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Worst episode from season 4 ?
4 December 2022
I enjoy watching IDOJ for the most part, except when an episode like this happens. They literally phoned this episode in. Just awful. How many times are we gonna here "Major Nelson what is this?" Whe referring to Jeannie's bottle. Dr Bellows has already seen it and Amanda made a copy, he knows what it is.

Then Dr Bellows opens the bottle up which is supposed to mean he is Jeannie's master. The Laugh In crew comes in to the hotel room with Dr Bellows in his towel after his shower, somehow he doesn't realize he's not dressed? Shortly he falls out the window and is holding on to the rope/line that's between buildings. He is fully dressed when he falls out the window but once again his towel is on him when he is rescued. I've never seen a towel wrapped that good to not fall off. One of my least favorite episodes for sure.
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I Dream of Jeannie: What's New, Poodle Dog? (1966)
Season 2, Episode 6
Roger Rover to the rescue
25 September 2022
Yet another episode where Roger comes over to tell Tony that he has a night out for them with beautiful women. He hasn't figured out this would anger Jeannie??? She is more beautiful than any girl they ever go out with yet...... it makes no sense.

Jeannie listens to Roger and then turns him into a poodle, not a plant or a picture where he would just "hang around", plus she opens the door and lets him out????

Why not just blink him back to his house??

Tony hears the dog and gets it out of Jeannie that she turned him into a dog, he freaks and goes out looking for him. The neighbor, who we have never seen before, asks Tony what kind of dog and Tony does not know. This does not get Tony to maybe go ask Jeannie what type of dog she turned him into???

He brings a Great Dane home and of course Dr. Bellows just walks into his house, without knocking, and sees him talking to Roger Rover. Tony finds out he has the wrong dog!! Later in the episode he feels like he has to confess to Dr Bellows, why this is a continued story line does not really make sense but whatever.

Very weak story here.
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I am gonna make it rain up in here!
24 September 2022
The one question I have consistently asked about this series is...... " Why would Major Nelson be thrown in prison or court martialed because of Jeannie??" I can never really get past that question whenever Tony says Dr. Bellows has me now. How does he have you????? In this episode supposedly he can make it rain Sgt Roberts overhears Dr. Bellows saying Tony can control the weather and then asks him if he could help out the town of Four Corners. Tony beforehand had tricked Jeannie into leaving to visit her parents, which she says she has not seen in over a 1000 years. Funny that Major Nelson does not say anything about him seeing her mother in the first season, how did he forget this? How did Jeannie forget this????

So Jeannie leaves and visits her family, turning on the rain down in Four Corners but forgetting to turn it off. Dr Bellows tells General Peterson that " I've got Major Nelson right where i want him!!! Plus i have a witness!!" This whole premise makes no sense at all, the writing here for this episode would get a D-.

Jeannie comes back in the nick of time. Tony says he will be court martialed because there is a witness to him making it rain. DUMB Then somehow he is sent all kinds of vegetables from Alabama, how they grew that fast and got shipped down to Cocoa Beach that fast is anyone's guess.

One thing though that is much better is the color episodes look way way better than the computerized color from season one. The season 1 colorization was a total failure.
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In the Dark: Please Shine Down on Me (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
Are you kidding me?
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first three seasons were pretty good. They should have ended it last season, it was a perfect way to leave it. The only reason I gave it three stars is after Max gets shot in the elevator and Murphy realizes he isn't standing next to her the grief shown was really good. Then showing the scene through Murphy's eyes was intense. What a great way to end the series.

Wait you say, that was episode 12. They blew it again by going 1 episode further after Max dies. Two times they could have ended it in a way better place than what they did. Like the series, but the ending was pathetic. The Chicago PD should be embarrassed by the actors playing them in this last season. Extremely disappointed the way this show left the air.
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I Dream of Jeannie: My Master, the Thief (1966)
Season 1, Episode 27
Those slippers are beautiful
20 September 2022
This might be one of the worst episodes of the entire series. Jeannie and Tony visit a museum and she notices in a glass case that her slippers, that she lost 2000 years ago, are displayed. When they first get to the museum Tony says to Jeannie " we only have 15 minutes cause I have to get to the base" Who goes to a museum when they only have 15 minutes? He has a Jeannie time is not an issue.

So Jeannie sees the slippers and blinks them on her feet, why would she not blink a phony pair back in the case? Why wouldn't Tony tell her to blink a phony pair after he finds out?

They go to the museum to break in and put the slippers back and Jeannie blinks in right in front of Roger. Somehow he does not see her. I like the show probably because of Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman but the writers have many terrible episodes unfortunately.
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Oh William my dear boy!!!
5 September 2022
This episode starts out with Tony, in his blue uniform, wondering who Jeannie was talking to in the kitchen. Why do they keep switching between brown uniforms and blue?? Makes no sense. Writers sorta slow maybe. Well Jeannie let's Tony know her Aunt Fatama was there all week. Tony wants to say goodbye then realizes she is a fish.... Huh? It cuts to the next scene where Tony is in his brown uniform camping home and when he walks in you can tell they edited Jeannie saying "I'm out here" She's floating and Tony says "You can't do that out here Custer May see you" Custer???? He's not been mentioned at all through the 1st 10 episodes. Writers just winging it Billy Mumy from Lost in Space shows up as Custer.

I've noticed Larry Hagman wears his watch weird.

Custer then just walks right into Tony's back porch area and sees them floating in the air. Enter Custer's parents and surprise it's Major Jamison... Who??? He's a neighbor??? Larry Hagman started drinking midway through this season and I can see why.

Plus they were all in their blue uniforms again!

Major Jamison sees Dr Bellows and talks to him about Custer seeing Jeannie floating and then disappearing into pink smoke. He already forgot about Tony talking about seeing a Genie from a bottle???

I must be in a crabby mood......
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I Dream of Jeannie: G.I. Jeannie (1965)
Season 1, Episode 5
Watch out for the bees!
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where do you start with all the inconsistencies? Why are they in different uniforms 3 episode in a row? They say Jeannie's birthday is July 1st yet later on in the series she doesn't know? Then it changes to April 1st? When drawing blood from Dr Bellows to switch with Jeannie's she just randomly pokes him with a needle and it is only for a couple seconds yet she has a full vial. You have to get blood through a vein and well, COME ON!


Did not mean to yell but it sometimes is annoying. She can move her bottle around when she is in it even if it's "corked" yet she just stayed on the beach for 2000 years???????? Never thinking to move the bottle somewhere to be seen.
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Wait, haven't I seen this before???
29 August 2022
I liked the movie, good performances all around.

I saw some reviews talking about Sliding Doors so I had to go watch that afterwards.

My rating dropped on this because this movie is a different spin on Sliding Doors, although Gwyneth Paltrow makes that movie she is great.

Sorta surprised that more people haven't called out this movie!!

Gerry was a real creep in this as many two timers are.

Not really sure John Lynch was the right guy for this role but Jeanne Tripplehorn was perfect. That name reminded me of Date Night when they stole the Tripplehorn's reservation!

She was definitely sexy enough to be the mistress for sure.
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Hey that house wasn't there yesterday!
20 August 2022
For some reason they keep having Jeannie wanting to marry Captain Nelson in almost every episode. Thewriters already look like they're in trouble. Somehow this got ratings??

You notice throughout the series Dr. Bellows likes to just walk in Tony's house. Sometimes though Tony or Roger will not shut the door when they walk in. Back to this episode.... Jeannie asks her Mom for advise about getting married. Jeannie blinks in a house across the street, all those nice homes around how would there be a vacant lot there???

Dr. Bellows is walking down the street, why he wouldn't have driven to his new lot he purchased is a mystery. He and the random General are going to see his lot and somehow they didn't see the house Jeannie blinked in??????

She blinks it out right before Dr. Bellows and the General arrive. How did this show survive?????
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29 July 2022
This was actually the 4th part of a 4 part "cliffhanger". To think this was considered good television back then.

I can understand Larry Hagman's frustration with the writing, it is awful!

So many holes. Why would Jeannies have a large match? How did she lite it? If it was actually burning that would mean she could get out! The things that were in the safe made no sense whatsoever to be sending to the moon. What would be the reason for it to explode?? There was nothing of note in the safe. These were my least favorite combined episodes of the series. Major Nelson would bring flowers to the scrapyard??? Come on now.
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Bewitched: Red Light, Green Light (1965)
Season 1, Episode 23
Stop right there!
24 July 2022
This episode begins poorly as you see Morning Glory Circle with all kinds of traffic at ridiculous speeds for that street.

Then of course the Mayor denies the request for a light, not surprising that Samantha and Darrin get a ride from the Mayor and are stuck at said intersection with traffic that is totally not believable. Too many times has this type of episode been used ( city hall says no then changes its mind) The season seems to be sputtering. This episode was not good.
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Bewitched: Eye of the Beholder (1965)
Season 1, Episode 22
Derwood, don't you know your wife's birthday??
24 July 2022
Starts off pretty good, in an antique shop looking at many older things bringing back memories for Endora and Samantha.

It goes a little south when Darrin sees a photo of a woman from 1682 that looks like Samantha. When we get back to their house he is hiding the photo in his jacket. Did he steal it?? Wouldn't Samantha have been there when he bought it?

Samantha is talking to her mother about aging and then suddenly Darrin looks the part of an old man. She doesn't put 2 and 2 together ?

I would think by now Darrin would realize Samantha is several hundred years old if not older, he's a pretty smart guy it seems.
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I Dream of Jeannie: Hurricane Jeannie (1970)
Season 5, Episode 24
Pass me that candle the electricity is out!
19 June 2022
This episode, by far, is the best of the last season. For some dumb reason they changed it and didn't make it the series finale.

I choose to disregard the last few minutes. It was funny and well written and a perfect send off for the series. Really annoyed that they didn't have the balls to keep it as is!!!
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Give me back my bottle
18 June 2022
This one starts out promising with the nephew of Alfred getting to stay with Tony for a day. I like how Dr. Bellows just comes over and tells Major Nelson that he's watching the boy. When Melvin sees Jeannie go back in her bottle and puts the cork on it and takes it with him, why does he not become Jeannie's new Master when he pulls the cork out??? Why wouldn't Jeannie just blink her bottle back to her house when she was trapped like she has done before? What is she doing still going into her bottle in the first place, they are married now.

Writing was really lacking on a lot of these episodes.
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Oh that you Jeannie?
16 June 2022
How many times can you do this story???

Jeannie's sister comes in the picture to break up the two. After all these other failed attempts Tony doesn't notice or suspect anything? SERIOUSLY??

I get having Barbara Eden's husband playing the home wrecker, but the writing is just awful with this episode and most of the Jeannie sister episodes.
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Where did that little beast go?
12 June 2022
Hands down this is the worst episode of the 139.

Not sure who was responsible for this but it was dreadful.

Why would there be a payphone in the middle of the park? In the grass??? Then you can tell that when Tony was ridiculously running with the dogs that a dummy, that was supposed to be Roger, was in the booth and knocked over. Was not even closely resembling a human. The phone booth falls over.... where are the lines that would have gone to it??? Major Nelson would never have been pulled like he was with those two dogs.

Then Jeannie is knocked out when General Schaefer opens the door?? The series looks like it is limping to the end. This was horrible.
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Tomorrow's headlines today!
6 June 2022
This episode starts out promising..... Roger shows up and rings the bell this time, usually he just walks in.

The newspaper was missing so Jeannie blinks the paper but Roger gives the wrong date. Not sure how Roger would forget that they had the day off given to them by Dr. Bellows.

When Dr. Bellows is talking to Commander Ross Major Nelson arrives in an armored car as Alfred notices. When Commander Ross looks out he is in his regular car and Tony closes the door. Then Bellows looks again and the door is open again. These writers just didn't care about anything.

All these times Bellows has seen Jeannie yet doesn't remember her at all????

Later in the show Roger and two other fellows threw out their tickets on Flying Capsule. Jeannie switched the number of the horse to prevent Roger from cheating his way to lots of cash.

When they retracted the number to the correct one all of a sudden there were 20 people at the garbage can where only two people had thrown out tickets.

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I wish I was you.....WAIT....
5 June 2022
Season 3 finale starts out funny, like it was gonna be a great episode.

Tony would have noticed right away he was in the wrong uniform, same with Roger. Why did Larry Hagman act the way he did as Roger?? Bill Daily was probably ticked at his impression of him. The writers do not even know how to spell Major Healey's name??

Mrs. Bellows told Alfred that she left the keys to his car in the ignition. Reminded me of my parents who did the same thing up until the late 90's!!!

Why would Jeannie get a bloodhound to look for Major Healey (Tony) when she can pop in to wherever he is at any given point. Bloodhounds also need a scent not a name or a picture, who wrote that part????

What started out with such promise turned into a very aggravating episode.
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I Dream of Jeannie: My Double-Crossing Master (1968)
Season 3, Episode 23
Mr Smythe I presume?
5 June 2022
Seriously???? Only Jeannie can tell that Smythe is actually Tony??? Mildly funny even with the ridiculous storyline.

How many different addresses do they use for Major Nelson's house? The music they play for Dr Bellows is perfect, that is one thing they nailed for this series.
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This place might be haunted!
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Right out of the gate Tony has inherited a mansion in England from an uncle he hadn't seen since he was 3.

For some reason when the doorbell rang Jeannie, who wasn't in her normal outfit, stays put not worried about being seen. Roger states he thinks the mansion is haunted but Tony scoffs at that idea.

You have a Jeannie who has all these powers and you're not going to believe in ghosts?? Makes no sense. Why would Jeannie be afraid of ghosts??? Somehow Roger is in the Army/Air Force, though based on how he is, it seems like he isn't the brightest bulb in the batch. That has been annoying throughout the series. It is amazing how bad the writers could be in any given episode.

When Tony tries to blow out the candle ( about 17:22 in ) he is blowing at it 6 inches or so below the flame!!!

Funniest part is when a ghost fixes the picture on the wall.

I am a fan of Jack Carter, but not here.
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I Dream of Jeannie: My Son, the Genie (1967)
Season 3, Episode 13
Hey little buddy!!
3 June 2022
This season actually has been pretty decent until this episode. Gilligan as a guest star really does not work. Jerry Lewis was supposed to play Harold but backed out at the last minute. He probably read the script.

The slapstick in this one just was not funny, it was too dumb. Maybe cause I have never been a big fan of Bob Denver but I think Jerry Lewis in this episode would have been funnier.
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I Dream of Jeannie: Help, Help, a Shark (1970)
Season 5, Episode 21
Thurston Howell III
1 June 2022
Jim Backus in this episode saves it from being a total disaster. He is very good at being a pool "hustler" The series is limping to the end with another poorly written show. After all these years Tony is still screaming like a mad man when Jeannie appears in his jacket???

Why would Jeannie go under the pool table??? Everyone would notice her immediately. Tony then uses the talcum powder to try and cause a diversion???? You can definitely tell it is the 60's when Backus says pool is a man's game and no women allowed. Why were they hitting numbered balls instead of the cue ball?????
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Who writes this stuff?
31 May 2022
Seriously this was a really bad episode.

One funny part was the oranges in the supermarket.

That alone got it 3 stars. Tony's front door seems to be a problem as far as closing it when someone comes or goes.

Why would Jeannie call Tony? It would literally take 2 seconds to pop in. The miniature Tony was about 1/3 the size of Jeannie's bottle when Roger put him on the table yet later he was able to go in the bottle which would mean he was way smaller. Maybe I am being too picky but whoever wrote this deserves a failing grade.
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I Dream of Jeannie: My Master, the Civilian (1967)
Season 2, Episode 21
Columbus Ohio for Major Nelson
29 May 2022
This episode opens up to a startling revelation, Tony is leaving the Air Force for a civilian job in Ohio. General Peterson couldn't even do anything about it and Dr Bellows is resigning cause of this.

Why wouldn't this episode be a 2 part season ending cliffhanger? The writers sure make you wonder. There seems to be a new laugh track and i hope it isn't permanent cause it is terrible.
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I Dream of Jeannie: My Master, the Chili King (1970)
Season 5, Episode 26
The end came so quickly
27 May 2022
5 seasons came and went very fast. Major Nelson finally doesn't have to worry about getting into trouble anymore!

Larry Hagman had grown tired of the awful plots on many of the episodes and would have left even if this season wasn't the last. Watching the show over 139 episodes I don't blame him. Too bad he didn't come back for the movies, but then again those were not very good.

Chili King was another episode that made hardly any sense. I think the writers just started phoning it in.

7 stars is too high but it is the last episode sooooo.
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