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The Christmas Temp (2019 TV Movie)
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't expect much from these type of movies. Usually I can't find much else on while I'm working. (Background noise etc) However, what's annoying is the character of the artist. I'm an artist. My house is not in disarray, I'm not disorganized, I meet deadlines, and don't walk around confused. The portrayal of this artist character was generic and assumed. The artist character had other psychological issues the writers decided to clump in under the typical "artist" description, instead of as a person with possible ADHD or mental health problems. Lazy writing, not surprising with a Christmas movie. Ugh. I know a lot of artists, and having someone say, you're a true artist.... just look how you dress." Seriously? Pretty shallow comment.
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Anon (I) (2018)
Really bad
1 November 2020
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Clive is looking worn down. Cigarettes are hard on you.

Lots of unnecessary nakedness, sex, and numb characters. None of which are particularly likeable. Clive's character is so abrasive. Dead? Bored? Done?

Another film with a male lead calling in his performance, surrounded by beautiful, unimportant women, with a supposedly seductive assassin. Sheesh. They even threw in a dead child to try and prove Clive's character was alive and cared about something. (Didn't help things.)

It seemed more like a video game short than a feature film. Don't bother. Sharknado had more character development.
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Atomica (2017)
Obviously written by men
10 August 2020
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It's set in the future, but misogyny and condescension are still in full swing. Great. Technology progresses but men don't. Nothing against the actress, but a model thin actress, with an unsure, hesitant voice and speech pattern, is supposed to be a highly trained tech. Really? This is really annoying. If misogyny is this prevalent in her time and field, she'd be more confident, and aggressive, not more passive. And, she'd probably be pissed off or fed up with the condescending attitude of the men around her. Not to mention way more leery of characters that seem to be completely out of wack with reality.

They should have chosen an actress that looks and sounds like she could actually survive the work or job she's been assigned.

Intelligence, education, and training increases confidence in one's ability and that should show in female characters. Male characters usually have plenty of arrogance and confidence, often without the education, intelligence, or ability to back it up. Just being male seems to be enough in some movies, and in real life. It may sell, but in the end, it underestimates men as well. Makes them seem very one dimensional, and shallow, which they aren't.

This film had potential, but frittered it away. Wasted two good actors, by trapping them in typical male roles. (Sizemore and Monaghan)

Maybe the writers could actually talk with women who work in STEM, before writing their next screenplay. If they did confer with strong women before writing this.... maybe next time they could listen.
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Total cr*p
2 April 2020
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Another ego obsessed trip into the self indulgent mind of a man.

A lot of word salad in this film to try and convince you it's intellectual. Trying very hard to shock and disgust the viewer, but only showing the desperation of the director/writer.

I bet the people who walked out in Cannes weren't as disgusted by the "psychological horror" aspect, as they were with wasting their time on yet another man's gasping attempt to prove he has talent.

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13 (I) (2010)
No likable characters
30 March 2020
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Lots of testosterone (too much), over the top acting, with guns, stupidity, and gambling.

Whatever. Characters had no redeeming qualities, so it was impossible to care if any of them got shot.
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Romantic? No.
5 July 2019
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Supposed to be a quirky, romantic kind of comedy about a dysfunctional family attending a wedding.

Rule of thumb for a movie is to have one or two likable characters. So the audience can relate or connect to for an hour and a half.

This was not even close. Acting was fine, but the characters were atrocious. Spoiled, selfish, not funny, over the top and unrealistic. All completely self absorbed.

I didn't care about any of the characters, not even a little bit of pity towards any of them.

Pretty good cast completely wasted with this very badly written film.

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Harbinger (I) (2015)
3/10 was OK.
31 May 2017
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I decided to rent this on Amazon,because it was filmed in Texas, and the writer/director is from Boerne, Tx.

The story was OK. I love the idea of an environmental horror movie...goodness knows there is a lot to work with right now in reference to scary environmental situations going on all around us.

The fact that fracking is all over the US, but in parts of Texas it is awful. The film didn't show West Texas, the area around Midland/Odessa/Kermit on to the Big Bend area, where fracking/rigs/and more are just ruining the land. This was filmed mostly around Austin, where it is still quite untouched.

The story moved a bit slow at times, and the acting made parts a tad confusing. Was the father a part of a dream, or was he looking freaky in "real" time. The kids ....all 3 of them, were pretty neutral. Not a lot of expression at all.

It was OK. One thing I really liked though, was that the focus family was Hispanic, as were the supporting characters. The house was beautiful, the scenery was nice, and the character of the ranch hand was quite good.

One thing bothered me for sure. Everyone was always running around outside without a care in the world, not watching out for snakes. Seriously? I live in the country, have for 30+ years, and I watch where I step, and look ahead on the path even if I was just outside 2 minutes before. Rattlesnakes, copperheads, and more around Central Texas. That was very unrealistic.

The scary face of the dad towards the end....not so scary.

All in all, it was OK. I hope Cody (director/writer) continues writing/directing. I'm sure he will get better, and better.

Hope he keeps filming in Texas...that is always cool.
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Rather cold
5 April 2017
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Well, I love movies. Even many bad movies. This movie...hard to like.

Not because of the story-line, which was supposed to be "daring" sexually. Not because of Jack Huston who is fantastic in period piece movies. He just has an air of another era about him.

But, because of Mena Suvari. Sure, she is cute, and a decent actress, but she had NO chemistry with Jack Huston. And her speech? She sounded like she was acting, almost like reading a book out loud. She was not believable as a wealthy seductive world traveler.

If it had been a few years back, I kept thinking Jennifer Jason Leigh would have been so good in this part.

Anywho, the movie is OK. Mena just took away from it. It is rather mild...nothing like Zelda was, or Frida..which was fantastic. (similar stories is all I am getting at here. Tortured or challenged emotions, sexual temptations, bisexuality etc.)

Hope you like it. Worth watching, just not the greatest.
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Acting is great
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have read reviews about this film, and am baffled by some. This film was considered slow by some. Why? Because it isn't an action film? Do we really need speed all the flipping time? Then, one review said it was a film we have seen before. Hmmm. We've pretty much seen all films before, but that sure doesn't stop anything.

Some said the ending just rolled everything up in a neat ball. It doesn't...not at all. Maybe the reviews I read were from cynical people..who knows.

This is one of the most well acted films to come along, and that surprised me. I wasn't expecting it. I really wasn't expecting anything. Just an indie film about coal miners.

It was gritty, and beautiful at the same time. The country/area where it was filmed is gorgeous, but at the center, the coal mine, the dangers of the coal, and the miner's job makes it less beautiful. The mine is quiet, with a danger just sort of always present.

Elizabeth Banks was really good. It was nice to see her in a role where she wasn't playing an over the top character. (Hunger Games) She seemed damaged,but not with too much damage to keep going in her life. Josh Lucas played the company man, about to take the fall for a mining accident, well. The young man from the movie Mud, Jacob Lofland was very good...very heartfelt, and trying so hard to do the right thing. The most engaging character was Amos, played by Boyd Holbrook. He was FANTASTIC. So understated, trying to deal with being pushed/pulled from multiple directions, after surviving the mining accident. He was really, really good. Intense, and just so good in the role. I've not seen him before..or I wasn't aware if I had seen him in a movie before. A great character actor. I hope he sticks with being a character actor...they are so amazing. Sure we all like leading men/ladies, but character actors are awesome. (Sam Rockwell is one of my favs)

As for the story, it is a story of miners, afraid of losing their jobs, if they complain or ask about safety issues, and what happens after a few issues were ignored by management.

It is sad, yes a bit slow, but worth it.
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Not Since You (2009)
not that bad
6 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well...I watched this one night and it wasn't that bad.

I like Desmond Harrington, after seeing him in that scary movie, "The Hole," with Keira Knightley.

I liked the story line okay, but man...the character of Howard was SO ANNOYING. some point, I kept thinking it would pop up he was on coke or something..non-stop chatter and PUSHY. But, he was just drug excuse.

Everyone was attractive, which is typical. Even the one who wasn't supposed to be was cute.

The character of Ryan was annoying as well. Christian Kane played the part, but he was so needy and insecure. Made me want his wife to go back to Sam. Sheesh.

Other than those things, the only other thing was this steel guitar music that popped up...reminded me of Brokeback Mountain. Which isn't a bad thing...just odd for a movie about a reunion of old college friends from New York. Yes, this takes place in Georgia, but still. Odd.

Worth a late night viewing, not fantastic, not horrible. At least Barry Corbin is in it as Uncle Dennis. He is always great.
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Containment (2016)
Could the writers at least try?
27 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love these type of stories, sci-fi, fake disaster movies(not based on real disasters) etc.

First off. No school sends a group of kids on a field trip to a freaking hospital with ONE TEACHER. You have to have at least one back-up teacher in case a child becomes lost or ill. Seriously? Absolutely ridiculous. A field trip to an infectious disease hospital? Really? Yes, it is a regular hospital as well, but has an infectious disease focus.

The nurses/attendants who go in with the Dr. who has been quarantined......they have paper masks on. Paper masks. Their eyes not covered. The very ill Dr. has fluids leaking out all over her face, she became extremely ill within 16 hours, they have NO clue what the illness is, and they go in wearing freaking paper masks? After being suspicious/worried enough to quarantine her? Geez...the stupidity. Or maybe they thought the pollen count was high in the quarantine room.

So far VERY disappointing. Maybe because there is so much going on right now in politics that is amazingly stupid, the writers think the public will take this show on face somewhat realistic. Nope. Watch with low expectations. Very low.

Oh, and very tacky making Patient Zero Syrian....just playing in to the paranoia of refugees or foreigners. Would have been better to make Patient Zero a journalist who had been traveling somewhere, who came into contact with something, rather than a possible refugee. Nothing like stoking those fires.
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Lost Boy (2015 TV Movie)
Not great
19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With Lifetime and Hallmark movies there seems to be a trend. The mother is passive and has one or two children that talk to her horribly and she puts up with it. Why can't a mom just say, "I know you are you are pi--ed off that I have spent time blah-blah, but you know what? You are almost grown and acting like a spoiled brat isn't helping anyone."

Trust me, real moms have periods of time when their kids are being rude, where we are blunt and open with a situation/feelings. Showing moms in movies like this, is frustrating and makes the moms in the movies unrealistically ignorant and like doormats.

Another thing, there is technology now, that is IMPORTANT to use to verify a sibling/son. Hello, DNA test. Stupid not to have a test done, with the tests protected, not left on a freaking counter. "I trust this is my son." Please. And, trusting a total stranger, alone with your younger kid is RIDICULOUS. Would you do that with a person you met on the internet? If so, you are RIDICULOUS too.

So, am ready for these channels to grow up and get more real. Yes that is expecting a lot from fluff movies.

I watched because I love Virginia Madsen and she isn't in as many movies as she should be.

As for the typical move-on dad with a younger, pregnant wife....gag. The angry, bitter daughter? Grow up. The poor younger kid with a manipulative new brother? Sounds familiar.

So, watch with a grain of salt, a big one.
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The Collapsed (2011)
Not a great film
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am HUGE fan of movies. All kinds...blockbusters, indie, horror, romantic comedies and the odd, rare, low budget sleeper. I have friends in the industry, working for large companies and small, as well as friends/family in the music industry. I love film...period. Always have, so writing a review that is so negative is rare. I can usually find SOMETHING good in a movie. Something.

This didn't fall into any of the above "good" categories. I recorded it, liking the description. I knew nothing about it ahead of time, never heard of it, so went in with no set opinions or expectations.

I understand with low budget, you sometimes don't get to pick and choose actors. Maybe you use some actors that are more like family than true actors...whatever, I don't care as long as they seem to fit the role.

The lead/actor playing the father, was terrible. He was loud, hard to understand and at one point he is telling his son how he "knew" about hunting/living in the woods etc, was from a "family tradition." Seriously? This guy was NOT comfortable carrying a rifle, was so loud, the deer in the next state could have heard him and he gave off no confidence in what he was saying. I laughed at those lines. His son, who was in "awe" of his dad for knowing things, obviously had not watched any type of hunting/survival movie...ever, to realize his dad didn't know anything, much less staying quiet when supposed predators were after you.

I didn't care about the characters...they weren't likable. Not even the mom and daughter/sister. The son was SUPER loud...which would have attracted any wacko human or predator out there!! What was with the yelling? Geez!!

I won't spoil the "surprise" ending, but if you really want to watch this....or attempt to, record it and zoom through it to see the end.

Again, I LOVE movies...all kinds, but this one...geez. Oh, and the music? The music was terrible. I kept it muted for the most part, also to keep from listening to the dad and son yelling at each other while attempting to stay hidden in the woods.

Maybe the writer/director would have had a better chance at a decent film had he hired or found other actors. I know in Texas, you can find folks that work day jobs, but know how to hunt all over the place, that would have been way more convincing than the guy playing the dad in this.

Not to mention...the women going to the bathroom and checking themselves out in the mirrors? How ridiculous is that? I don't know one woman who would vainly look in the mirror if the world is falling apart. I could understand looking in the mirror to get blood off their faces, or if something was in their eyes, or staring blankly in dismay etc., but to primp? Nope.

Gonna go re-watch Alien to get this film out of my head.
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Love on the Sidelines (2015 TV Movie)
17 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Supposed to be a Valentine type movie. I would think some chemistry or something with the leads.

Rather dry or something. Lacking any kind of emotion/chemistry etc. for the two leads. When they argued that was the only time any feeling showed.

Emily is super cute, watched her in Walking Dead, but this was pretty bland.

I don't know...just no passion or spark on screen with these two. Maybe if she had a male lead that looked as if he really cared...didn't get much out of John Reardon

Yes, I know it is just a Hallmark movie, but come on, a tad effort from the casting director please. I liked Elise Gatien who played Ava, the jock's sister. She was warmer than the two leads.
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No Good Deed (I) (2014)
So trite
16 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Aimee Lagos is the writer and director of this film. A woman. I am so ready for more women directors and writers in this world, however, this was SO annoying and disappointing.

The beginning was typical of many other criminal movies. Main bad guy is handcuffed in front, not his hands in back or with a chain to his feet, despite being VERY violent with multiple murders under his belt.

He is an extremely violent prisoner, yet, because of his magical narcissism, everyone just fell under his well spoken spell. Then of course, he kills the guards in the van and escapes.

Typical actions follow, until his car crashes and he comes to the house he was heading for.


He knocks on a woman's door. She has small children. She is supposedly an ex prosecutor for the DA, focus in homicide/domestic abuse.

Seriously. She LETS HIM IN. INTO HER HOME. A stranger. If this isn't STUPID ENOUGH, she proceeds to talk about her life and job as if she is talking to a life long friend. A total stranger..."come on in, I have small children, but I am going to trust you, because you are charming and handsome."

What????? I know NO WOMAN out of hundreds who would do this. NONE.

She allows him free reign in her home. With a small daughter running around and then in bed....despite him being a TOTAL STRANGER. Who does this? And if there are women reading this who would have let him in, DON'T DO IT, IT IS STUPID.

NO ONE unless they are STUPID. Yet, she is an attorney....specializing in HOMICIDE IN CASES OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. Where the con artist ex spouses are as she puts it, aren't smart.

If she had been in the DA'S office as a prosecutor, how was she totally unfamiliar with this Colin guy? No, you can't keep up with all the bad guys in the county, but he had killed multiple people, usually to do with WOMEN.

So, then, her slutty realtor friend comes over, who almost instantly comes on to the stranger. WHO DOES THAT?????? At their age too? These aren't 18 yr. old young party girls. The friend proceeds to tell this stranger she would rather sleep around than get married, that it isn't her style to settle down. What? Within the first few minutes of meeting him.

Again, a STUPID thing to do.

My problem is that these women are stupid and don't really fit into what I would think most women would be like. I don't open the door to strangers and in NO WAY would I let one in, ESPECIALLY if I had small children in the house. You freaking call 911 if you are worried for the person at the door....and DON'T OPEN IT.

I am so disappointed that the writer/director chose to write this crap. Yes, crap. I love movies, and my first thought was that a man who didn't like women, had written this, sorry, not trying to be mean, but when I saw a woman had...was just disgusted.

Maybe Aimee Lagos thinks that once a woman has a baby and moves to the suburbs she forgets herself and becomes stupid? Or that women, other than herself are walking around asking to be victims?

I hope the next film she writes is not so trite and predictable. And, that she actually writes about strong women, who in no way would have done the stupid things these characters did, no matter how charming and handsome the bad guys are.

I gave it a 2 only for the actors, they were fine. I couldn't go higher because of the writing.
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Christmas Land (2015 TV Movie)
real estate
24 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I watch Christmas movies. I work from home and having movies randomly off and on behind me is fine. Most of the time I have sci fi or action etc. movies playing behind me.

This movie...the acting was fine, the actors fine. But where on this planet or at least in the U.S. does one sell a property without an appraisal, a survey, a title/lien search and commitment, legal representation on either side or a realtor to go over the contract etc? And, WHO pays CASH to a man who had all ready lied? No receipt for the money, no legal, "hey thanks for paying me $450,000 in cash and the other money I shafted you for, receipt." So, it is sad enough that these movies hardly ever have people of color in them...ANY color other than white...and formulaic story lines, but get with a little legal reality. Geez!!! So annoying.

OK, Christmas rant is over.
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22 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a sad movie, quite realistic.

The flashbacks to Michael's childhood are so intense. So realistic to the rage a child feels when an adult has the power to control everything and the helplessness the child feels over his/her own life.

Everyone has bad childhood memories..bullying, something embarrassing in school, a plethora of situations to look back on and cringe or feel old anger/frustration. However, an abused person, who is still coming to terms as an adult with emotional abuse or physical abuse, it is just heart wrenching. Ryan did a great job as Michael. And the father, played by Willem Dafoe was easy to dislike/hate.

I would not be so quick to forgive the father. He may have lost his wife in a car accident, but he really lost her years and years earlier with his cruelty and abuse. He got off way too easily.

If this is part biographical, I wonder if the writer/author actually forgave the abuser in his life. I know forgiveness is supposed to be the key to moving on, but you can forgive for past abuse, but you don't have to like the person or want to be around them ever again.

All in all a good movie, good story.

Just thinking about everyone walking on eggshells around the father, all the way through, made me want to yell at them all that he is an ahole, stop worrying about his lame self and get him out of their lives. But, it didn't happen. All was smiles in the end. Hmmm.
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Emmy and Hillary
16 October 2015
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I didn't know anything going in about this movie. I had watched a scary movie that wasn't very good, and chose this to see something different.

I was really taken aback at how incredible this movie was. Hillary as a very ill woman was amazing. The gradual decline in her character's health was subtle and SO believable. Heart breaking. Emmy had a wonderful chemistry with Hillary in their roles and it pulled you in. Josh Duhamel was believable in the role of Hillary's husband and him having a difficult time being there throughout the illness was understandable, but written/played without the audience being set up to hate him.

Yes, it is a tear jerker, and yes it has women leads, but this made it even more wonderful, to the haters out there. Please take the time to watch this wonderful film.
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Triple Dog (2010)
wow, not great
7 May 2014
I have watched a LOT of movies in my life. Good movies, great movies, bad movies, HORRIBLE movies...I love movies.

This movie? Sucked. Why? Well the girls all had pretty terrible personalities...not anything to care about. Shallow, bitchy, shallow and oh, did I mention SHALLOW???

Supposedly the main character is the birthday girl, but a character named Chapin steals the movie and not in a good way at ALL. She is over the top, looks WAY too young for the part, too small and cute to be as mean as she is supposed to be. When she slaps the one girl called Liza it is NOT believable in the least. The Liza girl is bigger and looks tougher/older. Maybe the casting person should have switched the actresses for their roles. Bullies aren't usually petite and have little blonde locks.

As a woman who used to be a teen girl, these girls were not WORTHY of any second glances from any decent person... male or female. Just a waste of space, the movie, the characters and there you go.

Don't bother watching unless you are really looking for a bad movie to watch.

I'd much rather watch or have in the background, ANY SciFi channel monster movie..including Sharknado and Big Ass Spider. BIG A Spider is quite good and funny. Those characters were way more likable than these girls.

Hope this helps.
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Such a good movie
26 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a delight to watch. I knew nothing before watching it, except for the tiny description on TV. Being a native Texan, I am often disappointed in actor's accents when they are portraying a Texan or someone from a nearby southern state. I was not disappointed in the accents in this movie, which made it more endearing. The daddy, played by Joe Mantegna was wonderful. He reminded me SO MUCH of a sweet southern man we knew a few years back. We do love our quirky types here.

Blake Lively was sweet and didn't overplay. I never watched Gossip girl, and have only seen a few things with her in it, but she was really believable. Max Minghella had a believable stance/walk and just wonderful.

I hope you watch the movie and appreciate it. It is sad, happy, endearing and was way more of a film than I had expected.
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Larry Crowne (2011)
Subtle Optimism
17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with this needing spice. It wasn't written to be action packed, full of CGI etc. It was to show what a man of about 50 does when he is downsized, through no fault of his own. If you are over 30 and have gone back to school, possibly at a local community college or ANY college really, when J. Roberts is dragging her chalk across the board with a lack of enthusiasm...I felt like I sat through her class more than once. The subtle humor of the students and teachers, LOVE GEORGE T. IN THIS... is fantastic. When Julia's character is talking to her husband about Porn and he says, "I'm a guy, being a guy, being a guy..." It stays with you. Not all guys act that way... So, if you aren't 12 or 18 and have gone through a few difficulties in life, check our Larry Crowne. It will fill you with a warm optimism, that you might be able to make it through the next crisis with a little bit of humor.

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Love Etc. (2010)
good, but figured out a few things pretty quickly.
2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't often review films. I love movies though, all kinds, including documentaries and shorts. While, most may think of New York as the beginning and end to stories of love, adventure and life…that isn't exactly true. This documentary did choose a somewhat diverse group of people and so it will keep you interested. SPOILERS!!!! The elderly couple was beautiful and heart breaking all at the same time. Their love story is what I hope we ALL aim for...the being with each other, through everything that comes, with dignity and loyalty and again, with much LOVE.

The young Indian couple that got married, in my humble opinion should NOT have gotten married. That young man had about as much enthusiasm for his new wife, as a roll of toilet paper. He also lacked enthusiasm for pretty much everything around him. Why was he chosen for this film? I felt sorry for the new bride, but not completely, because she did choose him ....knowing he was rather numb and condescending. He was so cold and uncaring...kind of to an he was emotionally lazy. Why he should be considered a "love" example is beyond me. (and lazy in other ways too...just watch how he is at home, at his parent's house.)

The Man starting off with his two infants was WONDERFUL. Period. The love he had for those babies and his friends, his life, his job. I wish we could ALL have his enthusiasm for life and love. And, all without being corny or pushy with his emotions and personality. Those are two lucky babies to have him as a daddy.

The young dating couple, with the girl being accepted to Dartmouth, was sweet, but I knew within minutes they wouldn't last in their relationship. Why? Once she was accepted to Dartmouth, she required constant reassurance from her boyfriend, that he would miss her, that he loved her, and in a whiny tone too. She was going through a typical and normal reaction to moving away and making a HUGE change in her life. But, instead of anyone in her family saying anything, she voiced her fears of the unknown, by getting constant affirmations of love from her boyfriend, who, as we all suspect, would be dropped the minute her fears were faced and she realized just how much fun she was going to have in school, meeting new people, new guys, and experiencing the world independently for the first time. She keeps him dangling though, by remaining "friends." Calling and encouraging her ex to keep in touch and to "check up on her weekly." Maybe she will mature in other ways while at Dartmouth. Take a few Psychology courses possibly.

The Single dad who is set up by his son and his son's friend, with the mother of said friend, is the next example of a love relationship. I knew the FIRST minute I saw her with him, she was NOT into the dad. I don't know why she wasn't, he was funny, outgoing, handsome, a great and caring dad, a hard worker and loyal. You could tell his kids adored him and he was respected by them and adored them back. To see that in this cynical day and age, is heart warming and inspiring all on its own. However, this woman whom he considered "hot" and "sexy" and just about perfect, was SO distant in her movements, her eyes especially and I expected her to drop out of his life even faster than she did. She was on him about drinking, smoking, not doing this, not doing that....and not in a particularly sexy or hot manner....more cold than anything. It broke my heart when he said at the end of his part of the film that he knew he needed to "grow up." Huh? Because he smokes and drinks? He IS grown up, he is raising his kids, paying his bills and going to work, how grown up does he think he has to be? HE deserved better than that cold woman and I hope he finds a woman who deserves him as much as he would deserve her. It also had nothing to do with their age difference...and everything to do with her and her "not being into him" like he was into her...period. The old saying about Latin people being all hot and warm on the inside as well as out…most definitely didn't apply to this woman. Poor dad was a tad blinded by what he THOUGHT he saw in her.

The movie itself, is wonderfully warm and open and not annoying in it's presentation. I would LOVE for a film to be based in another city other than New York. Just because there are a LOT of people there, does not particularly mean that the ones there correlate to people in California, Nebraska, Louisiana or Texas. Society in all other areas have a major influence on "love" and relationships...not bad or better, just different, just as New York and the surrounding areas influence relationships there.

Lovely film and would suggest it to anyone interested in a Big City view of Love.

And, wishing us ALL luck in love, in all our relationships. : ) So, please, no haters.
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The Boy Next Door (2008 TV Movie)
in ref. to quil's review
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I decide to watch movies on Lifetime, I don't expect Oscar quality directing, writing or acting. I don't know who this Quil guy is, but he continually puts down women over 30...check his reviews. Negative, cruel and mean.

This movie isn't the best, nor is it the worst. It is VERY frustrating because the main character is trying to defend herself through out to prove her innocence. Legally, the cops couldn't do half the things they did without alerting her and providing search warrants etc. Ridiculous. What, the only person who could possibly kill the guy is a woman who is new in town, that happens to write novels, including murder mysteries? Geez. At least with the character in Basic Instinct they had a bunch of circumstantial evidence to bring her in for questioning. This poor girl barely knew the kid.

I suggest if you are ever looking for an absolutely perfect movie to watch.....don't choose Lifetime or generic TV channels. Rent or purchase movies that have been on the big screen, with fantastic writers/actors/directors or indie films etc. But, if you want a snotty, jerky, and obnoxious review from a guy who pretty much hates everything, read Quil's .....he has plenty of those.

And, I didn't think Dina's rear end was wide nor is she ugly or past her prime. Get over yourself Quil. Maybe you can start writing screenplays and can then choose the actors/actresses you would like to see in your own movies. I would love to review YOUR work.
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On Strike for Christmas (2010 TV Movie)
Wow...not that great
9 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm all for sappy, silly, mushy, good, not so good, any kind of Christmas/Holiday movies. Really...I love watching Fa La La La Lifetime movies and pretty much all holiday movies.

This one? Not so great. I usually don't care if they are that good or not, but man....Daphne Zuniga's sort of sweet baby talk voice throughout this thing when she had raised the two most selfish, self absorbed boys, and the most unappreciative husband was completely annoying.

Someone else should have been the mom...possibly Julia Duffy, who did look WAY too young to play Daphne's mom. Bad casting I agree.

But, as a REAL mom who catered, makes about 7 different art items and sells them, has hosted teacher parties, private parties and more all at this, the pretty much busiest party time of the year, would NOT have talked so sweet and baby to my selfish family, had her family been mine. Man.....whoever wrote this should have pointed out the meaning of Christmas to those selfish boys and to the husband.

My husband sprung a HUGE housewarming for his coworkers at OUR house with a one wk. notice and he was all about shopping for the items for me to use for making the massive foods etc. and helping me. He asked me last minute, so he fully helped me get ready. This chick's family? Man oh man.

And they all kept hushing her with "I'm sorry...and smirking." What was THAT about?

Whoever wrote this should have at least made the mom a bit stronger or less door mat shaped. Strong enough to poor cake batter over the son's selfish heads and telling the husband to get the dept. head at his work, to hire a catering company to handle the dang party.

Okay, enough griping. Such stupid boys and dad.

I KNOW there are guys out there who can cook, clean and shop....I see them at the grocery store. So, let's hear it for YOU guys...not these guys.

And, no offense in a real voice next time.

Thanks. Merry Merry to ya.
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Yep...guy writer
17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After a few minutes of this film....not knowing anything about who directed it, who wrote it or what it was about..going in completely "blind" ....I guessed it was written by a guy. And, was.

I'm so tired of movies where women characters are written this with the Brittany Snow character. I don't know too many girls/women etc. that would find a man attractive, almost a stranger they've known them such a short time, after he talks to her like she is a complete idiot and calls her almost every horrible name in the book, then is physically threatening. COME ON!!! What is that saying to young women out there? Look hot, be shallow and it doesn't matter if a guy is clean/gross/smokes/is abusive, you are going to find that guy SO irresistible in a few hours that you will want to give your virginity to him in a room down the hall from a guy who LOVES you and treats you like a queen.

BULLLLLLLLLL. While there are some women of all ages who might do this on a rare occasion....a woman who is intelligent, has a shred of self worth is NOT going to do this.

Not only is the Caleb character a complete jerk, he has no qualities that stand out that make you want to care about him. We ALL have bad things in our lives and history. Parents split up, have affairs, dogs get run over, crazy stalker ex's and more....but his character was written without a smidge of any likability. Why in the world would ANYONE but a woman he has paid, WANT to have sex with him. He wasn't even somewhat likable until almost the last few seconds of the movie.

How about a non-confused woman, who not only DOESN'T have sex with the loser brother, but refuses to get in the truck after his behavior at the beginning of the trip? We may not have had a movie or story after that, but that sounds like a good idea to me.

Grow up to the boys/men on here calling women whores..... no one wants to love a mouth that says EVERY woman is a whore JUST because she is female. How narrow minded is that? And so angry.


Maybe someone else will adore this movie, but if they do....try to keep in mind it is JUST a movie and not only are women not all whores, not all fathers are adulterous jerks and sons/brothers smoking, abusive stalkers.

Or I hope not.
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