
14 Reviews
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Asteroid City (2023)
23 August 2023
Sorry Wes, but nepotism leads to simplification and the clear but subtle hints at some kind of "gods chosen" simply replacing the 1950s doesn't fit well at all with me. It's trying so hard to be a 50s iconic film but falls so far short of itself that the viewer is left as flat as the young actors hoping to "make their mark" in film.

Hollywood showing itself fully again, the narrative is dull, the actors seem all related to one another and it's just a sad attempt for many of the same cult attempting to stick their name to an "Anderson". Not sorry Hollywood, but the nepotism is just way too stinky now. Try get SOME DNA that isn't from the cult for once. People are starting to notice and this film makes no attempt at hiding it. I'm sure it's a hit in Israel. I'm Australian and my blunt honesty might be a bit much for some, but seriously, this film stinks of coat-tail-riding and circle-jerk.

"Everybody already knows we are abnormally intelligent"

Your script sucks, it's actually horrific how ignorant you lot are of what most people think of Disney and Hollywood. It's almost like you live in some fantasy land and don't even know what most people are saying. Say you don't care while asking them for money. Go on, see how long the culture lasts in this climate. Films like this are coffins for actors these days.

2 stars.

Putting Tom Hanks in a film with 3 young girls is poor taste. It just is.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
14 February 2023
If I could give 9.5 I would. I never give 10. That's the impossible. We are all critics in one way or another and many TV shows you just watch and go through the motions. Some series come along and you get involved, you start caring and you feel like you can relate to the story. This is one of those series.

But it's not just one of 'those' series to put up high on a shelf with all the others. No, this one is just ... great. I'd like to say it's the fantastic synergy you actually tangibly feel among the cast, but it's more than that and as a person who has seemingly endless free time, devouring series after series, show after show. I can truly say this works. It's very well acted, the casting is great but it's the story, the narrative that really draws you in.

So after just having watched all three here I am screaming into the darkness, realizing that it ended in 2018... I WANT MORE! MORE!!~
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12 October 2022
I feel like this film is trolling the intended audience. If you were hoping to see something high fantasy, don't bother. There are pilots more well made than this film. Terrible acting, sloppy effects, awful narrative and probably some of the worst scenes ever put under the Lionsgate name.

This film is a nepotistic journey through an industry that has become so lost in itself, that it actually thinks the public will enjoy it. It's the only reason I could see anyone letting this trash leave the studio, let alone have money thrown at it. It's a terrible piece of film making that really does exemplify that it's all about who you know in the industry. There's very little 'film making' in this necrotic frankenstory that borrows from just about every high fantasy film it can afford to.
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Nope (2022)
Unexpectedly brilliant.
26 August 2022
Loved this film. Very creative and I think the cinematography is brilliant. Very much a timeless horror/thriller for sure. I had no idea what to expect going into the film, only knowing that it was seemingly a thriller of some type. Was elated to be totally thrown off even while watching. Great film.

There seems to be a lot of negative reviews simply copying one another. Hardly creative while calling the film uncreative. There's something to find in Nope, something for the film-goer that certainly passes over the heads of the greater audience. Which is fine, because it makes the film timeless and unique.

The subtle nod to Kubrick isn't lost on me, right at the very start of the film the void, the big screen is all-consuming and sets the stage for something... something weird like Kubrick and those large black blocks in 2001.

If you love sci-fi and are an adult who doesn't expect everything to play on rails, that a movie is a creative experience, a journey into the minds of both writer and film maker. This film is both written and directed by the same person, so there's nothing lost in translation. The final form of the antagonist was terrifying and brilliantly executed, a very memorable cinematic experience that I'd place up there with 2001 easy. Yes, it really was that good while being very grounded and down to earth. Certainly a film you can watch again and find more little nods there and there to the film industry. Few will get it, that's fine. What does matter is the message is put across very clearly, even if few get it.
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The plot thickens-?
8 July 2022
We've all seen the Jurassic films and while this one might be the final film in the franchise, I really doubt we'll see an end to one dimensional tropes and overly noisy dinosaurs who never seem to catch their prey...

The scenes are very tired like the cast, there's nothing new to see here, and even when one hopes to see something cool and fun, we are quickly reminded that the narrative follows what seems to be a very strict formula; human barely escapes from evil dinosaur.

I'm more concerned with the code entry scene as to why Brundle Fly didn't try to enter 1138 as a code, or that being the code that worked. I mean, ANY Speilberg fan knows that 1138 is a requirement in his films. Anyway, it's a great one to watch with kids and for them its all new but honestly, it's a pretty good snore fest for a seasoned viewer.

I'll give it three stars because 1 or 2 wouldn't leave room for complete trash films and Jurassic had money, good effects and known actors so a star for each. Otherwise, a useless film that is obsessed with it's former selves.

So it's pronounced Jiggah-no-toe-sore-as not Gigah. It's also not the biggest carnivore, that's the blue whale. Plankton is still meat. Giga is also not the biggest dino either, not even the biggest carnivore. I was shocked that they got this wrong and I think it's because of Ark Survival the video game these mistakes were made. The largest carnivore in the dinosaurs is the Spinosaur, almost doubling the mass of a T-Rex.
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The Walk (I) (2022)
Looker Deeper
19 June 2022
This film is certainly one that could be used in the school classroom. A period film with excellent acting with sets demonstrating skilled production, the narrative paces itself well with actors who hold immersive and demanding roles. Great film and I really do thank all involved in it's production.
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True Detective (2014– )
9 June 2021
Acting, screenplay, direction. Writing. The cast carries the narrative with a passion that only a seasoned veteran could bring. But why would you even read this. You could be almost at through the intro by now. Go. Watch it.
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Refreshing viewing.
11 December 2020
It's really nice to see actors actually act. Scarlett not being Dark Arachnid with Adam not being a Seth Master is a good thing. =P Truly great acting and I can honestly say I almost drew a tear in one of the final scenes when Charlie was reading to his son. Very moving film and some brilliant film work. The supporting actors really did a great job also. One of those really rare films with a strong focus on narrative and the craft of acting and film making. Very much enjoyed it.

Who knew? They can act. Well. Very well.
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A non-American view.
12 October 2020
I have no stake in the game, so to speak but a sick man is a sick man and when that sick man has so much power, the sickness is a scary thing. The warning signs are there, we can all say we saw them because we did. I just hope this film reaches who need to see it and that it's not too little, too late.
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Knives Out (2019)
A magnum opus
11 February 2020
Rarely does such a great story be told. This film is a masterwork of layering, intrigue. Cleverly disguising itself as a run of the mill murder mystery. This one would make even Kubrick or Hitchcock raise their eyebrows in story and film making. To see it is one thing, but to truly watch it is something else. There's just too much to mention but any fan of the narratives in murder mystery and the craft of film making can truly admire this film with a tremendous amount of respect. Everything is carefully gathered into a beautiful telling of what is truly a masterwork in all facets of storytelling. I tip my hat to all involved and would highly recommend it's viewing to both young and old.

Suffice to say, this is one of few films I could give ten stars. The acting, the cast, the sets, all of it. Perfect. I would wait a lifetime to see another film such as this.
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A refreshing change of pace.
28 August 2019
With many films today, you get cookie-cut narratives and very little dialogue that has substance or meaningful interactions. This film has all those things. A great work that not only makes us question ourselves, but the relationships we've had or even will have. The Narcissists makes you think of your past and your future in or out of relationships with others. I really enjoyed this film and the honest narrative that looks at the pressures we place on ourselves and our partners in relationships. Great film.

A concise introspective about relationships.
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Shazam! (2019)
17 April 2019
A very well rounded film for both old and young. Good laughs, strong action scenes and some very well rounded actors mixing it up with a very young cast who play their roles very well. Great casting, very good effects and a very fun movie that isn't afraid to be itself. Thoroughly enjoyable and slips in well with the current DC movie titles. I first thought the role would be difficult to fill, but I think Zack plays the role perfectly and really did find himself toward the end. It has a few good surprises which offer the viewer some warmth and giggles in a superhero world turned dark and serious. Shazam gives young viewers something they need- a fun super hero who doesn't lose their identity to the crowd. I'm excited to see where Shazam takes us, and can see him easily fighting alongside the Justice League while not taking that end of the world too seriously.

Shazam really is a breath of fresh air and a fun movie to see with children, when they come out of the cinema yelling SHAZAM! You can't help but smile. The many, many little cameos and easter eggs are a treat for the seasoned comic reader. Very well made film and a great addition to the DC lineup. Thanks to all involved.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Role Call
15 March 2019
What a brilliant movie. Make up is something we all take for granted when viewing a film, and this is an exception. Brilliant actors, with Christian taking his performance to another level. Truly brilliant acting from all involved to be sure. It's a wonderful insight into politics and holds within itself many layers that few will see clearly. This layering of story and plot make for a film like few others. With strong direction and cinematography, this masterpiece is held together by seasoned actors who truly show their prowess on every challenge presented to them, from public speaking to personal insight, a plethora of emotions are instantly recognizable by the strength of script and actor alike. Rarely could I find myself giving a movie such a high rating, but this is one that Kubrick himself would be proud of. Christian, Sam, Amy and Steve should all be proud of the work done here, but most of all I think credit is due to both direction and writing from Adam McKay. I hope to see more Adam. Thankyou to all involved for making this reality a film, and tying in the sub plot so carefully

I can't forget to mention Jesse. Great work, great acting. Casting was careful and concise. Thanks again to all, very well done.
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Escape Plan (2013)
27 January 2014
Sly and Arnie finally together in a film! It's not the typical action movie to begin with, which sees Sly playing what appears to be a "Bruce Willis" role. This kind of character doesn't gel well for Sly in my eyes. The film isn't really what I'd hoped for over the many years of really enjoying what both Arnold and Sly have done for action films, yet is refreshing to see both of them finally hit the screen together. Sam Neil was a surprising addition and lent some credibility to the cast, yet in all, I would expect that such greats would consider getting a great writer also. The plot is flimsy from a practical standpoint, leaving the trained viewer to hold the entire story in disregard. Yes, it could be written better, I could imagine both greats being put in far more delicate situations, but being what it is, it's a film worth watching, even to see the men work together for once.

My suggestion is this: if you have these actors, get the old directors and writers! Old fans wind up not only following actors, but writers and directors also. An enjoyable film on screen, but not what I'd expect of Arnold or Sly, especially in a "fight the system" film with a seemingly high budget. I'd certainly pay to see them again, and I'm sure they know this. I'd LOVE to see greats like Ridley Scott and Harlan Ellison involved, which would make a film even more epic than simply going to see the action greats as we know them. This is by no means a swansong for both actors, I'd love to see more of them together with some big names from all sides of action film, not just acting! This is by no means a memorable film for either action hero, and hopefully isn't the end of a collaboration that made me smile like a little boy watching Conan or Rocky the first time.

If any two people were to be chosen for immortality, Arnold and Sylvester would certainly be on my list! Furthermore, a film where they act their age would not be dismissed, and would certainly make for a refreshing and wonderful story. We all know they are not your average sixty something actors, and would be well cast in a film exemplifying this fact. In all, a strong performance from all parties, and well worth seeing, even if only to see them together on screen.
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