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Mostly romantic fluff - IMDB description barely features
28 May 2024
Most of this film has NOTHING to do with the description. The first hour could have been easily portrayed and understood by the viewer in 15 minutes or so. But about an hour in and it's just been a lot of poncing around and a love story which has virtually nothing to do with the rest of the film. That whole lead in was mostly filler and by the time she's demanding to study the bedouin, the background and reasons for this are unknown, and it seems whimsical and ridiculous. Despite the top shelf actors, Character development is very very poor. Nothing is really believable.

Also, not clear if she actually met Lawrence. If not, that is a really cheap shot.

She says "I merely go where my curiosity leads me"......... I think the production team did the same (face-palm face-palm face-palm)
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Ok there's quite a bit to look at here...
23 April 2024
Antony Hopkins won't save this, pretty actors won't save this, an in vogue (and completely ridiculous) nod to scandi viking esque nonsense won't save this. No, nothing will save this.

The plot is just too close to you know what, even down to the senator reference. The phrase cut and paste comes to mind, with added popular references and allusions. Note the multi coloured bunting similar to that found in the himalayas, mixed into a viking village....face-palm.

Ok, the subjective bit... I grew up in South Africa and I'm sorry, but I just cringe when I see south African actors trying to act. Arnold Vossloo is one of the few who can actually act. But he's not in this.

Objectively speaking, the characters played by the South African actors are of little or no importance to the central plot, so why are they given so much time? The scene with the robot reflects the typical South African macho brain dead attitude. I just found it off putting and only served to sully the film, even more. I'm glad I didn't watch this with my 12yo - the rape narrative was too much. I understand how this served as the tipping point, but let's be honest would you rather be served a turd? Or a Sunday roast?

A few more objective points: far far far too much time is spent on one single scene: The Village. Virtually half of the film is like an ensemble piece set in a village. I absolutely love the Nflix 1640 series, but I get nothing from watching this. The film would benefit from depth and breadth if 2 or 3 different locals were switched between, instead of this utterly boring linear thread in one place, then the next place etc etc. More low-fi than sci-fi.

The bar scene...cut & paste.

Big bird scene LOR cut & paste complete with elvish sounding language.

Solderan...? Alderan? Chat gpt could have done better.

Come to think of it, chat gpt probably could've done the entire film better (laughing face laughing face laughing face) Just a little aside.... why did they make the spaceships look like actual boats and submarines? Makes it look like a childs fairytale book.

Best bit... When she throws sand in the guys eyes, just about the only clever and practical thing in the whole film.
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South African ego still alive and well
7 April 2024
I grew up in South Africa so it's possible that my point of view is biased.

South Africa has managed to produce a few good productions, but unfortunately, this is not one of them. Almost every scene feels like a good effort for student film makers still learning their trade..... Not a professional production. The storyline has so much potential, only to to brought down by the typically over indulgent South African ego, an ego completely blind to it's own shortcomings. Believe me, I know, at one time I was blind to my own.

I know this is not a very evidence based review, it's more based on my personal experiences of growing up in South Africa. But what I will say, is that the level of film making does actually reflect the level of cultural development of the nation as a whole. In other words, South Africans may actually really like and enjoy this film, and even feel that it is a good film, on par with something like one of the Scandi Dramas for example. As a European, I just cannot see this, or abide by this. But I do accept the relative differences in perception.

For me, it was a difficult film to watch. I could not help but see the South African ego tripping over itself, one scene after the other. Such a pity.
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Pile of utter garbage
8 December 2023
I wrote a proper review explaining why, but this useless app must have timed me out so just to say that this is basically amero colour washing. A poor attempt to shoe horn all sorts of people from different walks of life together and make it look like everything is just dandy in the states.

It's ok idea to but it washes over the realities of the disgusting scourge of populism in many western nations.

The ranch is a dream, places like that don't exist and if they do they're a pale shadow of this rich kid style getaway. It's saccharine nonsense.

The attempt to have jumpy music playing while the family do stuff in the kitchen was a really really pathetic attempt to make use of how the Shameless series uses that technique in every of their episodes (in this case, rather than imitation being flattery, it just fell flat).

It was lame lame lame.

All actors / characters severely lacking in any meaningful depth. They've shoehorned people into clothes, and typecasts and it just looks ridiculous.
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Public Enemy: Délivre-nous du mal (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Chloe character incongruous again
3 December 2023
As I have mentioned in several other reviews, the actors depiction and expression of the Chloe character is all over the place. For this episode I'll get straight to the point... In one of the opening scenes Chloe is confronted with Berenger being taken off the case and returning to the Abbey - which makes sense because of what happened and the chiefs subsequent decision. But, (and I mean for goodness sake) Chloe's SISTER is one of the people under THREAT, as they KNOW this other guy is a serious threat and will kill to cover his tracks. But what does the Chloe character do.... Basically a shoulder shrug reaction... Not bothered. So again, another incongruous non sensical response.

For the series as a whole, I'm really enjoying it. Such a shame that this actor is so poorly directed, doesn't understand what's going on or a combination of both.
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Public Enemy (2016–2023)
Can't act, can't sing, probably can't dance
9 November 2023
I really like this mini series or whatever you want to call it. The berger branger berengerac thingy character is great, very silence of lambsy-esc.

Unfortunately the lead, even after the first 2 seasons, is all over the place with her acting. The hospital ICU scene is terrible, one moment aggressive, the next with the puppy dog face as she awaits the baddy to write something. I get the reason why she would feel emotional and desperate for some info (technically) , but, for me the point is that any (supposedly) developed character should display consistency. Sure, that will undulate, but to bi polar style back and forth is REALLY annoying for the viewer; and it happens in this series all, the, time. Camera moves away, then cuts back to her and hey presto we're presented with a completely different character.

It severely lacks professionalism, and screams amateur. It begs the question, hmm, how did exactly, did she land this part? Hmm.

Look at all (and there are LOADS) of female euro/scandy detective drama leads, and they present strong, well developed and CONSISTENT characters through good ACTING.

Unfortunately we increasingly live in a world of lower standards, where a piece of paper says (supposedly) that you are good at something. Chortle... , yeah Right!

If you want to see brilliant acting, look at leo caprio in my own private idaho.
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Public Enemy: Episode #2.6 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Lead actor woes
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I'm really enjoying this series overall and would rate it a 7. It's got really believable parallel narratives, some from the first series which hold up well and add flavour to the mix. The Berenger character is great with a few obvious nods at silence of the old lambs.

On that point, the funeral scene in this episode was almost camera angle for camera angle a copy of the young agent starling at her father's funeral. So much so that I thought it was Chloes father's funeral. Obviously it wasn't, but if you havn't seen SOTL then you'll see exactly what I mean when you do. Don't get me wrong, I think it was well done and did not feel it off place.

What DOES feel out of place is the lead actor who plays Chloe.


Where to start... Well in this episode there are 2 conspicuous downfalls. The background to my thinking is this: the actor plays the cop, fighter with a troubled part etc just fine. But when it comes to other facets of her personality such as her relations with monk man, she falls flat on her face. Her facial expressions are all wrong and just feel out of place. Their first encounter was better, more raw, but the puppy dog expressions and poor attempt at tenderness (or was it meant to be temptation) feel incongurant with her what her characte was initially presented as.

Ok, the second thing which was a complete failure was when she sees her sister for the first time EVER in the recovered DVD recording from Tork. Her face barely seems to change at all. I was expecting a deep emotional reaction, hand up to mouth, elevated breathing um you know, the sort if thing you think she would have learnt as a drama student? Well, maybe it was poor direction but I think not, the pattern is clear.... Tough stuff (like what's her face from The Bridge) she does ok, not brilliant but good enough. Anything else.... not so I'm afraid.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but I've been noticing it episode after episode since the first season and I find it difficult to believe that the director was incabable of portraying a stronger more believable and well rounded personality for the lead.

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Another complete sound failure - subtitles on
29 July 2023
Why is it, that with all of the modern technology that we have available to us, in so many different fields of life, the FILM INDUSTRY not only seems unable to make use of it, but in fact, is solidly in REVERSE when it comes to recording sound, rendition and balancing of levels.... Not to mention displaying an extraordinary incompetence when it comes to recording actors voices, such that the viewer can ACTUALLY HEAR WHAT SOMEONE IS SAYING!

If there is no other sound then the voices are muffled, if there is other ambient sound, music, cars, whatever then the actors voices are completely drowned out.

I would be happy to rate this film a 7, but this ongoing problem with sound is completely unacceptable, and needs a mention.

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Come Home (2018)
I very very rarely rate 10/10
1 July 2023
I can't speak highly enough of this series.

Several aspects drew me in and gripped my attention. I started to notice the how realistic the narrative was, how each event in a very human and relatable way, led to the next, and how relatable and conflicted each of the characters were. So often the heart triumphs over the head, and what's *right* or "best" is often as clear as mud, and in the end, we can never really know, exactly, what really is "best".

The characters portraied the multifaceted and often conflicted nature of people, specifically the parents, and how our perceptions of what's right and best are so often rooted in the norms and values of the society we grow and live in. And one aspect I particularly feel humans would do well to work on: How we so often equate how we feel about something or someone, with absolute fact and/or truth; when really, it's just how we feel, and does not necessarily have any bearing on the truth.

I particularly enjoyed how that inner conflict, and certainty of belief in what felt right and just, was brought out in the last episode and how the overall situation left so much for each of them, and us the viewers, to digest and make sense of.

In the end, there is often no way to make sense of it all; and acceptance of the flawed nature of the human condition, and the embracing of whatever we can scrape together and call "our truth", is perhaps only the "best" we can do.
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Shooter: Musa Qala (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Poor episode
5 June 2023
Put simply, the events and timeline are unconvincing and unrealistic.

So this episode can most definitely be watched WHILE YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING ELSE.

The protagonists ability to travel distance and arrange things within a relatively short window of opportunity, cannot so much be attributed to his supposed level of training and expertise, but rather, his absurdly super-human ability to do so. It's a shame because the series misses out on what could actually be quite clever plans and set ups that he executes to achieve his goals. But we're shown little or none of this. We're just meant to constantly assume that he's just "The Best!"... This also results in the various narratives within reach episode - and very much within this one - feeling rushed, which only adds to the unrealistic feel of the timeline and occurrences.... Wait, how exactly did be escape from....???
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Muted (2023)
Netflix (again) trimming and dumbing down
21 May 2023
Once AGAIN Netflix is expecting it's viewers to look past their blatant disregard for the tiniest modecum of plain, simple, common sense reality.

The girl fan is let into the obs office.... at the drop of a hat.... like it was a totally normal thing to do during a secret court ordered observation! Breaking goodness knows how many legal protocols.


And let's just not forget to mention the elephant in the room.... That there just obviously LOADS A MONEY sloshing around the Spanish coffers to pay for a team of what? 4? 5? 6 people maybe? To monitor a guy who has been lawfully released from prison.


Not only that, but it's a clear as mud as to why exactly they have been given this (splutters) ridiculously generous budget to watch a guy having a f...... shower. I mean... Really?

It's an obvious budget saving move by "Netflix" not to have this set in a normal police station setting, where (for example) a specialist can be brought in and paired with a cop who's really busy - that would be more realistic but oh, I forgot, probably cost a bit more.

So much more to say but let's just end on this, having received said court order / budget-to-go-with-it, they obviously couldn't even afford a half decent outdoor camera to see what someone was holding in their hands.1980's standard at best! Netflix ALWAYS do this kind of thing to create suspense, again, at the cost of blatently foregoing any modecum of reality.

Face palm, face palm, face palm....
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1899 (2022)
Pointless after Dark
24 February 2023
Unlike 1899, Dark was ok, good in fact, but right at the end, it descended into meaninglessness. They were unable to bring the story to any semblance of a remotely satisfying conclusion, and there was so much good stuff in that series!

Unfortunately, 1899 descends into similar meaninglessness much, much sooner than Dark.

On paper, 1899 probably looked like a good idea, but after a few episodes it starts to feel contrived and, let's face it, just silly. Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying all the serious stuff is silly, there are some genuinely distressing scenes (maybe too many) but no, it's the repetitiveness, plot lines and narratives that just.... go... nowhere.....

There are to many diverging / converging story lines going on which become lost, the writers fail to pull them together. Now I'm sure if one of the writers EXPLAINED it to us it would all make sense (or not make sense - if it's not suppose to - if you see what I mean) but if 1899 needs "explaining" then maybe, just maybe, they've failed in relating the story to the viewer. I understood tenet, Apocalypse now, Dark, etc clearly. But 1899 is just trying to hard to be too many things all mashed up.

There's a line in one of the episodes that goes "What's going on here?" I empathise...... completely :-) I'll leave you with this thought; If I want egg, bacon and toast for breakfast, I'll mash it up in my mouth like a normal person, not have it served to me in a blender.
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The Prestige (2006)
An absolute gem
7 February 2023
This is one of my all time favorite films. It's clever, well made, well acted, well directed and the scenes and camera work are impeccable, and impeccably timed. The plot and narrative is tight, gripping and keeps you guessing with some genuinely suprising OMG moments (unless of course you're clever enough to work it out - or boring enough to "read-up" on the film beforehand).

One of my favourite aspects of the film is the competitive one-upmanship between the 2 leads; the rivalry is palpable. I honestly can't get enough of it. The way it moves them to push the boundaries of their creativity, deviousness and preparedness to to do whatever is takes to win, no matter what the cost, speaks volumes to their utter obsession with their craft.

If you like good films, and aren't hung up on genre, I highly recommend this gem of a film.
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Horror? More like Hocus Pocus
20 January 2023
It's a sad day when good original horror is replaced by hokum and nonsense in an overly obvious effort to pander to the foil hat wearers. Special cameras, lengthy explanations of what "supernatural" means, a "viewing", really? What? Is this mid 19th century Victorian trickery being repackaged for a "horror" series? What an utter crock.

On the plus side... The scary dreams people have are much more "believable" in terms of say the psychology of horror for any human (so often, fear, horror etc comes from within) So a good horror will blend human fear with something seemingly external or "other" (think poltergeist; we never really "see" the poltergeist).

My least favourite character is the sister. Her total belief in things like "viewing" (I mean COME ON!) is just soooo cringe worthy. The point is that it's a real shame that the writers felt that they had to include this bs. It's completely unnecessary, and if anything detracts from the narrative. On that point, the plot / storyline is really weak and unoriginal. People are rating this high because "it really scares them". I mean for heavens sake, how stupid are people?

Genre aside, generally speaking It's an ok watch as far as any kind of series goes, but don't expect anything gripping.

It's just not an 8.something that it's averaging. This supposedly puts it on a par with the likes of better call Saul and Atypical..... Yeah right, Go figure.

Just lastly.... Are the characters actually supposed to be earning a good income from the bs work they do?
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Blockbuster (2022)
Oh dear.......
7 November 2022
If there was a competition to create a show that places itself firmly, and deeply, in the shadow of super store, kim convenients and brklyn99... this would be it... And boy, is it deep in that shadow!

Soooo deep!

So very very very deep!

It's a shame, there are some really good actors, and everything such as the set, the script, the acting is good.

It's just that there is no narrative to get into, no juicey story line that makes you rock from side to side whilst sitting cross legged on the couch, stuffing (insert favorite TV watching food here) into your mouth, eyes fixed on the screen with anticipation wondering what's coming next.

No, blockbuster does none of this.

The basic premise of the show would have been better off used for a full length feature film, rather than a series.

And so this series just becomes a long drawn out display of what you'd inevitably expect to happen.

The narrative and glue between the characters needs to be really strong, really really right; unfortunately it is anything but.

It just feels like they've all agreed to do this to earn income as actors.

If they're in any doubt, I can assure them that this show is doing precisely ZERO for their careers.
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The Watcher (2022– )
It's just incredibly boring
4 November 2022
Good actors, nice setting, blah blah blah.

But little or no real juicey hooks to draw you in.

The fact that it says based on true events / true story or whatever, prompted me to it up. And yes, it turns out some weird stuff went on. (as an aside the real family didn't move in and the events unfolded whilst they were renovating the house from afar). The whole thing was inconclusive and amounted to pretty much what this series is amounting to.... yes, you guessed it... a whole bunch of nothing.

Ok, moving on, the voice used to narrate the letters (as though the characters would imagine a voice at all is ridiculous) is awful and entirely unnecessary. I was just finishing a snack and the narration caught me off guard... Suffice to say I had to stop eating and have a sip of cool refreshing water to calm my stomach which was politely requesting to commence projectile vomiting. Once I got over it I started laughing uncontrollably as I realised how B-grade and hilarious the voice actually is! I mean COME ON..... LOL its what amateur film makers would use for a spoof horror clip.

In conclusion, this series is just more typical low grade Netflix cannon fodder.
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Barbarians (2020– )
S1 good..... S2 just noise
31 October 2022
S1 had something to it. Had some merit historically, and although there were issues it was an interesting look at the whole Rome v barbs thing with a half decent plot, pace and continuity. As I mentioned in a previous review, the barbarians had cleared away forest for farming, so the cover of forest is obviously a saving when it comes to filming - so a lot less authentic landscape for the film makers to worry about! But it makes them look like "forest dwellers" which for the most part, they were not.

S2is a bit of a predictable rehash of various ideas from S1 and other stories. I'm watching it while I do more important things. Might not bother finishing it... Lemme guess... There's a big battle at some point? Treachery, double bluffs? A day of reckoning?.... Yawn....
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The Serpent (2021)
Very good but almost too real, too stressful
12 October 2022
I'm really enjoying (if that's the right word) this series. It manages to recreate the dreary vibe of sickly 70s murders brilliantly. The innocence and vulnerability of the victims is palpable. Apart from the obvious, I would have to go really deep into this to work out the techniques the film makers are using to achieve this. The feeling and the fear and the awful reality of the killing of one human by another is stomach churningly depicted without any unnecessarily gratuitous graphic representations. Very very skilled. In no small part I think the acting of the lead baddy helps to achieve this. He is a truly truly vile and reprehensible character. I haven't met the actor though.

The element of control is also something extremely well brought across. It is one of the many things that stresses me out because it is so real. I keep shouting at the screen "walk away! Just walk AWAY!!!". But they can't, and we know why.

Really really dark stuff.

NOT for children.
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The Serpent: Episode #1.5 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Why didn't she LEAVE???
12 October 2022
I'm really enjoying (if that's the right word) this series. It manages to recreate the dreary vibe of sickly 70s murders brilliantly. The innocence and vulnerability of the victims is palpable. Apart from the obvious, I would have to go really deep into this to work out the techniques they are using to achieve this. The feeling and the fear and the awful reality of the killing of one human by another is stomach churningly brought across without unnecessary graphic representations. Very very skilled. In no small part I think the acting of the lead baddy helps to achieve this. He is a truly truly vile and reprehensible character.

The element of control is also something they have brilliantly depicted. It is one of the many things that stresses me out because it is so real. This series is NOT for children.

For those who know British politics.. Before I talk about this episode I just noticed that the baddies devil may care attitude and the Dutch fellows frustration is not dissimilar to a certain parties distainful attitude to just about everything and everyone (except themselves), and another certain parties attempt to do the best they can within the boundaries of the law, for all.

Anyhoo, so I guess you're wondering why I have this episode a 6. Well, I know its a bit mean of me but.... the fact that Nadine is STILL at the apartments (later in the episode) after EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THIS EPISODE is RIDICULOUS. Any of us would have been thinking of contingencies IMMEDIATELY. I don't think anyone including the writers can know for sure exactly who was where exactly when and why (and apparently much of this episode is ballony) but it seems weird and not quite believable that she didn't GET OUT while she had A MASSIVE CHANCE. ESPECIALLY AS THE WHOLE THING IS ABOUT PEOPLE BEING MURDERED. I get annoyed when writers deviate from what normal human behaviour would dictate. Makes the whole thing less believable.
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No VWs = not though enough
10 October 2022
I really enjoy this series. I'm a bit of an armchair viewer and could definitely do with some more exercise. So now that disclosure is out of the way I can launch into what's irking me about the series.

They have been way way way too soft on this lot. It should be getting steadily tougher as the series progresses. We should be seeing at LEAST one VW per episode. It should be an unusual talking point if there are NO VWs during an episode.

The whole thing of being pushed to their limit is a key component of the series. So for me it's starting to get boring, and although I think the psychology aspect is important, and that we see the staffs empathy, in a way they need to be a little LESS understanding.

The fact that episode 4 ends as it does is a complete failure of the series to deliver what it should be delivering. Really really dissapointing.
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Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins: Composure (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
No Voluntary withdrawals?
10 October 2022
I really enjoy this series. I'm a bit of an armchair viewer and could definitely do with some more exercise. So now that disclosure is out of the way I can launch into my what's irking me about the series.

They have been way way way too soft on this lot. It should be getting steadily tougher as the series progresses. We should be seeing at LEAST one VW per episode. It should be an unusual talking point if there are NO VWs during an episode.

The whole thing of being pushed to their limit is a key component of the series. So for me it's starting to get boring, and although I think the psychology aspect is important, and that we see the staffs empathy, in a way they need to be a little LESS understanding.

The fact that this episode ends as it does is a complete failure of the series to deliver what it should be delivering. Really really dissapointing.
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No Limit (2022)
Based on the life of Audrey Mestre
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many of the other reviewers have completely overlooked the fact that this film is based on the life, of Audrey Mestre. I'm not going to go into detail, you can do that yourself - it's a very easy wiki look up.

Suffice to say that apart from details like dates and locations, the film is consistent with the main aspects of actual events. The thing that prompted me to look this up was the ending. I couldn't find any information on her husband, but according to the record, he was, in fact, the last person to check the air supply for the lift back up.

As for the film itself, I think it's excellent; outstanding cinematography, a very definite sense of suspense and jeapordy without being overly dramatic and the acting is good, so good that every single actor is completely believable.

So much so that I found myself shouting at the TV, asking Pascal wtf his problem was, why was he so jealous, so twisted that he had to do that? Was there an equipment failure? Although that would seem very strange for such an experienced team.

Anyhoo, its well worth a watch, and I will always spare a thought whenever I see the ocean.
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Frontera Verde: The Dark (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Dissapointing ending
6 September 2022
Let's just get the Love and Rockets bit out of the way first; Great band, listened to them loads back in the day.... Not a great sound for finishing off this series... Unless I've missed an obscure "hidden" aspect of the story that would somehow mean that this kind of music slots in perfectly after an entire series of awesome metaphor for how humans coexist (or don't) with the magical planet on which they find themselves.

No, not a good sound.

Was she in a nightclub?

Was she there all along?

In a weird way?

What actually happened?

What about her father?

If you're reading this and thinking 'oh come on you thicko, it's obvious' then boy! Is this one convoluted series!

Im all up for multilayered complexity, metaphor, parallel Christopher Nolan type stuff, but cutting off a series like that just leaves too many questions.

So often Netflix bites off more than it can chew and the writers just aren't given the time or the budget to pull all the threads together, at least enough to allow the audience to play around with a few possibilities, a bit of debate etc. But this weird bleeding eye, nightclub ending gave NO meaningful closure - ZERO; neither to the protagonists narrative nor to the storyline as a whole.

Was there some connection between Joseph and her father? This seemed to be vaguely hinted at then shyed away from a few times (or was that me trying to find a well linked and layered narrative where there was actually a complete absence of one?). How or who started the fire and was there any other purpose to that? Or are we meant to assume it was just another bunch of amazon decimating baddies wanting the good guys to go away?

The nazi bit. Ok, unless you're some white sheet wearing neo effing whatever, let's be honest, no one wants this BS resurrected in any meaningful way. A little bit to add jeapordy and an 'ooo, how gross' factor is fine but this was introduced and..... And what? And went nowhere is what. I suppose we're just supposed to imagine some tenuous connection between the whole nazis in South America (possibly) being weird with bio stuff thing and this plot, Joseph etc. Either INTRODUCE the narrative, make it go SOMEWHERE and then CLOSE IT DOWN. The second 2 points never happened.

Dead village police chief? Ditto.

I mean so many things left open ended you'd of thought there would be a second series but it's just not that kind of series.

Another great idea; wasted wasted wasted.
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Frontera Verde: The Tree (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Excellent series - episode 3 not so great
31 August 2022
Really enjoying this series. Something a bit different, a break from the European dark forest or Scandi dramas that are 2 a penny these days.

Green frontier does a great job of juxtaposing two worlds; that of the indigenous tribes, and that of the Christian capitalists. A very relevant theme considering the long drawn out fall out of European colonialism and the decimation that continues in its wake to this day; apparently in the name of progress.

This episode is unfortunately a bit... meh.

Although it progresses the narrative (albeit very slightly) it comes across as a bit fractured and repetitive. This is not uncommon for many series these days so hopefully this one will be max 2 or 3 meh episodes and achieve 50%+ for watchability. If the series was more gripping overall then I'd give it an 8.

Generally speaking for me, highly recommended viewing. It's helped remind me to remain humble in the face of nature.....always only a few events away from tearing you apart.
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Pine Gap (2018)
Lacking authenticity
30 August 2022
Ok so technically I suppose I should give this a 5 or 6. Acting, cinematography, script okish, etc etc obviously not an amdram production.

But...... Let's be honest, what really is this show about? What is the point? Apart from the pastry floppy weak narrative, there are no subplots of note, and lurke or no significant character development. They are reduced to what they say as per script, and making a variety of expressions on their faces....

Now I know that sounds ridiculous, but just take a moment to think about a series that really gripped you, that you genuinely found yourself completely immersed in.... Did you think about or notice the expressions on the characters faces? Probably not. Why? Simply because that series WAS actually a 7.1 or higher.

This waste of space, is not.

Also, are we really supposed to believe that the control rooms of such a place are run like an Irish pub?

I'm annoyed with myself that I even bothered writing this, but when I saw a 7.1, I had no other choice than to take action.
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