
14 Reviews
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Flawed, But Enjoyable
8 May 2006
When I first saw the preview for Tristan + Isolde, I thought it looked very stupid, especially because they were playing a modern pop song by Evanesence throughout it. Plus, I felt as if movies with very similar plot lines had been done quite recently (Troy, Alexander, etc.), and none had fared particularly well. This seemed like a B-list version of one of those movies.

I'm not quite sure why I decided to see the movie, when it got mediocre reviews and had a misleading preview. But one day when I was sick, I decided to rent it, hoping it would distract me from being ill.

To say the least, this movie was a lot better than I had expected. Sure, the accents weren't exactly up to par, and the dialog was clunky, and the "love" between Tristan (James Franco) and Isolde (Sophia Myles) seemed more like lust, I still really liked it. I thought the two main actors had great chemistry, and the action sequences were well done. It won't win any awards, but I thought that the title relationship in the movie was believable. At the least, the movie was an above average action/romance flick with pretty stars. And there's always James Franco's brooding good looks.
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Raising Helen (2004)
A Generic Romantic Comedy
8 November 2004
This movie is one of those movies that is pleasant and enjoyable, but forgettable by the next day. And that is probably what it was made to be- a generic romantic comedy made for generic romantic comedy viewers. It wasn't made to make people think, or to be left open to interpretation, or to show the acting potential of any actor or actress. This movie was made to be a simple money-maker, to appeal to a large audience.

This movie is mainly targeted to teenage girls, obviously, as they can relate to both Helen and Audrey, the oldest daughter's situation. While not being profound or laugh-out-loud funny, this movie is not unacceptably horrible or extraordinarilly wonderful. It is simply, a movie-like movie- a character doing his or her thing, plus a shameless promotion of Kate Hudson.

So when you watch Raising Helen, don't expect phenomenal acting, dialouge, or story-lines. Just expect okay acting, okay dialouge, and okay story lines. That's it- this movie is okay. I would give it 6.5 stars out of ten.
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Saved! (2004)
A Breakthrough Movie
1 July 2004
In the days after seeing a screening of Saved!, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. First of all, Saved! is not your average movie. It is a very unique and interesting movie. When I went to see Saved I didn't know quite what to expect. I had heard a little bit about Jena Malone being a decent actress, and obviously I knew that an all-grown up Macualay(sp?) Culkin was in it. Also, I like Mandy Moore. It was Mandy Moore and the well-done preview that caused me to go see Saved!

This movie went well beyond my expectations. The acting, especially, was tremendous. Jena Malone is incredibly talented, and I hope that she is never in disposable chick flicks and is never your average teen starlet. Mandy Moore conducts an unforgettable hissy fit, and Eva Amurri and Macualay Culkin's characters are very unique.

This movie is extremely well done and well written. With edgy dialouge and great timing, this movie is as entertaining as Spider-man and as well acted as The Hours. Also, this movie has great character development and relationship development, especially between Mary and her mother.

The only bad thing I can think of to say about this movie is the relationship between Mary's mom and the school principal. It was kind of boring, and although the rest of the acting is extraordinary, Mary-Louise Parker just plain annoys me. Besides that, I definitely recommend this movie to just about anyone over the age of 10. My dad, who is in his late 50's, my mom, also in her fifties, my brother, who is 18, and me, all enjoyed this movie and its not as if we have similiar tastes. If you don't want to see this movie because you think it is racist, think again! This movie is only making fun of people who are so obsessed with Jesus that they forget how to actually treat their peers. You are missing out if you don't see Saved!, starring Mandy Moore, Jena Malone, Eva Amurri, Macualay Culkin, Mary-Louise Parker and Patrick Fugit. I give this movie a 9.5/10.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-man 2: A sequel that at least meets the success of the first
1 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When everybody started leaving the theater at a screening of SPIDER-MAN 2, I believed that I had just seen a movie that, while not being the best movie, was still entertaining, had fine acting, and left me in question and wanting to see the next installment, which is scheduled to come into theaters in 2007.

On the plus side, much of this movie was at least as good as the first SPIDER-MAN movie. More angst-ridden than its prequel, Tobey McGuire does a good job characterizing Peter's internal battles. He portrays this character with passion and believability, which leads me to believe that Tobey McGuire is a very capable actor. Also, this movie had its funny moments. I always enjoy unintentionally funny TV shows and movies. Also, Kirsten Dunst portrays Mary-Jane Watson well, with her conflicting emotions and big break at the end. Also, I liked how Peter Parker is often shown as just your average guy, which is much of the movie's appeal.

I can definitely find some cons about this movie. For example, sometimes the action just got a little boring, which is weird, because a lot of people on the message boards are saying that the dramatic parts got boring. Also, I don't think that Doc Och was properly cast, because there was just something about him that made him seem seem unreal, even amusing. Speaking of amusing, there were just a few moments that were just a little too cheesy for me, like when (spoiler) everything is in slow motion and Mary-Jane is in her wedding dress as she skips through the park while pigeons fly around her, and when Peter is walking through the college and "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" is playing in the background. Also, Aunt May really got on my nerves sometimes. She seemed so helpless, even stupid as the movie progressed.

Overall, I believe that Spider-Man 2 doesn't surpass it predecessor, but is still a good movie. Spider-Man 2 is appealing to just about anybody, and is appropriate for anyone 6 or over. You will not be sorry if you go to see Spider-Man 2 in theaters, but you won't be completely awed by it either. I give this movie 8.5 stars out of 10. The end of this movie left me smiling, but not standing up clapping either.
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21 February 2004
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie, even though it was different than the book by Dyan Sheldon. It seemed like in this movie, the different plots were so limiting that they had to think of a new one every 10 or 15 minutes. Also, I don't think that some of the casting was very good. Carla was perfect, and I guess that Lola was as good as they could find, even though I pictured her not being as pretty as Lindsay Lohan. However, I don't think that Ella was cast right. She wasn't stiff enough, and also her parents weren't strict enough. When I saw this movie, part of the time I was thinking how stupid it was, and unrealistic. The sets of their play looked like Broadway or something. It had its moments, but overall was dissapointing. It is the type of movie that tween girls would like, about ages 8-12. I give it a 7/10
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Overall, a funny and enjoyable film
21 February 2004
I really enjoyed this movie. It had a great scriptwriter, because everyone in the theater was laughing and looking upset in all the right places. This movie was laugh out loud funny, but still not just slapstick humor. However, there was some crude humor that I could have lived without. There was this character who was an "it", we weren't sure if it was male or female, who was more gross than funny. And some lines were disgusting once you thought about it. Overall, this was a funny and enjoyable film, that I could see again and again. I think that this movie is appropriate for anyone over 11, because of disgusting humor. It also had a great ending. I highly reccomend this movie to people with all different kinds of tastes. 9/10
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Uh... I know this is a classic and all but...?
14 May 2003
This movie is supposed to be a classic, but it had no meaning, and all it had was some old guy and his friend the drunkard in it... I mean? It had no meaning and was for pure entertainment but didn't make a lick of sense. And it's in the top 100!
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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
Family show? Not really
26 November 2002
I do find this show interesting to watch, except do you notice that each episode is the exact same? The kids in the family do something bad in secret, the parents find out, the kids get in a fight, the parents get mad and punish the kids... all better. Not exactly. Because in the next episode, they do something bad again.

And also, this show is really quite innapropriate- - and it's supposed to be a family show. In the begining seasons, Mary is good and usually nice, but then later, she's messed up. Matt is overly serious and weird. Lucy is a ditzy girl who blabs too much. Simon is good but in that one episode when he is in 6th grade he kisses a girl and is youth is kaput. Ruthie is cool because she doesn't kiss people.


3 reasons why i like this show: 1. It's entertaining 2. Ruthie is cool, and really little and cute in the early episodes 3. I like how just when one character is getting boring, they switch to another.

3 Reasons I don't like this show:

1. The bad things that the kids do are too bad 2. There is too much kissing 3. The scenes with the dad are annoying sometimes.

So that's that. 6 out of 10
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Toy Story 2 (1999)
Much better than the first
7 August 2002
This movie was so much better than I thought it would be. No offense, but the first one was pretty terrible if you ask me. I wasn't expecting much, but this movie was great! The only thing I didn't like is that The Prospecter is way too mean. And Jessie is a little too extreme. And I thought that Woody was just one of those Cheepo toys you get at Toys 'R' Us? I guess it was sorta weird that like a year later, he was a collecters item... but otherwise, it was great!

3 and a half out of 5
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Get a Clue (2002 TV Movie)
Effortless, almost dumb
11 July 2002
It looks like Disney probably spent three days preparing this movie... It was basically stupid. The plot was okay, but it was unrealistic. Even the costumes were effortless. I mean, it was like, "Where's Mr. Walker?" and then they suddenly find him at his moms house!

Then Lexy hates Jack, and suddenly there best friends? It just didn't make sense. It would have made more sense if it was longer and there was more time to develop characters and plot.
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Double Teamed (2002 TV Movie)
It was worth waiting for!
11 July 2002
Okay, I saw probably about 300 commercials on the Disney Channel for the movie DOUBLE TEAMED. I waited and waited, until I couldn't stand it anymore. I think it was the best Disney movie ever, Disney channel, or on a big screen at a theatre. This movie definetely deserved to be a real movie. The plot was great, the characterzations well developed, and everything else i forgot to mention was fabulous.

***** out of *****
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Who else has seen something 8 times and admitted they didn't like it?
11 July 2002
I have seen this movie 8 times, and I am finally beginning to get tired of it. It is about two women who join the first Woman's Baseball League. Kit and Dotty, are sisters, and Dotty is asked to try out for the Woman's Baseball League. Dotty, doesn't want to, but Kit begs her to, and Kit ends up going along too. Lori Petty does a great job portraying Kits character, an upbeat, positive, but sometimes rowdy young woman. Tom HAnks plays the Peaches drunken coach, and does a good job of it. The only thing I didn't like was Dotty's aditute. I think that she had a terrible aditute towards baseball.
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Cadet Kelly (2002 TV Movie)
Was not as good as I expected
9 July 2002
This movie was far worse than I thought it would be. I watch the Disney channel and saw many previews for CADET KELLY. Compared to their March movie, DOUBLE TEAMED, Cadet Kelly seemed effortless. Jennifer's character was not developed well enough and the movie might has well been called LIZZIE MCGUIRE GOES TO BOOT CAMP, because Hillary Duff acted almost identically to the way she acted in LIZZIE MCGUIRE.

** out of *****
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Double Teamed (2002 TV Movie)
This movie is very meaningful and is much better than some movies actually in theatres.
12 May 2002
This story about two twin volleyball stars who discover their love for basketball. This story has a very good plot and you can tell that the director and playwright spent a long time preparing it. I definetely recomend it.
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