
3 Reviews
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Spun (2002)
easily pleased? you'll love this contrived waste of time.
12 December 2003
Oh zow! Quick cuts! Wide angle lenses! Animation! This must be a work of genius.

The trouble with the success of movies like Snatch, Lock Stock, Requiem For A Dream, and Pulp Fiction is that it's assumed that quick cuts and snappy camera angles make a good movie. Spun is such a contrived Requiem-imitator that it is nearly unpleasant to watch. Close-ups of pupils dilating when taking a hit? Colorful characters trying not to admit they have a problem? A final montage of the characters in static positions while a somber song plays? This movie has been made! No amount of epileptic editing and over-exposure can change that. It's story has nothing. It tries to take a new slant on the drug tradedy by adding humor, but it only produces sad imitation after sad imitation of Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. Watch the excellent films this movie is derived from, save your self an hour and a half of an excellent cast helping a mediocre music video director try to be like Darren Aronofsky.
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A lackluster sequel in desparate need of your approval
18 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS AHEAD, NOT THAT THE ENDING IS WORTH BEING SURPRISED ABOUT) The Matrix Reloaded is a sequel. It should be expected that it will fail where all sequels fail; trying far too hard to blow the original away. But The Matrix Reloaded does this to such an extreme and with so little value that it becomes almost unwatchable. The Matrix was a pop culture phenomenon due to its new premise and mind-blowing special effects. The premise cannot save The Matrix Reloaded. There is nothing novel, so the basic weakness of the movie is evident. The special effects in the second film seem like a 9th grader desparate for attention and approval from his peers. Special effects in The Matrix were interesting and quick; an effect would happen, end, then the audience would be left saying "wow, what just happened? how did they do that?" But in The Matrix Reloaded, special effect are interesting, but drawn out. It feels as if the Wachowski brothers want us to be fully aware of how cool they and their movie are. We're all supposed to say "Oh golly, slow motion! The Wachowski brothers must be brilliant to have thought of showing people getting kicked in the face slowly! All hail!" By the fifth drawn out slow-motion kick in the face, the movie becomes quite tedious. Without the exploration of a new premise and well-paced special effect, The Matrix Reloaded falls flat on its face as another sequel desparate to show how different and better it is from its original. With these features, the movie is a medicore viewing, which borders on entertaining from time to time. But The Matrix Reloaded concludes with an ending that leaves the audience cheated. After paying eight dollars and sitting through 2+ hours of drawn out fight scenes and sprawling lackluster CGI cityscapes, closure is to be expected. But The Matrix Reloaded uses an ending which is frowned upon in 1st grade story-writing: "To be continued." There is no attempt at an ending in the film, just a huge cop-out. Movies can end without definite conclusions (Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, The Matrix), but to not even hint at an ending leaves no doubt of the total lack of inspiration in The Matrix Reloaded. The audience deserves better than a "tune in next time, kids!" The Matrix Reloaded ends in such a way as to shift from medicore to insulting. Had The Matrix Reloaded admitted to itself it was a sequel, it may not have had such glaring examples of trying too hard.
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Amazingly beautiful
18 November 2002
Don't let warnings of length turn you away from this movie. If you are incapable of sitting still for 2.5 hours and realizing the beauty of lengthy shots, don't see it. But if not, don't let reviews by those with short attention-spans keep you from seeing this film. It is one of the most beautifully and dramatically shot movies, with each shot lasting about 10 minutes. This allows for breathtaking camera movement that mixes perfectly with the sound track. Take a break from typical movies broken up by excessive shots and see this movie. It will blow you away.
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