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Look Closer.......Appreciate the deepness.......Spectacular.....
8 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
American Beauty is loved by the world for the pure reason that it is real. The film shows a real family and the ups and downs that they experience. The tag line, "Look Closer" sums up not only the film, but life as a whole. What goes on behind closed doors can be quite different to what others see.....

The film follows the life to death of Lester Burnham. A man who facing a mid life crisis who decides to tun his life around, without realising the effect that this will have on the rest in his life.

American Beauty is the debut of Sam Mendes. The way the lives of these ordinary people are portrayed are amazing. Whats clever about it are the hidden meanings that are in the movie. For example, the portrayal of Lester feeling as if he is in prison, done by the shots of Lester always being blocked by something, eg a window or a shower cubicle. His relationship with his daughter leaves you feeling an immense amount of sadness for Lester. The line, "Hows Jane, hows her life" just shows how much he doesn't know his daughter and how distant he feels from her. You cant help but cry for him.

A review about American Beauty cant be done without the mention of symbolism. The fact that there is a video camera there sort of represents the connection between life and fiction. Ricky is filming the family as they experience normal life, but to him its not real. The rose petals can represent many things, beauty, anger, love, lust. The fact that they are seen always around Lester and Angela means it probably represents youth and lust. Lester experiences the falling of the petals each time he thinks of Angela as to him she is the only thing beautiful in his life at that moment. Its only at the end he comes to appreciate everything in his life despite the grief it has caused him.

To sum up, American Beauty is one of those films that don't come around too often. As well as entertaining us it gives us the chance to really "look closer" at the film and helps us to appreciate life as we know it. As the line at the end states, "you have no idea what I'm talking about I'm sure, but don't worry, you will someday"........
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Mermaids (1990)
Such a feel good movie.
24 February 2005
I remember watching this film when i was younger and its only recently that i bought it on DVD. I love this film to bits. It is such an easy film to watch and you can relate to at least on of the character. Charlotte (Wiona Ryder) plays her part beautifully. Such a confused teenager, to be a nun and worship God, but at the same time shes lusting after the gorgeous Joe. So many teenage girls will watch this film and understand her predicament. Cher plays the Mother you cant help but love, even though she isn't the worlds number one mum. When she is being lovable though, she does it so well. My favourite part is probably when the three of them are singing in the kitchen, it kind of ends the movie with a feeling that everything works out in the end. Its the movie that will let you know that no one is alone, from the little girls who crave the lime light, to the Mothers who want to be the best mother they can but also don't want to leave a part of their past behind and also for the confused young women torn between two loves. I guarantee this movie will be loved, its an easy film to watch to pick you up when you are down!! Enjoy!
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The Notebook (2004)
10 February 2005
I went to see this film with my sister and my Mum and we were the only ones in the cinema. Not the best start, but I continued to watch it anyway and am so glad I did. This is probably one of the most beautiful and romantic films I have ever seen! From the relationship of the two characters to their surroundings, every scene is breathtaking! The Notebook tells the story of a summer romance that turns into a romance never to be forgotten. Allie and Noah are the two lead characters and they are wonderful. You immediately fall in love with the characters and you want to follow every step of their doomed love story. it is one of the greatest love stories ever told. Look out for the lake scene, unbelievable! I came out of the cinema wanting to go back in again and watch it all over again. It feels like you are reading a diary watching this film, thats how detailed and wonderful this film is. Cannot really give too much away about the story, all I can say is if you haven't seen this film yet, be sure to see it. I cannot think of a film more perfect for Valentines Day!
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Could have been great.....
8 September 2004
When this film was first seen advertised at the cinema, I have never heard so many people commenting on it. The trailer makes out that this is the latest slasher film to scare and excite and to be honest, i fell for it to.

I decided to see the film after hearing raving reports that this was the "scariest film ever!". So, me being all brave rushed to the cinema. Well, what followed was not the feeling of tension, but the feeling of disappointment. I sat there willing the film to reach a high point, but no such luck!

Don't get me wrong, the beginning of this film is a great opening. The director really shows the characters emotions and the background music creates unbelievable tension. This film had such potential but it failed dismally! As soon as the creature was revealed, that was it! I lost complete interest and it appeared that the film had turned into a comedy rather than a horror!

The actors try to entertain, but by the middle of the film i couldn't care less! it would have been brilliant if the creature had never been revealed, coz lets face it, thats what horror and suspense is all about! We know there is something there but we don't know what! It makes us feel part of the film and when that happens, thats when you know its gonna be a box office hit!

No offence to the actors or director, because the film could have been great, but if you're looking to be scared, watch the trailer but forget the film! Its even more annoying that it started well but ended terribly!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Not one to miss!!
17 November 2003
When I first saw the trailer for Pearl Harbor, I imediately wanted to see it because I had studied it at school. Friends of mine however hadn't and paid no interest in wanting to see it. However, i dragged them to the cinema and i can safely say that they were glad i did. Even though it is useful to have some background knowlege of the horrific event that shook America, Pearl Harbor grabbed and kept the attention of everyone I know.

It tells the tragic story of the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan in 1941. At the same time, you follow the story of two best friends and the beautiful lady that they are in love with.

If I had to sum the film up in one word it would be: fantastic. From start to finish you feel as if you know the characters and you are gripped untill the end. Not only is the film entertaining, but it also tells the story that everyone should know about. The effects are amazing and the music captures the scenes.

I highly reccomend this film. Even if you know nothing of the event, see the film! It is not one to miss!!
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Spectacular, spectacular!!
28 August 2002
When Moulin Rouge first came out, it didn't appeal to me at all! To be honest, the advertisement did not do the film justice. I decided to watch it though round a friends house to see what all the fuss was about, and i was hooked from the very beginning!

It is a story of truth, beauty, freedom and above all love! It tells the story of french night club star, Satine (Nicole Kidman) who tries to impress a Duke, but at the same time falls in love with a penniless writer, Christian (Ewan McGregor). Their secret affair brings with it excitement and tragedy!

The music in Moulin Rouge is one of the best soundtracks i have heard, and includes the hit song Come What May. The costumes and dance sequences take your breath away and the acting is superb!

If you didn't see Moulin Rouge at the cinema, rent it out on video as soon as you can!!
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
One of the best movies that i have seen!
28 August 2002
Dirty dancing tells the story of a 17 year old girl on holiday with her family. Baby (Jennifer Grey) is set to chage the world, and has strong views on major events. Jonny Castle (Patrick Swayze) is a dance teacher that comes from a completely different background than Baby. A dance event occurs, and Jonny's dance partner can't do the dance so Baby steps in. The film shows Jonny teaching Baby, and as the film progresses it becomes clear that Baby is more than a dance partner!!

Dirty Dancing is still one of the best films. Not only is the storyline great, but the music and acting is brilliant too! Not to be missed!!
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