
16 Reviews
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Anger Management (2012–2014)
Good luck with the show but it sucks.
18 July 2012
Charlie Sheen, you are so versatile as an actor that you play yet another role where your character's name is Charlie and has an obsession with sex. Does it confuse you when people refer to you by a different name? You know what I thought of of the first episode of Anger Management. Rehash/reboot/poor man's attempt/rip off of Two and a Half Men. No, original thought here at all. He pretty much plays the same character he's been playing for over twenty years (identical to the one in Two and a Half Men) and pretty much ripped off the movie Anger Management. I'd rather listen to Rebecca Black's music than watch your lame ass attempt to get even. Not to mention the worst casting decisions I have ever seen made in a TV show, awful acting, unbearable dialog and completely unfunny. This show feels like Charlie Sheen is desperate to prove to people that he's a good person and just troubled(Yes a trouble fifty year old? That's nice.). The only real reason to watch this show is if you are a Charlie Sheen fan but for anybody else there is nothing to see but a divorced aging Charlie Sheen complaining 20 minutes every week. And for the record I would forward to this show but all I got was another Charlie Sheen disaster.
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Spider-Man has become a hero in his own right
4 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, Spider-Man has become a hero in his own right. What originally set Spidey apart from the rest of the superheroes was the fact that he was different. Marc Webb did this perfectly. He made him what he was meant to be, a teenager with powers who has real life issues. It's nice to see that someone understands the concepts and feel of what the comics represented. Sam Raimi tried to mimic Superman. Sometimes I even wondered if Sam Raimi had even read the comic books at all or whether he just flipped through it so he could see the pretty pictures.

Andrew Garfield was a perfect Peter Parker in every respect. Peter Parker was always the awkward intelligent teenager. Despite the name the film draws mainly from the Ultimate Spider-Man series and in some cases almost having almost identical dialog. Obviously, there is also a lot from the Amazing Spider-Man comic as well. The chemistry between Gwen and Peter was real unlike in previous films where it was nothing but fake. "Oh, I'm Mary Jane. I love you cause your Spider-Man. Love me too because I'm the ugliest model around." And for the record I don't hate any of the previous films.

The emotion was so powerful in this film that even the girl sitting next me was crying and a girl crying over a superhero film is unheard of. The climax to this film was incredible. He actually moves like a spider unlike in previous films. His whole "learning to use his powers" thing was very realistic. In Spider-Man he just knew how to use them.

Now let's go through the stuff that wasn't so good. Pacing was all over the place but not a big deal because it doesn't really take anything away from the film. The Lizard was slightly underused and more of a kick a round villain. ASM is way more loyal to the source material than Sam Raimi's ever was. It's like Stormsink (Youtube Reviewer) said Sam Raimi should go see this film with a notepad and take some notes because this is how you make a Spider-Man film.
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Neighbours (1985– )
Greatest Sitcom Ever
22 June 2012
Neighbours is a fantastic situation comedy, huge in all areas, such as cast, episodes and laughs. Neighbours was so real it felt as if you were sitting next to the regular barflys of the most endearing watering hole in TV history.

Neighbours is a sitcom that deserves to be remembered as a classic. Hopefully, in twenty years from now, it will still be doing the rounds on cable TV. Only time will tell.

The characters are so well-rounded that the joy comes simply from watching them interact. As far as I can remember almost every episode of Neighbours ended with someone smiling or laughing, and it's that sense of warmth that is so rare in television, that it makes Neighbours stand tall amongst any competitor, then OR now. I feel wholly justified in calling Neighbours the best program ever made. It's just that good.
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Last Ride (2009)
Hugo Weaving as an outcast, trying to bond with his son, played by Tom Russell
18 June 2012
The title sounds like a western and, in a sense, it is. An outlaw and his son ride into the desert, fleeing the law. Except that it's our desert and they are in a series of stolen cars in the present.

The movie evokes a lot of other films and genres as well: the road movie with a European sensibility, as in Paris, Texas, for example. Last Ride has a similar sense of space and silence around the characters and a deep sense of sorrow. It also has Hugo Weaving as an outcast, trying to bond with his son, played by Tom Russell.

This is one of the most beautiful-looking Australian films in several years, with a burnished, shining clarity of light that's so good that it almost becomes distracting. The director has taken a calculated risk in the first half, holding the pace steady, verging on slow, so that the climax will be more powerful.

An overall great film that you should all see.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Never developed enough to become involving
18 June 2012
In spite of its inherent clumsiness and disappointing villain, the first "Spider-Man" remains a great crowd-pleaser with an excellent origin story and more life and energy to it than pretty much any comic book movie made before or since.

Now comes the third film which is as technically impressive as ever, but suffers from being simultaneously pulled in too many different directions. Even being an extra 15 minutes or so longer than its predecessor, the film still has to juggle three villains (Sandman, Harry Osborn, Venom) along with subplots about the rocky roads of new love, a "Superman 3" style 'dark personality' subplot, the ongoing Harry-Mary Jane-Peter love-hate triangle, not to mention giving time to a half dozen other characters both new and old.

Surprisingly the film does manage to wrap things up by the end, so much so that it feels like an 'unofficial end' to the series in some ways with no cliff hanging stories left to resolve. Yet how most of these are resolved is done in some rushed and often unsatisfactory ways and that's where "Spider-Man 3" falls apart. The elements are there for some great drama, but they're never developed enough to become involving, and often awkwardly mix rather than cohesively gel.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Had Potential...Didn't deliver
18 June 2012
Tobey Maguire returns in the dual role of awkward adolescent Peter Parker and web-slinging vigilante superhero Spider-Man. He urges to tell the truth about his identity to his beloved Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) and thus build a solid relationship with her, but he knows that this would result in putting MJ in harms way, so he remains silent.

"Spider-Man 2" is not an action spectacle, certainly not as hair-raising or as fast-paced as the original. Rather director Sam Raimi's attempt to fashion the human characteristics and foibles of Peter Parker. Very wise move. There are many welcome scenes where Peter merely talks to his aunt (who has some idea of why people need heroes), Mary Jane, Dr. Octavius, Harry and so on. There are some witty exchanges between Parker and his landlord who insists that Pete pay his overdue rent. But something is missing, perhaps some aura or level of surprise. The movie starts in fits and spurts, like a broken engine. There is a blandness in the direction when Raimi aims for those endless close-ups of Maguire's cherubic, sincere face. The movie feels inert at times, hardly as invigorating in the dialogue scenes as in the high-powered action scenes.
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Was not very Impressed
17 June 2012
Men In Black 3 started off with a very uninteresting beginning introducing one of worse villains to ever be seen in film with the most annoying and fairly stupid voice. This was the beginning of a very poorly written script that relied heavily on the actors ability to make each and every scene work. The actors did a fantastic job. Pointless expensive shots run throughout the entire film. Expensive doesn't mean good. There was nothing really there in this film. It was not exciting and didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. If not for the actors performances this would have been a complete tragedy. Men and Black 3 is not even worth seeing in theaters. If you really wanna see it wait for the DVD/Blu Ray or better yet download it. Personally a very big let down.

It is a pretty average film overall and is a good addition to the Men in Black franchise. It just didn't have enough oomph in my personal opinion.
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Red Dog (2011)
Worst Australian Film
12 June 2012
This is by far the worst Australian film ever made. It was predictable and not engaging at all. Seriously, that dog got everything it wanted. So freaking spoiled. The acting was horrible. Did they pay this cast money? I wouldn't have paid them anything for that horrible attempt at acting. The dog is clearly the best actor on this film. This is a film that makes other countries wonder what's wrong with our film industry. It's trash like this that gets a budget but creative or new ideas get undermined. I predicted every plot point of this film and every moment. Not even written well. A half assed effort from the director. CLEARLY. The colour grading was a joke. The fact that these people got paid is an outrage and the fact that people like it is an absolute mockery to this country. Red Dog is a tragedy of Australian Cinema. Do yourselves a favour and watch some real Australian film and not garbage like this.
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3rd Rock from the Sun (1996–2001)
Great Show. Everyone should watch it.
12 June 2012
This was one of the greatest sitcoms ever. It is hilarious from episode one to the series finale. John Lithgow and the rest of the cast really bring this show to life.

The story follows four aliens who have been sent to Earth in order to study the human race and cleverly disguise themselves as a regular ordinary family.

The show has very clever moments and is a must watch for everyone; young and old. It is wonderful to see a sitcom of this quality. Sitcoms these days need to learn from this show instead of doing the same old thing and do something interesting and intelligent.

Once you've seen 3rd Rock of the Sun you simply cannot stop watching.
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Rules of Engagement (2007–2013)
Rubbish! Cancel it already!
12 June 2012
Why is Rules of Engagement still on? It's like the most embarrassing thing on television.

David Spade is not even funny (never has been. Just a loser pretending like he's cool) and Patrick Warburton's comedy(if you'd call it that) is getting rather old. Open your eyes you moron. All you are is a poor man's version of French Stewart.

So two unfunny people in a comedy, two unfunny woman and a random Indian guy. God, this show is the worst. You would have to have a weak sense of humour to find it funny. So many shows gets cancelled every year but this rubbish stays on the air. Really?
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Super 8 (2011)
Awesome Film. This is what filmmaking used to be.
10 June 2012
This is what filmmaking used to be. A good story and great metaphorical message throughout the film.

Child actors as your leads in today's age of film is risky but pulled off incredibly well. The visual effects were awesome.

This film deals with a boy not being able to get over the loss of his mother but on its surface its a film about some kids trying to film a zombie film and witness a terrible accident that leads to an exciting and wonderful adventure.

This reminds me of the old Spielberg films. This is cinema back to the way it was. This is the true Hollywood that is slowly and painfully dying.
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Hugo (2011)
A True Classic
31 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hugo is a very metaphorical film that shows us that even when we are broken we can be fixed; that we are all just machines put on this planet for a purpose. And deep down inside we are looking for our reason for being here.

If you have ever had an imagination or remember what its like to be a kid then this movie will get to you. Great performances from the younger cast and the older ones did a wonderful job.

Beautifully shot with some classic scenes and even a tribute to old silent films.

This is a true classic.
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Unequivocally Brilliant
31 May 2012
Exremely loud and incredibly close is one of the greatest films ever. Thomas Horn was an absolute gun in this film. One scene in this film really got to me (Wondering which one?). This is definitely my second favourite film of all time. The cast was absolutely amazing and the story was unequivocally brilliant. I absolutely love this film.

Despite popular opinion or the mass internet opinion I never felt this film was trying to force emotion through September 11th. Maybe the issue is still sensitive to some.

I would highly suggest to lovers of drama and the European style of filmmaking to watch this film as it is truly a masterpiece that will never be appreciated the way it should be.
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Face to Face (2011)
Face To Face is a winner
17 May 2012
The story follows the confrontation between a young man, his boss and co-workers as they attempt to come to an agreement to settle the issue at hand.

Face To Face is really grounded in reality. I am not easily engaged in Australian films but this was terrific. Despite my opinion on two of the actors in this film I must say that they all did a fantastic job. This story was beautifully written. Some of the issues raised in this film such as work place bullying and racism makes this film a true reflection of what its like to be in the Australian workforce.

If you are looking for a good Australian Drama you should look no further.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Good film...
15 February 2012
I recently rewatched this film. It actually is very good. I changed my rating from a 6 to an 8. Don't know why I had it so low in the first place. I still think they should have kept a lot more of the original script. Good think they took out Doc Ock, though but it would have been awesome having Green Goblin and Doc Ock teaming up against Spidey.

In the original script he had more interactions with Flash, was a little bit more action packed, and was more true to the original material but I can see why they cut it down because with all that it would have been a very long movie.

This movie is great but I never really felt Tobey was right for the part having read the comics. In this film he portrays Peter Parker very well but in the sequels the character becomes him. Out of the trilogy this one is my favourite. Number 2 was good but was too corny for my liking.

I am in support of the reboot but this is a film I will always love deep down inside. This will always be the classic but I have a feeling the new reboot will be better. That's my opinion though.
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The Number 23 (2007)
Not that great
15 February 2012
Number 23 is a pretty uninteresting. Its follows the story of a crazy Jim bad. Crazier...Jim Carrey who is obsessed with the number 23 but everything he says is so ridiculously stupid. I can add random numbers together too and come to the conclusion that everything is 23.

I find his character (Sparrow) to be a more serious version of the Riddler(a role he had in Batman Forever). This is probably Jim Carrey's best role so far but the film below par for me. The twists did not excite me at all or keep me interested.

Despite my dislike of the film it was beautifully shot and the acting wasn't that bad. Logan Lerman was a bit... meh though and that was pretty much the main reason I even watched it to begin with.

I can see why many would like this film but I don't. I can see this film appealing to several people but was just not a good film in my opinion.
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