
29 Reviews
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3 because Zulay Henao
30 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Feel the Noise was a joke. It earned a 5 because of Zulay Henao's hotness. I agree with other reviewers that this movie had no real plot or a decent script. I felt like I was stuck watching a long music video. Nothing about Feel the Noise was remotely believable. Omarion's character is wanted in NY by a Supreme McGriff type syndicate. The syndicate goes as far as trying to shoot him. He jams to Puerto Rico to hide out. When he comes back the syndicate threatens his mother. After all this build up Omarion ends up fighting one of the syndicate to make things okay. WTF? A NY crime syndicate tries to shoot him then decides a school yard street fight is good enough. LAUGHABLE nonsense. Westside Story had more urban action than this POS. Stay away unless you want see Zulay Henao who is a fox.
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Bad on every level
30 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea where to begin because every part of the movie I watched was bad. It's rare when a movie doesn't have one good thing a viewer can say about it. I'm a fan of low budget movies that aren't from tinseltown. 13 Hours in a Warehouse only backs up peoples opinions on low budget movies that they are made by people that don''t know how to make a movie. Director Dav Kaufman's attempt to borrow a plot from Reservoir Dogs and make it a sorta horror movie did not work. Bad guys meet up in a warehouse with a kidnap victim. Said warehouse was a used to make twisted type snuff films. You can figure out what happens from there. I am 100% agreement with another reviewer that said Meisha Johnson stunk as the victim. Director Dav Kaufman for what ever reason took some kind of high ground by not following the B grade low budget horror formula. There has to be some kinda nudity. 13 Hours in a Warehouse tries to take itself to seriously. Don't waste time on this movie.
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Get smelling salts to wake people up
20 October 2008
This movie was mildly funny at times. It was too long to stay funny. Why waste time with the virgin couple and the waiter who was in superbad? Those parts of this movie were boring. Funniest poop was between the actor from that TV show with Neil Patrick Harris and rock star guy that was a John Mayer clone. That had me laughing. Rock star character saved this movie from being a BOMB!!!!. I'm a fan of Ben Stiller when it comes to romantic comedy type movies. Forgetting Sarah Marshell was trying to either be a romantic comedy or serious drama like Some Kind of Wonderful. Never was either. Thr real life GF from that actor Home alone confronts her ex on a beach. I'm thinking okay this going some place. NOTHING. later the TV show actor guy is waited on by the waiter that punches him after shagging oh so hot reception desk girl. this time happy guy refuses drink. hey didn't that guy beat you up on the beach? Rent if based in rock star character. Thay guy is FUNNY.
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Holla (2006)
Watch Holla
19 October 2008
Holla must see for horror movie fans. I was caught up in Holla right off the bat. Director H.M. Coakley does an amazing job taking a page out of the how-to make a slasher movie guide. What I completely enjoyed about Holla was it being campy without being silly. When everything is happening a guy pulls out a gun then announces he had something for the killer. That was funny without being silly. Another funny thing was a token white guy being included. I was impressed with how good this young cast was. Not to mention how many sexy females are in this movie. Watch Holla you will not be disappointed. A super rental for when you plan on staying home. Halloween is approaching fast. Hollaweeen anybody?
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Kush (2007)
Kush weak movie
17 October 2008
Kush doesn't fire. I don't if it's because I'm tired of low budget movies trying to rip off Hollywood movies or if Kush is weak on it's own merits. I agree with other reviewers that this was an attempt to cash in on Alpha Dog with Timberlake. Funny poop about it is Alpha Dog wasn't a movie worth ripping off. It was a so-so Hollywood movie itself. I rented Kush because of what I saw and read on it's cover. Director York Shackelton showed glimpses there is a director under there. Maybe next time they will get original enough to make their own move not a alpha Dog rip off. Like a 5th grade book report I will close out with IN CONCLUSION KUSH WAS A WEAK MOVIE NOT WORTH WATCHING. THANK YOU.
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The Mack (1973)
The Mack smooth movie
17 October 2008
Robert J. Poole deserves credit for writing clever and gritty lines. This movie was urban before people even referred to movies as urban. Pretty Tony: "You know the name of the game , your bitch chose me." Loved that exchange!!!!! The Mack showed that urban movies way back then had a broader appeal than thought by Hollywood. The whole subculture of pimping has been covered in books and movie. The Mack was far a head of it's time and place. I never understood why people would get offended over The Mack. Writer Robert J. Poole did not invent pimping. It's been there, Prostitution is the oldest profession. The Mack has intelligent writing.
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Cold Heart Canyon (2008 Video)
mission impossible to ruin soft core erotica
15 October 2008
Cold Heart Canyon is a poor mans poor man erotic thriller. I would not even comment if it was not so crappy of a movie. Lead actress was not hot in any way then she did not have any hot parts. Doggone it if you're going to make a soft core erotic thriller it needs playboy type nudity. You betcha. Those that look for these types of movies expect trade offs. A bad soft erotic movie that rembers to show some skin in return gets a pass. A bad soft erotic movie with nothing gets tossed in to a fire. Nothing about this movie was half way watchable. hugh Hefner & Larry flynt would kick ass on any one that put this out. Wild Things with Matt Dillon & Denise Richards in a single part was worth 10 fold of these crap.
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Criminal Xing (2007)
not a very entertaining movie
5 October 2008
Criminal Xing is from writer/director Alberto G. Rodriguez. The story and movie are thin. 6 professional criminals must compete to earn a place on a crew that is going for a highly profitable heist. To prove themselves each criminal is given a series of smaller crimes to do.

The anti hero Johnny is a contract killer always looking for that big score. This heist could be it. The story twist is as expected. The criminals are enemies with old scores to settle with one another. Hokey action doesn't help this movie out. It is poorly shown. If you like to watch every B grade movie about crime that comes out then rent this knowing it's not entertaining.

I did like Brianna Herrera as Lita. Hope to see more of her in movies. The DVD cover of Criminal Xing looks terrific. Only if as much care was put in to making the movie.
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In with Thieves (2008 Video)
Guns and nudity. Need I say more?
27 September 2008
I like what writer/director Sid Kali does . After watching his other movie Consignment I figured I would give this one a go. I was not disappointed. In With Thieves is a B grade movie that deserves to be bumped up to B+. The writing was terrific. I loved the part when a Latino crook goes off about over use of cell phones by people in public. The story goes this crook was shopping for clothes while a woman yells into her cell phone how hot her BF would look in a pair of jeans. The punch line is the BF was two feet away the whole time.

I was impressed with how much was squeezed into this story. Sid Kali did not take the easy way out making a generic movie. The story covers the Albanian Mafia going against a Cuban voodoo cult against a African crime group against American thieves. You have to pay attention, but it's so worth it. If you are easily offended by nudity this movie is not for you. The women are extremely sexy and they all get nude.

I don't understand the reasoning behind a couple of negative comments posted. The movie looked great. Heads and tails above 90% of B grade movies out there.
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Snitch'd (2003 Video)
Mr. Cahill please stop
27 September 2008
All I can say after watching Snitch'd is please stop Mr. Cahill. It is painfully clear you have no understanding of what you make movies about. If you insist on making movies about gangsters I urge you to do research. It's comical to watch movies with absurd gangbangers that even sound more absurd when they speak.

I laughed at the part when Mr. Cahill goes to a school with only 3 students and proceeds to kick their butts in kung fu fashion. This movie was tough as an after school special. Who had the idea to have hats worn that say where a particular gangbanger was from?. I suspect real gangbangers do not wear hats claiming there gang. That would be stupid considering new laws that add length to a prison term if a person is gang related.

Snitch'd is the WORST gangbanger movie ever made.
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All time classic!
27 September 2008
Melvin and Howard is one of those rare movies that are overlooked. The 80's were dominated by director John Hughes. Maybe that's why more movie fans haven't heard of Melvin and Howard. The story of Howard Hughes contains enough material to make a hundred movies. What stands out here is the story and acting.

The character of Melvin is the classic lovable loser type done to perfection. As I watched I was pulling for Melvin to make it. He was a dreamer. I loved every time the daughter bounced back and forth between parents she would yell BYE DAD or BYE MOM.

I had no clue Mary Steenburgen was that hot naked in the 80's!!!! She's working in a nude go-go bar then quits. Before she leaves she pulls her clothes off walking out in the buff. Her backside looked magnificent. I recommend this touching heartfelt story.
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Sweet Potato Pie (2004 Video)
Dale Stelly deserves credit
27 September 2008
Sweet Potato Pie by writer/director Dale Stelly has a uncanny knack for making comedy movies that are actually FUNNY. This entire movie was probably made for less than it costs to hire a personal assistant to wipe the arse of Spike Lee. Sweet Potato Pie is a great alternative to American Pie.

Dale Stelly infuses this movie with an urban touch that works. Back when Spike Lee made good movies this would be one that I could see him making. I have a theory that some movie makers get ruined when they have too much money to spend. Dale Stelly will move on to bigger and better movies. My hopes are he does not go the way of Spike Lee.

Sweet Potato Pie is comedy for move fans that are tired of milk toast.
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Blood Descendants (2007 Video)
Another POS horror movie
27 September 2008
For a minute I swore Blood Descendants was another Barnholtz Entertainment POS. I was wrong. This poorly done mess comes from writer/director Steven Charles Castle courtesy of Maverick Entertianment Group. It seems like nobody cares about making good movies along as the DVD cover is well done. Sorry state of affairs for movies.

I wonder if companies like Maverick Entertainment Group even bother to watch their own movies. It would seem they are too busy creating DVD covers to care. This story is about a deadly curse. The only curse is the one the unfortunate viewer of this movie gets. It ranked a 2 because the look and sound were good for a B grade movie. Other than that it was a POS story with bad directing and acting.
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Does not get much better than this
26 September 2008
The Dog Problem is a smart love story of sorts with prefect comedy timing. I was overwhelmed on how excellent on every level this movie was. Scott Caan was already a proved actor. The Dog Problem showed his talents as not only a writer but a director to boot. Brilliant work!

How does a gem of a movie like this with a talented everything fly under the radar of Hollywood? This movie is far superior to 90% of movies shown in theaters. The dog Spot was a scene stealer. The part of Spot walking with that song nobody walks in LA was funny.

Scott Caan the story simple. Too many movies try to do too much. This a must see.
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Killer Nerd (1991)
Troma classic from 90's
21 September 2008
Killer Nerd from writer/director Mark Steven Bosko is another Troma classic. A totally campy horror movie that I loved. A harassed nerd takes a video self-help course to be cool. When nerd Harold Kunkle played perfectly by Toby Radloff gets pushed one time too many he goes over the edge going on a killing spree. It was cheesy violence that was comical in a sense because it was so bad it was good.

Glad I came across this 90's horror comedy on eBay. It was recommended by a friend that said I had to see it. Glad I did. My wife thought it was childish. I thought it was great. Sorry to see Mr. Bokso hasn't made a movie in some time. Come back. You have fans.
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Pretty Cool Too is pretty hot
21 September 2008
Pretty Cool Too can be labeled as a screwy comedy with nudity. I don't believe writer/director Rolfe Kanefsky was trying to win any awards. A movie like this is for people that want a fun watch that they don't have to think too much about. Feels good to shut your mind off not having to follow a complicated story.

Angela Dodson and Jennifer Day are amazing eye candy. I hope to see a lot more of them in more movies. This is the type of movie that would go over at a frat house while drinking beer and eating pizza. Well worth the rent to watch Angela Dodson and Jennifer Day display their curves.
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Fuego (2007)
Fuego has action
20 September 2008
Fuego from actor/writer/director/producer Damian Chapa is a top notch action movie made outside of Hollywood. Chapa plays ex-con Fuego who tries to make up for his past sins by rescuing the sexy daughter of an Ambassador. I'm a huge fan of Steven Seagal and this reminded of that type of movie.

It was great to see David Carradine from Kung Fu fame as Lobo. Nina Epifanova playing the Ambassador daughter is Feugo herself. There is tons of action in this movie to keep viewers interested. I was impressed with the directing and camera work. Great job Mr. Chapa. This is not a date movie or one you watch the wife. This is like UFC or Spike TV. A total guy movie that has punch. Stay away from Chicano Blood and watch Fuego!
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The Sweep (2008)
Dale Stelly under rated in movie land
20 September 2008
Dale Stelly is a writer/director/producer that gets it. He gives viewers what they want to see. The Sweep produces laughs galore. I loved Kadeem Hardison with Godfrey. These guys are funny. The Sweep story is nothing new. Two dufus janitors find a briefcase of mob money. They run through it like drunken sailors on shore leave. Buying flashy clothes and cars. The problem is the mob wants their money back. I laughed through most of this movie.

The comedic timing was there. I can only attribute that to Dale Stelly. I am a supporter of B grade movies. That can lead to disappointment many times when watching movies. The Sweep is a comedy gem you have to see. Mr. Stelly out did himself on this movie. I hope to see more of Kadeem Hardison and Godfrey in the near future.
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2 Hitmen (2007 Video)
Even with a budget this movie would be bad
20 September 2008
2 Hit men poor attempt at making a comedy. The first rule about a comedy movie is should be funny. 2 Hit men misses the boat. It is a thrown together movie lacking in every possible way. Two dufus type guys decide they will become killers for hire. They train going through every predictable snafu possible to get a laugh from viewers. I kept thinking WTF is this movie? I felt ripped off of my time. There is 1% of movies that give viewers nothing. This is one of those 1%. The acting was not bad. It was the story that stunk.

There is a much better comedy out there that was made back in 1998 called Jerry and Tom. It stars Joe Mantegna and Sam Rockwell.
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Juarez, Mexico (2005 Video)
Mr. Cahill is no Mr. Chapa
20 September 2008
Juarez, Mexico is one of those rare movies that stinks in every way possible. The best I can say about this movie was it had a sharp box cover. After reading other viewers comments I hate to kick actor/writer/director/producer James Cahill while he's down. If there was anything good to say about Juarez, Mexico I would try. There just isn't. I did not have the same problem as many reviewers did with how the movie looked. After all you can't expect to get kobe beef at Arbys. It looked fine to me. Who cares it was shot in the California desert instead of Mexico? Hollywood does that all the time.

The story tore it down on my ratings. Like that song UNBELIEVABLE! This movie was unbelievable. For starters Mr. Cahill miscast himself as a lead action hero heartthrob by the name of Johnny Cash. I think that name was used before. Action parts were more unbelievable. I laughed when Johnny Cash walked in a bar then proceeded to beat up a group of muscled tough guys. It was comical. Put that part on You Tube to win a comedy award. I swear one tough guy stuck his chin out waiting for Mr. Cahill to tee off on him.

Mr. Cahill should study how Mr. Damian Chapa makes movies. Chapa is a actor/writer/ director/producer.
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Nerd Boy (2008)
Are you kidding me? This stunk!
20 September 2008
Nerd Boy does not deserved to be called a movie in any sense of the word. Please writer/ director/producer Crystal Burdette stop attempting to make movies now. It insults respectable movie viewers. Nerds need love too. Very original, yes I'm being sarcastic. I have a co-worker that says a line like it except nerd is replaced with another term.

DeDe is an emotional wreck after her boyfriend, Stix gives her the boot. Once the word gets out that DeDe is single, all available men, including the neighborhood nerd line up for a chance to date her.

Cliché cheesy humor can be funny. In Nerd Boy it's not funny. Better B grade movies look alright. Nerd Boy lives up to the cliché of POS movies shot on a home camcorder by someone that has no business attempting to make movies in any fashion. I would've not let Crystal Burdette tape my wedding. Even though my wedding did suck being held at a VFW where a crowd of drunk vets joined my equally drunk wedding party.

Maverick Entertainment Group releases tons of movies. How they released this POS is beyond my ability to understand. Maverick Entertainment Group please do not release another POS of like this EVER!!!!!!
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Chicano Blood (2008 Video)
Box cover tip off to F grade movie
20 September 2008
I like to give Non-Hollywood movies a chance. I kinda know what I'll get from B grade movie. I've read enough reviews on IMDb that are laced with venom from people. If you buy a KIA you can't expect it to ride like a Rolls Royce. I give these type of movies the benefit of the doubt knowing whoever made them didn't have millions of dollars.

Let me climb down from my soap box. With that said Chicano Blood falls way short of being a decent B grade gangster movie. I have to put it on the D list. The box cover was awful looking bordering on plain silly. The movie wasn't any better or at least 20 minutes I did watch before turning it off. I gave Chicano Blood a 3 instead of a 1 because of actor/director/ writer/producer Damian Chapa. I admire he is trying to make movies on his terms outside of Hollywood. His other movie Fuego showcases his talents much better than this POS.

I do need to comment that when a movie like Chicano Blood has nothing to offer viewers why not put in outrageous nudity? Cinemax is home to all kinds of movies that are lousy but they do have nudity to keep a little interest. Don't waste your time on this movie.
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Smart People (2008)
Dull as watching paint dry
19 September 2008
I expected Smart People to be funny in that subtle witty type of way. Hugely disappointed in this movie. I kept waiting for something to happen and nothing ever did. It was like a dinner party that goes to long with people running out of things to say. In one painful part to sit through Sarah Jessica Parker who plays a doctor is tending to Dennis Quaid when his overachiever daughter played by Ellen Page comes in.

What was supposed to be biting humor between the daughter and doctor was dull. Nothing witty about the exchange. At that point i would have gladly welcomed raunchy fart humor to break up the boredom of it all. This movie never gets to where it was going in anyway. I watched it from start to finish I don't know. Lost part of my life I'll never get back. Sarah Jessica Parker should only appear in Sex and the City or Square Pegs.
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Dirty (2005)
Dirty would be better without Cuba
19 September 2008
Dirty could have been a better without Cuba Gooding Jr. How he gets acting jobs is beyond me. Dirty is the story of two beat cops that arr corrupt. Clifton Collins Jr. turns in a superior performance as Armando Sancho. This actor has been one of my favs since he was in Stoned Age.Robert LaSardo as Roland was intense. This character actor shines in every movie he is in.

I would have given Dirty a higher ranking without the Cuba effect. It wasn't as raw as Training Day, but it had its moments. I really liked when the two cops are forced to meet the main Mexican crime bosses. The tension could be cut with a knife. I recommend movie fans to check this movie out.
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Issues (2005)
Issues two thumbs down
15 September 2008
I saw Issues on Starz network. Issues started with a chance to be a decent light hearted comedy. Then it unraveled. The story centers around a clean cut accountant that wants to fall in love that lives with his skirt chasing cousin. Another housemate takes off leaving them in need of a housemate to help cover rent. When a new housemate arrives it throws everything off in their worlds.

After 10 minutes I can label this movie the love child of a hybrid of The Odd Couple and Three's Company TV shows. Every retread situation a movie could use was used. It was not funny or candid. Laz Alonso playing the skirt chaser cousin was good. Save yourself watching this movie. Like police say near a crime scene. Nothing to see here go home.
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