
7 Reviews
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Poorly acted and poorly executed
30 January 2022
I sat down with my husband looking forward to seeing this series as it had gotten such great reviews on IMDb - but I was very quickly really disappointed.

The contrived, silly, cliché-filled of vampire and how they move predator like is one thing. I can almost live with.

But the acting.... is really, really bad and I'm now halfway into season 2 and apart from Steven Cree as Gallowlglass, none of the actors have any charisma or screen presence at all. In fact, it's like watching a cheap soap.

And then there are the sets... there needs to be thrown a heck of a lot more money into this before this will work at all.

Another thing is there is absolutely zero chemistry between the series' various couples... Hard to believe in the grande love story. In fact, it's unbelievable.

Scripts are poor, special effects are poor, story is poor, fighting sequences are poor. No, it's a crap series fit for children and young adults only.
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I loved it!
10 May 2020
I read the books before seeing the movie and I think this adaption of the first (out of two) books is great and exactly what I had hoped it to be. It's entertaining, it's funny, it's quirky. It's a bit touching. Alfie Allen sings like a dream and is a gift in this (as he usually is in anything he's in) and Beanie Feldstein does a great job as Johanna/Dolly Wilde. I wish the two of them had more screen time together - that's my only complaint, really. Here's to hoping for a sequel if they chose to film book no. 2 as well.
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The Libertine (2004)
16 June 2008
Some years ago, I rented this movie for Johnny Depp's looks alone - and still, I was sorrily disappointed.

I found the story telling slow where it needed pace and too fast where it needed time. This can be blamed on the director and editor, of course.

Actingwise, I never felt that Depp was a great talent and he certainly did not manage to make me feel anything for his character at all in this particular movie. Not even dislike.

All in all, to me, this movie was a dull, unnecessary, and depressing experience which i cannot recommend to any body.
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Queen Margot (1994)
B-movie in French
12 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, rarely have I seen a period movie of such poor standard. A period piece from 1994, I might add. One would think it had been filmed in the early 80s where stories were often quite naïve.

The robes were magnificent and Isabelle Adjani looks like a perfect porcelain doll but the acting, the storytelling, the editing - they were all horrendous.

Picture one of those romantic novels with undeveloped shallow characters you enjoyed when you were 12 and make one of them into a movie - this is the excact feeling I got when I watched La Reine Margot.

SPOILER (Except without the usual happy endings those novels used to give you of course).

The only positive comment this movie will get from me is that Vincent Perez looked incredibly sexy and hot and his final scene was quite heartbreaking. For that alone I will give this poorly made movie 2 out of 10 stars. It really shouldn't get any.
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Dedication (2007)
Dedication to Life and Love
31 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Henry Roth (Billy Crudup) writes books for children all the while suffering from the ramifications of a childhood with a missing father and an abusive, probably violent, mother. He has a bit of an OCD problem as well.

His mentor, best friend, and parent replacement, is Rudy Holt (Tom Wilkinson), who illustrates Henry's books. When Rudy dies, Henry is devastated. He keeps imagining seeing Rudy, thus continuing to let 'Rudy' tell him how to handle Life. Something Henry is not very good at at his own.

He is teamed up by his publisher Planck (Bob Balaban) with a new illustrator, Lucy (Mandy Moore). In the beginning, he treats her like he would anybody else, which means mean, but it becomes very clear that she is a nice person and quickly he begins to like her. But he doesn't know how to break the habit of being strange and sarcastic. (Anybody who's been shy and hurt knows that being rude or weird is a perfect way to stay safe; to keep people away from the core).

Here is what he tells her in one long hilarious monologue which conveyed by the brilliant Billy Crudup comes out exasperated, hesitantly and too fast all at the same time and with a voice that is nearly broken , due to the fact that he has realized that he's told her far too much:

"I hate my mother I hate my goddamn dead father more, Rudy was the only friend I ever had, I had a girlfriend once who I used to like to masturbate to more than have sex with, carrots and snakes frighten me um I'm superstitious about the numbers (3. 5. 7) I can only stir things counter-clockwise and I know that if I don't something bad will happen, I take a size 11 and a half shoe I don't have a favorite book, I don't drive or ride in cars, statistically speaking you have a 100% chance of being in an accident in your lifetime, they're death boxes, I give to Amnesty International on the off chance that I'm ever imprisoned and tortured for my political beliefs, paradoxically I have no political beliefs, um Life is pain, black kids are cuter than white ones, I didn't mean it when I compared you to our waitress I was only trying to hurt you, I could've been meaner about your looks and what I would have said would've made you cry, I have a towel I can't throw out because it may have feelings, when I ejaculate I go into deep depressions, though by any standard you're a nice person I deeply resent having to work with you, I love Japanese monster movies, Gamera specifically.."

Ultimately, it's a love story told in a funny, quirky way and with great performances by Billy Crudup, Tom Wilkinson, not to mention Bob Balaban. Mandy Moore does a good job as well.

Oh, and Life at its best is a love story, isn't it?
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Kidnapped (1978)
Wonderful series from the 70s
14 February 2008
I remember this TV-series vividly. I was 8, perhaps 9, and the music David's Theme stayed with me to this very day. Wonderful, beautiful, sad.

As far as I recall the acting was great but then again I was 9. I have been wanting to see it again for somewhat 30 years now - who knows what I will think of it now? Silly? Poorly made?

Well, I can easily imagine myself being back in the late 70s completely enthralled by the story and the music. And I so want to show it to my kids. I know, back then, this series changed my little universe a bit.

I discovered that this particular version is available again on I will definitely buy it. Hope it's the right one!!! Don't shoot me if I'm wrong.
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Stage Beauty (2004)
Stage Beauty the movie
7 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Billy Crudup plays Ed Kynaston - a male actor portraying women on stage in the late 1600s and frankly Crudup's acting just blew me away. He made me laugh, cry, sigh, and shake with emotions.

The movie is not pretending that a homosexual can be "cured" or should be cured if he "gives it a go" with a real woman as some silly critics claim.

Ed Kynaston is - if anything - a bisexual. His androgynous behavior is the result of part that and of a childhood spent learning how to be a woman.

He has been taught that he is not worth anything as a man but as a woman he can be worth admiration or love. Or so he believes until Claire Danes' character Maria tells him differently.

SPOILER Crudup portrays the emotionally confused man and his downfall wonderfully. And I do not mind the love-like story between Crudup and Claire Danes at all. The romance only adds that little extra to make me walk away from this movie pleased on all levels. And it is not a HEA ending - Kynaston is not "cured" or truly in love with Maria in the end. But he is finally a whole person. And she has become an actress during the process.

Watch it !
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