
6 Reviews
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Doctor Who: The Big Bang (2010)
Season 5, Episode 13
26 July 2010
As an American fan, I had to wait until late July to see the final episode ... yes, I know I could have looked up the episodes online, but I wanted something to look forward to during the summer season. Each week, I found myself wanting more and more Doctor Who. The season finale was no different. It makes me sad that the season was only 13 episodes, whereas the normal American season is around 22.

Although many people do not like Matt Smith, I absolutely love him. Yes, yes ... I did just become a fan of the series back in April, but since then, I have seen almost every other episode in the resurrection of the TV show. First of all, each Doctor has a different personality. I love his quirkiness, how he talks to himself and says the most random things, and the fact that he's young. It takes the Doctor in a way it has never been before. Another reason I like this character is definitely for his bow ties. Bow ties are cool. I feel that Matt Smith, especially in this episode balances seriousness and funniness very well in the finale.

The thing I loved most about this episode is how everything is so well planned. The season finale had me on the edge of my seat, wondering why things were happening in that order. I felt like I was once again watching Inception; I was utterly confused through the first half and then enjoyed it very much as I learned more about the episode.

This is a very emotional episode and it really makes you feel along with these characters. All of the actors did an excellent job to bring their character to life. I enjoyed every second of this episode ... well except for the Dalek. I hate Daleks. Everything comes to a close from this series, and a new story line is opened at the end that leaves me wanting more.
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Coraline (2009)
7 February 2009
I had no intention of seeing this, but my friend and I were bored on a Friday night and I had free tickets to a movie theater. The only movie playing at 9:30 at night was Coraline. I had heard of the book before, but I never read it so I didn't know what to expect.

The animation was amazing. Every character looked awesome and had so much detail to them. With the 3-D, nothing really popped out of you, but it just gave it an extra depth that made it more real. I think it was so cool.

The movie was really cute. If you haven't read the book, it'll keep you in suspense. I really enjoyed the movie and recommend you see it. :)
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The Unborn (2009)
11 January 2009
I wasn't planning on seeing this movie, but my friend invited me along, so I said I'd go. I didn't have good expectations of the movie from the very first time I saw the preview at the Twilight premiere.

The movie isn't scary. There are a bit of unusual parts to it, but nothing that will give you nightmares unless you are easily scared. The only parts that made me jump were when there was silence and something made a sudden noise.

Instead of screaming, our theater was filled with laughter. I almost had the urge to leave the theater before the movie was finished, but I still wanted to see the end of this terrible movie.

After the movie, my friend apologized from taking me to the movie. Her other friend thought it was terrible as well. As I was walking out, a woman told a man, "Next time, I pick the movie." Definitely not worth the $10 I paid.

I found the plot long and drawn out. It was simply a time filler in my night.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Great !
21 November 2008
I always love going to the first showings of movie. The true fans come out to those ones. The atmosphere is awesome. When Jacob, Edward, Carlyle, and the other vampires made an entrance, the crowd was screaming and cheering.

I was going into the movie thinking it was going to be great. I saw a quote where Robert Pattinson thought the book was pretty true to the book. Sometimes the plot when a little fast and they made several chapters into one scene, but it was also for time.

The movie was shorter than I thought, but it was great nonetheless. It's made by an indie movie company and director, so it was a little different. The camera angles were cool. They would pan around from bottom, to middle, and top.

I think that there wasn't a lot of interaction between Bella and the kids at school and the other vampires, but I also remember that the book is really central to Bella and Edward.

For all of you who are disappointed by the movie, just hope that they do New Moon and redeem themselves. That means more JACOB ! :D
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Very Cute
10 November 2008
I actually do not like the first two movies. I wanted to see the 3rd movie to finish out the series. So on a weekday when the movie was only $5, I went to see it with some of my friends. I actually really liked the movie. I'm 16 and enjoyed it. The songs are catchy and cute. But the thing that drew me in was the fact that I could relate to the themes. Being a junior in high school, I already am thinking of colleges and leaving my friends, a major part of the movie since it is Senior year. This group of people have become close knit and is realistic. Even though I highly dislike Vanessa Anne Hudgens, the parts between her and Troy were very sweet.

The movie starts in the middle of action. It starts with the last basketball game. It would have been nice to see that in the end, but the end turns out awesome. I wish they had some more plot between the other characters besides Troy and Gabriella, but the movie turned out good overall.

I definitely recommend this movie to people. I cried at the end. :P I really enjoyed this film, coming from someone who despises the prequels.
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Just Alright
4 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited to see this movie. It was hyped up all the time on the Disney Channel. I went because I'm a fan of the Jonas Brothers, but not that big of a fan of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus songs.

They included a lot of backstage things in there, but they completely cut out the Jonas Brother's first performance and went straight to Hannah Montana. A lot of the movie wasn't in 3D except for the names and the concert part barely was in 3D.

I know it was mainly about Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus, but I would've liked to have seen more with the Jonas Brothers. Even in the song "We Got the Party," Hannah sang most of the lyrics, unlike in the episode of Hannah Montana with them and their "Bonus Jonas CD." This is great if you like Hannah Montana, but also kind of a waste of money. $15 for a ticket is kinda of extreme.
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