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Not the sort of film I was expecting
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think if you were expecting a post-apocalyptic action-packed gore-fest, you will definitely be disappointed by Mother/Android. What I found was a film that eloquently explored love and loss and grief and sacrifice. In that context, a pace that might otherwise have seemed slow made perfect sense to me; there was room to care about the characters, and to understand the choices they were forced to make.

It's certainly not cheerful, and if you expect a big android-crushing ending, you're going to be disappointed, but what I saw was a tale of courage and endurance, and I'm glad I've seen it.

The script is sensitive, and the performances (especially Moretz) beautifully nuanced. The ending might seem unsatisfactorily open, but I think that it fits with the whole nrrative of the film; the strength to endure, to keep going., even if you don't know where you're going to get to.
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Dune (2021)
An utter tour de force
9 November 2021
A faithful script, wonderfully directed with brilliant performances. The effects were stunning without detracting in any way from the telling of the story.
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Midway (2019)
Good, but not great
17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I will preface this by saying that I very much enjoyed this movie, but I think that it had significant weaknesses.

For a film ostensibly about Midway, it spent an awful lot of its runtime covering Pearl Harbor and the Doolittle Raid (yet oddly almost none on the Battle of the Coral Sea). This seemed to lead into an awful lot of foreshortening and simplification of Midway itself.

With that being said, it was well-paced, with good performances, and covered a lot of the essentials well. Details such as the "water" message from Midway were well-placed, as were refernces to the well-known shortcomings of the Bliss-Leavitt Mk XIII aerial torpedo ("clunk"), and the TBD Devastator torpedo bomber (although in the actual battle the USN had 6 of the newer, faster, better armed and armoured TBF Avengers and lost 5 of those, so it wasn't just the planes).

I was surprised to see comparatively little involvement depicted of the fighters in the actual battle, and I think that not enough explanation was given of the US Navy's plan for coordinated aerial attacks with torpedo bombers at low level, dive bombers from high level with fighter cover provided by the F4Fs, and importantly why that didn't happen and its devastating conseuences in terms of the virtual annihilation of the torpedo squadrons.

In all, I think it was a good film that simply tried to cover too much historical ground in too short a time. For all that, I enjoyed it and would recommend it as a good war movie.
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A thoroughly excellent film
6 August 2016
Just bought this on Bluray and watched it this afternoon. My whole family thoroughly enjoyed it. It's beautifully scripted, directed and shot, and with strong performances from all the players. Hemsworth and Walker as the human antagonists are gripping, and the opposing attitudes that they have to nature and man's place in it are a powerful undercurrent. Gleeson and Holland both excel as Nickerson. The action is exciting without being clichéd, or eclipsing the narrative. There may be departures from the literal truth of the story, but I think they're justified. It's one that I think we'll re-watch a lot, and I'm glad we own it.
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Labyrinth (2012)
The Hole-y Plot And The Wholly Fail
4 April 2013
My wife had read the book and while she said it wasn't one of the author's best, it was good enough, so I gave this a go. I've found that sometimes weaker books from an author make better films than stronger ones, and while I was a little dubious of the subject matter, I thought I'd give it a go anyway.

What I got was a heap of fairly risible trash, with phoned in performances, some remarkably passionless bonking, a retread of the familiar "It's all a Catholic plot!" Grail stuff, and a curiously strong desire to persecute Cathars. Not on religious grounds, mind you, just for being annoying. It's a pain when you're several hundred years too late to join in the fun :(. I'm just rather disappointed, overall. It's full of actors that I like, so I disregarded the rather uncomplimentary heads-up from the Radio Times and plowed on with it, only to come out at the end with, well, nothing.
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Skyfall (2012)
The best Bond for some considerable time
1 November 2012
I was apprehensive after Quantum of Solace, which I felt was deeply disappointing. A weak plot with a weaker villain, a stilted script and limp direction. I was still convinced by Craig as Bond, but the material he had to work with was poor.

Skyfall is a very different kettle of fish; gripping from the opening chase scene through markets and over rooftops, it rapidly explores themes of loyalty and betrayal which will be carried throughout the film. Craig is once again a convincing Bond, matching ruthlessness with wit, convincing equally in hand to hand combat or the casino. Dench's M this time captures a brittle hardness that hadn't previously been quite so much to the fore, and plays well to the plot. The new Q is convincingly dismissive initially of the old hat methods of field agents like Bond. Bardem's villain is especially praiseworthy; flesh-creepingly unhinged, he brings palpable menace to the role.

The action is well-paced, the dialogue taut and the plot development well-handled. I thoroughly recommend it.
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A good film spoilt
20 August 2012
I really wanted to like this film more than my score would suggest, and indeed I did. Radcliffe was excellent as was the ever-reliable Ciaran Hinds. The film looked great, and the location was well-chosen. The film built tension very well at the start, conjuring the sense of creeping dread found in M.R. James' scarier works; the script was deft, and I thoroughly settled in, looking forward to a good scare. all went a bit wrong. The overuse of jump-scares that really should be left to Youtube reaction videos was my first gripe, but the sourest note was struck by a deeply unsatisfying ending that seemed to arrive too early, and just left me hanging, wondering "Was that it?"; my wife felt much the same. Overall, I was left with the feeling that a potentially great film had been missed.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
A fine addition to the Alien canon
4 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** I thoroughly enjoyed this film , and while i recognize that there are some weaknesses and unanswered questions, I would heartily recommend it nonetheless.

Weaknesses first; the motivation of the engineers could have been more fully explained. Against this I would set the fact that this is a question deliberately set up (I hope) for another film at the end. More time could have been taken for character development; perhaps a fuller cut would address this ('cause it's not like Scott's averse to filling in the story of a film in the DVD release...). The "twist" with Vickers turning out to be Weyland's daughter was so heavily foreshadowed by her being there at all, the comment in his video message about David being the nearest thing to a son that he'd ever have and so forth that I hardly think it counts.

OK, that's out of the way. Rapace, Fassbender and Marshall-Green turn in excellent performances. Rapace melds a lively intelligence with a combination of vulnerability and strength. Fassbender's David effectively conjures the spirit of Pinnocchio combined with a ruthlessness redolent of Ian Holm's Ash. Although not given nearly enough screen time to develop, Marshall-Green brings an infectious enthusiasm to the role of Charlie. Elba and Theron are effective in their roles rather than inspiring, but to a certain extent it is down to Rapace (Shaw), Fassbender (David), and Marshall-Green (Holloway) to carry the story and this they do very well. I am hoping that the aged Pearce is a hint that another film may develop Weyland's character more.

The cinematography is excellent, and the overall design strongly reminiscent of the first film, not merely with regard to the aliens, or the discovered ship but also the Prometheus itself whose internal fittings and layout feel very reminiscent of the Nostromo. I saw the film in 3D and this is one of the better usages of 3D that I've seen. Although there are obvious showcase scenes (the stellar map in the discovered ship being a striking example) overall, the effect felt natural.

I had no issues with the script; in most sci-fi films, some proportion of the dialogue will always be expository, and I feel that Prometheus handled this well.

Overall, while the film is not perfect, I found it highly enjoyable and a very worthwhile addition to the Alien canon; certainly superior to Resurrection and 3.
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Excellent addition to the series
26 January 2012
Underworld: Awakening is a fast-paced action movie, with excellent performances from all the cast. Reminiscent of Underworld: Evolution in its unrelenting pace, it actually feels like a significantly more cohesive effort than that. I liked U:E, but at times it felt too much like a progression of set-pieces rather than a continuous narrative. Fortunately, the adroit pacing, strong plot and convincing performances here neatly avert any such misgivings with U:A.

Beckinsale is excellent again, taking the character of Selene forward and establishing a new battleground for our favourite death-dealer, Stephen Rea makes a convincingly sinister evil mastermind, Michael Ealy turns in a good solid performance, Kris Holden-Ried's Quint is appropriately savage while India Eisley's debut in the series promises great things should it continue and should she remain involved in it (which I hope she does). A nice cameo from Charles Dance (I've always suspected that he wasn't entirely human...) rounds things out nicely. Frankly, I'm only knocking a point off for it being too short, and if that's the worst I can say of a movie, then they're doing something right...
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I reserve the right to revise this upwards.
6 May 2011
Just caught up with the first episode of The Shadow Line.

1. Any series that nicks a title off Joseph Conrad is at least ASPIRING to greatness.

2. Chiwetel Ejiofor's a BAMF. With immaculate vowels. Match that with Christopher "Lots of planets have a North" Ecclestone and it's made of win from the start 3. This series is almost into Edge Of Darkness goodness already. No. Not the Mel Gibson version.

In all honesty, this is what the BBC was made to do; original drama that wouldn't have been made by any other channel in the UK. Perhaps it's all going to implode into crapness, but so far I really don't see how it can. OK, posting reviews when I'm shedded's probably a bad idea, but this, so far, is immaculate.
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Underworld (2003)
A rattling good yarn...
28 June 2007
Strong performances, a taut storyline and well-handled direction make this an excellent action film. Beckinsale shines as Selene, and Nighy's turn as Viktor has me halfway convinced that he actually IS a creature of the night. The effects are thorough without being intrusive, and there's no sense of "CGI overload". Scott Speedman handles the role of Michael well, conveying the character's disorientation and confusion excellently, as well as bringing real presence to the dénouement. I'm going to mention Beckinsale again, because she's simply fabulous; coolly distant one minute, furiously impassioned the next, she brings a welcome range and depth to a role that could so easily have been botched (sorry Alba, there's only one Dark Angel, and she drives a Maserati... *grin*). A film that doesn't pretend to be anything other than excellent entertainment, and it doesn't have to. Thoroughly enjoyable throughout.
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My Little Eye (2002)
Abysmal, useless rubbish
12 October 2002
I like horror films, I like thrillers, I like (well-made) slasher flicks. I feel I should establish this at the start of this comment/review. With that, here we go:

[Rant] It has been some considerable time since I have seen a film this morally repugnant, technically inept and benightedly unintelligent. I have just spent two of the most excruciatingly unenjoyable hours of my movie-going life watching what can most kindly be termed a pile of witless crap, not wanting to walk out for fear of offending the friends that my wife and I went to the cinema with.

I was quite frankly glad when the five central characters were dispatched in tediously unimaginative fashion, but was disappointed to note that no-one appeared to have done the decent thing and ensured that the director, cameraman and scriptwriter (now that's GOT to be an offence under the Trades Description Act) joined them in gory oblivion. If they'd asked, I'd have done it myself, only too happy to help.

This film is utterly devoid of any plot worth noticing (they have a plot device, but it's more guff than mcguffin). Characterisation is minimal, risible and banal. The script makes Conan the Barbarian sound like Citizen Kane. Their attempt to co-opt "Teh Intarweb" as a dramatic device is possible the only bright moment in the film as one of the characters converts his GPS receiver into a wireless modem and gets better page load times than I get with a 512kbps cable service. How dey do dat den? The film is poorly shot with abysmal wacky camera angles.

On another level, the films treatment of the female characters is actually downright nasty - and I'm not talking about Halloween-type scream queen stuff, it's just deeply unpleasant.

I don't even have much of an objection to dumb films, but this one doesn't even fall into the "so bad it's at least a good laugh" category.

All in all I can heartily recommend this film to anyone that I really don't like - but you guys here, do yourselves a favour and avoid this one.

This has been a cinematic health warning, thank you for your attention. /RANT]
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