
16 Reviews
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Tommy Lee Jones saves yet another film.
2 June 2008
I am normally not a person to give negative feedback on films. I either like them or I don't and that is a totally personal thing so I don't like being negative. Seldom but occasionally there is something to be found in the middle isle of my film shopping supermarket. And this is one of those. The plot is poor and flawed (on purpose??) and could have been written by anyone and the script is tedious as far as I am concerned. It is however saved by great acting performances especially by Tommy Lee Jones. He plays this role to as near as perfection as you will see in any film this year. The man is a walking acting legend. There are however major flaws in the plot and script which made me scratch my head and think about whether this was a realistic piece or whether it should be seen as sci fi. Some of the things that happen could not lead to empty streets and no one reacting. There is another major flaw about characters finding each other but if I go into this I would be spoiling parts of the film so I won't. Anyway as I said this is merely a personal opinion. See it for yourself and judge it that way, from a personal perspective!!
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Gridiron Gang (2006)
Inspirational true story with feel good factor!!
25 March 2008
Though some parts of the movie are quite violent and depressing they serve to bring home the reality of the situation. The rest of the movie, though reasonably predictable, leaves the viewer with a sense of well being and hope. I thought the acting was class and the storyline well organised. I might be biased as in the fact that I am a sucker for true stories with inspirational themes. That must be the life coach in me. But this one really served its purpose well. Really enjoyed it. It proves that with perseverance every problem can be a stepping stone and every obstacle a motivator. Further more it tries to prove that perceptions and presumptions are just that and that we should not attach that much importance to them.
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The Kingdom (2007)
Good action flick that makes you 'think' once or twice.
20 February 2008
I love going to my local rental store. The staff will give me their opinion of a film if I ask them and leave it at that. I kind of know which of them has what taste in films and this allows me to choose my film according to my mood. For once today they were mistaken, and that is OK cause I enjoyed 'The Kingdom' in a way I thought I wouldn't. I was assured this was a no brain, no thinking action film. And I was in the mood for exactly that tonight. Yet, I found myself stopping the film on three occasions to pen down thoughts I got while watching it. Because I don't expect reality from action films I thought the action was realistic enough. Also both the start and the end of the film are well done and offer reflections. Please note I'm 42 and never signed up for the 'political correctness' classes. While I try not to judge or make presumptions I still call a spade an effin' spade. So here's what I got from this film when I said I wrote something down during it: 'Once you accept everything in life is finite, even life itself; it then becomes your choice how you want to get out of whatever thing is ending. On your feet or on your knees. You do well to remember that. Always prepared for the next move I stride forwards with every day, every breath left inside me at any given time. The end of anything is the springboard for another. Forward movement is necessary for survival and learning. When you prepare to fill the vacuum left by the end of one thing, you will be in charge of its replacement.'
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The Brave One (2007)
Pondering the existence right and wrong.
7 February 2008
First of all what a performance by BOTH Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard though I can see where Jodie Foster's nominations come from. She plays the role with every sinew of her body, soul and spirit and absolutely shines in this brilliant piece of a revenge film that isn't about the revenge as such rather about the morality of the choice between right and wrong, good and bad. Add to this the dimension of the main character being confronted throughout by both sides of the argument as she perceives it to be. Every person that watches this film will have their own perception of that morality and the film leaves the question open for all of us to ponder this without lecturing or pushing us either way. Great concept, different angle, nice storyline and some A1 performances. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it to everyone who is not afraid of challenging themselves.
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Bad Company (2002)
Take this for what it is, unbridled entertainment!!
5 February 2008
I enjoyed it and in the end that's what counts. Whenever I write one of these it is to give people an idea of what I thought of the film in question. Not to tell them what they should think. I often get the impression a film needs to meet so many artistic, filmographic and whatever other criteria before I am allowed to enjoy it. Or so I have to believe from some of the reviews about Bad Company. If you are going to watch a film then read the back cover, do some internet research, read some magazines or ask your buddies and you will find out what a film is about. Then decide if you want to watch it or not. And then accept it for what it is without feeling the need to preach about it. I know this sounds like a rant but it isn't. It is merely my opinion and that's all it is worth. I did the research, decided I wanted to watch it tonight, did so and enjoyed it. Because I took it in at face value. I was entertained by Rock and Hopkins, the story and the action. It is fiction, sells itself as that and delivers. If you like either actor and want some light action entertainment for 2 hours, Bad Company will not disappoint. It didn't for me anyway.
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36th Precinct (2004)
So good I watched it twice.
4 February 2008
I have seen comments of people comparing this iconic French cop thriller to Hollywood cop films and slating the latter. This is quite unfair, we all know you don't compare apples and pears. I thoroughly enjoyed the performances by some of France's best actors in this very noir script. The storyline is well put together and although you might think there is a good cop bad cop feel about it, you are left wondering if it is that clear cut. Although a cop thriller there is not overdose on action, just enough to support the feel of reality you get. The mix is perfect as far as I'm concerned. There is action, politics, family relationships, character development, interpersonal shifts etc... If you haven't seen it please do. Just let the film be what it is and you will not be disappointed. Oh, and if you can watch it in French with subtitles. Otherwise you will loose out.
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It's like a good wine, the older it is, longer it goes on, the better it is.
30 January 2008
When I read the storyline on the back of the cover I was sold and had to watch it. I mean it is an Irish film. We have seen some absolute peaches of films come out of Ireland recently. Think of Mickeybo & me, Inside I'm dancing, Garage, Adam & Paul etc... This is up there with them. In the beginning of the film the plot line is a bit thin and the movie is a slow mover but it gathers momentum and pace throughout until the bitter end of it. The acting is credible as is the developing interaction between its main characters. There was no point in the film after the first 20 minutes that I thought 'this can't ever happen'. A big round of congrats to the crew and actors for a thoroughly enjoyable film. And it makes you think and reflect on top of it all!!!
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The Contract (2006)
The plot is too thin to carry this film.
29 January 2008
I am by nature an extremely positive person. A 6 is therefore not my average score. This did not live up to its casting or storyline on the back of the cover. I've seen this sort of film and it is within the genre of what I call entertaining films. This however has an extremely thin storyline, the conversations are at a minimum and the credibility is nowhere to be found. On the plus Freeman is an incredible actor and even manages to pull this off as is Cusack to an extent. The scenery is spectacular and some of the relationships between the characters have been developed more than this sort of film would normally allow. While I am not sorry I watched this, I would not watch it a second time. I wouldn't recommend it either though I wouldn't advise people off it either. It is kind of a fence sitter really.
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Best western I've seen since Unforgiven
16 January 2008
I normally wait until someone whose taste in movies I trust recommends a western to me before I go and watch it. Cause I am not a fan of the genre. The odd one stands out for me. The Good, the Bad and the ugly. Shane. Unforgiven. High Noon. The sons of Katie Elder. The series of 'The Virginian'. And the remake of the 3.10 to Yuma joins that list. There is all you want from a good western (I don't do politics so there is no revisionism comparison in this review). The baddies are really bad, the good guys are truly good yet naive and unsteady. What makes it special is the deeper human touch that runs trough this movie. The interaction between the characters is allowed to develop throughout. Also the use of scenery is kept to a minimum so as not to interfere with the developments. Great movie, great entertainment and contrary to some reviews I thought the ending was appropriate!! Go watch it!!! I bet you won't regret it!
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Inspirational stuff!!
15 January 2008
When I saw the words true story on the cover of the DVD in my rental store I just picked it up and rented it. I am a sucker for true stories. This also means I did not know what it was about or what to expect. I was truly mightily impressed. I laughed, shed a few tears and got excited. Not many movies corner all emotions above. I had never heard of this story which probably made it easier to watch as I was not overly concerned about accuracy which sometimes happens to me when I watch true stories I know about. This film lifted me up. It is an inspiration to see how you can rise above whatever is thrown at you and succeed at what you believe to be true and good. I was also impressed with McConaughey and Fox. McConaughey is truly outstanding in this and I am not the biggest fan of his work. He kind of converted me with this performance. Go watch it. It is a bit predictable and slow in parts but the story and performances make more than up for that. Recommended!!
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District B13 (2004)
One of THE action films of this decade.
23 December 2007
As far as I can remember this is my first 10 at IMDb. I use two simple criteria for 10's. 1 will I buy it, 2 will i loan it out to someone. If the answers are yes and no respectively, this is a 10 film. I am not mean but when I see a film with the raw qualities Banlieue 13 possesses, I get clingy of my purchase. This is a slick film with some superb acting. What stands out acting wise is that these guys sound and look the real deal. I mean, I met guys like this. Also the action is believably fantastic, some of the wall walking or whatever you call it is breathtaking. It therefore enters my 2007 (that is films I watched in 2007) top 3 at number 1 for action films outscoring Tony Jaa's Warrior King and BEL2.
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Great entertainment.
17 December 2007
I have to admit this film has a 'Have I met you before' feeling to it. But then most sequels do. Same characters, same personalities leads to some of the stuff being same-ish. Yet I ask you, how many people do you know that drastically change overnight? Not that many. So the same characters having the same reactions and habits to similar situations is not that far fetched. Hill Street Blues characters didn't change that much either yet it stayed entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The acting is of a very high quality and so are some of the action scenes. And there is a twist in the film I didn't see coming. So all in all, not a classic yet highly entertaining, and that is what it was supposed to do.
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48 Hrs. (1982)
The ultimate cop action flick!
4 December 2007
While I like cop flicks there are not many that get more than a 7 out of 10 for several reasons. The story may be too far fetched, the actors not really compatible, the plot to thin, inconsistencies, etc...

None of that with this classic. It is the third time I watched it (I have only done a third view with about 20 flicks) and it keeps entertaining from start to finish. These guys were born to make this film together. The Hill Street Blues style cop with the Beverly Hills style cop combination really works when they play it. Nolte and Murphy are pure class.

Even the location suits the film. You got to love San Francisco!! In fact the only other cop flick that entertained me this much is the excellent French film 36 Quai Des Orfevres with Auteuil and Depardieu.

Great story, brilliant acting, old style no BS action scenes!! If you like this kind of film, 48Hrs should be on your top shelf!!
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The Protector (2005)
Amazing action, great film.
19 November 2007
As martial arts actors go Anno 2007 you will find it extremely hard to do better than watch Tony Jaa (also see Ong Bak) at work. This guy is amazing, his Muay Thai techniques are out of this world. I watched half the fighting scenes again in slow motion and would recommend you doing the same. While it is true that the plot could be more developed, I challenge anyone to do so with the budget on hand. I also thought the unconditional love and respect for nature and the animal kingdom was a nice sideline to the film. I also loved the fact that most of the film remained in Thai, with subtitles. Will watch it again, as I will Tony Jaa's next movie!!
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Click (2006)
The message is the film.
13 November 2007
For me Sandler films are normally a bit like playing heads or tails. I like it or really don't. This one makes the former list. I became apparent quite early that the message the film wants to get across is the main plot of the film. The script however deals with it in a novel, interesting and innovative way which other films dealing with the subject don't all do. Sandler is more subdued than usual and proves again he can act other roles with aplomb. Walken is superb, as is Beckinsale. Funny, this afternoon I saw her dad in a rerun of a 'Porridge' episode and he was class too. This film is funny and serious, it allows for balanced viewing of gags and life's more tragic moments. The main thing that stops me from rating it higher is its predictability. Good show though!!
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Really enjoyed this title.
12 November 2007
Thankfully I worked in film retail/rental and from there have developed the good sense of trusting nobody's opinion but my own as far as the quality of enjoyment to be got out of films is concerned. I rented three films today and as always checked them on IMDb before deciding which one to watch first. BEL 2 had the worst ratings but from the comments was the sort of film I was in the mood for. And guess what, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only was the acting professional, most of the special effects where OK and the mix between action and politics was balanced. This film was also definitely better than BEL 1 in nearly every aspect, especially the acceptability of military actions and casualties. I will probably watch this once more in a few years.
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