
171 Reviews
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Not what I expect and was just Okay
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You may have loved it but it reminded me too much of 1970s movie. Heck, the movie was not even filling up the screen at the theater. Very low quality movie. First boring showing just the backside of the killer walking really slow through the woods. Come on, lets go. I kept saying. Slow, slow, slow. So, we finally see a kill. Whoops, off screen kill and a fast flash over the body. Okay, thinking maybe this movie is going no where. Well, then the killer hears a car coming and girls getting all excited and loud. He follows them and watches them at a campfire. Stupid director has a thing of going in circles around the people and does this for like 20 minutes listening boring crap the people say. Still boring movie. So, finally the teenagers or young adults go to the cabin nearby and start hanging out. While one of the guys go out in the woods and gets killed next to the tree. Okay, decent gore.

So, it goes slowly on. Killer breaks into the ranger's office and steals a firefighter mask to wear. He goes with it on and starts to stalk the others. When he attacks the others, the run to the ranger at the rangers office and the ranger knows who it is, and says he comes back every 10 years. You have to bury him again. Stupid ranger gets killed by him. WTF? The only one that know what to do gets killed. Lame! So, one of the girls boyfriend is out there getting chopped up by the killer over and over again, while the girl just the basically whole time watching him chop him up and not making a sound. Stupid. She, puts this amulet down on the gas container. She starts to run but it is choppy bad editing behind her running and just looks like the director did not know what to do. She finally gets to a road, and waves down a truck.

This lady in a truck pulls over and puts her in the truck to take the injured girl to the hospital. Yacks for like 30 minutes, boring. Nothing but yacking the whole time. The lady pulls over and takes a look around, and tries to help fix the girls leg, and then boom, movie is over. If you think something like that is an awesome movie, then something is wrong with you. That the slowest paced movie ever for a horror movie and to have Violent in the title.

I gave it 3 out of 10 just for the gore alone. Rest of it was bad acting, terrible editing, and very slow paced. Otherwise, I would not be enticed to watch it again.
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Not A Shudder Original
8 February 2024
Who ever said that is stupid. It was released in theater. Just because a movie is put on Shudder does not mean it is an original from Shudder. Plus, movie is in 4k and Shudder has none of their movies in 1080p. Who would pay for lower quality movies. I will never sign up for Shudder unless they up their quality. I think it fits with the series, and I really enjoyed the movie. I can watch it over and over again. People are just way too critical on movies. What does bother me, is the people that just make up stuff to say whether they know if it is correct or not. I saw it in theater, and even if it is on websites to watch, it isn't an original of that streaming site. I say go ahead and watch it. I think it great as a alone separate take of evil dead in an apartment high rise apartment building. Can't have Bruce Campbell in all the movies.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Awesome but lame bad reviews
21 December 2023
All those people that say it was like "It Follows," they are nuts. It Follows, was like sex and it spreads. There is no sex involved in this movie at all. It spread an entity but nothing like "It Follows." Truth or Dare, WTF? There was nothing in there to be like that either. Boy, we got nutty people that think every single movie is a rip off. No, you guys are rip off of others saying the same crap. Just like these bad reviews, then saying bad movies are better than the better movies. Always got it bass ackwards. This is a great movie but people just have to be buzz killers for those who are interested and would love this stuff. Talk about shaking our heads of WTH moment.

I thought it is one of the best made horror movies in a long time, and done really well, and not really any bad acting in it. Can't that much about acting in horror movies but this is. People that criticized this movie probably thinks the build up kind of movies are better. This was kind of that way but has way better pace than a slow take forever, and last 5 minutes does nothing at all. You say the ending sucked. I liked it.

People are just too much of a critic to know what they know. I bet you guys that hated this liked, "The Innkeepers." Now, that was a boring movie like I said above. Last 5 minutes did nothing. Slow through the whole thing and ending did nothing. People now a days are just nuts, and do not know what they are talking about. I would never go to a theater to watch a movie with you guys because you would ruin the whole movie. Probably talked the whole time.

I have it in my VUDU collection and glad I do. I can watch it because I like it, not like lame people that criticize everything.
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Hard to follow but good...
4 November 2023
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The director changes scenes to another that makes no sense of what is going on. As soon as you try to understand what is happening, it is going somewhere else. Too much jumping around. That is a lot of time not explaining things. Gets kind of boring until she finds out what her husband is doing. It just keeps doing that the first hour. I would give it five stars out of ten. Just for the fact that it takes long time to get somewhere in it. It gives me a headache trying to understand it. I guess people like that kind of stuff but annoying to me. I say go ahead and watch it if is your kind of thing to do. Not me, if I am bored, this does not help much.
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Studio 666 (2022)
What I Expected....
26 October 2023
I saw this on release at the theaters. It is awesome and funny. Not too many horror movies I like with combination with comedy, since comedy usually is stupidity. This is just what it needed in the mix. I just bought the digital version 4k UHD on MoviesAnyWhere, and watching on my 4k television. Nice quality! Just as I remember at the theaters again. I think the band did awesome as acting in this movie. I do not listen to Foo Fighters too much, but heard them mostly on the radio, and seeing this movie makes me love them more. I am a horror movie fan and lover. I say this fits the bill on the horror genre. Only paid $5 for it too. Nice just before Halloween too. This movie should be rated a little higher to me. So, what it is a B movie, fills like A- to me. I recommend for horror movie fan to have in their collection. Enjoy!
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What the heck is this....
17 October 2023
Slapstick horror, that is no horror movie at all. How are actors being stupid funny? How is it horror, when it isn't any gore or scary parts? If you like this, then you must be like the actors trying to be funny when they are not. I love horror movies but not when they add way too much slapstick that is annoying and cringe worthy. I guess people that do not have a normal life, think this is a great movie, and if you like this then you must watch and like the Troll movies too. This is more annoying than enjoyable to watch. I am only waiting for it to end on horror channel for Sleepwalkers to start. That is a better movie than this one any day.
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The Babadook (2014)
The Conjuring with cussing....
10 October 2023
Pretty lame as the conjuring movie. Not really that scary, unless you are a kid. It is okay, if you are bored and nothing to find to watch. Otherwise, do not watch. I do not understand the higher rating for movies that are slow. Build up movies are not better and not scarier. Heck, the shining is even better than this a million times. Need so much more to write about this movie and just not enough to say. Except this is perfect comparison movie to Conjuring movies. None of those are scary at all. I even watched this on my new 4k television, and still does not make it better that the other times watching it. I do not recommend it unless, there is nothing to really choose from, and can't see that because there are so many movies to choose from.
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Slowest Paced Horror!
19 August 2023
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Darn, only few things happen in the movie and takes an hour and half to show it. All like slow motion movie. Irritating to see the teenager main character just look ahead and they keep camera on her, and she barely moves. Good gore but that is it. Terrible acting and crap pace. Really slow talking too. Director is bad at this. One of the worst movies ever. Surprised I finished it. I cannot recommend something this bad. Probably show it on Comet network. That is B movies, meaning B for Bad. Oh well, guess we will keep getting bad movies or remakes for Children of the Corn. Takes them a half an hour to get out of the car in the movie. That is how slow this movie is.
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Killer Sofa (2019)
Not sure I agree with other reviews....
18 June 2023
This is an okay movie but not going anywhere at the beginning. It takes quite a while to get going. I like more violence and gore, than just slow pace movies. I do not care what others say that gore does not make a movie entertaining. I does to me. All talk and no action. Is just boring. If there is any action at all in this movie, it is really short action at times. This is not really scary to be a horror movie. More a thriller than horror. Whatever you say people. I have seen way better horror movies. I could watch it again but only if I am really bored of watching better ones. I say this should be the last on the list to watch.
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Pearl (2022)
Goth not So Pretty...So Fits!
19 February 2023
I liked the X movie but Goth is just not sexy to me, compared to the other woman on X. This movie is pretty lame for a horror movie, and watching Goth do weird stuff does not scare me but wonder why? I have watched better horror movies than this. Ti West is not one of the best horror director's. Why is he infatuated with the old years for horror movies? None of his movies are recent more modern times. Does he think older days are scarier? It is really hard to feel like in those times, when I was never born in those years. One question for this movie. Is this a prequel to X? If it is, then I hate when they do that after the original. I always prefer prequels before showing sequels. Just stupid to go backwards after the original. If they would just give a backstory first of the original movie, then they would never have to do a prequel. Oh well, It is sort of okay to watch. Not my kind of horror movie.
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Antichrist (2009)
What gore?
30 November 2022
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What the heck did you guys watch? Nothing but boring every single minute of this horrendous, not horror, not making any sense, kind of movie. A woman goes nuts after she blames herself, for not watching her son, while having sex with her husband, and goes out a window, into his own death by falling. I have seen way, way, way, more gory movies, and this is not gory at all. Sex scenes are more disturbing and to compare to a porn movie, is going too far.

This movie is more bore than gore, and nothing but put you to sleep if you are not tired. She did not take her medications because her husband told her that she did not need them. That was his mistake. This is the most boring not so fast, non-horror movie ever. None of it makes any sense, like the director was on drugs. Seems like Rob Zombie and this guy is friends, and drug it up before directing. Only thing that is art, is this should be called "Art of boring".

Nothing in this movie is interesting. Plus, every movie with a cabin is, someone going into cabin fever. I hate camping, and am pretty sure, that people say they love it, end up going nuts after a while in the woods or cabin. I do not think people can stand it too long. He thought he could help her, but she went nuts instead, to the point he strangled her.
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This site is still messed up with rating bad it is good movie.
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why after all this time, not force people to star rate the movie. I mean the rating never moves when the people do not choose a star. So, no matter how much the complaint or praise the movie, the rating only moves when someone chooses the star for rating. I am only reviewing this because this site is so messed up on ratings, that it makes not a good source to bother getting good information from. Only, a handful of reviews are even worth the read. Have to put 10 stars just to make up for the reviews without stars.

For me I love good lots of gore movies. This is a B movie for sure, but the gore is awesome, but the blood is all fake. Orange blood is definitely not the color of blood. A little redder color to it and it would look more realistic. Acting not good but what horror movie has great acting? Pretty stupid to be so picky about that in a horror movie.

This has perfect comedy to make it laugh because it was poorly made in the beginning of the 80s. Music like from the 70s. Still probably almost as good as Friday the 13th. The Sasquatch costume is pretty fake and easily to tell. Watching the blu-ray is heck of a lot better than older copies. If I were you, I would not even bother with the non-star rated reviews. If people can't have the common sense to give stars and realize it does not to the rating system, then their reviews are pointless.

Most of the 80s horrors even when badly acted or directed are way better than after the 2000s movies came out. I enjoy more of the 80s horror over the newer stuff. Recommend this one a lot.
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Dressed to be FUGLY!!!!!
22 October 2022
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Michael Caine is FUGLY, and to see him be dressed up as a woman, that does not help him at all. Besides him being in the movie, the movie is great. Maybe a great actor but his looks are one of the worst. To use him in movies as any sex symbol is disgusting. I still give it a great rating just for the movie, nothing has to do with him though. He acted well but mostly it is everything else but him. I like the movie, "The Hand," but he is still FUGLY. Maybe because he looks so darn old fashion like from the 1800s look. Makes me cringe seeing his face. Not much there to look at for a guy. Oh well, guess women is into that kind of looking men.
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What the is stupid or dumb funny?
19 October 2022
All the funny moments are actually, what the hell moments. They are not even funny. Only thing going for this movie is the action but the rest is blah. So sick of crude and rude comedy, that is not even funny stuff. People that like this, probably are that way to others. Rude and crude attitudes. I feel sorry for the actors that wanted to be in this movie. The other one was better but still thought it sucked because it was PG-13 but just because this one is R, does not mean crude and rude stupid, is anyway better. They to quit this comedy that is not really comedy out of the movies. Just tired of these kinds of movies because directors think this is what everyone loves to see. Comedy is more slapstick than stupid. I like most of the actors but Jim Carrey stuff is what this movie is like, and Jim Carrey was funny at start until he became like Eddie Murphey, and now lots of movies are bad with the stupidity of actors wanting to get paid to be stupid.
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Bad Attempt to add two characters from two movies into one.....
21 August 2022
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Herbet West was in the Re-animator, not From Beyond. Herbert West would be old in this movie and if that is Crawford's son in this one, then it still makes no sense. Herbert West was college student in 1985, and in 1986 was From Beyond. This movie makes no sense of the original From Beyond. Director just took two different characters in both movies and added them into this one. Poor attempt of a remake or something or online series.
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BnB HELL (2017)
So bad, it's one of the bad list ones
15 August 2022
Not scary at all, and to actually be put on THISTV, and not as good as Phantoms 1998 to actually be shown on THISTV, is a heck a lot better movie than this one. I can watch Phantoms over and over but not this one at all. Channel changing after I see it is on again. I love horror movies but this is not to me considered horror when the pace is so slow, it puts you to sleep. The ones people call build up for scares, is totally wrong, and it is more a build up to put you sleep movie instead. They are called horror fails.
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Just Comedy, and hardly any horror
6 May 2022
Good movie if you love slapstick over horror. They did serious on the first, then some serious and more comedy on the redone second film, which is just a considered remake from the director, so he could add on the sequel of this movie. This one though is really mostly comedy over anything else. Not really a rated R kind of movie at all. The tamest movie in the series. The 3 stooges kind of scene, is beyond pathetic and not even funny. How people think stupid is funny is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, that this is a good movie but that is it good. The worst in the series. I even think the new Evil Dead 2013 is in the middle of the first and redone second. This one, is just what the heck kind of movie. This reminds me too much like Back to the Future III without a time machine. Should of been rated PG-13 for lack of gore and swearing, and no nudity. What I do not get, is why the director thought comedy is better than horror, when it tainted the series. Even the new one wipes this one out of the scene. When I go to watch the movies again. I debate on even watching this one at all. That is how bottom of the series this one is.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Actually.....Should be called...Evil Dead: Redone
6 May 2022
It is just the first one redone with better special effects, and few different actors, and does pretty much what the first one did but more gore. Actual F-words added. If you look up information of the movie from the director, he says, it is same movie just redone. He just titled it as a sequel. Also, he said he prefers this one over his first one. He just did not like how the first one turned out. So, he redid the movie. So, this is more a remake, than a sequel. Even if you saw this one and not the first, you would not get much difference except different actors and more gore and swearing. That is, it. I think it is better because of the more gore. I think the story is exactly the same.
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Spookies (1986)
Same Category of Troll and Troll 2....
2 May 2022
I thought Troll and Troll 2 were bad but this is in the same area of bad and those two movies together. Stupid people doing stupid things throughout the whole movie. That is not entertaining at all. I survived the whole thing but not enough to keep seeing it more than once. I am surprised people actually like this dirt. Night of the Demons 1988 is way better by 10 times.
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Nightmare (1981)
Plot is wrong....
12 December 2021
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He did not escape from the institution. They were even talking about him and how he was a success on the drugs they gave him, in the movie at the beginning. They let him go, not he escaped. I hate when plots are listed wrong. I like the movie because I like exploitation movies. It was obvious he did not escape. The cops were looking for him later in the movie because they realized he was sick and should have never been let loose. It would have made more sense if they actually showed whether he was let out or escaped, instead of us being let to think one or the other, and the movie conflicts the plot.
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Virus (1999)
Ghost Ship without Ghosts
12 October 2021
Pretty much the same plot without ghosts. Instead they added robots and human parts to them. Rest of it is just like the movie Ghost ship. I like it but just rip off of the other movie. Guess, they thought by not adding ghosts, it is considered different. Not to me but still good to watch. Not best movie for Jamie but okay. Baldwin is okay in it too. Kind of the situation like the time Leviathan and Deep Star Six were released and were way too close to be like another. This way with this movie and the other. Oh well, someone always has to steal ideas from another.

I like originality too but now a days that is hard to come by. Just like Armageddon and the other one just like that movie too. We will probably get more movies released that are similar released the same year again. Must be directors like taking someone else idea and getting money for it.
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Event Horizon was same Director
4 June 2021
You guys are complaining about this movie, and have you seen the scene that was edited with all the flashbacks in Event Horizon, and all that used to be full scenes of gore until the director claims all those cuts were lost. We got people that wanted those cuts back. Now, this movie you really low rate it, and done same here as that movie. Only, difference with this movie I hate is, and I do agree, the shaky camera. Not enought to drop the high rating from me.

I should give the raters that low rated, a low rating. Was not as bad as the complainers say it is. Ratings here are still not forced, to make this rating system right. None of you guys that give no stars, makes no change to the ratings at all. So, you can keep putting no stars, and it will never go up or down. Not smart, if you want the ratings to change. This is why this site sucks for ratings but still kind of sucks for reviews too. Do not trust any of these ratings because of this.

This rating system has been messed up the whole time, and never ever will work right. Besides that all I said, this movie is great and just about a video game anyways. What do you expect? A MASTERPIECE?
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Ichi the Dumb ***!!!
30 March 2021
Not a good movie at all, and to say it is, is childish!. This is a man child movie. Not really funny to see people killed this way in the movie, and the comedy is just stupid, not really funny. To see people rate this high, must be mostly Japanese or just stupid Americans. I watched this and the only thing that is good to me is the gore. Everything else just makes me want to turn it off. Captions, for being from another country, is annoying to read like a book, instead of watching, and main character just acts stupid, which is not really funny at all. More annoying to watch, than to enjoy the killing and gore. So, this is a NO to enjoy movie, and not enjoyable at all.
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The END before it got started!!!
27 March 2021
From the beginning, the movie was bad, then further, it got worse, then you wondered what the crap is this your watching. It never gets better. More crude than funny, and to think you think it is funny, just makes the smarter people wonder why you think it is funny, when it clearly isn't. I guess the ones that act stupid in real life, think watching someone act that way in a movie is funny. Well, clearly the movie was done for idiots. No wonder there is bad actors in it. Just to bring in the money from idiots. Apparently, I am an idiot for just watching it in the first place. Nothing to rate it over a 1 star. I agree that it should be a negative rating on this movie.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Found Footage should be a separate genre
21 January 2021
No way at all is this a good movie or any of found footage. What is wrong with you all? Shaky camera that a baby can do on its own. Really, think it is that good? Not one of any of the so called horror movie that is found footage has be anything close to good as the greatest classics of horror movies. I hate when people claim something so far fetched as this movie comparable to those movies. This beyond being drunk, if you even drink. Even being on drugs, maybe this movie would suffice. Otherwise, terrible movies for the genre of horror, to have found footage done. Who ever thought these would be great probably was on drugs in the first place. None, and I say NONE are scary. More annoying watching camera shake than anything.
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