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Table 19 (2017)
not even an airplane movie
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Table 19 is a dreadful movie.

The script is surely the worst thing about it. Some people are stuck at Table 19 (the loser table) at a wedding. We get each of their stories, if you can call an incoherent jumble of clichés a story. One boy of about 13 is trying to laid, with his mother calling him every 10 minutes to give him advice. One couple may or may not be in love, depending on when you went out for popcorn. One woman plays the ridiculous old person, a staple in every bad Hollywood movie. One man is even more ridiculous.

Joining the table is Anna Kendrick, who seems to have two love interests, one of whom just vanishes when his presence becomes inconvenient for the plot. She has recently broken up with the best man, though the explanation for how this happened makes little sense.

Everyone at the table has problems. They all go off and smoke dope, and then suddenly the problems are magically solved. This is basically the plot, minus a bunch of slapstick scenes with the wedding cake.

Aside from Anna Kendrick, none of the characters are the slightest bit interesting, and none of them, including Anna Kendrick, undergoes any sort of personal transformation that leads to the resolution of their problems. The movie is just one sorry gimmick after another.
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Interesting movie with the interesting parts removed
26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a good heart, but it basically makes no sense.

Jenny is marrying Kitty, and they have been living together for five years. When they are together, do they touch each other, or call each other pet names, or look into each other's eyes, or kiss, or stand close together? Nope. This is a movie about lesbians from which lesbianism has apparently been banned.

Poor Kitty barely has a part at all. Could she have spoken ten lines throughout the whole film?

Never mind the question of why Kitty would stay with Jenny for five years while Jenny gets around to telling her family she is gay. And Jenny and Kitty live in town, so why does Jenny's family seem to barely know who Kitty is?

When Jenny finally tells her parents, they react as though they had never heard of gay people. The movie is made and presumably set in 2015, in some reasonably large city, and the parents have 3 kids and lots of family friends, but they don't know ANY gay people, or ANYONE with a gay child. Come on.

The biggest lie in this movie is the excision of religion from the motives of the parents. They react badly to her announcement, they won't come to her wedding, they don't know who she is any more. But do they ever mention God or the Bible or their church? Nope. But other people do, right? Nope.

When the parents finally change their minds, there is not any particular reason for it, except that it is getting close to the end of the movie, so I guess this is where they should say they're sorry and live happily ever after.

What in the world happened here??? We can only guess. But it's hard to see how something this bad could have gotten that way without some sort of fear being involved.
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Chloe (2009)
fun but preposterous
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a stylish thriller with good acting and nice settings.

Unfortunately it is full of outlandish things that in real life would never happen:

1) The wife suspects her husband is cheating, so she hires a prostitute to tempt him. Huh? What about talking to him? Or having him followed? Or checking his phone?

2) The prostitute accepts the job. Huh? If word got out, this would ruin her business. Surely she would say no.

3) The prostitute reports all sort of shenanigans with the husband, but the wife never asks for any proof that she was with him. Come on.

4) The wife and husband have an ugly fight about their affairs, but the wife doesn't get around to mentioning the prostitute. Really?

5) The prostitute makes up stories about her encounters with the husband, but she has no way of knowing that the husband isn't home at the time of the alleged encounters, or didn't call his wife to ask if he could stop at the grocery store. I guess she just got lucky.

6) The prostitute fakes love affairs with multiple guys a night. This is her job. But somehow when she has sex with the wife, she becomes obsessed with her.

7) The prostitute ends up in the couple's house, on the second floor, and lightly bumps the plate glass window, causing it to shatter. Huh? Was the house not built to code?

I still enjoyed the movie, though some of my enjoyment was amusement at the utterly ridiculous plot.
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Fascinating Movie
28 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie, in spite of its flaws. The biggest flaw was a script that seemed like a soap opera, with tricks and scenes that made me squirm in disbelief. Another was the sappy music, lifted from the slow movement of Ravel's G Major Piano Concerto, but altered to make it a lot less interesting.

So why was the movie good? Acting! There were lots of meaty parts, and every actor was a joy to watch. The movie was also quite interesting visually. It had a very comfortable pace to it, leisurely, but not too slow. And it had a great moral: your time on earth is short, and you only get one chance. Most of the main characters live a troubled life in some way. Some of them manage to nudge themselves towards happiness, and others do not. The movie manages to be both sad and hopeful. When it was over, I wanted to watch it again.
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impressive movie
29 December 2011
I agree with the criticisms here, but find them easy to ignore. OK, it doesn't look like a Hollywood production, and the actors are not the best you could imagine. So what? I thought it was quite an accomplishment, given that the two stars are also involved in the screenplay, direction, and production. Yes, the characters don't really know what they want, but isn't that the point? The movie is a picture of a couple on the verge of permanence, and neither of them is quite ready to say yes or to say no. It's a very painful situation, but each of them feels the pain in different ways and at different times. After four years they know each other extremely well, but at the same time they can't quite get it together enough to really communicate. Yes, some of the things that they do are irrational, but people in this situation don't always think straight. Yes, there are lots of movies about breakups, but this one seemed original and very moving to me.
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OK if you can ignore all the flaws
27 December 2011
This is a nice holiday movie if you can ignore all the flaws:

1) SJP plays a woman who runs a major part of the Sales Dept at her company. So how come she is so intimidated by meeting a few members of her boyfriend's family?

2) Why are she and her boyfriend even dating? They have nothing in common and don't even like each other. This was just not believable.

3) SJP's part is exaggerated almost to the point of being slapstick. What's with all the sniffing? And many of her lines are just utterly ridiculous. No real person would ever behave this way.

4) The climax of the movie is a wonderful ensemble scene, with different people arriving and getting involved in working out their various issues. But the screenwriter seemed not to have confidence in good drama, choosing to end the scene by having various characters go into the kitchen and essentially slip on a banana peel. This was just dumb.

Even with these flaws, I still enjoy the movie. Except for SJP, many of the actors are quite good (especially Claire Danes, who gives a riveting performance). It's too bad they made the movie that they made, but you might as well enjoy the good parts.
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Hanna (2011)
Not worth your time.
19 November 2011
Hanna is a bad movie with a good movie inside it, trying to get out.

The good movie is the story of Hanna -- where does she come from, who are her parents, why is she raised in the arctic, how will she fare when she is finally exposed to civilization, why are people trying to kill her. The acting is good, the locales are fascinating, the overall ideas are interesting, the action scenes are fun.

The bad movie is the script. Many of the sequences are preposterous. Practically none of the mysteries are actually resolved. Anytime something significant starts to happen on screen, it is frittered away with yet another chase scene. Plot elements are developed, then abandoned. The movie ends at what seems to be a random point, as though the producers ran out of time, but figured you wouldn't know the difference anyway.

If you look at the movie in 30-second clips, it's quite good. If you want some sort of coherent story, you will be disappointed.
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silly, pretentious, contrived, gimmicky
31 July 2011
OK, the acting is good, and the camera work is competent, when we're not having to watch the lighting suddenly change for no reason, or when we're not wondering why two people sitting in a kitchen talking are getting snowed on. But the plot is ridiculous. The characters do a lot of talking, but not much else. Two of them allegedly work together in a real estate office, but they never do any work, and aside from one of the other characters in the movie, no one ever comes into their office. I kept wondering how they stayed in business. Two of them are allegedly brother and sister, but the sister is 40 years younger than the brother, and this difference is never explained. And why are they living together? Two are engaged, but there is not the slightest warmth between them, and we are left wondering how the engagement ever happened. Several characters seem to get a personality transplant halfway through the movie. One is always off camera, for no particular reason. None of them seems to have any basic common sense. They are completely unappealing, and therefore we never care what happens to them. The only compensation is the French, which is very clear and simple.
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