
35 Reviews
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Great premise ruined by mediocre writing
23 January 2023
The idea of people ending up in an extreme survival situation, with no possible rescue and a deep mystery sounds great. But the family drama, the cardboard characters, the stilted lines and relationships simply ruined the show. If I hear one more lecture about family, safety and sticking together, I'll puke. If they didn't have to remind everyone about these every 10 minutes, it would have been much more palatable.

On top of this all is the convoluted, ridiculous mystery, full of lazy coincidences. It was introduced in the third episode and was crammed together so fast, it's like they knew the show wouldn't make it beyond two seasons.
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Terrible acting and the ugliest leading man ever.
16 February 2022
Obviously filmed on cell phones, the story is ridiculous, the free use TikTok soundtrack is lame and the "special effects" are laughable. Spease making himself the leading man surrounded by beautiful women, even if this is a comedy, is nothing more than a narcissist's wet dream.

If only they had actual actors, knew how to frame a shot, could keep the camera in focus and Spease actually realized how ridiculous his frizzed out dyed hair looked, this MIGHT have been good enough for Rifftrax someday...
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Eternals (2021)
Why the Eternals?
12 January 2022
Of all of the lesser known Marvel teams, the entire story of the Eternals is a very poor choices for a single movie.

There are too many unknown new heroes, too much missing backstory and the stakes are far too high. There are uninspiring generic monsters, and gigantic all powerful god-like aliens (that are supposed to be long gone). There's just too much of everything for a coherent, engaging story.

The Infinity Stone Saga took a dizen films to introduce everyone, tell their stories, develop the conflict and bring it all to a head in Endgame. This film tries to do almost the same thing, including a story set over thousands of years, with much lesser superheroes and simply not enough time. The A-list and relatively unknown actors are definitely the best for these characters, but their talents are wasted with such an overly dense and expansive story. It would have worked much better as a trilogy.

What happened to much more accessible and relatable teams like Alpha Flight, Thunderbolts, Excalibur or even the Great Lakes Avengers (Squirrel Girl!)
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Completely Underwhelming
23 December 2021
You would hope that after 18 years a sequel would be a big, eye-popping production. Sadly, that's not Resurrection. If anything, it came across as a lower budget version of the original Matrix, if it was a series pilot on the SyFy network. It also clearly shows that the first movie was the best and each subsequent installment was a shallower and more convoluted version of the original.
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4400 (2021–2022)
Another CW Co-opting a Show Title
12 December 2021
Just like a few of the other CW shows, 4400 uses the name, but very little else from the source material. It's sad to see how little they bothered to invest. The show is about 4400 missing people mysteriously reappearing, but you never see more than 20 extras, all living in an abandoned hotel. Rounding out the cast are unnecessarily raged filled racist guards and clueless government officials.
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Great Summer Action Movie
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"The Tomorrow War" is a big addition to Prime. It's a massive, mesmerizing sci-fi war movie.

I had just one problem with it, the same simple problem I had with "Starship Troopers." With all of the technology, the massive time gate system, etc., and they were still using underpowered assault weapons. Each massive alien took dozens of rounds before before they even slowed down. Not once did they use grenades, RPGs, heavier weapons or anything newly designed to take down almost invulnerable small elephants.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
There had better be a Season 2 and beyond!
7 June 2021
After the disgraceful way they dumped highly successful Jupiter's Legacy Netflix better not be so stupid twice in only a few weeks.

Other reviews seemed desperate to whine about "Marxist" undertones or more DC "drek"... just because. They sound like they needed something to complain about, so they simply attacked their interpretation of the politics and origins of the story, instead of taking it on face value.

Sweet Tooth is a highly enjoyable, well developed adoption of a very strange comic. It actually works. You believe the world they created could actually exist, even with the unusual sci-fi tropes. The heroes, the people and the bad guys are all realistic.

Anozie, Convery, Owen, Ramirez and Akhtar are the perfect choices for their roles. By the final episode you begin to really understand their motivations, their foibles and their interconnectedness.

As usual, Netflix cheats it's subscribers by calling eight 50 minute episodes a full "season." unfortunately, they can easily cancel any future seasons, for no reason at all, as they have recently with other successful series. Hopefully, with the power of Warner Brothers and Team Downey behind the production, the show will have a much better chance of continuing.

We need more shows like this for the whole family to enjoy...
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Great start, but becoming cartoonish
5 May 2021
The show is great, when it sticks to human level stories. But in season 3 Dr. Goodwin has become a cartoon character trying to solve a massive, new problem every week.

While other doctors are helping and healing, he manically runs around trying to end things that have plague the world for centuries. He thinks his pathetic shallow and ignorant attempts to "fix" something always works, but it's inevitably followed up by a lesson from the victim he's trying to help.

I literally fast forward when he's on the screen, simply because his stories never interacts with anything else on the show.
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WandaVision (2021)
Why do they try to cram so much into so few episodes?
9 March 2021
Why do ALL of the Disney+ tentpole shows like Wandavision and The Mandalorian have to be limited to less than 10 episodes a year? They could have easily expanded Wandavision out to 12-14 episodes and easily fit every good story concept they had to drop due to time. The first three "sitcom only" episodes really wasted a lot of time by only hinting at what was going on, without moving the story forward.

Finally, episode four shows what's really going on and we get to start watching a real MCU story. After that, they apparently had to cram the story into only six more episodes. all to keep it under the 10 precious episode count, On top of that, Disney+ is the only service that keeps shows like this to around 30 minutes.

Don't get me wrong, the story is fantastic, the effects are great, the characters, given the time they had, are well developed. But the short run and short episodes are aggravating. Network shows still have 16-24 episodes, year in and year out, even though they do have commercials. Meanwhile, streaming services like Disney+, Netflix, Hulu and Prime thinks that eight episodes every year or two are good enough.
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Debris (2021)
A convoluted mess...
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Are they sure that was episode 1? It feels like we were dropped into the middle of a movie sequel and we're supposed to already know what's going on. After a hilariously truncated opening card that explains everything in literally two sentences, we suddenly join a par of agents trying to track down pieces of an "wrecked" alien spaceship. What follows is a confusing story about floating people, black market alien tech, family grief, ghosts and alien mind control.

The hero of the story is a generic tough good guy, that's it. You're told that what's happening must be important because "he came all the way back from Afghanistan." Was he a scientist, a soldier, or a spy? You just had to guess. It would have been great, though of course contrived, to have offered SOME explanation about what this was all about, who the characters are and what's at stake. It would have taken three minutes, tops.

But the show is just too jam packed with extraneous espionage, feel good moments and baffling dialog to actually explain why we should even bother watching it...
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Mulan (2020)
This is actually a very good movie
7 December 2020
.....IF you forget it's a DISNEY movie. While the live action Milan is a very well done film, it could have been made by any studio. All of the Disney charm and humor is missing. With no music and no magical dragon, the heart of the film is just not there.

It'd be like making a great Marvel Universe movie, but with NO superheroes. What's the point? Disney dropped the ball by making this too serious and, frankly, too violent. I know, it's a war movie, but still, it's the remake of a Disney cartoon...
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Brought to you by the Disney Channel
21 November 2020
There are cute, smart-mouthed kids, a comic relief janitor, EXTREMELY generic bad guys, rich and powerful idiots making fools of themselves. This had to be written by a team who learned everything from the Disney Channel. Except for the violent killing, of course...
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Weakest Vampires Ever
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been really good. But ultimately it's just a kid's movie with a lot of inappropriate language.

The vampires, all five of them, died so quickly and easily (after surviving for over 700 years?), it was a joke. The vamps supposedly could move at incredible speeds, fly and had super strength. Yet a myopic 13 year old, with low blood sugar, easily took two of the five out. The second vampire apparently was only as strong as the kid and took a broken wooden skateboard to the heart.

If only the vampires wore some sort of body armor to protect their hearts. Then the movie would have been worth it.
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Ratched (2020)
Welcome to Season 10 of American Horror Story
23 September 2020
As usual Murphy piles on at every turn. If a character doesn't have some twisted backstory, isn't insane or isn't simply evil, then they're two dimensional nobodies who are going to die.

Murphy can't tell a subtle, nuanced story if his life depended on it. Everything has to go to the extreme, whether it makes sense or not. Characters react as if they're always seconds away from losing all control.

The only semi-fun character is Nurse Bucket.
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Aerials (2016)
About the same level as a high school project
7 May 2020
This is the MOST boring "alien invasion" movie ever made. Most of it is nothing more than boring, philosophical conversations between overly calm people who don't seem to comprehend there are giant spaceships covering the world. The spaceships and the other "special effects" are 4th rate, at best. Even the sound effects are nothing more than loud radio static.

I have no idea why Netflix even bothered picking this one up. It's a sad, slow and ultimately useless waste of time.
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The Society (2019)
They just don't seem too concerned about surviving
14 May 2019
The concept would have been intriguing. But it's inconceivable how little they seem to worry about what happened and where they are. They party hard and drink all the time, yet don't seem to notice that power and water are coming from nowhere? With occasional references to "going home" they just play politics, stumble through adult problems they seem incapable of handling and live in the usual angst filled teen drama.
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The OA (2016–2019)
Britt Marling's Weird Fever Dreams Don't Hold Up
25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of OA wasn't too bad, it was a weird little tale full of disjointed metaphysical strangeness that made it fun to watch. The teens and teacher listening to Britt's stories were likable and realistic, as were the prisoners. The idea behind HAB's cruel, heartless experimenting were a stretch, especially with the lengths he goes for such an esoteric goal. What's especially disturbing is when HAB visits a colleague who's imprisons and kills his own farm of human guinea pigs.

The second season, however, is all over the map. Suddenly, there's sacred locations, mercury poisoning, mysterious video puzzles, brain flowers, a super-intelligent psychic octopus and a billionaire who spends millions doing who knows what.

Really stupid stuff includes HAB discovering the wild dance used to jump dimensions can be done just as well by tiny robots. Ridiculously, only a few days later HAB himself has GIANT 20' robots ready to do the dimension dance. Why they have to be so big, where he had them made so quickly and how they were even programmed is conveniently never explained. There is so much they ambitiously tried to cram into the second season that it made a confusing story impossible to follow, ruining the mystery...
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Air (III) (2014)
Waste of Time - No Story, No Plot, No Resolution
16 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised this is available online anywhere. While a widow is scuba diving alone the world's oxygen suddenly disappears. When she surfaces, she continues to use her air tank for DAYS, driving her convenient electric car and slowly walking around randomly. There's a bunch of useless flashbacks and weird dream conversations with the dead. But through it all the widow is completely nonplussed. Dead people everywhere? She's just going to keep slowly walking home to her infant girl and parents.

To sum it up - the movie made no sense, the ending was a complete letdown, the acting was wooden (even for a high school production) and the characters were all boring and monotone. There could have been so much more, but it was so slow and useless, they most likely just ran out of film.
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It's a Freakin' Commercial
12 May 2017
This wasn't some trailer for an actual short film or full length movie. It's a stupid commercial for a film festival. I'm now waiting for toilet paper and McDonald's commercials to start being posted on IMDb. Why does IMDb allow lame entries like this? There seems to be an influx of home movie makers who have discovered ANYthing they create can be posted to, and accepted by, IMDb. I've found kids schlock home movies, shot in one afternoon on their iPhone, posted along with the biggest summer blockbusters.
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Zack Stick (2012–2013)
Now IMDb is Letting Everyone Post Their Home Movies?
26 April 2017
There are some weird productions listed on IMDb. Strange little independent films no one may ever see. But Zack Stick? Some high school freshmen with a camera phone took an afternoon to record themselves goofing off, possibly while they were high? The trailer is cringe inducing. Usually trailers show some of a film's highlights. If this is Zack Stick's best, why did they think anyone else would ever want to see it?
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Since when did IMDb Start Listing Grade School Projects?
26 November 2016
My eyes are still burning. This has got to be one of the worst "movies" ever made. Cowart, the genius behind the two movies (yep, it's a sequel) apparently only has access to software from the 1990's. IMDb claims there was a thousand dollar budget, but that must have been for the pizza and Mountain Dew.

I'm honestly shocked when a movie of this complete lack of quality makes it onto IMDb's Latest Trailers page. The trailers of some really glaringly awful movies are being posted there.

Wendell apparently used the free 3d models that came with his animation software (along with all the free lingerie), the voices are monotone and computer generated from a decade old Gateway machine. The dialog and plot are a 14yr old's wet dream. The story is a mishmash of zombies, vampires and soft-core porn. I'd be surprised if his mother would even approve of this project.

IMDb has got to raise their standards and not allow just anyone to enter a garbage "movie" like this. I could make a much better film over three day weekend, and I'd have to learn computer animation along the way.
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It could have been so good...
10 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is excellent and the seal team's training is evident. The movie is completely destroyed, though, by the incredibly pathetic "special effects." The budget is small and the editing is atrocious, but it doesn't condone the indifferent production crew...

The team throw grenades and the producers can't even download a halfway decent fire video to insert. It's not even budget constraints, but simple laziness. I've seen better effects on 6 second vines.

It's hilarious when the team tries to clear an alleyway full of rampaging zombies and there is regular street traffic driving right behind them. Couldn't the production have at least blocked off that one street?
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Shyamalan Should Be Ashamed
17 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I read a number of the negative IMDb reviews about this adoption of the original cartoon series. I wasn't going to bother adding to the pile.

Until I watched this on Netflix. Then I just had to say something concerning this pathetic movie. Simply stated: Shyamalan should lose his SAG and director's membership cards.

This film was a failure on so many levels and in so many aspects, it defies logic. Especially in light of the incredible source material available to him.

  • Noah Ringer as Ang (Aaauunng?) is completely out of his depth. He is frankly a terrible actor and his portrayal has NONE of the charm, humor and innocence of the Airbender. The only thing he does is Tai Chai, which is far from enough to justify his casting. After getting the part Ringer even had to go to acting school, but it looks like he skipped a lot of classes.

  • Entire sections of the story are skipped or glossed over using cheesy voice-overs and montages.

  • Shyamalan changed the pronunciation of the characters names, to "honor the source material"? Airbender was created by a couple Americans named DiMartino and Konietzko. What source material was he looking at?

Along with many other shortsighted, clueless and plainly stupid decisions, Airbender just proves Shyamalan is extremely limited as a director and producer.
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Roadkill (2011 TV Movie)
How Many Monkeys Does it Take to Write These Movies???
26 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OR ---Another SyFy Channel(US) Saturday Night Special---

Roadkill is one of the special breed of "Made for DVD" forgettable movies that have become so numerous over the last decade. This is due to the increased use of CGI technology which allows anyone, talented or not, to make giant monster moves on a shoestring budget.

The group traveling across Ireland in a Winnebego motor-home (really? The narrow roads and villages aren't a problem for that behemoth?) is made up of the stereotypical beautiful college kids, the "Brain", the "Jock", the "Pretty but Dim", the "Wallflower", the "Token Minority", the "Geeky Goofball" and most importantly, the "All American Nice, Strong and Independent Girl."

The movie's 2 dimensional gypsy bad guys, act with sneering impunity, which is strange when faced with a giant demon bird that can attack them just as well as the kids.

In the end the Goofball is the surprising lone survivor, not the All American Girl (who went insane?). He has a long drawn-out chance to display his acting skills in a voice-mail message to his dad. My only thought was who did the actor know so he could be the last teen alive and get so much uninterrupted, solo screen time?

Skip this if you've ever seen any SyFy channel Saturday night movie with giant creatures. It's the exact same story with different, baaaad special effects and acting...
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Assault Girls (2009)
Beautiful Imagery, but SLOW, SLOW, SLOW
9 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The imagery is beautiful, and the special effects and the weaponry/armor were outstanding. But nothing happens! There's little dialog, which is extremely muffled by masks, along with being really poor English.

The problem is the director spends 90% of the time with extremely long shots of the shooters walking around or dancing. There are five full minutes spent watching someone fry eggs and eat them. Several minutes alone are spent following a snail around.

If they cut out all of the too, too long atmospheric shots this "movie" would have been a 20 minute FX test reel.

I have to say, though, the fight between Jager and Gray is pretty funny, but for some weird reason, all too short.
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