
16 Reviews
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The art of ripping off fanboys
21 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A soul-less, seen a thousand times formulaic piece of crap especially designed to sell toys and empty those pathetic man-child fanboys's wallets. Everybody seems to agree nowadays that the force awakens was at best a re-hash of a new hope, at worst a very boring and mediocre marketing scheme. Remember when it got out a year ago and everyone was super excited and enthusiast? Same thing's going to happen to these 2hrs of bore printed on celluloid : wait for the hype to disappear, be honest with yourselves and acknowledge that this piece of crap film is just another fanboy scam, especially designed to rob kidults of their hard earned cash. Then watch the ratings drop to a more realistic 5, tops. And -surprisingly-, this farce is presently rated above 8. In 6 months, no one will care. So please, childish people that can't read and that don't watch movies that got out before 2k because they don't have computer graphics in them, try to stay objective when rating a film. Or better yet, spare us your "opinions", and don't even vote at all. Thanks in advance.
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5 points for the clichés + 1 point for dialog
14 August 2014
I'll try to make this quick, although I kinda enjoyed myself, you fan boys have got to calm down. This is not the "BEST MOVIE EVER OMG".

The good parts : the dialog : it's not EXTRAORDINARY, but at the very least it's still a lot better than the average earache you get honored with in contemporary blockbusters. It's a lot wittier and funnier than the usual downpour of clichéd overused mindless lines you so commonly endure. It also sounds quite real and spontaneous, surprisingly refreshing and practically makes the film worthwhile (the main cast is OK to meh; dunno why everyone is raving about Chris Pratt though). The main characters are visually pretty interesting and go along well, unfortunately they are poorly fleshed out and rather generic. The goof-ball antihero, the mindless brute, the female assassin, the innocuous terror-critter etc etc etc etc...but a wide array of alien species (SW style) and awesome secondary parts played by actors that have more acting experience and skills than the main cast (!?!) save the day; always nice to see Michael Rooker, John C Reily or Glenn Close (!?!), and cheers to them. This film also (kinda) works because it doesn't takes itself too seriously, so you're a lot less inclined to bitch about the usual truckloads of stupid and juvenile nonsense mandatory to superhero movies (and superhero movie it is not, it's a space-opera); it's got a hint of a hardcore attitude to it, but sadly that gets annihilated pretty quick by the overwhelming Disney vibe, so let's stop talking about that, and start talking about what sucks.

THE BAD PARTS : get ready to be stumped : most of the flick is VFX ridden, indecipherable, seen a thousand times looooong-lasting action scenes, just for the sake of it. The story? The plot is three sentences long. Hey, let's ramp up screen time with the eye-shattering spaceship dogfight, the pointless pursuit, the confusing brawl and voila : you end up with a mind-numbing film that is a jumble of situations that we've all scene far too many times before and that have practically no links with one another (should I rewrite this sentence? naah, f*** it, it illustrates the film pretty well). I'm starting to think the average Hollywood writer has a box with a hole and bits of paper inside it on his desk. He has to pick twelve (without watching), sort'em out in a crescendo kinda a way and BAM : here's your script. If you have no ending, just copy the end of Return of the Jedi, so all the geek boys around the planet will spray they 30 something shorts when they "get" the "tribute" (did YOU get it? the final three-scenes-in-one, part sword fight, part dogfight, part team fight?? MAN THAT WAS SUBTLE). So this is what drags this movie to the near-average : Hollywood thinks "space opera", does "Attack of the Clones" all over again. I know it must be hard nowadays with video games, movies coming out at an exceeding rate, the sheer amount of competition coming from every possible media from every possible country to do something FRESH.

But c'mon, it's Hollywood, they have LOADS OF MONEYZ. James Gunn IS a good writer(he's from Troma and wrote Dawn of the Dead, blessed be him). Give him time to polish an original script, or if he can't do it hire another writer to help him out. Use less cash in VFX and more cash in writing, there is no need to see a thousand spaceships on screen every 5 minutes. Just stop throwing the same old same old scripts and situations over and over and over again, ad nauseam, until every movie just looks the same. I find most modern blockbusters today are HUGE PILES OF BORING SH*T (excuse my french) and I have generally given up, and that's what p***** me off the most with Guardians of the Galaxy : I was ready to give it a shot, it had soooo much potential and a real chance at doing something fresh and new in terms of tone and approach, but thanks to Hollywood it f**ked up : 3/4th of the film is riddled with all the usual clichés and shortcomings that make today's blockbusters so appallingly dull and repetitious.

So no, it's clearly not the movie of the year IMO, but thanks to the humor, the dialog scenes, the characters and the second degree tone, I won't have completely forgotten about it in six months and will maybe even recommend it.

PS : If it had actual swearing I would have given it 6.5. Thx Disney. Yeah I know there's no 0.5 rating on IMDb, but I can't give it 7.
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Hard to recommend this one
4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you.

Folks, this film is as nasty as its reputation. I've seen very, very horrid/weird stuff like Aftermath, Nekromantik or other vaguely offensive movies but this one takes the cake. I wont say it's good ("good" being an adjective not once approximately insinuated in the film), but I can't say its bad, hence the 5. I'll take it for granted that people reading this review are well aware of the plot, so I won't go through writing about it.

Worst thing about this film is that it's very well produced. Sure looks like this endeavor got a very comfortable budget, and all the people involved are professionals. The latter parts of the movie that aren't sunk in darkness are somewhat beautiful. If you don't listen to the dialog, or anything that happens on screen, there is about a total of 15mns worth of "normal" exchanges and heartfelt relationships throughout the whole film. The main actors are very (not to say pros)convincing. Yet beneath the pretty varnish of inspired lighting and settings (still talking about the first 20mns), this film traumatizes. And while repugnant and depressive, it's pacing and editing drags you to the very end. Quality production overall (but that's hard to confirm, since you'll probably only see it once).

This movie should be (is, in some countries) illegal, and should not be watched by people under, or at least 25/30. One has to have a mature approach to the content in order not to be scarred by this flick.

Here's a none-offensive way to think about it : the Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian people were ravaged by war (1992), and this is their catharsis. Civil war is not about tanks and bullets : its about the desecration and destruction of people. That's about how brutal and merciless this film really is.

It asks all kinds of questions. Mostly to the audience and it's voyeurism. Its a movie about the making of an extreme film, so it involves the viewers and confronts them with their pretty much the first frames. Smart move for a hard subject (the only redeeming quality of the film).

Isn't that why we're watching horror films in the first place?

The first and foremost question this film asks is - what can one hope for when witnessing the deepest abysses of human depravity?

Can't think of a better answer than : nothingness.

It's one of the only film I've watched that was completely devoid of any human value or respect, but one of the only ones that dealt directly with evil and depravity (to such an extent that it becomes almost a parody at some points, and that certainly helps the afterward-coping).

I watched it once, used up a full week to think about it and get it out of my system, tried it a second time and stopped half an hour in. Now I enjoy Wes Andersons' movies even more.

Be warned.
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Yob da filmin sci-fi
24 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with a gang of teenage walking collection of pustules and hoods (TWCPH) trying to rape/rob a 20 something girl (adult antagonist) while she walks to her car (night time).

Then they stumble upon an alien young'un in a kiddie amusement park. The concept itself stumps their logic, so they beat it to death.

Then they carry it around (the block) like a dead white boy impaled on a helicopter paddle, until the parents (alien) start chasing their dumb ar5es.

They then take refuge in a pathetic wannabe gangster's (still carrying around the "trophy" and painfully articulating swear words as forms of satisfactory congratulations) s4ithole of an apartment and start insulting each other. Nick Forst briefly appears in this scene but I'd rather forget that. Too bad, the aliens are still after them, so they make themselves scarce (while thoroughly insulting each other and riding mopeds and bikes).

Miraculously, the girl they tried to rob and rape comes asking for seconds, because they're so lovable and cute.

You wish the protagonists get devoured by the dark, fluorescent teethed assailants, but by the time this happens, you'll probably be doing anything but watching.

I suggest you do better things with your life than watch this rancid turd, I personally stopped watching (which is NOT a good sign) about 50 minutes in.

This film feels like you are being MUGGED all the time by prepubescent morons that satisfy themselves with the fact that they outnumber you. It glorifies a bunch of scumbag idiots that deserve only castration, if only to spare the human gene pool of their potential wretched spawns.

I would take a mild and uninterested pleasure in punching all the people involved in this with a quick and sharp jab to the nose. One of the most offensive movies I have ever watched.
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As good as platoon or full metal jacket
23 May 2014
War/history movie buffs, this is a treat. We follow a Russian tank crew after a ruthless but botched up slaughter of a village during the USSR invasion of Afghanistan (approx. 1985). Tank (t55) gets hit, no more radio, tank gets lost in the barrens vs mujahideen.

As the crew of 5 struggles throughout the wastelands and belligerent natives, we witness the disintegration of doctrines while humanity takes the upper hand.

Poised, beautiful and cruel, this is one of the most touching yet realistic war movies I have yet seen. Displaying unbelievable landscapes, excellent music and impressive acting, this film is as good as classics such as Paths of Glory, Platoon or Full Metal Jacket.

One of the best yet unknown war movies there is, with a very profound humane message. Deserves more praises than it got.
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Boring and incoherent garbage
15 May 2014
Wow, 7.2...did we see the same movie? RT rates this movie 64%, which is a more realistic grade, and metacritic rates this a 50, which is even closer to its true quality.

I had heard a lot about this film but wasn't really interested in watching it...I should have stayed on this first impression. I found this flick incredibly boring, and not nearly as violent as everybody says. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of women being beat up, raped, guys getting tortured, etc, etc...but "Braindead" is about three times gorier than this idiotic piece of trash.

The "script" is confused, weak and uninteresting. When a yakuza crime boss disappears, a SM enforcer goes looking for him and stumbles upon Ichi, a retarded child-like whining killer that cums when he kills people. Kakihara (aforementioned enforcer), being a great fan of pain, sets out to meet Ichi and hopes he gets his rocks off when Ichi goes to town on him. That's about it. The concept of sadist VS masochist is a promising idea, but this movie fails to do anything remotely interesting with it.

The dialog is absolutely awful, boring, and doesn't make any sense (as in a lot of Japanese productions). There are many (boring) scenes in the film that are utterly pointless, a myriad of useless characters, Ichi's acting is annoying and retarded. Kakihara is an original and charismatic character but still that doesn't make the movie worthwhile.

The "over the top violence" everybody raves about is impressively disappointing; this film is two hours long and it contains less than half an hour of cheesy, caricatural violence (so that's an hour and a half worth of dull and meaningless dialog, absurd pointless scenes that go nowhere and random stretches of nothing that make absolutely no sense). The special effects are cheap, dreadful and mix unconvincing CGI with practical techniques, mostly rubber hoses that spray gallons of obviously fake blood when throats get cut open.

Stylistically it's got some notable ideas, but then again, that doesn't suffice to make this film close to compelling.

I really liked "Audition" so I was all the more disappointed by this ridiculous flick. I'll be honest and admit that I don't "get" Japanese art in general; I enjoy Kurosawa or Kitano, but for the most part I'm really annoyed by the trademark Japanese absurdity and the "lol so random" elements that undermine Nippon productions most of the time. I seriously don't understand people that are into this ridiculous accumulation of nonsense : take a bunch of concepts that have absolutely no link or resemblance with one another, shake them up, chuck the content on a table and call the resulting pile of incoherence art.

Terrible, lame and random garbage that likes to think of itself as counterculture. Fails to live up to the hype and incredibly boring.
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Frontier(s) (2007)
Takes itself seriously but very mediocre and juvenile
27 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this movie is worth reviewing but I wish the note on IMDb was lower (in no way is this worth 6.3), so here goes my two bits;

As many of the negative reviews point out, there is not a single idea in this film that I haven't seen in better movies. The "plot" is a carbon copy of TCSM, used as an excuse to paste scenes ripped off from here and there.

Pros : the settings are not too bad, but the film is structured like a (terrible) video game, the environments keep changing so you never get to delve into/care about them. Half of the time they are ruined by very poor lighting anyway.

SOME of the actors were OK (talking about the 3 main bad guys), but they were overdoing it in every single scene (+the dialog was ridiculous, it sounded fake, rehashed and written by an 18 year old). LeBihan almost looks embarrassed in some scenes, seeming like he's wondering what the hell he's doing here.

Cons : the plot was a mess, and boringly predictable from beginning to end. The editing (especially during the action scene) was obscure and random. Not a single cast member (apart from the aforementioned 3) could act. To an annoying extent. Most of them, especially the protagonists, rake on your nerves by constantly trying too hard. For 1 hour and 40 long, loooong minutes. Exhausting. The director was clearly aiming for "gritty realism" but the numerous flaws and inconsistencies of this film and it's general immature feel keep pulling you out of the movie. During the final scenes (which are ludicrous), it seems like the whole cast just gives up in a big "hell, why not" and then stupidly shoot at furniture for 5 minutes. That's what I call an FX budget well spent, exploding onions and plates are so interesting to look at. And don't even get me started on the spastic antics and retarded overacting from the lead during the last final half hour.

Add a mindless idiotic "social/politic subtext" implied in a total of three minutes in the whole film you get a and you get a piece of amateurish crap that takes itself way too seriously.

A bland, by the numbers, done-a-thousand-times cringe fest that lacks talent and ideas overall.
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Orphan (2009)
Horror film, born again
25 October 2013
(sorry about the approximate language, I'm nor American nor English)

Remember how in the 70's horror movies were all about tearing down consensus and social values?

Well this one does it quite well.

I don't have children yet, but most of my friends and family have. Don't watch this if you have kids.

I've seen a lot of twisted and sick films (eg:irreversible, centipede, Serbian film, etc...none of which I recommend unless you feel like having your soul and spirit f**ked with, but then again you have to be curious about everything about life), but I found this one unrelentless.

It's pretty long too, so get ready for anything.

It's not gory or anything but it's psychologically very violent and harassing, it destroys family values in a way that anything I've ever seen so far never did. As a horror film (and it is a horror film), it hits the spot.

Very well made, the actors, cinematography and production are top notch, which makes it all the more unsettling. Even the storyline is uncommonly well written, especially if you are used to clichéd and poorly spewed bullcrap the last ten years of horror flicks have fed us up with. I'll try not to spoil anything, but it's about this cute little orphan that finds a new family.

Sounds like Hollywood feelgood crap, but it's all the opposite.

Hence, once again, a brilliant horror film. There are quite a few aspects I didn't feel comfortable with, so this is why I feel it's a great horror movie. It's not made to make you feel comfortable. HERE BE SPOILERS------------ 1/ As with The Exorcist, it's pretty weird watching a film were a child does everything he's not meant to do. I felt sorry for the kid (Esther) that went through all of this, and I hope she didn't really understand the cruelty and sheer evil she had to portray. This movie deals with such cruel and merciless concepts that it's bound to leave a youngster scarred for life (if she got it, and I'm afraid she has). 2/ I can't help but feel the director has some serious issues with women, and his relationship with them. I found it was profoundly misogynistic.

But he (the director, sorry can't remember his name) manages to get away with it by having a very strong female counterpart (allthough not the best actor in the film, but close).

That was smart, otherwise he would have had his head caved in by bloodthirsty femen (BTW, I'm a dude).

This bugged me throuhout the film and apart from a few moments were "suspension of disbelief" tended to fade away (but the plot is smart enough so that by the end twist, it kinda makes sense), I found it was one of the best horror film I've seen in years. Maybe in decades.

Brilliant, smart, filled with meanings about human (female?) perversity, it's definitely a must see for all you f*ùked-up horror fans fans out there that were wondering if the genre hadn't died 15 years ago.

I didn't expect much of it at first, and in this way it was very efficient. Without the gender bashing issue, this would have got a 7 by my book.
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Ted (2012)
7? Yup, humanity is doomed.
18 July 2013
I won't spend more than three minutes writing about this awful piece of immature, vulgar and childish trash. I couldn't watch it to the end, I stopped about 45 minutes in. I found this even slightly insulting and humiliating : am I supposed to find this funny and entertaining? Does Mr Mcfarlane think I'm that moronic and stupid? Is that what we have become? Finding this idiotic pile of garbage remotely interesting, entertaining or funny makes me feel very sad about the times we live in. Sad to the point where I don't wan't to have kids to spare them the shame of living in a world this mediocre and vile. What ever happened to entertainment industry? How low can we sink? Needless to say this film bombed in Europe, and that only proves one point : American standards are now entangled in the sludgy depths of stupidity and vulgarity. Absolutely awful, enjoying this if you are over 12 years of age should set off all kind of alarms. Grow up McFarlane, your dick and fart jokes amuse no one except yourself and the thousands of brain damaged idiots that gave this absurdity more than two points.
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I think people don't get it, it's a great comedy
18 July 2013
I really don't understand all the negativity around this film. By 2000 or so I was already sick and tired of Hollywood productions turning to money grubbing garbage, and I first saw this movie at around that time.

I found it very funny, smart and absolutely spot-on. The actors doing cameos are visibly having a lot of fun mocking the industry, and the film demolishes and makes fun of everything I hate about Hollywood and the star system. People who hated this film obviously didn't get it, and I guess they deserve the dozens of rancid turds Hollywood throws at our faces year after year. If you're a "transformers" or "fast and furious" fan, you probably won't like it, even hate it for having too many "insiders" jokes and references. I didn't think the humor was obscure or ellitist at all, It's just a really funny jab at Hollywood, and god knows how it deserves it. For one thing, I felt thrilled that many people shared the ideas I have about the movie business, it's one of these gratyfying moments where you go "thank god-I'm not the only one thinking this". It really saddens me to see so many people hating this film, because it confirms what I've been knowing for quite some time : most of the people are idiots and have stopped using their brains decades ago, hence the general quality of movies nowadays going downhill very fast, at an ever increasing rate. I'm just clueless as to how this film can be rated below 4 when awful, idiotic and vulgar turd-burgers such as "Ted" get 7+. The answer : humanity is doomed by it's own filthy ignorance and stupidity. Sad.
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Trying too hard and failing all the way
29 November 2012
Not much to say. The dialog is terrible, one or two good jokes, special fx are dreadful, and the storyline is so dull you'll be bored 20mns into the film. Tries really hard to be guy ritchie but fails miserably. You can tell the budget was pretty tight (they couldn't afford blanks so the actors shake their guns when they "fire"-and half the film is firefights because they probably didn't figure out another way to fill up the screen time), CG is so bad it jumps right at your face. I've seen better make ups at zombie walks, and some of the worst parts of acting are cringe-worthy (especially during the final scene where Alan Ford makes a total fool of himself). Generally unconvincing and half assed, some parts almost feel like the director himself is bored to death and is the rushing the job to end it quickly. Bad B movie at best, but not in the good way. To be avoided, unless you enjoy being bored.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Scorpion with a toothpick
20 January 2012
This has got to be the hate it or love it movie of 2011.

It reminded me of most of Lynches movies. It's not about characters or plot, it's about the mood.

Great music, good actors...but about 30mns in the movie, I felt this unexplained, creeping...boredom taking the upper hand.

Somehow putting a white jacket, a scorpion and a toothpick had a powerful impact on everyone. I guess it added "personality" to a passive, dragging, BORING plot less movie (a skilled driver loses control when his life becomes entangled with a love interest, a professional opportunity and a botched up robbery thanks to working with losers that no one would consider).

The character(s) are thinned out to concepts, and somehow I never cared about anything that was happening, except when gosling's character came alive when it was all about being cruel and merciless.

There's nothing interesting in a film when you're left to rooting for a cold blooded, sadistic cut out cardboard piece.

Will someone please explain to me why this movie had so much impact?

I guess it's that Danish "je ne sais quoi" that put me off, but in abstraction I found that "Songs from the second floor" was much more successful.

Verdict:flat as a frozen lake(imho).
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Looks like a home-made you tube video that got 37 views and 37 thumbs down.
24 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, well, 6 stars rating on god how the audience's standards have dropped.

This movie is absolute rubbish. I felt ashamed enduring that hour and a half load of stupid. I can't believe this came out in theaters, it's direct-to-DVD material at best.

One of the worst and most annoying thing in this "film" was the acting, or over-acting might be a better term : I don't think there were any professional actors in this whole movie. Not a single one of them could act to save their lives, to a point that was almost embarrassing. For a film that's supposed to be realistic, it really ruined everything, each interview sounding and looking as phony as a rubber shark. You just sit in front of your screen wondering if this collection of gung-ho rednecks actually think they are doing a good job. Even B movie casts act better, but can handle 2nd degree.

The director I guess liked to think he was filming disturbing footage : believe me there is nothing disturbing in watching a bad actor with a cape, cheesy mask and a ruff around his neck (??) struggling like an idiot in front of a camera pretending he's psychotic, or some tart sitting on an inflated balloon. This sounds stupid doesn't it? You wouldn't believe how stupid it actually is when you look at it. Quite some laughs.

The cheap special effects were beyond cheap and weren't coherent at all (I sat bewildered as a victim got her obviously prosthetic throat slit, then saw her corpse in the grass with her neck as good a new), though I liked that part when the killer comes out of the background walking on all fours wearing a mask on top of his head but whoops...that was a rip-off of "In The Mouth of Madness" and it was so unrealistic it had nothing to do in supposedly "authentic" footage. Why would a genuine psycho go through all that, win the Oscar for special effects? Another thing that kicks the "what you are watching is real" vibe right in the nuts.

I also hated how the director clearly makes a hero out of a child-murdering killer, who, thanks to the dreadful acting and costumes, doesn't have enough charisma, personality or mystery to sell it whatsoever (he's supposed to be a genius Zodiac-type dude who outsmarts the cops, although as most reviews on IMDb pointed it out, turns out to be a clichéd, undocumented, ignorant, remixed stack of appalling character try out). Turn the TV off and read some books for Nixon's sake. The guys from Slipknot are more believable. He just sounds like a ridiculous 17yrs old looser trying as hard he can to be disturbing, thoroughly convinced the audience is terrified by his "performance". What is this, preschool? Sorry Ben, but it takes talent to pull out the Anthony Hopkins act. Go practice for another 25 years in front of a mirror and try again.

The same can be said about the editing (pseudo jumps cuts and visual distortion ripped-off a 1990 MTV grunge music video), the directing, the acting... really one great fail of a "flick". I feel like insulting the director for thinking I would get into this pile of steaming dung but he's not even worth it. Please, carry on pretending you're a director but don't get upset if professionals burst out laughing when you screen them your garbage.

To sum it up, an amateur teenage attempt at a disturbing pseudo real documentary lacking absolutely everything to achieve it's goal. This getting 6 stars is a disgrace, and the audience is to blame here for thinking this turd-sandwich is enjoyable. Stupid directors satisfy stupid people. Leaves me scratching my head with my stump.

May I suggest REAL movies like Wolf Creek, The Silence of the Lambs, Zodiac, Seven or even 8mm?
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Stalker (1979)
Not a film, a book.
19 November 2010
Regardless of the magnificent sets(or are they? all locations?), the mastery of the photography (sepia/switch to colour + check out all the detailed, contrasted textures throughout the movie), and the insanely correct forecast of the Chernobyl disaster (Chernobyl,1986, Stalker 1979),this movie is what i've been waiting for for a really long time.

It's got everything.

Now Fincher, Spielberg, even Lynch look like freshmen (makes CUBE look like a 4 piece puzzle).

Scarred by WW2, Stalinism and the cold war, this film is the greatest one I've seen so far. I watched it in Russian dubbed English, but this isn't a film by anybody's standards.

It's a journey (3hrs). Something no one will ever make as good.

I saw how people I admired (Darius Kondji, David Lynch, David Fincher, Dante Ferreti)pillaged this movie thinking i'd never see it. And I did.

It simply and modestly ashames every directors I've enjoyed so far. They saw it, and copied the excellence. To a lower extent. Where did they film this (Estonia)??? What budget??

Every frame looks like a painting, the lights are astonishing. From the start, the textures, sound effects, photography and mood just takes it to another level. (1979).

This is more than avant-garde, this is sheer genius.

The plot? Wanna learn about the meaning of life? This is it. It's like kubrick's 2001, with a meaning. Philosophy, poetry, storytelling, music, beauty, filmmaking all tied into one. The movie I've been waiting for. A revelation.

You gotta have three hours to spend, but it's not lost. I watch movies to change my mind. This one blew it right out of my head. Michael bay's fans will probably get bored, but when I'll care about them I'll review "transformers".

Be patient and humble. Few gunshots, no action, mostly settings and dialog (poetry).

Damn russians, the only thing that reached me and as profoundly life-changing as having my life flash before my eyes. They may drink vodka, but no one takes films or books as far as this.

I love black dogs.

So this is it, so ultimate that I feel sad, because nothing I will ever see will come close to this level of excellence.

The ONLY film that deserves 10/10.

PS, check out the very last scene. I'm still afraid of getting it. But that's gotta be a message. for mankind.

A. Tarkovski is like a painter with a scenario written by some 95yr old dude from the gulag, a psychotic location scout and no budget. With a camera.
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A depressing and realistic view of the world we live in.
20 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'm a huge Fincher fan, Se7en and Fight Club being two of the best movies I've ever seen. He's my favorite director, right above Kubrick, Scorcese and Tarrantino. I've seen all of his movies except "benjamin button" which bored me 30 mns from the start (panic room and alien 3 weren't great either). But I'll give it another try.

This one is one of his greatest. I didn't find it enjoyable at all though, and I came out of the theater with a bitter taste in my mouth and feeling totally depressed. That's what's awesome about Fincher. His movies never let you indifferent, you think about them for hours after view.

The photography is, as usual, superb. I think DF isn't interested in shooting a movie with bright light and clearness. Once again, all the imagery is sunk in darkness and shadows, you instantly know it's Fincher's trademark. Makes me think of the Italian Renaissance technique "Chiaroscuro", deep shadow/light contrasts.

But beyond the aesthetics, the message is what counts. And as usual, it's dark, cynical and unfortunately very real. It's about people who are very good at what they are doing but very bad at social and moral values. Hence the ironic title of the movie. The only character we can identify with is the victim of the story. All the other characters are merciless and elitist profit-mongers that made me very uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to sound harsh, but similarly to the world of programming and coding (the FB world), this movie mainly pictures individuals devoid of human emotions and completely efficiency and productivity driven. Cold, empty, heartless beings I wouldn't dare to call people. Practically what you could define as machines. And these exact same people apparently rule our world.

So this is truly a Fincher film, beautiful filmmaking serving a solid plot to point out how heartless and hollow our times really are. Or how emptiness and superficiality finally took over. The same issues he was criticizing in Fight Club, only with a lighter tone.

This movie isn't about FB. It's a social commentary about the world we live in. I think most of the people didn't "get" this yet. And as usual with Fincher, it's delivered in the most brutal, direct and cold way as can be.

Best 2010 movie so far, but I don't think I'll watch it again.
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The Omen (2006)
Whats the point???
18 May 2009
In these unimaginative times we live in... this is what you get : A duplicate of the first movie with IDENTICAL scenes and a different art director and photographer (or composer).

TCSM(2004/5) was lame, butgristly remade. Sharing economical traits, Halloween(2008/9) was lame,but decently remade. The Hills have Eyes was lame, but brutally remade. Dawn of the Dead was near perfect, if somewhat better than the original.

The Omen, on the other hand, is a remake gone bad. Watch a movie you know and watch it remade, and see just how little this generation has to offer to movie-making. The only dark times I saw in this movie was the appalling lack of novelty, poetry and tension the original was known to deliver. What happened to Rosemary's Baby, the Ninth Gate or Angel Heart?? Americans are sinking in conservatism even more than Europeans have...God not save us from the Antichrist, but from overly formatted MTV'esquire "films".
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