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Richonne back together again. My life is now complete.
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I decided to get AMC+ is for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. This is the only spinoff in the Deadverse that matters to me, at least at this time. Talk about a nail-biting first episode. Rick is still, if not more so, the strong, calculating, committed, silent-but-deadly, ax-wielding, desperate for his family man we all love. How Andrew Lincoln is even better looking now than just a few years ago, I don't know. Then we have Michonne. Smart, loving, powerful, warrior, soft, beautiful. This couple still makes me swoon. I can not wait for the next episode. Episode one right out of the gate was so well done. It's as if nothing has changed but yet, everything has changed.

I was shocked by the death in the 1st episode since that person was giving "main character energy" but if we don't know anything else about TWD we know that there is no guarantee of permanency. This understanding definitely keeps us, the viewers on our toes which also lends some excitement and uncertainty to the series. TWD feels so real while watching that it's almost like you are out there in real time, fighting to survive. I'll catch myself holding my breath, waiting to see what will happen next.

So far, so great and it's only going to get better from here. Looking forward to all the episodes plus the cliffhanger that we all know is coming at the end of season one. Other shows need to take note. THIS is how you make magic happen. If you can't get your audience to rally, to commit to throwing their tvs out of the window or burn the world down if certain things happen, do you really have a successful series?
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I'm so sorry. This is abysmal.
23 February 2024
What was she thinking? The creative direction is scattered and everything about this is contrived and over the top for no reason. There's nothing wrong (imo) with entertainers making artistic works like this one but it falls flat in this case. The visuals are stunning so that's a plus but it's not enough to make this widely likeable or a huge success. To the films credit, it could have gotten much, much better towards the middle/end but I had to tap out after about 25 minutes. It's one note/boring even with all of the glitz and glam. I will give her kudos for going for it and trying something new. But even all the cameos couldn't lift this heavy rock.

One last thing - WE KNOW THAT IT'S NOT A MOVIE. Stop thinking that those of us that don't care for it are mad because we thought it was a typical movie. We know that it isn't and we can still not like this project. As deep as she wanted this to be, it's not.

Lastly (I promise): Jennifer. Sweetie. You are not in your 20's or 30's anymore as much as you would like to be. Age with grace, please. It is laughable that you continue to push this narrative that you are young. You aren't and that is perfectly ok. You can be in your 50's, 60's and 70's and be sexy, fun, and REAL. Step into that and stop playing yourself.
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Not funny :/
28 January 2024
Kevin James IS funny! He is. I mean, KOQ, Paul Blart (the first one) and other movies, he can be very funny. He's got it in him. But this standup thing? Nah, it's not for him.

His jokes/schtick just isn't funny on a stage. The jokes don't land and some of them go on waaaaayyyyy toooooooo looooonnngggg. Like the deer joke. I already knew what it was going to be when I saw the audience that he was about to do his act for. That told me all I needed to know but I still watched anyway because I thought it would still have some good stuff in there. Nope. Didn't happen.

It was like watching a live action version of Kevin Can Wait. Un-funny and forced. Kevin, give this up, put your wig and shorts back on and give us another season or two of KOQ. Doug Half-A-Man is your lane. Not standup. Please don't do anymore standup. Don't standup but instead, sit down.
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Really good!
13 January 2024
Bummed to see how the season just ends the way that it does. Please, Hulu, renew for another season. Don't leave us hanging. The Other Black Girl is a binge-watch-able show that makes you think. Very cleverly done. The themes are in your face but subtle and below the surface at the same time. I know that doesn't make much sense but it's the only way to describe what I'm thinking.

The one thing that bothers me though is that I don't believe Eric McCormick is the right fit for Wagner. He's a great actor and he's still very handsome but his energy isn't right for this role. Also, I know that she is a side character but Malaika elevates the series. She's enjoyable to watch.
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Mildly entertaining but very chaotic
24 December 2023
I enjoyed The Meg but it's sequel, Meg 2 definitely hit differently. Most of the characters are unlikeable and the plot was trash (which I can overlook for a great actin flick). They really did mash up just about every cliche (which mostly consisted of people repeatedly doing stupid things) and monster they could think of into this film. Keep your expectations low and be satisfied with some great shark carnage. This is the way. Anything more than that and you'll be unhappy. I enjoyed the action but likely will never watch Meg 2 again nor would I watch anything else from this series if it were to be made.
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Come on! It's Cage!
17 December 2023
I will watch just about anything Cage does because he is very entertaining no matter the movie. The Retirement Plan is clearly not winning any awards. We know that. You can tell by the trailer exactly what to expect and it delivered just that. Corny, cheesy Cage. I love corny, cheesy Cage. This isn't this version of Cage's first rodeo and it won't be his last.

The Retirement Plan has (cheesy) action, (cheesy) humor. (cheesy) violence and a predictable ending. To make you think this was going to be a more serious movie they wrangled in Ashley Greene, Ernie Hudson, Ron Perlman and Lyn Whitfield. They almost had me for a moment but as soon as I saw that Rick Fox also had a role it confirmed that this would be low budget entertainment.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie for what it was. Cage is a great actor and I love how he doesn't take himself too seriously. I think he must do some of these roles just for the creative fun of it. How could you not respect that?
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Couldn't stop crying!
4 November 2023
Tom Hanks has such an incredible gift. He becomes these (mostly) everyday characters/people that grab a hold of your spirit and just won't let go. I didn't think this movie would make me so emotional but I was wrong. There were several scenes where my tears just flowed. Otto was such a beautiful soul. Yep, he was gruff, grouchy, to the point and a bunch of other things but he was much, much more than that. Some of the scenes were hard to watch so if you've ever struggled with your mental health (like I have) perhaps watch it with a friend or loved one so that you can process how you feel once the movie is done. In any case, A Man Called Otto was beautifully done and it's a movie I'd definitely watch again. Seeing this helps me to remember that we all have a story. We all have experienced loss and pain. We all are seeking something to help keep us grounded.
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Old Dads (2023)
Friggin HILARIOUS!!!
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man, this movie is comedy GOLD. Maybe because I'm older (Gen X I think) but I identified with him so much. Maybe in 20 years I'll be the crotchety person yelling "get off my lawn" to the neighbors kids. Sigh. I hope not.

Anyway, I realize that many that watch will feel like the things that happen in Old Dads is over the top, but it's all so true. Take the scene where everyone at the school was "offended" by him calling Dr. L a "stumpy c!nt." Yes, it may have been wrong but she had it coming. To make matters worse, the whole apology scene was absolute trash. I'm so glad that Old Dads brought up all these ways that we've absurdly gone way beyond "pc" on. When does the phoniness end?

Dude singing the gangsta rap at home? HILARIOUS!!! You know what part I'm talking about.

Ps- That chick that kept snapping her fingers in the beginning and allowed her son to hit the other chick in the belly? I would have kicked her to the curb eons ago and I'm saying all of this as a (Black) chick.

Anyway, this movie is great and it's genuinely funny.
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The Wedding Singer Is A Classic
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of my favorite movies back in the day. Just watched it again today for the first time in maybe 15 years and it's still just as fresh, sweet, charming and funny as it was when it first came out. Everything about this movie from the characters to the music to the outfits to the love story is top-notch.

So many classic moments (Sandler singing Celebrate, Lovitz singing Ladies Night or Sandler getting paid in meatballs) and even more classic lines ("Hi Linda, you're a b!!tch" or "Now please get outta my Van Halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up"). It never gets old. Don't get me started on the plane scene - I still tear up when watching it.

If you are feeling down you gotta watch this movie. If you are happy, you gotta watch this movie. If you are feeling nostalgic, you gotta watch this movie,

I know that Sandler has made a few duds along the way but overall he's a solid dude that knows how to make you laugh, make you cry or pull at your heart strings.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
I knew this show was special when it was first released
12 May 2023
And though I hate that it ended, and that today I finished the very last episode, I count it all joy. Firefly Lane was a treat to watch..actually to feel like a participant of. The ups, downs and in-betweens of life, love, loss, heartbreak, family and career. Firefly Lane is one of the shows that will have a special place in my heart. I've gotta say that I was never a huge fan of Sarah. I didn't watch Scrubs and when she stepped onto the scene in Roseanne I honestly was offended (LOL). I have been sleeping on Sarah Chalke. She is such a dynamic actress and I'm looking forward to seeing her in whatever she does next.
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This special was not funny
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched 30 minutes of the special and couldn't take anymore. I don't know if he talked about the slap because I never made it that far. All I can tell you is that in that 30 minute time span I laughed twice. Once when he talked about a certain someone being a crackhead and then another time before that (which i can't remember what that was). As soon as he started the jokes about his dad becoming a woman and how his family would react I tapped out. Not because I was offended, because frankly I don't care, but because the jokes were just dusty and tired.

I'm not saying that Chris is never funny. I think he can be. All I'm saying is that this special wasn't it. YMMV

ahh...as I was typing the above I remembered what the other laugh was for. It was the planet of the apes bit in relation to the storming of the capitol.

Anyway, Chris wasn't funny in this special. The end.
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The Strays (2023)
It brought something new to the table and I liked it.
26 February 2023
The Strays isn't a movie that's going to leave you feeling good once it ends. It will require you to put aside your desires for a story that is clean, easy to follow and wraps up with a pretty bow. Most people, especially those of a "certain persuasion" are not going to like this movie because: A - They can't understand where it's coming from and never will be able to or B - They feel like it's racist which it is not

You'll just have to judge for yourself if it's worth watching. I can guarantee that you'll either love it or you'll hate it. I thought it was great. The young lady that played Dione needs to be in more movies.
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Wakanda Forever was a huge let down
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can't tell you how patiently I waited to watch this movie only to be let down from almost start to finish. My only explanation for why WF was so bad is because the impact and legacy Chadwick left us with is very hard to surpass.

Just about every part of the movie was either pointless, made zero sense, or was uninspiring. Why was Elaine Benes in the movie? Why did she have the typical "bad girl" streak in her hair? Why was the story ALL OVER THE FRIGGIN PLACE!?! Why did the cgi look terrible? Why was some of the audio in the movie tinny, like they were talking into a tin can? Why did it look like some of the scenes were filmed in a swimming pool? Why were the action scenes so action-less? Why is Shuri totally unbelievable as the next BP? Letitia is a great actress but she isn't a good fit. It's too unbelievable based on just her body alone. I know the actors all did the best they could but I feel like Disney/Marvel failed them and failed us too.

For most Marvel movies I'm on the edge of my seat and don't want it to end. For Wakanda Forever as well as the last Thor, Dr. Strange, The Eternals and something else that I'm forgetting, I was not entertained and instead left feeling disappointed. This next phase of Marvel sucks. Not worth holding onto my Disney+ sub at this point.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Keep the OG cast and get rid of most of the kids
21 January 2023
#sorrynotsorry The teens are insufferable (most of them). I'd rather watch the entire OG cast (minus Hyde) and see how their lives played out versus watching the younger cast. I don't mean to sound harsh but the show is so corny and cringe now and not in a good way. The new cast doesn't bring anything interesting or funny to the mix. If it would have been just Eric and Donna's daughter, plus maybe the brother and sister from across the street I would have been ok with that. Honestly though, most of the kids are NOT the right fit. Not saying they are bad actresses or actors, just that they don't flow in these roles..
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Night Court (2023– )
I want to like this, I really do.
20 January 2023
Thank God for John Laroquette. If not for him I wouldn't have bothered watching this reboot at all. By the way, who asked for this reboot? NOBODY.

One thing that the original NC was great at (and there were many things, at least back in the 80's) is that it didn't feel forced. There were goofballs coming in left and right, Harry played off of John well, everyone had their own thing and everything just worked. Nothing felt forced. This new NC feels just like every other comedy show made after the 90's (with a few exceptions)...canned. I don't think that John can carry this show andI don't see it lasting more than maybe two seasons though I'd be shocked if they make it to two seasons.

Not sure they can re-create the magic. The characters aren't very likeable with the exception of course of John plus the bailiff. But even the bailiff's schtick is going to get old if they don't get these scripts and characters dialed in. It is nearly impossible to reboot a show and have it be as good as the original and so my hope is that they cut this nonsense out. If the studios decide to reboot The Jeffersons, Three's Company, MASH, Different Strokes, Alf, Golden Girls or anything else on my list, I'm jumping off the planet (lol).
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Multiverse (II) (2019)
Glad I stuck it out but I'm confused by the ending
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Multiverse is a low-budget flick, so don't expect anything fancy (including the script, effects or anything else). I almost stopped watching after the first 5-7 minutes because it is sooooo low-budget that it seemed like it would be a waste of time. Something told me to keep watching though and I'm glad that I did.

No, it didn't suddenly become a high-budget film with solid acting and awesome special effects. It did hold my attention though because once I was able to get out of my feelings about the cheese factor, my brain was able to get pulled into the actual movie to see if I could figure out where things were going to end up.

I did figure out how the ending would go maybe about 1/2 in since unfortunately they dropped a major clue (which now I can't remember what it was) and I'm sure that you will as well. I'll be honest though, I can't figure out the "how" of the ending to where it logically makes sense for me and I'm not sure if that's the movies fault for being inaccurate, or my fault for not having the capacity to understand how all of that stuff works. Either way, overall I think Multiverse is decent. Not mind-blowing. Not a blockbuster by any stretch. Very basic movie but it did keep me somewhat enthralled.
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Cage at his finest. The wall scene was pure gold.
9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Huge fan of Cage and whenever he made a stinker (I'm looking at you Ghost Rider 2) I'd be bummed because this guy has massive talent (pun not intended). So then we have TUWMT hit screens and I didn't think a movie like this would work. Spoiler alert - it does.

Is there anything that Cage can't do? I'm starting to think the answer is "no." what I liked best about TUWMT is how even though it didn't take itself too seriously, it still managed to be gritty, corny, silly, fun, hilarious and heartwarming all at the same time. Pedro really rounded out this flick with the intensity and deadpan humor he added to the mix. This was a duo and movie I never new that I needed but am so glad that I received. Loved and enjoyed every bit of it.
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Hart to Heart (2021– )
I love this show (just hear me out)
23 October 2022
Granted, I've only watched two episodes (the one with Jay-Z was my first episode) so far. These were both season two episodes so perhaps he has settled in a little more into his role in comparison to the first season, I dunno. What I like though, is that he asks some really great questions and doesn't always take the easy way out. That Jay-Z episode had a ton of great nuggets in it, so much so that I rewound the last maybe 5-10 minutes and re-listened to it twice.

I'm here for this show as long as Kevin continues to extract the info the audience needs while also allowing his guest to shine. He's a little rough around the edges at times but ultimately he's got a great show on his hands that I hope continues for several more seasons.

I'm editing my review: Watching the episode with Iron Mike and Kevin will not stop talking about himself. Damn dog. Just take a breath and hush for a minute. Kevin has excellent guests but he needs to learn to pull back a bit.
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What was that?
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess when a series has been done to death for decades, one can't expect the final movie to be worth watching. Thumbs up this review if you got to the end, scratched your head and said "WTF did I just watch?" There's only so much suspension of belief one can do, right? II mean, did this dude really have a Wrestlemania battle with MM? Was MM just casually hanging out that whole time underground and in pipes like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Did Allyson really fall head over heels in like 24 hours to where she was ready to risk it all for the town outcast/"child murderer?" I know he didn't do it, but come'on! SHE didn't know that! They made her character dumb as hell. Just about everything about Halloween Ends was DAH. Zero suspense. Zero build up. Everyone was just going through the motions. Even MM looked like he was completely over it and just doing it because there was nothing better to do at the time.

I don't know if I believe that this is the final movie. Just the same as MM springs up and gets a 2nd wind every time he fools you into thinking he's dead, I feel like they will do that to us again a few years down the line. Put this series in the shredder just like you did his body. Do not resuscitate.
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Yasss, Mila!!! YES!!!
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't tell you how many women I know, myself included, who has survived sexual abuse and in just about every case there is shame, loss and silencing. I was molested by a family member as a child, and I carried that with me for years. I still carry it with me and it's totally molded me into a different version of myself I always imagined I could have been had that not been the start of the downhill snowball effect in my life. My family swept it under the rug for the most part, and I saw my molester on a regular basis after that as if nothing ever happened. It was a family member, you see. All's fair in family and abuse, right?

In any case, I am so, so glad that this movie was made and my hope is that it somehow becomes similar to a balm or loving blanket of acceptance to every single person that has ever been the victim of sexual abuse. Mila was perfectly cast in this role. She brought so much strength, vulnerability, and realness to Ani as she went through all the lows and highs we were taken through over the course of the film.

I certainly love that last "pow" we got to experience at the end. Though it was a great way to end the movie, keep in mind this is a movie after all so it was necessary to kind of bring a sense of closure and triumph to our hero, Ani. Keep in mind though that in life, there are always naysayers, non-believers of your truth and people that question if what happened was really as bad as what you say it was/is. Unfortunately, in real life you don't always get that vindication at the end like Ani did. There won't always be a "moment."
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Reboot (2022– )
Hilarious (no laugh tracks and goofy jokes needed)
6 October 2022
I'm only one episode in and I already know this show is going to be great. Glad I decided to give it a watch and looking forward to how all of this plays out. Reboot is well-written and seriously funny. If you like shows or movies like..hmm..let's see... I'd say The Office, Abbott Elem, Office Space, Single Parents, etc, then I'm pretty sure this will be straight up your alley. Over the top, slapstick humor, isn't always necessary and so I'm glad they created a smart comedy that doesn't always go for a cheap punchline.

Alright, time for the next episode. Reboot is definitely binge worthy so enjoy it!
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Siempre reinas (2022–2024)
meh. another manufactured "reality" show, this time with subtitles
5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another scripted "reality" show, this time with Latina divas. I don't speak spanish, nor do i know a ton about Latinx culture but I wanted to watch the show anyway, subtitles and all, because it looked like fun.

I was enjoying the show until they got to the scenes about going to the bar. It was all downhill from there. Why would women in their 70's and. Late 60' s be going out to a bar to look for men less than 1/2 their age when they know good and well they'd rather be comfy in bed at 8pm? It's gross when men do it and it's gross for ladies as well.

Then there was the fake meeting in the club restroom. On top of that, they manufactured "drama" over who sang lead during karaoke. Lame. Now it's just a typical reality show and it's no longer interesting.
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The Munsters (2022)
It's the audacity for me
30 September 2022
How dare you remake a classic, The Munsters no less, and have the gall to produce trash? There are zero redeeming qualities about this movie. ZERO. None of the actors in this farce of a film are fit to play our beloved original characters.

Who asked for this? As R & B singer Keith Sweat famously croons - No Booodyyy! No one asked for this. Couldn't watch more than ten to fifteen minutes. In case you couldn't tell by the tone of this review, I am, in fact, highly irritated.

I'm done with the review. Because there are character limits, I guess you'll get these {]-;faoiet230-394rig94t. Fgrgrtetrt.
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Solid Part 2
23 September 2022
For what it's worth, Sonic 2 was a great followup to part 1. Idris was the absolute perfect choice for Knuckles and I love how serious he was. I don't think they really need Sonics "parents" in the film for Part 3. Let's get less of them next time and ,ore of Eggman, Tails and Knuckles. The movie was a little slow and dragged out in a few places but overall, there was a great balance of action as well as humor. You will have to let go of any sense of realism to watch these movies and that's ok with me. They are meant to be fun and nostalgic. That's it. Lighten up and have some fun, okay?

Extra characters. Honest to G_d I hate these stupid character minimums.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Better than I imagined it would be
22 September 2022
It takes a moment for things to get moving, but when they do...BOOM! I was all ready to leave a snarky review, giving Vengeance maybe 2 stars with an added smug comment that worked in "Ryan started the fire" somehow. Yes, I know that I can be immature.

What I loved the most about this film was how ultimately, Ben realized how effed up he was but also how effed up pretty much everyone else is too. Save El Stupido who was likely the smartest out of all of them. Ashton Kutcher was an excellent choice for the record producer. Smart but also smarmy. Actually, the entire cast was perfection. Perfect balance of dry wit, funny, intelligent and dark writing.
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