
3 Reviews
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GoldenEye (1995)
Most spectacular and senseless Bond ever
30 August 2010
From the opening bungee jump down a dam, through the tank chase and train collision to the finale this contains the most grandiose stunts in any Bond ever. I guess that is easy to do if the plot is untrammelled by any need to make sense. This film is full of head scratching moments which just make you say "WTF?" For instance, after the spectacular opening dive, Bond breaks into a secret hideout only to meet another agent who is already there, but it is not explained how. There are other anomalies in this opening which cannot be expressed here so as to not give away the plot. At another point, the tank which Bond has been driving sees a train speeding away and then we see the tank has managed to get ahead of it? These details should have been ironed out in the script. However the stunts and effects are so good that you can perhaps forgive the lapses.
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Lame script, lame stunts, lame villain
30 August 2010
The dull opening sequence of this does not promise too much; and indeed, the film fails to deliver much. With one exception, when Brosnan and Yeoh are handcuffed together and have to escape the villains on motorbike, a genuinely gripping sequence, the rest of the action is sub par, strictly generic by Bond standards. Much of the fault lies with a dreary implausible villain which seems to be the writers' thinly veiled attack on Rupert Murdoch. A media tycoon does not make a very good Bond adversary at the best of times, but here is so lazily written (and acted) as to suck any potential out of the character whatsoever. The usual Bond formula of beautiful locations, beautiful girls is eschewed too; here we have a brief fling with Teri Hatchett but the main female interest is Michelle Yeoh, a woman more of Chinese efficiency than sex appeal. Nor are the settings: car-parks, markets and ships, very interesting to look at. One of the poorest outings for Bond in the tired franchise.
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Pinocchio (2002)
Not worthy of Razzies
18 August 2010
Although far from a great film, this is certainly not the worst thing I've ever seen. I saw without prejudice and enjoyed it although I did find it full of oddities. I was very surprised when I looked it up afterwards and saw all the hate being spewed out, which is why I felt I should write this review. Sure it has some curious ideas such as: The boy Pinocchio played by a 50 year old man. Actually once you get over his age, he puts in a playful joyful performance which reminded me of Danny Kaye at times.

Bad dubbing. Not much can be said in defence of this, but the voices used, such as John Cleese and Glen Close are appropriate in themselves, it is just the bad syncing that is annoying.

Some rather cheap-looking special effects. This could certainly have been better but it is sad that people can no longer use their imaginations.

As said, these detract from an honest attempt to remake the children's classic. But why the hate? As many have said, I think that this is a much less sentimentalised version of the Disney, closer to the original story and some have taken against it.

All in all, children of all ages will enjoy this film and probably learn some valuable life lessons from it. See for yourself and make u your own mind.
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