
15 Reviews
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Robotropolis (2011)
Don't listen to people saying "It's not THAT bad"
21 April 2014
No movie more deserves a one star rating than this.

Bad acting. Boring plot. Emotionless, unbelievable garbage. Nothing interesting happens in this movie... and whoever wrote the dialogue shouldn't be allowed the privilege again... let alone be paid for it...

I LOVE Science Fiction!! I Love robots. I even love shitty B movies!! But this was just... bad... I cringed frequently at how awful it was... physically cringed!! The CGI is actually acceptable in this. It's pretty okay. Not good, but okay... but the rest of the movie was just... awful...

I only watched it to the end because... well... I was doing other things online anyway. There are times when I'm ALMOST MILDLY ENTERTAINED... almost... but then something makes me cringe at how stupid it is... and how unbelievable the acting is...

ALSO... recently there was that Sandyhook Newtown shooting (after this movie came out)... and all through out this movie it's talking about New Town... and at one point they're even hiding in a room IN A SCHOOL while people are beings shot and killed by the robots... there was even a little girl they tried to save... and children that got killed... horrible coincidence... but wow... the whole time this felt like a parody of that school shooting :\
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200 M.P.H. (2011 Video)
So awful, I spent the movie laughing my *$^ off
29 December 2013
0/10 ... The only value this movie has is in the fact that it's so awful it's hilarious, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't "meant to be"...

Anyone saying this movie is good/great, probably secretly worked on the movie... because it's almost impossible to make a movie worse than this...

This is far worse than the Japanese drift series of movies called "Drift", of which I own like 8 or 9 of... at least their scenes are real, not CGI... even though they just speed up the video, ha-ha...

The acting is HORRIBLE

Most race/crash scenes are CGI and look so fake, I'm pretty sure a child could do better...

The girl who they try to make seem knowledgeable sound about cars sounds hilariously stupid... somehow she changed tho timing in about 1-2 seconds on a rotary engine?? what the... it's like they aren't even trying...

The story could be kind of entertaining if it had a big budget... good actors etc... and the music was okay... but this movie was absolute *^%$... Fast Five was 10 times better easily... and this doesn't compare even remotely to Fast and the Furious movies...

I could go on and on about the flaws, the bull..lingo about cars... the blatant ignorance of car knowledge by whoever wrote this... the awful wording of the dialogue... along with the bad acting... bloody heck this movie was awful... though I had a lot of fun making fun of it...
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Revolution (2012–2014)
Decent quality, by Kripke (who made the good seasons of Supernatural)
3 April 2013
First off, I want to say that, I started watching this ONLY because Eric Kripke created it! He was the brainchild of Supernatural, seasons 1-5, the BEST seasons in my opinion.

So, what about Revolution? I give it an 8/10 for a number of reasons. When you compare it to a lot of other shows out there, it really is decent. Reality TV and other tripe swamp every TV station with their horrid odor.

Acting: Pretty good! The characters, just about all of them, seem to act their roles rather convincingly. There are a couple characters that are... meh... like Danny... ALSO the whole bit with Captain Neville's son, well.... it reeked of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight at first (In fact Billy Burke was in some of those horrid movies, BUT his acting in Revolution is rather decent). The guy just can't act convincingly. THAT ASIDE most everyone else seems fairly good.

The story is fairly interesting. I'm still waiting for a believable explanation to a few big things which hasn't happened yet, as of 1x12, BUT I have hope that it will happen because Eric Kripke is a genius! The atmosphere is really quite something. I love seeing a post apocalyptic sort of world where everything is ruined and run down and people are living off of the things from a past age. This does that well.

I recommend this for anyone who likes post apocalyptic shows, of which there are too few in existence. Generally they all get cancelled as well, sadly, such as Jericho.

Revolution isn't HBO quality, but it's certainly better than a lot of prime time shows.
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It was good until it mentioned Intelligent Design as the only explanation
18 September 2012
this looked AMAZING... I was watching this in the hopes of getting a good grasp on protein synthesis and DNA/RNA replication... I was watching it with intrigue (just skipping through to animations and explanations).... I got to thinking THIS IS JUST WHAT I NEEDED.... and then POW!!!!! it tries to say that the only logical explanation for DNA to exist is intelligent design... no wonder I've never heard of any of the scientists in this film... complete tripe.

BASICALLY this film says "since we can't figure out a scientific and empirically devised reason for life's origin, it must have been Intelligent Design" -my words.... preposterous!! you can't explain something logically... so you decided to explain it with complete lack of logic... it's in effect the lazy mans way of explaining something.

COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY UNSCIENTIFIC, but hey, some neat animations...
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Started out great, fell off short pretty fast though
24 December 2011
I can't give this less than 6, but I can't maintain dignity and give it higher than 6. The movie has a great start, really great actually. It was hauntingly chilling during the first third or so of the movie, but sadly, it began getting unconvincing and unbelievable as the movie progressed. The story just got so preposterous half way through that I had a hard time sitting through it. I found myself rolling my eyes, sighing, saying to myself "really...? c'mon".

I love movies, horror movies especially, and if this would have maintained the quality and believability of the first third of the movie it would have been a solid 8, maybe even 8.5. For the most part theacting was decent. As usual Rose Byrne acted her role very convincingly. In fact, I only watched this movie because I hold her acting abilities in high regard after watching 4 seasons of Damages, as well as the movie Just Buried (which I watched 3 times).

I think when everything is said and done, I almost wished I hadn't watched it. But Rose Byrne was great, it was chilling for a good 40 minutes or so. I won't say how the ending turned out, because that would spoil things, but I'm a fan of non-typical endings, so I was "ok" with the ending.

I feel bad giving it a 6/10, because Rose Byrne performed so well, but the story just didn't hold up to my expectations as were established at the beginning part of the movie. I'd give Rose a 9/10 easily though, as an actress. Her husband however... I couldn't get over how fake his snores sounded, call me picky, but they just sounded silly... and frankly, it's silly of me even to be bothered by that, yet, oddly... I am.

Worth a watch if you like Rose Byrne, but elsewise I can't necessarily recommend it as it felt unbelievable, preposterous, and drawn out, story-wise.
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Southland (2009–2013)
One of the Best Cop shows ever
18 December 2011
Previous to watching Southland, The Shield and The Wire were my two favorite cop shows. I officially have three favorites now, Southland among them. So, WHY IS IT SO GOOD? Well, it's got convincing characters, believable acting, and furthermore good acting to top it off. I enjoy how at the beginning of episodes it give you a glimpse of what is to happen later, then goes back to show how things came to be that way. What's also really great is the character development. You see characters gradually evolve as the show progresses. You're presented with real world realistic, believable scenarios of what can happen to cops, mentally, in the field, and in their lives, and how they deal with it, sometimes good, others badly. If you enjoy cop shows, AT ALL.... WATCH THIS
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Cops (1989–2023)
Once Good Now Awful
13 December 2011
old Cops used to be great once upon a time. Unfortunetely all they seem to cover is prostituted and minor drug offences. There's hardly ever a chase, or any real action, things which happen quite often in the real world. Watching Cops angers me because they spend so much time, money, and labor on prostitution... yet they neglect other critical areas of crime. I've been robbed and all the cops would say is to go to small claims court if I knew who it was. They refused to do anything. Had a bike stolen mid-day... did nothing. Had a spiteful neighbor accuse me of being loud, cops came, fined me, with no proof I had made noise and no one willing to go to court but the super, who hadn't heard a thing... That brings me to another thing. Cops have more important things to do than respond to noise complaints... anyway, I digress... Cops used to be really interesting, but all you get now is lame prostitution stings... I refuse to watch it on TV. I just pirate it, and skip around and see if there's anything interesting... and the last year... might get maybe 5 minutes a month worth watching.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Decent, interesting blend of themes, give it a shot
5 October 2011
This show is reasonably entertaining regardless of the fact that, as some reviews have pointed out, that there are clichés and themes previously done before. Yes, there are dinosaurs, and yes Jurassic Park had them too... Yes there is a colony... yes Earth 2 had a colony... yes the sister is smart and so is Lisa Simpson... I would like to establish that there is no such thing as an "original story" in anything you watch, read, or listen to. Everything is a version of something that has come before it. I have enjoyed Terra Nova so far because it merges various things I find enjoyable for a science fiction show. I enjoy dinosaurs, and there are not many shows or movies out there with them in them. That said, Earth 2 had a colony, but it didn't have dinosaurs. As for the sister being smart... well... it just so happens that in a new world colony you would desire smart people, so that makes sense. There are cliché's in it, that's not deniable in the least, and yes, it detracts from the quality of the show a bit, but not enough for me to not watch the show. When I first put this show on, I was only going to watch the first few minutes, as I was tired... I was drawn in by it, curious. There is a fairly high level of predictability as well, I won't at all try to deny that. But it's how it's all carried out on screen that's intriguing. It's not often we get a show where A.) people travel to the past B.) where there are dinosaurs C.) create a colony due to the fact their original world has been destroyed by mankind etc. I recall one review complaining about the ... houses... yes... the houses... of course they would be modern. They're modern because we aren't primitive in the timeline they're sending supplies from... They are able to send them modern materials. The houses look like collapsible homes from the outside, so it stands to reason they were designed to be constructed easily out of tough, modern age materials... not log cabins... WHAT I THINK? I think everyone who likes Dinosaurs, Science Fiction, and decently paced TV, who doesn't get easily bothered by Clichés and moderate predictability, to give this show a shot. If you think about it... Everything is cliché because it's something that's been done before on some level many times by now. Give it a shot, develop your own opinion :)
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WMAC Masters (1995–1996)
Horrible show. Corny. Looks Fake, like the WWF, only worse
9 July 2011
I was expecting this to be good because Shannon Lee hosted it. I have tried and tried to watch this... but what a god awful show!! It seems so fake. The fights don't seem real at all and everyone makes all these childish noises. I studied Martial Arts for years and this show makes Martial Arts look like the WWF, fake, rehearsed... etc. Sure, you yell KYAH! sometimes in Karate, but the noises made in this show are ridiculous!! I feel like I'm watching Big Brother or something when I watch this show. Don't watch it if you have any respect for Martial Arts. And don't get me started on the corny music. It's like watching a live action street fighter game (only really lame). They announce ROUND ONE and stuff in really lame video game voices and have this lame electric fence... Actually... you should watch this just to see how awful it is!! AND WHAT IS WITH THE DEMON VOICE WHEN ANNOUNCING "THE DRAGON BELT" AND "ROUND ONE" ETC......
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Takes time to get interesting but eventually it does, sort of... I miss SGA/SG-1...
10 December 2010
To start: SG-1 gets 9/10 from me SGA gets 9/10 also.

It's not great but it isn't 100% awful, now that I've seen 21 episodes almost all in two marathons.

So, why does SGU only get 7? Well, it's obvious. I think. The show is too slow, too dark, they took out the classic Stargate Humor and went all Battlestar Galactica on our as%es with their dark depressing gloom. At first I REVILED SGU, BUT, I've come to realize that in order to watch SGU you have to watch it knowing it's not Stargate. It's boring, Depressing, most of the actors are not very interesting, where's the aliens, the cool technology, the humor, the things that drove the previous two series (excluding the awful cartoon).

THAT SAID, I have actually come to sort of like the show. But boy am I still Pi&#d off with how they changed it. It's at least holding my attention now that I'm on Season 2 (barely holding it). The ONLY reason I watch it, is because I'm a devout fan of SG-1 and SGA, and I'm not willing to give up on 15 years of commitment just yet. I find the best thing to do is simply watch all the episodes in a row. I waited for season 1 to finish because after 6 episodes and 6 weeks I bloody well couldn't take it anymore.

A NOTE ON ACTING - Carlyle is great, an amazing actor, holds the show together. Without him I sincerely believe the show would be a wash, if it isn't already. Eli is awful and annoying, I'm talking about his character, I'm not here to bash anyones acting skills, I just think that his character is poorly and stupidly developed. He's apparently super smart, yet I don't get that vibe at all. It feels like someone is telling him what to do and he's really just an unintelligent buffoon.
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The Biggest Loser (2004– )
Proof that Television sucks these days.
10 December 2010
This show is AWFUL. Reality TV is AWFUL. I was hoping Reality TV was just a fad and would pass, but sadly it hasn't. What's worse is crappy shows like this are putting GOOD quality shows, and good actors who deserve the work and fame OUT of work. Terrible Awful Bad Atrocious Why is it on TV Why has it lasted 11/12 seasons... If there were a god getting rid of reality TV, curing world hunger and bringing about world peace would be his or he top 3 goals. The whole concept of the show is stupid and pointless. I don't mean to rip on here but seriously, what has the television industry come to. There ARE good shows out there. So why watch crap like this? Perhaps people need a lobotomy before they will clue in as to how awful reality TV is... or MAYBE, the problem is, they've ALREADY had a lobotomy and reality TV is the only thing that can entertain their dim and dull witted minds...?
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Broly Returns... again... a third time
10 December 2010
OK... I'm a huge fan of Dragon Ball, have been since I was a kid. I've seen it all, DB, DBZ, GT, and recently just started getting around to watching the rest of the movies I hadn't seen.

Pros: Goten and Trunks actually fight without their parents help for once That's all I got...

Cons: Terrible Plot Mediocre fight scenes Broly is a blob... what... lame AWFUL ending, horribly lame

Worst Dragon Ball animated movie YET. That said, the others were all pretty decent. I'm a fan of the big power ups and the struggle to survive. I also like to see the "bad guys" go out with a big bang.
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Avatar (2009)
Gripping, epic, sad and at times even funny. Expect to experience a full range of emotions.
31 January 2010
NO SPOILERS :) It was an excellent movie that will change your life. I was expecting it to be mediocre at best, to be honest. But, when I watched it, was I ever surprised. I wanted to glance at my friends and say "Isn't this amazing?" But I was so caught up in the story, in the 3D that I could not take my eyes off the screen for fear of missing even a single second of film. I've never in my life had my eyes so thoroughly glued to a movie before. At times you will laugh, at others your eyes may water. There will be moments of outrage and moments of sorrow. A movie that can capture the full range of human emotions is a da@n good movie.

I have seen about an average of 100 movies a year for many years now, and I believe that if you like science fiction/fantasy and you like movies and you enjoy a decent plot that will keep you glued to your seat, you will enjoy this film. In the last 2 years I have seen 238 movies (yes I log it all in a Open Office Spreadsheet :p), and this is the best I've seen yet, and not just of the 238 I've seen in the past couple years but quite frankly, ever. That's no to say a better movie won't come out in the future, in fact I strongly believe so.

The Whole time I looked and tried and tried to find a flaw in the CGI, a point where it didn't look believable when melded with the real world characters and I could not locate a single flaw. The acting was much better than I could have hoped for and as such I was impressed.

In my opinion. The only people who don't like Avatar (Not to sound overtly biased) are so jealous of James Cameron that they're driven to despise all that he is and all that he makes. I know a guy like this. Won't even watch the movie in full... he downloads it, says it sucks and he's watched 75% of it here and there... and hasn't even seen it all let alone seen it in Real D 3D... something wrong with this picture? have I mentioned he is in the film industry and is struggling to find work, and failing at it regularly?
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Nitro (2007)
Great movie about human sacrifice. (Also there's a tiny bit of street racing.)
1 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great. The acting was excellent. Usually foreign films aren't that great. This was. It's about a man who sacrifices everything for the love of his life and the love of his life 10 years ago sacrifices hers to save his new loves life. Excellent film. Also about street racing. It's not like fast and furious or any of those movies. It a lot more deep into the human emotions. You get to see what a person is capable of in the most trying of situations. It's a fast paced movie, with in depth emotion, good acting and a decent plot. I can't think of a movie that's done what it has. The street racing aspect of the movie was a minor detail. The real them is about the main character giving everything so the woman he loves will live. It implies strongly that she does and also implies he goes to jail over it. The gangster he kills turns out to be a cop and you can see remorse for his actions in the sense that he was hoping to kill someone deserving to die.
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Screamers: The Hunting (2009 Video)
Action, gore, cool CGI, updated graphics from the original. Neat ending!
1 October 2009
I saw the original Screamers (1995) when I was 11 years old. Though I admit both the old and new have their flaws, they were both entertaining movies. This one had updated graphics, nice CGI. Not the greatest acting in the world but definitely enough to keep the movie entertaining. Some people pride themselves on everything having to be too perfect. In my opinion this movie has everything it needs. An attractive woman as the main character, action, intrigue, mystery, and even a couple twists. It is a somewhat predictable movie, but entertaining nevertheless. I have it 8/10 because A.) Gina is very attractive. B.) Action. C.) I loved the original and it was great to see a sequel. D.) The ending!
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