
6 Reviews
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Visuals were hit and miss, script and plot were MIA
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Bro", "Cuz", "No!" (with appropriate anguished scream), and snarls. That's basically the dialog and plot summed up.

There was almost zero character development with the film basically saying, 'so these kids were born, here's you new cast' in the first two minutes. Oh and there was a baby left behind in the first one apparently? Oh, and "all the soldiers that we thought you liked in the first one, well we've macguffined a way for them all to come back. I mean, we only have three hours, how could we possibly introduce new likeable characters in that time?' There were some huge leaps in there too. We all know that the estranged kid of the evil guy is going to get Stockholm syndrome when captured then find his way back to the light side, etc. But kid who 'hates' the sky people is happily wandering around the bridge on their ship within 5 mins of being captured.

The brothers do something against the rules, get told off, apologies, then do this same routine about 6 times in the film. Unrealistic and poor writing if you can't find better reasons to have characters do things.

The visuals swing between absolutely amazing (particularly the motion capture work where humans are interacting with avatars. Wait, I think there was only actually one avatar in the movie, some side character scientist for a few seconds), and not very impressive computer game graphics. I've seen better train crashes in my VR headset.

And I think that's part of it, we now have VR, I've experiences being in the water with whales and jellyfish in VR titles that were just as good, if not better, than the underwater scenes in the film. The CGI and 3D was amazing a decade ago, now it's just meh.

The script seemed to be there to give an excuse to show pretty graphics, but when the graphics aren't that special, then it's really obvious no one who knew how to write scripts or plots was involved.

Like so many great directors, JC seems to have fallen in love with making films with CGI rather than enhancing then, like was done in Terminator 2 and films like Contact. Even in films like Gravity, which was almost all MoCap and CGI, they took their rightful place as secondary to the plot.

It did look good for the most part, I didn't get too bored, I didn't walk out. It's a day later and I don't remember much any of the characters as none were that important to me. Maybe mini-mystic-angel-Sigourney but her interesting story was barely mentioned.

Doubt I'll bother seeing the next however many.
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Rick and Morty: Analyze Piss (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
A very strange experience
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well this is a first for me, a Rick and Morty episode that I didn't enjoy. Was this a fan script or something? Characters seemed to be doing things they would never do and what jokes there were seemed to be based solely upon swearing rather than the clever jokes we are used to where swearing sometimes occurred.

Overall it was disjointed from start to finish. The previous episode was ok, interesting ideas around the fourth wall, but otherwise just seemed a rehash of the story-train episode.

This one was just a mess of poor writing, characters that only 12 year olds would find clever, and driving someone to suicide. It was like the writers were phoning it in or had just stopped caring. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of the end of what was an absolutely brilliant show up until this season.
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Tenet (2020)
Time travel, eh
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good film, worth seeing, but unlike other time bending films such as Inception, nothing in Tenet really caught my imagination enough to want to sit through again so that I could fully follow all the intricacies of the time travel plot. It's a bit confusing (certainly the first half, the second half clears a few things up), there are a couple of big stunts, but the lead actors are not very engaging. I didn't really care about any of them and they didn't really seem to care about each other. All a bit stilted in the end. I also didn't really care about the end of the world, which is probably a bigger issue. The grandfather paradox (if I travel back in time and kill my grandfather how can I exist to go back in time etc.) is mentioned, but sort of waved away with a 'it is what it is / who knows what will happen? shrug of the shoulders. But as everything that happens in the past in the film is clearly seen in the present, when the end of the world turns out to have been planned to occur a few weeks ago, it sort of means it probably didn't happen, then and we should all stop worrying. The other issue was the sound quality. A reasonable amount of the film is done with the leads wearing masks. This makes for muffled speech to the extent that I couldn't understand some bits. And it doesn't help when strong Russian accents are attempted and spoken with a time reversed echo. I pretty much lost that entire scene. So, meh, it's no Dark Knight.
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1pm Daily Update (2020– )
Plucky leader picked from obscurity.
14 August 2020
Set in a dystopian world with fascism on the rise, the story follows the typical hero's journey style. A young girl (Ardern, played by Stardust McGee), is plucked from an obscure life and is thrown into the leadership of the land of Zea. She starts out as the carer for the mental health of the bohemian residents of a small island off the coast (think Last of the Summer Wine meets a show where people moan a lot). But in a strange, but strangely believable turn of events, she ends up being forced to lead the country when there basically isn't anyone else competent enough to do it. She goes through a rapid training period with her glamorous friend Grant who teaches her all about money whilst she teaches him all about style. Where you expect the main antagonist to be the members of the opposing clan, they end up being a little transparent, weak and, quite frankly cartoon like. My only criticism of the 'baddies' is that they are disposed of too easily. There is no West Wing level of intrigue here. Season two has started with quite the Cruella de Vil style antagonist who I suspect also won't last long. Mildly amusing though. One of the most intriguing side characters is her deputy. This whisky drinking, Gordon Ramsey's grandpa attitude chap is hilarious. And evil! He seems to get a great deal of screen time and must be paying the screenwriter on the side as he gets so many good lines in the show. Naturally Lord Bloomfield is excellent again and although I normally don't like it when they change lead actors from one season to the next, this Hipkins has made me forget all about the last guy. A bit like how Daniel Craig erased the memory of the Bond before him. The only negative about the show is how annoying some of the reporters can be. But then to have so much annoyance well inside of me whenever I hear her voice, she must be an excellent actor.
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Winter Song (2015)
Awful, just awful
19 July 2016
Possibly the most boring film I have ever seen. Not funny, the camera person appeared to trip up regularly as they were moving around and I have no idea what the story was. It could easily have been something a high school art student put together, such was the quality. The parts I think were meant to be funny were dull and predictable. The acting was terrible, at one point a woman took a drink from a hip flask but didn't tilt it as she lowered it, clearly showing there was nothing in it. I have never seen so many people walk out of a film before (and I've seen some howlers) I think this was meant to have a deeper meaning but it was buried so deep as to be non existent. Just do whatever you can to avoid this.
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An awesome film
19 May 2012
This is an absolutely brilliant film. It has been beautifully shot in both NZ and Europe. The story is engaging and I found it to be very touching. The characters are complex and extremely well played by all of the cast. Matt Whelan and Roxane Mesquida in particular are both excellent. It is unusual these days for a film to surprise me but the story is so well directed that it really did. This film is a great example of Kiwi talent and just goes to show that New Zealander's can punch way above their weight. I wouldn't be surprised to see the film pull in a few awards before long. This is a film that makes you think and feel. The only way you could be disappointed is if you are incapable of one (or both :-) ) Go see it!
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