
5 Reviews
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Hatchback (2019)
Shoot Me
31 January 2020
I work from home and just picked the title out of the blue. I know I've seen worse movies but not much worse. I would have disconnected earlier but I was multitasking like crazy. In case anyone says that I didn't give it a chance...I gave it 56 minutes until the stupidity on screen made me feel stupid for watching it. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I gave 56 minutes of my life watching this...but at least I was multi-tasking. Don't waste a single minute on this film.
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Parasite (2019)
Plato Would have Loved
22 January 2020
I spent some time with the movie "Parasite" tonight. It captured me in it's symbiotic web. I'm sure there is not a single adjective that could describe it I won't attempt that magficent accomplishment. Parasite tugged on every ounce of my acquired knowledge in philosophy, literature and Korean (yes...I do have a very tiny bit of that :) ) The set design was amazing...and it may give 1917 a run for it's money.

The stairs...oh so thoroughly magnificent in the simplicity yet the most complex of "metaphors" (yeah, I made myself giggle on that one.) I was instantly reminiscent of my Philosophy 101 "Allegory of the Cave"...."I went down." Thank you Herr Hanak.

Okay, I've lost all of you, I loved this movie for the Best Foreign Film...mostly because my theater neighbors tonight ate every kind of snack bar food possible...I will have nightmares about the gnawing, they chatted and checked their phones throughout...then they pottied and were able to read the screen....and then they seemed confused. Wonder why.

My feeling about awards..knowing the methodolgy of the voting....this film will not be best picture on Oscar night.
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Not Even Laughable
13 January 2020
Luckily, I had this going while I was working and I didn't need to have my eyes on it continuously. Even with that, I believe this is the worst show I've ever "seen." Not only is it is unbelievably bad. I've never been a fan of RuPaul but, with this show, I kind of feel sorry for him. I can almost see him directing himself, "now, give a big hearty laugh and a swirl!" Worst line..."sticks and stones won't break my bones but wigs are different." Update...I can't even pick the WORST line in this mess. Unless you are able to let the show run while you're working and you don't have to pay attention to it...avoid watching this show.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Beautifully Disturbing
10 January 2020
I just watched "The Lighthouse" and my jaw is still on the floor. This is one of the most beautifully filmed yet disturbing movies I've ever enjoyed. It's not for everyone...but it was for me.
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1917 (2019)
I Wanted to Hate This Hauntingly Beautiful Gift of a Movie
5 January 2020
I sat in a packed yet silent theater this morning and watched, what I believe to be, the next Academy Award winner for the Best Picture. I'm not at all a fan of war movies but I am a fan of great movies....and 1917 is a great movie. I have never been so mesmerized by set design and direction, the mass human emotion of this film is astonishingly captured and embedded magically in the audience. It keeps running through my mind...the poetry and beauty intertwined with the raw misery of war. Treat yourself....see this movie!
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