
7 Reviews
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A focused, situation movie
31 January 2015
A movie about three survivors that avoided radiation from an unknown event that keeps you thinking the whole time.

This movie was really interesting. With only the 3 characters the movie did not struggle to give each character a personality, and not feel out of place.

Craig Zobel seems to know how to make you uneasy. The whole movie I felt uneasy at what was going on and was never really sure what was going to happen. While Compliance was a whole different level of uncomfortable, this movie actually had me cringing in anticipation quite a few times.

Margot Robbie - Nailed her character. I felt like she really pulled it off.

Chris Pine - Also did well, there were a few scenes that I thought he felt out of character but all in all really well done.

Chiwetel Ejiofor - I think he also nailed his character. I could see an argument against him for a lack of emotion in some scenes but I felt like it was intentional and that he pulled it off really well.

All in all I would definitely recommend it.
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A comedy, with all the right mixes of emotion.
18 February 2013
Toy's House was an interesting film following what most teenage kids wish...A kid who finally breaks free from his parents control. Joe Toy and his friend Patrick get fed up with their parents and decide to build a house in the woods to live in.

I really enjoyed this movie. It seemed to have the right mix of comedy and drama to keep you engaged the whole movie. Watching a couple of teenage boys try and survive in the woods was a lot of fun, and Nick Offerman as Joe's dad was a lot of fun as well. The biggest thing to note, is that while this is billed as a comedy, it was definitely more than that. The emotional aspect of this movie was everything you come to expect from a movie that has to sale itself with a great story, like most films at Sundance, which made it all that more fun.
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A Teacher (2013)
All in all, it's worth the 75 minutes, but nothing more.
18 February 2013
Coming in at 75 minutes, if it were any shorter it would have been a TV Pilot, but if it were any longer I would have hated it.

An interesting dive into the mind and emotion of a female teacher who has a sexual relationship with one of her students. Lindsay Burdge, the actress playing the teacher, did an excellent job for most of the movie at being seemingly normal, but obviously mentally unstable. Near the last third of the movie however, she seemed to cross the line of believable and over the top a few too many times for me.

The approach of the movie was interesting in that we start well into their relationship, as the teacher's life starts to unravel. The time span of when the movie took place was relatively short, and the movie focused more on her and her emotions than it did on the relationship, which I really liked.
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Stoker (2013)
A painfully fun film to watch
29 January 2013
A tale of an 18 year old girl who's dad dies. Her uncle shows up right after her fathers death and the family dynamic is a treat. The movie follows her, and is a bunch of fun to watch. Just like Park's other films there is a hint of comedy in the movie to keep your uneasiness at bay.

After a day or two to decompress this movie....I loved it! It was a bunch of fun, and kept me hooked the entire time. I love the directorial style that Chan-wook Park brings to all his movies, they are visual masterpieces to watch. This is Park's English debut, and man did he nail it.

I've seen complaints about the story, script, etc. and I have to say...I loved the whole setup. My only complaint was that they introduced a cool aspect to the family that is never explored in the film, and though it comes off as important, never goes anywhere.
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The East (2013)
A good story, good cast, and a good writer. Where could this movie go wrong?
29 January 2013
The East: an environmentalist group following the philosophy of an eye for an eye. The movie follows Sarah, an agent trying to infiltrate The East. The movie was almost always exciting, but showed more of the emotional side of the characters.

I had a lot of fun with this one. At times I found myself holding my breath, and couldn't figure out why. The movie had a good flow to it, with enough exciting parts to keep you from falling asleep. My biggest complaint with the movie is it didn't go as deep into the emotional sides of things and felt like it wanted to be more of a mainstream movie because of it.
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A weird dive into the emotions and thought patterns of a 14 year old girl.
29 January 2013
A movie about a 14 year old girl who decides she wants a boyfriend, because her best friend always seems happy with hers, and pursues an older guy. We follow her throughout the film, and watch her thought pattern, decision making, and emotions. not sure on this one. I watched it about a week ago at Sundance 13 and every time I think about it, I can't decide if I liked it. The production of the movie felt fine. It didn't feel poorly made, and the actors all played their characters pretty well, however, the main character didn't seem to ever show emotions. The movie definitely stirred up some weird feelings inside of me, and wasn't all that comfortable to sit through at parts.

All in all, I'd probably not suggest it.
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A high school romance with more emotion and truth than any other
24 January 2013
A high school romance between an alcoholic, party boy and a more reserved, shy, girl. This movie did an exceptional job of hitting reality. Everything about this movie was believable, and all the actors fit their roles. This movie had a similar feel in style to Ruby Sparks, in that at the heart it was a romance, but there was a lot more too it. Family drama, fear of the future, alcohol, and even friend drama were all in this, just like most teens experience.

In a Q&A afterwords an audience member asked why this was such a idealistic school, and why it didn't have any bullying and the truth is, because even though those exist, most schools don't have a serious problem with it.

Another audience member said they didn't recognize anyone in the movie, and that the lack of makeup made it feel more real. While the lack of makeup is true, this movie has quite the cast list.
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