
5 Reviews
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Great family movie
4 January 2019
I have to admit as an early adult I would have rated this movie a 4. And this is where i think allot of the bad rep comes from. Adults who grew up with this and have moved on are the ones who this would have attracted only to be let down by the childish nature of the movie.

Sitting and watching it with my 6yo and 3yo, they love this and the first one because as they say, it's fun like the cartoon. And they are watching both the old and new iterations of the cartoons. This captures the spirit of the show and will keep the kids entertained. In my case, over and over again. I am glad Netflix has allowed us to rekindle the flame for some of these movies that were released with old school family entertainement flair in a time where the nostalgia effect didn't line up with the dark movie trend at release.

Shaggy and Scooby easily still the show. Watch it with your family for some fun entertainment.
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The Beyond (2017)
Doesn't know what to do with its content
18 October 2018
Another movie where people sat at a table and threw on some ideas one a piece of paper. Someone hacked together a C grade first half, which is bearable and slightly interested, but then totally fails to know what to do with it in the last half.

You know those movies where there is 10 min of the movie left and it feels like nothing is resolved and you have that sense of dread when you realise you just wasted valuable time of your life. This is one of those movies.
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Viral (I) (2016)
Meh at best
11 September 2018
Bad movie: No Good Movie: No Would I recommend it: No Would I watch it again: No

This movie feels like it was a weekend job for a writer to get a quick buck.

First 50%: Ok film. Writer spend a few hours here Next 25%: Is this film going anywhere. Writer added a few things in between add breaks of favourite show because already lost interest in script. Last 25%: No longer care for characters. I hope they all die. Writers tv show finished so spend 5 min before going to bed writing up total filler. End of Movie: WTF. Writers toddler scribbled something on the page.

The female leads showed potential but were hampered by a poor script. They could have given them more to work with. This would have worked much better as a hidden monster horror/thriller premise where the characters never knew who was infected but it went into generic and boring zombie mode.
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Boring in the first half, great in the second half.
25 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Bad
  • First half dragged on like it was just trying to be filler for the last half. Seriously start the movie half way in.
  • Waste of the Shocker character. Should of stayed with the first guy. There didn't seem to be a need for a second shocker. Would have been a better character if they used him robbing the atm with his full outfit on including the mask on as it would have given him a reason to wear it.
  • Flash Thomson seemed miscast and the wrong character. They could of had a jerk jock like character DJ'ing the party and hanging it on Peter, and also the same character when Spidey took his car. He had no purpose really anywhere else. He was not intimidating at all, physically or mentally.
  • Purpose of Iron Man was to replace uncle Ben with a character that would pull in the avengers crowd. I felt like there was way too much Iron Man.
  • The Stark Spider-Man suit made it feel like Peter didn't do much to contribute to the creation of his character. They should have left the AI stuff for his Avengers Iron Spider suite.
  • Where's the spider sense, even just a comment saying "something wrong" would have been good.
  • Iron Spider reveal was a waste of a scene and it could have worked better with Spidey just getting that suite in the bag with the note.
I havent seen Infinity war but I am presuming a lot of this enhanced suite AI and Iron Spider reveal is to save time in Infinity War.
  • All up the negatives seem to be all about trying to add Spider-Man into the MCU and setting things up for franchise cross overs than trying to develop Spider-Man as a character.
The Iron man, Thor, Ant Man and even the Hulk movies allowed the character development to take the front stage with MCU tie in being an additional scene. MCU tue in seemed to be 50% of this movie which takes away from the character.
  • Arby was the annoying friend that seemed to be overacting. I don't think I would have had an issue with him if he toned it down by like 30%.

The pro's, mostly in the second half. + Character development in second half. + When Tony Stark took back the suit and his team started to ignore Peter, that is when things got really good. + Vulture threatens Peter and his family in second half. + Peter dons his home made suite in second half (not counting the 30 seconds at the start) and it feels real and gritty. + Peter got messed up by a thug at the school, then he gets beat and frightened after a fight with vulture and has to overcome it. It's probably one of the most real scenes in all of the MCU. Tom Holland nailed it and I hope we see more of that tonal shift. Spider-man is a complex character and he deserves to have those conflicting scenes and Tom really sold that as an actor. + End scene with Aunt May + MJ. I hope they didn't throw this in as a fake out. Her character seemed more interesting than most others with the small part she has. I was wondering why they kept putting these little shots in the movie of her and her being MJ explains it. Let her put a red tone through her hair in the next movie and it'll be right.

I give it a 7 out of 10 because of the boring generic MCU nonsense but redeems itself for most of the last half. I hope they pay more attention on Peter instead of other MCU heroes next time around and they do something interesting with scorpion.
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Go Go Power Rangers
24 February 2008
It's corny, its stupid, the acting is terrible and ITS GREAT. When I was a kid this was an awesome movie. I couldn't wait to see it and I wasn't disappointed.

Based on the original (and best) Power Rangers and at the peak of there fame it couldn't have been better timed. This is a kids movie back when the special effects looked exactly like the toys that you and all your friends had.

After watching this movie I came home like a kid who had way too much sugar, jumping around pretending to be a power ranger.

Go Go PowerRangers
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