
4 Reviews
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About Time (I) (2013)
About Nothing
24 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know what to write about the logistics of the time travel aspect as it doesn't make sense and they know it. Time travel really isn't the point so why bother dissecting it. Anyway time travel is used only as plot device to toy with your emotions. But actually what it truly does is remove any drama that the main couple will get together. Time travel solves everything in his relationship with her. Except that this movie dragged on forever. I lost count how many times I thought that it could end. (Maybe I was hoping more than anything.) Richard Curtis maybe a great screenwriter, but he certainly knows nothing about directing. I am glad that he proclaimed that he wasn't directing after this. Does he think anyone cares? The pacing is so meandering with different sub-plots that then were very quickly solved with time travel. I also want to mention that for long periods of time, time travel is not used even when (I think) it should have been. It is too boring to go into details, just trust me. The major theme of the movie is not wasting each moment of your life (which is kind of ironic) with time travel used as a means of exploring that idea. Here is the problem: time travel is only used so he can manipulate the women of his dreams into falling in love with him. This makes their relationship unreal because while he maybe in love with her, she is only in love with the make believe version of him. The much better sub plot or co-main plot is the time traveling father and son relationship. Mr Curtis should have focused mainly on their relationship as it had a real emotional payoff at the end. This leads into what I thought of the acting. Rachel McAdams was completely wasted. (By the way can screenwriters find a different occupation other than lawyer, play write or book editor.) She and Domhnall had zero chemistry. ZERO! (Plus what was the deal with all the Kate Moss references? Just terrible.) The opening scene of them together worked, but only because the scene was entirely in the dark. Domhnall did start to grow into the role, but only in the scenes with his father. Bill Nighy was good and really stole the show from the leads. The rest of the cast was your typical poorly written rom-com family members, especially the Uncle. Nothing they did was interesting or the least bit funny. Kit Kat actually showed some interest in the beginning before falling victim to a time travel plot story line. I will say that the music in this movie was really above average so great job Nick Laird-Clowes. In conclusion: Mr Curtis wasted the unique time travel element and Rachel McAdams. Two unforgivable sins. Stay away!
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Groan Ups
5 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible. What a poor excuse with all of the talent involved. I am so glad that Adam Sandler and his friends had fun making this piece of garbage. Next time include a paying audience in on the joke. It would have been nice if one joke (were there any?) would have worked. Did I mention that not one joke worked? Adam Sandler claims that he co-wrote this mess, but we all know there was never a script. Adam just called up his SNL drinking buddies and said, "Hey, Let's take a vacation and film it for $80 million and charge people for it". Adam Sandler plays just a lazier version of himself. There is nothing he does in his movie that is amusing, but he did manage to crack himself up in nearly every scene. So at least he has that going for him. (I know that Adam's character stepped on the line and that is why he grew up to be a jerk.) I don't think anyone told Chris Rock that they were filming a movie until after it was completed. He looks befuddled in every scene. It is a shame that he is so bad in this trash when he was so good in Death At A Funeral. His acting in this movie is the real kiss of death. Kevin James has never ever been funny and so I expected nothing from him and he delivered a grand slam. Kevin spends almost half the movie inside a KFC box. That is how embarrassed he was. Dennis Dugan did a lazy job of directing(?) this "woodland waste". It's like he just set the camera down and let these 5 men try to act around it. I bet he spent most of his time trying to convince the stars how funny each scene was. He should be Razzy nominated. I will skip to the end of the movie because nothing really ever happened. Out of nowhere comes not even half-baked melodrama with each couple overcoming some stupid problem. Each issue is brought up and resolved within 5 minutes and then never mentioned again! Why bother even brining it up in the first place because no one cares in the slightest. The final basketball showdown is filmed as if the entire crew fell asleep. I've seen more tension in a Dora the Explorer episode. Sandler's final lesion is worthless and really doesn't make much sense when you think about everything that has happened before it. Sandler's family was due for a loss and the evil guy was due for a win. What??? The evil guy was a jerk to everyone in the movie. And besides how do you know he was due for a win you haven't been in town for a long time. You know nothing about his life. How in the world does that insignificant game change that much? No one in the audience is buying that ending Sandler. No one. The women characters in the movie do nothing of note, are interchangeable and look as bored as they audience watching these 5 idiots try and make the lamest stuff funny. I won't mention the women by name to spare them of unfair blame. And last but certainly not least (or very least) is the acting duo (?) of Spade and Schneider. They are so bad that they make the acting in Troll 2 look Oscar worthy. Both should have to give up their SAG cards for this. I want to vomit just thinking of their acting again. They are worse then amateurs. I think both of them must be hiding a dark secret of Sandlers; otherwise why are they here. I have an idea for Adam Sandler's next movie. Please call it "Train Wreck". This way when it is released no one will be surprised when it sucks.
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Hershey's Chocolate Brown Egg
30 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know anything about this short before hand. Before the main "attraction" was a pre-show hosted by John O'Hurley (Peterman of Seinfield). Unlike most pre-shows this was an excellent little 5 minute short on Hershey's life. My pet peeve with these pre-shows is that it is just a way to keep people busy while waiting for the main feature. Also, why do you always have to stand for these things? Anyway after the short you go into the next room for the feature. The main feature then has a live actor interacting with a cartoon actor. The live actor wants to host a 3 1/2 hour lecture on Hershey while the cartoon wants to have a big 3-D show with the different Hershey products singing and dancing. (The whole thing reminded me somewhat of a very poor Muppet Vision 3-D at Disney Studios.) It is hard to write a review of a short that contained nothing happening at all, just a bunch of random products singing and dancing in different uninspired "classic movie" scenes. This short was not only worthless in every way possible, but racist as well. Several times it appeared that the Milk Duds were just portraying African Americans as simple and stupid. Let me also add that the 3-D (or lame 4-D)is just terrible, possible the worst ever. Several times the 3-D didn't even work. All the viewer could see was a double image. The mostly empty theater sat in silence and bewilderment at this complete crap. The entire project just seemed to be inspired by greed and Barnum Bailey. Instead of a "free" piece of candy when you exit it should be a sucker because that is what you feel like. It was so bad that I asked for my money back and to my surprise was not questioned by management. Even the staff knows how bad this rubbish is. The entire thing was propaganda and brainwashing. This is a brown stain on the entire Hershey Enterprise. Nestle should show this garbage as a way to convenience customers to buy from them. I would have given this complete waste a lower number, but 1 is the lowest I was allowed to go. Milton Hershey probably would not have started a chocolate business if he knew that this would be the end result.

The bottom line is that this is not even pre-pre-show material! I would rather stand in a line at the DMV than sit for this junk (food).

The actual free tour is pretty good. It felt like a slightly below average Disney ride.
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Lynch Mob (2009)
A New York City Mafia gets its just desserts.
20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this movie before going to the theater. While watching the movie it felt like a direct-to-DVD movie that somehow found its way to theaters. First off if you aren't a true horror fan don't even attempt to go see this movie. It is all kinds of sick and twisted. It starts off with the mob trying to extract info out of a boxer who threw a fight. In walks what probably is the sickest hero in recent movie history. A professional mob extractor who just happens to also be a child molester. A few scenes later he is arrested by the FBI and sentenced to a small town of 12 people in exchange for testifying against his mob counterparts. After a day in this small town he discovers things aren't exactly what they seem. Everyone there is a cursed cannibal. The molester lures the mob to the town and the townsfolk take care of all of them. This movie features extreme violence, rape, rape of a dead(undead) person, almost child molestation. I think that the MPAA most have sleep thru this entire movie to rate it R because the violence is very extreme with children eating flesh. I found the beginning hard to take because of the child molestation, but once the movie gets to the small town it begins to have a lot of fun with its story. I give a lot of credit to the unknown writer/director and cast for making a truly original movie. Also, the music was very good for this type of movie. It does feature a good zinger at the end. I can only recommend this to people who like their violence extreme and can handle having the lead actor play a very disgusting child molester.
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