low expectations, you won't be disappointed. That's my motto. And my husband and I laughed through this movie.

It brought back memories of bad hotels we stated in, and other various botched attempts at being romantic.

All in all cute story, everything that can go wrong does. The honeymoon from hell.

You love who you love and can't live without them, no matter how insane they act, it is probably why you love them in the first place.

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Rollerball (2002)
Who edited this?
23 November 2002
My husband made me watch this. I was expecting to totally hate it. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Dialog and parts of the story were weak. And this is possibly the only movie I've ever seen where I actually heard comments on how bad the editing was, during the movie. `Oh that was bad.' `Who edited this?' `Can you believe how jumpy that was?'

On the positive side: The movie did point out that the driving force for almost everyone involved with the `game' was the love of money. That was a believable motive for most of the characters. Also not take place in the US or Canada, made a little easier to swallow the idea of how popular this game was suppose to be.

The actual game: Think WWF meets hockey with a motorcycle and roller blades.
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Con Air (1997)
Bad accent for not such a bad movie
12 November 2002
Not a great movie but it sucks you in. How is Poe going to save the day? Some things are a bit out there. But that's what so cool about it.

Had to cringe every time Nicolas Cage opened his mouth. Bad bad accent. He needed a better linguist working with him.
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What were you expecting?
29 July 2002
You've seen this movie before. Popular boy (this time) and unpopular girl fall in love. Friendships are challenged, other stuff happens. It's true love. Everyone's happy. Something must go wrong and it does. Will the characters be able to go on? They find a way. The end.

I knew what the movie was about. No surprises right? Wrong. I was pleasantly surprised with Mandy Moore, hey she's a singer not someone who's been acting since before she could read. She held her own. I feel she earned her MTV award. But I was impressed with Shane West. He was the movie, in almost every scene. He went from being a jerk to trying to soften up to being the sweet guys that make all the high school girls go, `Why can't my boyfriend be more like that?' and the boys say `Man, that guy makes me look bad even though I paid for this movie.'

Realistic? No. But it's only a movie, I watch them to escape. Real love isn't all fireworks and roses children. I know I'm married love my husband 100 times more than the day I said `I do' same goes for him (I asked tonight). I watch this stuff for the mushy new love stuff. This movie has it. I'd watch it again.
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Orange County (2002)
I had low expectations and was surprised
29 July 2002
I feel that I should explain 2 things before I give my opinion of this movie 1) I don't expect much from a MTV production and 2) I went to see this movie just to see Colin Hanks, because of his role as Alex Whitman in Roswell.

I was surprised and impressed with Colin Hanks, and Schuyler Fisk who I had not seen in anything. Both of whom played characters that actually had some depth. They actually wanted to go to college not just get laid or marry someone rich.

I found the movie light and funny, full of great cameos

If you are expecting to see a lot of Jack Black you may be disappointed. He only has a supporting role. But hilariously funny as usual.

I also wish that they had kept Colin's hair off of his face, like in some of the beach scenes. The whole bangs thing just, just…. I just didn't like it.

Worth the rental fee for the cameos, Jack Black, some off color jokes and some of the lines the supporting actors have.

DVD has some great deleted scenes and explains why some of the ads showed things that were not in the movie.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
This is from the Farely brothers. Remember them?
29 July 2002
From the men who brought us `Something about Mary' `Say it isn't so' and more. If you are expecting to watch this movie with out being offended don't bother.

I am a woman who size holds 2 digits. But I'm also not overly sensitive about being a `big girl' With that being said I LIKED THE MOVIE, A LOT.

Hal & his buddy Mauricio want only A+ women, which are out of their league. Hal and Tony Robbins meet, stuff happens equaling Hal to see the inter beauty in physical form. Hal falls for Rosemary. The question is will he still love her if and when he find's out she isn't `perfect'?

Jack Black (Hal) did a good job as the main character. He wasn't this totally crazy guy that he is usually type cast as. Jason Alexander (Mauricio) was the narrow-minded friend who said all kinds of offensive things, you're suppose to hate him. Gwyneth Paltro (Rosemary) was the sweet self-conscience love interest with a heart of gold.

Fat jokes were a little far fetched, but that was to be expecting. So if you like the Farely brothers work (not that this as good as some of their earlier work) and you can handle fat jokes, the story is actually pretty sweet.
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The Goonies (1985)
How could you not like this movie?
29 July 2002
Loved this movie when I was a kid love it, even more now that I'm a mom.

Isn't it everyone's dream to find a treasure map? Have a moment as Indiana Jones? When you are a kid you want all of multiplied by about a 1,000, that is this movie.

This movie has it all: family stress that the kids understand, funny moments, mystery, bad guys, action, adventure, 80's music, pirates. Best of all real sets!! A couple of bad blue screen shots and some other mistakes that can easily be over looked.

DVD has a great commentary from the actors about 15 years after the film was made. Good to see them grown up and hear what it was like as they look back. They seemed to have fun pointing out mistakes, some of which I hadn't even noticed.

If you grew up in the 80's and missed this movie run to your video store and check this out.
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Roswell (1999–2002)
Show with good potential that was wasted
27 July 2002
The idea was decent it just could have been developed more. But that wasn't aloud to happen due to the constant fear of being canceled. I feel UPN killed the show on purpose, putting it up against Smallville. The last season felt a little rushed and like the writer had to leave details out if not whole episodes.

But the idea of what am I doing here with the twist of I've lived before as an alien king. I love the fact that the two main characters Max and Liz were suppose to be boring and dull (which is repeatedly brought up by other characters), yet passionately in love. Maria and Michaels ever-rocky relationship is full of laughs and pain.

Max - the former king, serious, over responsible. Liz - the science geek. Maria - the wacky best friend. Michael - the rebel. Isabel - ever the princess with love and loyalty to family. Tess - despite her moments of sweetness with Kyle you love to hate her. Alex - the loyal friend (wish he had been in more episodes). Kyle - the jock turned Buddhist, is a great side-kick. Valenti - the present adult with a level head and respect for the kids as equals. Jesse - sweet (good-looking), smart hubby in the dark.

Two unanswered questions though: What ever happened to the Dupes? What happened to the romance between Amy DeLuca and Jim Valenti?
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Safe Passage (1994)
We are all dysfunctional
27 July 2002
If you like movies about realistic families you should like this film. Nothing really deep. Family joins together during the stress of the potential loss of one of its members. The way they act and treat one another is so true.

It's worth the rental cost to watch Susan and the boys clean the garage.
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